Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 39 Ultimate User Experience

Chapter 39 Ultimate User Experience

Li Feng knows that as the company gets bigger and bigger, Fengrui Technology will definitely have the common problems of such large companies. Now Fengrui Technology has less than 200 employees, and more than half of them are offline sales personnel. Need to worry.

However, even if there are only so many people now, Li Feng can't manage it sometimes. Fortunately, there is a management talent like Xu Jiawei who can manage the entire sales team.
But Xu Jiawei is still a novice after all, he has not yet grown up, and he can do operations, but some daily management such as administration, manpower, and training are still a bit lacking.

What Li Feng lacks most now is a professional manager. He urgently needs someone who can help him share these daily management.

But let's not talk about these, the key now is the promotion of "Miracle MU".

After returning from Pepsi Yanjing headquarters, Li Feng still decided to continue the "miracle launch plan", not only to make it well, but also to be a big success.

Since the cooperation with Pepsi could not work, Li Feng could only come by himself.

Do it yourself, the investment in this plan is too high, and it will definitely fail.

Therefore, Li Feng directly revised the plan and handed it to Xu Jiawei, saying: "Old Xu, the previous plan is good to keep, I believe it will be useful in the future.

Now use this plan first, we can only build 100 "miracle" themed Internet cafes, and select 10 large Internet cafes from 100 big cities, at least the kind of large Internet cafes with more than 100 computers, we will pay for it for free Help them decorate. "

The promotion route chosen by Li Feng is to "surround the countryside with cities". As for why Li Feng did this: The main reason is that "Miracle MU" has higher requirements for computer configuration than "Legend".
Compared with "Legend", which was popular in China's second- and third-tier cities and towns at that time, "Miracle MU" can be regarded as an "noble online game". Most of the target users are in first- and second-tier cities, and Internet cafes in third- and fourth-tier cities are rare There is a figure of "Miracle MU".

"Boss, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task. I believe there will be many Internet cafe owners rushing to ask for it." Xu Jiawei promised, no one would rush to ask for free things.

"Okay, but it can't exceed 100 million." Li Feng finally said.

Now the company is in a state of rapid development, so Li Feng's money is relatively sufficient.

To put it another way, thanks to the company's money, Li Feng didn't care much about spending money. Of course, Xu Jiawei and the others didn't spend any money indiscriminately.

After Xu Jiawei was arranged, Li Feng came to the company's technical department to see if the bugs in "Miracle MU" were fixed.

When Li Feng came in, Zhou Wei and the others were still nervously debugging. Almost all of them had been working overtime for three consecutive days. Workaholics like Zhou Wei and Wang Xing were almost living in the company.

Seeing everyone working so hard, Li Feng was also a little embarrassed. Now he has become a "black-hearted capitalist".

Li Feng stood there for a long time before Zhou Wei realized that Li Feng was coming, and then he got up a little tired and said, "Brother Li, you're here, now the only thing you need is the installation package of the 'Elf Assistant' program you mentioned."

"The two system-level bugs have been fixed?" Li Feng is still concerned about the handling of the two big bugs.

"It's been repaired, and it's all because of the overtime work of the brothers." Zhou Wei said with two big dark circles under his eyes.

"Don't work too hard, pay attention to rest, well, I will ask Dong Li to go out and buy a few massage chairs to put here, so that you can relax when you are tired.

After "Miracle MU" runs smoothly, we will give your technical department several days off, and you will all take turns to go out and have fun, and all of them are paid vacations. "Li Feng said.

"Thank you, Brother Li, I would like to mention my brothers thank you.

But I'm a little puzzled, Brother Li, why did you add this 'elf assistant'?How about simplifying the registration process so much?
Brother Li, I still don't understand, what's the use of these?Why do you pay so much attention to these 'impractical' small functions? "Zhou Wei said with doubts.

It’s no wonder Zhou Wei had a question: even the Korean version doesn’t have these functions. Li Feng not only simplified the registration process, but also added a “genie assistant” that is convenient for novices to operate.

There are only a few types of online games in the current online game market. Not to mention that registration is very troublesome. Many novices know what to do when they enter it?Accidentally rushed into the group of monsters, and was instantly killed.

At this time, people still can't understand "what is a user physical examination": some products that are not user-centered are all hooligans!
Now China's largest Internet company, Tencent, almost everyone scolds it again, as if scolding Tengxun is already a kind of political correctness. Competitors scold it, their younger brothers scold it, and their own users scold it too.

