Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 375 Honest Chen Shijun

Chapter 375 Honest Chen Shijun
Looking at the hesitant Chen Shijun, Li Feng was a little impatient, and he was drinking tea beside him unhurriedly, waiting patiently.


Finally, after a long time, Chen Shijun took a sip of red wine, and the alcohol anesthetized Chen Shijun, making him set a path for YouTube from his heart.

"Mr. Li, how about this, I will directly take out 50% of the shares and make you the major shareholder of YouTube, how about it?"

When Chen Shijun made this decision, he did not take into account that he could become YouTube's "biological father" in the future.

Of course, Chen Shijun also thought that if one day, he becomes super rich, he can buy back the shares of YouTube from Li Feng. At that time, his own child will still be his own child.

Li Feng shook the soot.

It is said that everyone in Silicon Valley is an elite.

Don't treat it with the eyes of ordinary people.

This is absolutely true.

Regardless of the previous Zuckerberg.

Still now, even Chen Shijun who just crossed over.

In the eyes of these people, they all think that after they can become a big capitalist one day, they will come back to avenge their shame.

and so.

Chen Shijun proposed to use 50% of the shares, which is almost a condition to sell YouTube, just to allow Li Feng to invest in YouTube at the same time when he considers his difficulties.

But Chen Shijun was wrong.

Li Feng is the one who has the money now, and he doesn't want to talk to anyone about share distribution right now.

What he wants is the refreshing feeling of direct control, even if it falls into his own hands.

Just like their own women, they are completely in control, and they can do whatever they want.This is the character a man should have.

Taking a sip of the red wine, Li Feng smoked a cigar, looked at Chen Shijun and said, "I said before, I have a strong desire to control, if you don't take this seriously, I can't help it... "

Chen Shijun looked at Li Feng as if he didn't seem to be discussing with him, but instead asked him condescendingly, would you sell it or not.

Chen Shijun thought about it for a while, then asked Li Feng, "President Li, can I ask you a question."

Li Feng nodded curiously: "Yes!"

Chen Shijun was puzzled and asked: "Why do you insist on adopting the direct acquisition model? Isn't investment better, and the risk is also small!"

Li Feng didn't want to explain too much, so he made a metaphor directly: "You probably don't know, but I am the real founder of Facebook.
The idea is mine, the money is mine, and the plan is mine, but I don’t have time to manage it, so I hand it over to Zuckerberg.
As a result, you know what Zuckerberg did to me. Now that his wings are stiff, he wants to dilute my shares and kick me out of the board.
If I had known this earlier, I would have bought Facebook directly and asked Zuckerberg to work for me instead of now, and I still have to negotiate with him?

In my Li Feng's dictionary, there is only one sentence, from now on, if there is no negotiation, you either have to leave, or you choose to compromise.

The same is true for YouTube. I don’t want to have an unpleasant fight with you because of a little bit of shares in a year, so now I will buy it directly.

Of course, you would think that you will lose money if you sell YouTube now. After all, Internet products are what you buy. The valuation is 100 million this year, 1000 million next year, and [-] million the year after.

I also came from an entrepreneur, and I know your thoughts very well, and I don’t want to stifle your expectations, but I just want to tell you that the valuation of a company is not decided by entrepreneurs, but by the market .

Now that you have just been established, you think that you will be able to build tall buildings in the future and directly become a giant like Microsoft and Google. This is a bit too overestimating yourself.
Even that guy Zuckerberg, before Facebook, he was just a poor student studying, if I didn't throw money into it, he wouldn't know where he was playing in the mud?

Silicon Valley rookie, hehe, I have to let him be, so he can be, if I don't let him be, he's not even a fart! "

Li Feng scolded, since Zuckerberg dared to bully his woman Lu Lu, he had already made up his mind, sooner or later, he would let the family go to hell, or Fengrui would destroy Facebook.

Of course, what Li Feng said directly shattered the hope that was burning in Chen Shijun's heart.

Li Feng's words, every word and sentence, were every word, and they hit Chen Shijun's heart.


For capital tycoons.

If he can make you live, you will live; if he makes you die, no one can fly.

