Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 369 You Can Run for President

Chapter 369 You Can Run for President
right!This is indeed a master more powerful than Peter Thiel!The future 56th president of the United States, Okumai, is also the first black president. Don’t underestimate this point. You must know that Okumai won the Nobel Peace Prize in the second year after he was elected president!

It's just that Ao Guanhai was directly deceived by Li Feng at this time, "Dude, do we know each other? No, have we met?"

Of course I know each other, but it's just "I know you, you don't know me". Li Feng also bit the bullet and said, "Did you forget? When you ran for president last time, I even raised donations!"

"What?! Running for president?!"

Ao Guanhai looked at this young and handsome Chinese guy in front of him, and he became more and more pitiful. He was really sick, and he even instigated me to run for president!Are you sick?I am still sick!

Seeing Ao Guanhai's bewildered face, Li Feng also suddenly realized that he wanted to shoot a horse, but he shot the wrong place. This is 2005, when Bush Jr. was just in his second term, and Ao Guanhai was planning to run for president when.

However, Li Feng has another advantage. After rebirth, his skin became thicker and thicker, and he said without blushing or panting, "I didn't say Ohei, I mean that if you run for president, I will definitely raise donations for you." of!"

Ao Guanhai saw that Li Feng looked like a country bumpkin, and he was also a Chinese, and he didn't look like a rich man, so he directly complained in his heart: You are a dick, and you still have money to collect donations for me. Dare to say!
But don't tell me, the president of the United States is indeed a very good job!So Ao Guanhai finished complaining, and nodded to Li Feng with a smile: This is a very interesting Chinese guy, Ao Guanhai likes it very much!

So Ao Guanhai also asked Li Feng with a smile: "Excuse me, who are you? I think you are quite familiar."

When a politician like Ao Guanhai speaks, his skin is thicker than Li Feng's, and he can tell the truth and lies at his fingertips.

To be honest, there are two kinds of people that Li Feng hates the most in his life: one is racist; the other is blacks, especially the quality of some blacks in the south in the previous life is really something that people can’t agree with, but facing the "first black in the future", Li Feng still Gentle and light rain explained: "Oh, I'm from...".

It's just that Li Feng was interrupted before he finished speaking, and he heard a voice coming from behind: "Ao Hei, this is Feng Li, a technology tycoon from China, the famous Leo!"

It turned out that Lu Lu led Peter Thiel over here. Peter Thiel is a typical Silicon Valley technologist, dressed in a smart suit, and Peter Thiel answered this sentence for Li Feng.

But Ao Guanhai is still a bit confused, I can't even tell the big tech guys in Silicon Valley, would I know someone from the other side of the ocean, even if it's a tech tycoon!

Seeing Ao Guanhai's embarrassing appearance, Peter Thiel explained to Ao Guanhai again, "Ao Hei, this is someone from our technology industry, you may not be familiar with it, but you may not know that this is the behind-the-scenes of Facebook Boss, and worth at least 10 billion U.S. dollars!"

Although Ao Guanhai is not very clear about China, he still knows a little bit about Facebook. Several of his children are now very fascinated by Facebook. The concept of dollars is still very clear.

Millionaires have luck, but multi-millionaires are abilities. Billionaires are already the most elite group of people on this planet, let alone billionaires. There are only a few people in this world who are worth more than 10 billion US dollars Yes, already standing on the top of this planet, the key is still so young, this is the richest man in the world in the future!

So after listening to Peter Thiel's explanation, Ao Guanhai was particularly enthusiastic about Li Feng, "Leo, this name is really vivid, it has the feeling of an East Asian lion, and I feel like an old friend tonight. You two must drink two more glasses..."

It's just that Li Feng didn't agree, so he asked Peter Thiel to refuse for Li Feng, "Ao Hei, that's not acceptable. Today Leo is a friend I invited. We still have something to discuss in the conference room. You can make an appointment another day."

Seeing the expressions of Li Feng and Peter Thiel, Ao Guanhai also knew that the two must have a serious discussion, so he had no choice but to signal to Li Feng before turning around and leaving. In fact, Ao Guanhai was also quite regretful, having lost A chance to mingle with the super rich.

However, when he was separated from Ao Guanhai, Li Feng did not forget to pat Ao Guanhai on the shoulder, and whispered in Ao Guanhai's ear mysteriously: "Ao Hei, if you really run for president, I can not only raise money for you , and will teach you a method that can at least increase your chances of running by 10%!"

