Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 368 The biggest scam in the history of Silicon Valley

Chapter 368 The biggest scam in the history of Silicon Valley
The reason why Li Feng wanted to meet this Peter Thiel was because this Peter Thiel was not an ordinary person. He was not only a top investor, but also one of the founders of PayPal and the leader of the "PayPal Gang".

The "PayPal gang" here is not a gangster, but a group of like-minded young entrepreneurs, like a super incubator,

Among them, the early employees founded almost all the most mainstream startups in Silicon Valley: Youtube, Yelp, LinkedIn and other names are among them, and this does not include the companies they invested in, such as Facebook, Tesla, SpaceX, etc.

Especially well-known representatives include the well-known founders of "Tesla" and "SpaceX", the real-life version of Iron Man Elon Musk, and the founder of LinkedIn, Reid Hoffman. is a member of, arguably the "Paypal Mafia" the wealthiest, most famous and powerful group in Silicon Valley;

And Peter Thiel is the leader among them, known as the "King of Connections" in Silicon Valley, Peter Thiel has considerable influence in both the political and technological circles,
After the former Emperor Shichuan came to power, he wanted to meet with a group of Silicon Valley technology leaders through Peter Thiel. A series of CEOs (in-service CEOs, not founders) from Apple, Microsoft, Google, Intel, Oracle, etc. all attended Yes, and Peter Thiel is sitting on the right hand side of Emperor Chuan,

From this we can see the influence of Peter Thiel in Silicon Valley, and this is also the most important reason for Li Feng to meet with Peter Thiel. Apart from the Facebook matter, it is also to clear the obstacles for Fengrui’s future development in the United States. !
And Peter Thiel has also been fascinated by Li Feng for a long time, and both of them are shareholders of Facebook. It can even be said that Li Feng is still behind the scenes of Facebook.

Peter Thiel directly chose the place for the two to meet at a high society party in Silicon Valley. This party was attended by some political and business celebrities, and even Hollywood stars. After all, Silicon Valley itself is far away from Hollywood is very close,
This is the first time that Li Feng has attended an upper-class party like Laomei. It can even be said to be an American-style party. Everyone is dressed in suits and leather shoes and looks like a dog. All of them are greeted with smiling faces!

"Following the crowd" is indeed not what Li Feng is good at, and it is indeed a shortcoming of Li Feng's social relationships. It is really difficult for him to do these things, otherwise Li Feng would not have made a fool of himself in his previous life, so Li Feng followed Lu Lulu stayed for two laps before running to the corner to "drink big tea".

On the contrary, Lu Lu is very adaptable to this kind of occasion. She welcomes and sees them off, and can chat with anyone she knows or not. For this reason, Li Feng asked: "Baby, do you know each other very well? We had such a good chat!"

And Lu Lu also made Li Feng speechless and said casually: "I don't know each other, but it doesn't mean that we can't talk if we don't know each other, and we will know each other after chatting for a while!"

I didn't expect Lu Lu to have this ability, this is talent!No wonder Lu Lu was able to stand out in her previous life. Even Ma Yun's father personally invited her. People with EQ, IQ and ability will definitely shine sooner or later.

Seeing that Li Feng didn't like this kind of occasion very much, Lu Lu also said considerately: "Feng, I'll go to Peter Thiel first, you wait here for a while."

"Well, you go, I'm not in a hurry, and don't say that the food here is delicious, just save dinner!" Li Feng waved to Lu Lu, and casually picked up a fast and delicate dish from the table. The little cake was eaten.

Lu Lu could only shake her head helplessly, then turned and left, leaving Li Feng to eat alone!
At such a high-level banquet, a person "creaking" suddenly appeared to eat there, and he was a yellow man, which was indeed very conspicuous.
But those who can come to this kind of occasion are more self-cultivated, or at least on the surface, they are more dressed and beastly, and they will not say anything!

There were even quite a few people who recognized Li Feng, or had already found out Li Feng's identity. Not only did someone come forward to talk to Li Feng, but she was also a beautiful woman.