In addition to "plagiarism", there are countless black spots such as "charging money", "monopolizing", "using the big to bully the small", etc. Almost all the famous black spots are reflected in the widely circulated "Mr. Ma" emoticon package inside.

Even the penguin of Tencent's logo was plagiarized, so it directly copied linux, but later this little penguin became fatter because it was too greedy...

However, in the PC Internet era, everyone is "plagiarizing", why did Tencent win in the end?

In addition to Tencent having the strongest user group, the most important weapon for Tencent to win is the "user physical examination".

By "learning from" the current popular gameplay, then performing minimalist optimization and transformation, and then using the QQ binding method to surpass the original work, it has become a tried and tested routine of Tencent.

In addition to criticizing Tencent for "plagiarism", "charging money", "monopoly" and so on, few people criticize Tencent's products.

So, now you are using Tencent's products, charging money, and cursing Tencent at the same time.

Well, yes, it's you, it's you, don't look, the one who reads novels, the platform you are reading novels on now is also owned by Tencent!
If we compare the current Shanda with Tencent, the following content will appear:

The attitudes of these two companies to invite players:

Tencent: Player dad, I copied a new game here, I implore you to play it, you can log in directly with your QQ account, and send Q coins to members.

Shanda: Hey, who is that, it’s you, don’t look, I heard that you young people like playing games, I’ve released a new game here, why don’t you check it out, and by the way, charge up in this game. A little money, to make some contributions to the development of Chinese online games, right?

Player: Who do you think you are, I will play if you ask me to play?And let me top up the money!I won't play, what's the matter?
"Shanda" went straight up and beat up the "player".

Player: I'm sorry, Daddy Shanda, I'm just joking with you, can't I play!

Shanda: I said you gamers are cheap, would you talk to your father like this? Think about it, without me, in today's online game market, you must still be playing Tetris at home.

Player: Hey, Dad Shanda, it’s so troublesome for you to register for this game, can’t you log in directly?

Shanda: Log in directly. Do you think I am a QQ account? If you find it troublesome, don’t play it. No one forces you to play. There are so many requirements to play a game.

Player: Grass, didn’t you force me to play, Dad, why is there no benefit in this game?

Shanda: What, benefits, you still want benefits. I charged you money without letting you enter the game, and let you play this game for free. You zero-charge players still want benefits for me. If you want benefits, you can. Just charge 8,
Player: Dad, your game is wrong, it feels like plagiarism.

Shanda: Right, it’s plagiarism.

Take a look, here's a comparison of the two companies' other attitudes toward players:

Teng Xun: Boss, someone exploded rare equipment,

"Boss Ma" said: Check for me if he recharged the money, if there is no 5000, he will be blocked for one year.

Shanda: Big brother, someone broke the rare equipment,

"Boss Sheng" said: Check for me if he recharged the money, if there is no 10, he will be permanently blocked.

Teng Xun: As long as you recharge the money, you are my father.

Shanda: Since you have recharged the money, you are still my son.

Tencent: As long as you charge enough money, you can become stronger.

Shanda: No matter how much money you charge, you will not be strong enough.

Tencent: Why can’t you get rare equipment in the lottery? Don’t you know there is something called “Tuo”.

Shanda: You said that you charged 8 but did not ship. Sorry, the thing you mentioned has not been included in the update package this time.

Teng Xun: I heard that you can't beat the monsters, and it will be like this if you charge 8!

Shanda: I heard that you can't beat the monsters, and it will happen if you charge 80!

From the attitudes of the above two companies, we can see why Tencent can achieve what it is today.

In the end, Li Feng patted Zhou Wei on the shoulder and sighed, "You may not understand it now, you just need to remember:
All the products of our Fengrui Technology, not only the present, but also the future, as long as the products of Fengrui Technology must be user-centered,
If the user finds it troublesome to register, we will help him register; if the user does not know how to play, we will teach him how to play;
As long as we put people first and solve the pain points of users, everything else will follow.

Don't care about what you get now, as long as you don't lose much money, treat the user like a "grandfather", how can the "grandfather" give you some money at the end! "

 I don't mean to flatter Tencent's father, please continue to ask for recommendations and favorites!


(End of this chapter)

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