Seeing Li Feng mentioning "running for president" again and again, Ao Guanhai's heart was also warmed up. For the first time, he began to face up to this matter. "The first black president" still has a false head.

However, Peter Thiel was not very optimistic about Ao Guanhai. He even asked Li Feng on the way to the conference room: "Leo, do you really think this person can be the president, or is it just a joke?"

Li Feng smiled mysteriously, and joked: "I think it's possible, just like doing venture capital, as long as there is a 1% probability, I'm willing to invest."

Yeah, isn't that the case with VCs!Those who engage in venture capital by themselves have not yet seen clearly by outsiders. Isn't the biggest venture capital investment just political investment?Peter Thiel suddenly became interested in this Ao Guanhai.

After the three of them came to a small meeting room and sat down, Peter Thiel was also very polite to Li Feng, "Leo, I have been in love with you for a long time, and I have always wanted to find a chance to meet you, and we are both Shareholders of Facebook, I've heard Zuckerberg talk about you a lot too..."

Seeing Peter Thiel mentioning Facebook, Li Feng said straight to the point: "Peter, since you mentioned Facebook, I just have something to tell you.
I heard that Facebook is short of money right now, and Zuckerberg wants to continue financing, so I thought 'the fat water will not flow to outsiders', I personally suffer a little loss and then raise part of it..."

When Peter Thiel heard Li Feng's meaning, coupled with Zuckerberg's activities some time ago, he quickly understood the story in Facebook: It is estimated that Zuckerberg wanted to introduce new investors, and Li Feng was unwilling to give up. own shares.

However, Peter Thiel, as a third-party investor, is actually willing to support Zuckerberg in introducing new investors for the future development of Facebook, and does not want Li Feng’s family to dominate.
So Peter Thiel still said tactfully: "Leo, you already own 40% of the shares. If you continue to raise funds, this is not suitable, and it is not conducive to the final listing..."

Li Feng said with a smile on his face: "Peter, I won't make things difficult for you, I just want you to support me, and my previous financing agreement stipulated that I would not dilute my shares arbitrarily before Facebook went public..."

In fact, Li Feng doesn’t need Peter Thiel’s support. Originally, Li Feng owns 40% of Facebook’s shares and is the largest shareholder. However, in order to “cut the mess quickly”, Li Feng finally came up with another condition of his own, “ Peter, I heard that you have a venture capital company, and I happen to have some spare money on hand, I hope you can help me manage it."

Peter Thiel is "open to money", who doesn't want the fund he manages to be as big as possible, and then asked: "How much?"

"As long as it doesn't exceed 1 million US dollars, I can invest as much as you want, and I don't set a specific investment period for this money." Li Feng said affirmatively.

Venture capital funds generally have an exit period. For example, after 3 or 5 years, a part of it will be withdrawn. This is why IDG sold Tencent’s shares in the early days. It is because every venture capital fund has an investment period. , that is, the exit mechanism, when the time is up, if someone is willing to take over the offer, venture capital will definitely withdraw voluntarily.

Peter Thiel also thought about it for a while, and sold Zuckerberg, and said very straightforwardly: "Well, I need 5000 million US dollars, and of course I will support your work at Facebook."

The foreigner is so direct, I didn't expect to reach a verbal agreement so soon, and Li Feng directly shook hands with Peter Thiel warmly, "Then we will have a happy cooperation."

In fact, Li Feng is really interested in Peter Thiel, and he really wants to turn Peter Thiel into his friend in the United States. In this meeting, apart from hoping to establish a good cooperative relationship with Peter Thiel, Li Feng still hopes to establish a connection with the "PayPal gang" through Peter Thiel, especially Elon Musk, the "Iron Man" who founded Tesla and SpaceX in the future.

However, on the way to Facebook, Li Feng was also hit by Lu Lu's "[-] points", "I said you Li Feng, did you fall in love with that blonde beauty just now?"

Li Feng said directly with an expression of "more resentment than Dou E", "Baby, you have really wronged me this time, you are really a femme fatale, I can't hide far away, and you will definitely Stay away from this kind of person."

"It's no wonder I believe you!" But Lu Lu was quite happy to see.

 I just changed to a new job, and the update is not strong, please forgive me, but I don’t know how to be a eunuch, and I haven’t written half of it yet!Finally, thank you concubine l, you are none other than l, xiaoke111111 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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