She is indeed a super beautiful woman, and she is also a big blond horse. I saw this beautiful woman walked up to Li Feng and said flatteringly to Li Feng: "Dear Mr. Leo, I wonder if you are interested in investing in the next project that can change the world?" What about tech companies?"

"Leo?" Li Feng asked puzzled.

"Aren't you Mr. Feng Li from China?" asked the blond beauty.

"You know me?!" Li Feng asked again wondering.

"Of course, the investor of Facebook, the behind-the-scenes boss of Yunfeng Fund! Mr. Leo, you may not know your fame in Silicon Valley now?
oh sorry! Mr. Leo, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Elizabeth Holmes, and I have a set of cross-age biotechnology patents. Are you interested? "

This blond beauty named "Elizabeth Holmes" does have the same beautiful appearance as her name, and at first glance, she seems to be born with the temperament of a leader, and she feels like a natural "female version of Jobs"!

It turned out that it was to attract investment, but seeing such a beautiful blonde, Li Feng decided to give her a chance, and asked again casually: "What project did you just mention? I didn't hear clearly?"

This Elizabeth Holmes is also a beautiful girl who graduated from Stanford University. As early as 03, she claimed to have mastered a cross-age biomonitoring technology (patented analyzer "Edison"), and founded Syrah in Silicon Valley, California. North Company, and she has used this technology to fool many people, and there are also some high-level American elites,
At this time, she aimed at Li Feng again, because she knew Lu Lu and Lu Lu's family history, and the same beauties would be interested in the same beauties, so she also wanted to draw Li Feng in. ,

So Holmes also said confidently: "Mr. Leo, my blood testing technology only needs to collect a few drops of blood from a fingertip to detect various diseases such as cancer and high cholesterol, and the cost is very cheap... and Now we have many investors, so I would like to invite you to join us!"

And such a good thing? !
Just looking at Elizabeth's eyes that didn't blink very much, Li Feng was a little puzzled, why did he feel like he was fooling someone, and he seemed to have heard it before?And it stands to reason that I should have heard of such a powerful company in my previous life!
For a while, Li Feng fell into deep thought, but Elizabeth thought that Li Feng was thinking seriously, so she watched quietly from the side, and she also looked at Li Feng with her beautiful and charming eyes, how perfect Man, it would be great if it was his own man!
At this time, Li Feng also suddenly remembered that this was the biggest scam in the history of Silicon Valley in his previous life. A beautiful woman used a set of fake "finger blood to check for cancer" technology to fool the whole world.
And she actually succeeded in the end, and it really made her nearly tens of billions of dollars, and there are some American elites in it,

We are very familiar with the US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the Nixon era, former Secretary of Defense William Perry, former Secretary of State George Schultz, former Admiral Gary Rawhead, former CEO of Wells Fargo Bank Kovahivi Odd’s Board of Directors…

There are also investors like media tycoon Murdoch, Wal-Mart's Walton family, Oracle founder Eriksson, and famous venture capitalist Lucas...

This also shows that no matter where you go or what class you go to, the ability to "bring bullshit" is still very useful, just like some bad county magistrates and secretaries who can be fooled by ordinary people in China who forge some fake documents at will.

In fact, in the final analysis, whether it is the female version of the Jobs fraud case, the previous Bre-X gold mine fraud case, or even the current air coin fraud, they are all forged or fabricated core concepts, in order to get rich overnight and have a terrifying return on investment. The rate is bait to lure investors to inject capital into the purchase.

It's just that someone fooled him, Li Feng was still very upset, if it was a man, Li Feng might kick him directly; but facing such a beautiful femme fatale, Li Feng still couldn't bear it, Anyway, it was not me who was unlucky in the end, it was Lao Mei and others,
So Li Feng directly used the "earth escape" method to "walk away", and Li Feng directly grabbed a black brother, "Brother, we haven't seen each other for a long time!",
And don't tell me, this black brother Li Feng really knows him, he's not just a simple character, he's a master stronger than Peter Thiel!

(End of this chapter)

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