Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 38 The Superiority of Big Companies

Chapter 38 The Superiority of Big Companies

Although Li Feng only gave Zhou Wei 7 days to perfect, in fact, there are still 7 days left until the official public beta of "Miracle MU" on July 10th.

Therefore, the promotion of "Miracle MU" also kicked off early, Li Feng almost fully fired, and gave all the promotional resources to "Miracle MU":
On the my123 navigation website, there is a big promotional picture every time you log in; on "Bat Network Management", every time you log in to the computer, the startup desktop is a brochure of "Miracle MU";
Li Feng's powerful local promotion staff once again mobilized to publicize and put up posters in local Internet cafes in major cities across the country. After all, offline promotion is the most effective promotion now.

Moreover, Li Feng specially spent 100 million yuan to invite professionals to make a 90-second CG promotional video for "Miracle MU":

In the dim picture, there was the low sound of war drums, and the soldiers of the two armies finally collided with each other. The gorgeous magic and fierce fighting were like an American blockbuster.

In the era when 100 million people could make a movie like "Party A and Party B", Li Feng was considered extravagant.

Li Feng also put this CG promotional video on the official website of "Miracle MU" which has just been produced and released, and provided it for netizens to download for free, and also recommended it on my123 and bat network management.

At the same time, the official website of "Miracle MU" opened by Li Feng briefly introduced the game's background story, occupation, and various mission copies, and took many wallpapers based on the prototypes of many characters, and provided them for downloading by netizens.

Unsurprisingly, in just a few days, the opening CG promotional video and wallpaper have been downloaded by millions of people.
And everyone who watched the CG promotional video was shocked by the promotional video on the one hand, and asked which online game it was on the other hand.

At the same time, screenshots of various "internal beta" games also began to appear on the Internet. The graphics of this game are very top-notch among the current online games.

At least it is much better than the picture of "Legend", whether it is the picture or the characters, skills, equipment, and world structure, it is far superior to "Legend".

Because "Miracle MU" caused a sensation all over the Internet as soon as it was launched, compared to the attention of netizens on "Miracle MU",

People in the industry were amazed by Li Feng's publicity methods, and it was the first time they saw the promotional strength of "Bat Network Management" + my123.

Li Feng also announced on the official website of "Miracle MU" that "Miracle MU" will start to charge for at least two months after the free public beta operation.

At the same time, when "Miracle MU" was being promoted step by step, Li Feng called Xu Jiawei, took the newly bought Audi A6 and went straight to the Pepsi Yanjing office to start another big plan of his.

Two days ago, Li Feng bought 3 cars in one go, an Audi A6, and two Passats as the cars of the company's senior executives. The various expenses before and after spent a total of more than 100 million.

This Audi A6 is a luxury bridge car just launched by German Volkswagen. It is used as Li Feng's car. Wu Nan, a veteran left from the "Green Apple Internet Cafe" last time, became Li Feng's full-time driver and bodyguard.

However, this car is generally not used by Li Feng, and usually stays in the company for Zhou Wei and Xu Jiawei to use.

Of course, Li Feng, who arrived at the Pepsi-Cola Yanjing office in Fenglian Plaza, was stopped by the guard.

"Tell you, Manager Zhao, that Li Feng, the owner of the "Bat Network Management" software company, is asking to see you." Li Feng smiled and asked the guard to pass the message.

The doorman was taken aback when he heard this: Boss?

Looked Li Feng up and down, is there such a young boss?
Could it be some liar?But not everyone can sit in such a luxurious Audi.

The doorman hesitated for a while, but in the end he still looked at Audi's face and called Manager Zhao's secretary.

After a while, after the doorman agreed, the smiling doorman respectfully sent Li Feng in.

"Hey, what are you doing, where is this place, do you know! Just stand there honestly and wait for me to register!" Turning around, the guard pointed to a young man who just got off the bus with a cover letter at the door There was a roar,

The frightened young man apologized again and again, and the surprise on the faces of the guard and the two was astonishing.

Just like in the movie "A World Without Thieves", the thief king played by Liu Tianwang drives a BMW and says to the respectful security guard, "Do you think that all people who drive BMWs are good people?".

Snob!Li Feng and Xu Jiawei contemptuously.

But think about it, if I didn't come here in an Audi today, even if I came in a taxi, I'm afraid it would be a fate!

It seems that Wang Xiao's previous proposal was indeed correct. In a big city like Yanjing, without a good car, it is easy to be looked down upon wherever you go.

Not long after, Li Feng was greeted by a dignified and elegant female secretary, and went straight to Zhao Qiwei's office.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhao Qiwei greeted him enthusiastically, exchanging greetings with Li Feng like an old friend.