Chen Shijun already knew the big guy in front of him's attitude towards YouTube, and he also understood that it was impossible for him to negotiate conditions with the other party, which would only make the other party say goodbye to him.

Chen Shijun also thought about it, even if he sold YouTube, he could still do other things with the start-up funds.

Finally, after thinking about it, Chen Shijun nodded and said, "Mr. Li, I founded YouTube. Although the scale is not particularly large, the prospect is good. I want to know, how much US dollars are you willing to pay for the acquisition?"

Li Feng smiled.

Finally, the question of money came up.

He likes to talk about money in everything.

In this way, it can be done with confidence.

However, Li Feng doesn’t know about the price of YouTube. Of course, he only knows from his memory that YouTube, founded by Chen Shijun, was acquired by Internet search engine giant Google for US$16 billion a year later. Therefore, with a net worth of over 5 million, he has become synonymous with "a successful teenager" and "upstart on the Internet".

But now.

Chen Shijun is just a fledgling entrepreneur.

As for the purchase price, Li Feng was still willing to leave the pricing to Chen Shijun to bid.

"Mr. Chen, I'm not very sensitive to prices. If you say a price, if I think it's OK, then the deal will be made."

Li Feng saw that Chen Shijun had even finished his red wine because of his nervousness. He didn't know if he was thirsty, but he couldn't drink wine like water, so he asked Lu Lu to fill it up for him.

Chen Shijun expressed his gratitude, held a red wine glass and said: "Mr. Li asked me to negotiate the price, but I actually don't understand. Well, it hasn't been long since I founded YouTube, and with my investment and borrowed money in the early stage, If Mr. Li is really willing to buy it, how about $200 million?"

Li Feng himself was startled: "What? Two million US dollars?"

A year later, YouTube was acquired by Google for $16.5 billion!
And now.

Chen Shijun said "200 million US dollars".

But Li Feng was frightened. Originally, Li Feng thought that he could win YouTube for 1000 million US dollars, so he thought he had earned it!
As a result, now it's directly 200 million US dollars, which makes Li Feng feel a little embarrassed, he can't order any more!

Seeing Li Feng's surprised look, Chen Shijun thought to himself, is his offer too high?But he was embarrassed to say: "Mr. Li, the price can still be negotiated."

Li Feng waved his hand directly: "No, no, no, I think Mr. Chen is a real person. Unlike Zuckerberg's grandson, who always told me [-] million US dollars, I really want to beat him to death."

Chen Shijun smiled bitterly: "I am different from Zuckerberg, he is a rookie in Silicon Valley, and I was just a part-time employee for him before.

Facebook can quote hundreds of millions, but YouTube is just a small website, not worth so many years. Of course, after Mr. Li takes over YouTube, it is not impossible for YouTube’s net worth to skyrocket within a year, but YouTube is in my hands , it is only worth so much. "

Hearing Chen Shijun's honest words, Li Feng picked up his teacup and was about to touch him: "To be honest, I think we Chinese people are more honest. This is the character we inherited from our ancestors. How much are our things worth?" If the customer is not satisfied, the price can be reduced. After all, business is not benevolent.

As for foreigners, damn it, I’m afraid they won’t be able to trick people, and they’re better than ghosts in business, so I’m afraid they won’t be able to get a little more money from us capitalists. Dealing with Chinese people. "


Wine glass to teacup, the crisp sound of clinking glasses sounded in the luxury extended Lincoln.

Li Feng really thinks that Chen Shijun, who is of Chinese origin, has a good tradition in China, that is, he will not talk about cannons.

YouTube 200 million acquisition.

If Li Feng buys it, how many times will it skyrocket in less than a year?

Li Feng couldn't figure it out anymore, so he decided to go back later and let Lu Lu calculate for him while lying on his stomach.

In short, it is to get rich.

Of course, this money was given to him by Chen Shijun. This honest man really made Li Feng feel that he had treated him badly by purchasing YouTube.

And for Li Feng, money is a small matter, and the acquisition of YouTube is for the future layout, so Li Feng also feels that he should compensate him for something...

(End of this chapter)

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