Fortunately, Li Feng is not a newcomer to the shopping mall, so he has some resistance to this kind of seemingly useless greetings, but he has a certain ability to resist each other's probing and routine greetings, and he also greets Manager Zhao with a smile on his face.

"President Li, you are really young and promising, please sit down, please sit down!" Zhao Qiwei asked Li Feng to sit down, and at the same time ordered the secretary to bring a cup of coffee.

Only now did Li Feng have the opportunity to take a closer look at Zhao Qiwei. He was in his forties, with a radiant face, a pair of sharp eyes, and an ordinary appearance, but exuded a charm unique to middle-aged men.

While Li Feng was looking at Manager Zhao, Zhao Qiwei was also secretly looking at Li Feng: I thought Xu Jiawei was young enough, but I didn't expect the boss of Fengrui Technology to be even younger, which is really unexpected.

Some time ago, under the strong public relations of Xu Jiawei, Yanjing Pepsi branch invested in an advertisement in "Bat Network Management", and the effect was not bad.
Later, Zhao Jiwei bought a few advertisements on Li Feng's "Bat Network Management", and the results were very good. For this reason, Zhao Jiwei was also praised by the headquarters of the Shanghai Metropolis.

Zhao Qiwei was surprised by Li Feng's young age, but he didn't know what he was talking about when he came to visit today.

"Where, where." Li Feng was humble for a while, thinking about how to speak to Zhao Qiwei.

Seeing Li Feng's expression, Zhao Qiwei knew he had something to ask of himself, and he was not in a hurry, drinking coffee slowly, waiting for Li Feng to speak.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Feng decided to go straight to the point instead of going around in circles.

"Manager Zhao, here is a cooperation plan. Please take a look at it. We, Fengrui Technology, want to form a strategic partnership with PepsiCo or Pepsi Yanjing Branch." Li Feng took out a business plan from his briefcase Pass it to Manager Zhao.

Zhao Qiwei was taken aback for a moment, and then he became slightly angry: cooperate!Hey, I am a Pepsi-Cola, a world-class top 500 company, with countless partners. That is not a world-class company. Just because I invested in your ad, do I need to cooperate with you, a little red guy!

As a big company, especially a foreign company listed in the world's top 500 companies, Zhao Qiwei's inherent superiority exploded at this time.

Zhao Qiwei glanced at it and said to Li Feng, "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, we don't have this plan at present at PepsiCo."

Looking at Zhao Qiwei's expression, Li Feng knew that today's matter might not be discussed, so he stood up and said to Zhao Qiwei: "Then Mr. Zhao, excuse me."

After speaking, Li Feng led Xu Jiawei away without looking back.

Zhao Qiwei bowed his hand indifferently. As an executive of a Fortune 500 company, would he care about the attitude of a small company?

After leaving Pepsi, Xu Jiawei said angrily to Li Feng, "This Zhao guy is really a bully. He doesn't even look at the cooperation plan. He doesn't take people seriously."

After scolding, Xu Jiawei asked Li Feng again: "Boss, what should we do now, why don't we try Coca-Cola again."

"No need, the result is the same if we go there now, we are still too weak. Let's change this plan and come up with ourselves, I don't believe it, have you never eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig run?" Li Feng finally decided.

Li Feng's plan is actually very simple. It's like reaching a partnership with Pepsi to jointly promote "Miracle MU". This is a win-win plan: the two parties will jointly fund and build a thousand "Miracle"-themed Internet cafes, and provide sponsorship and decoration for free;

It will also provide special packaging machines in tens of thousands of Internet cafes across the country that have business contacts with Fengrui Technology, allowing users to add "miracle character packaging" to Coke bottles by themselves;
If the cooperation between the two parties is good, a new Pepsi-Cola advertisement with the theme of "miracle" can also be launched.

However, Pepsi didn't take Li Feng and the others seriously at all, and Li Feng didn't even know how such a big company's sense of superiority came from.

Nowadays, our life seems to be ruled by the chain of contempt, no matter what we do, there is a chain of contempt waiting for us.

There is a chain of professional contempt, those within the system despise those outside the system...

There is a chain of contempt between cities, big cities despise small cities...
People who drive small cars also have a chain of contempt. Expensive luxury cars despise cheap ordinary cars. Similarly, imported cars despise domestic cars...

Indeed, chains of contempt are everywhere, we all consciously or unconsciously live in an era of chains of contempt, less or no comparison and comparison, whatever it is!
 Thanks to Tsunami 328, Iron Sword Ruthless, Little Yuyu's Dream, and Long Xiaotian 2004 for their rewards, please continue to support, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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