Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 394 Li Feng Shows His Face

Chapter 394 Li Feng Shows His Face (Please Subscribe! Please Subscribe! Please Subscribe!)

In fact, traditional anti-virus software manufacturers, the reason why they were defeated in front of 360, apart from Zhou Hongyi’s daring to shoot at will, the ultimate root cause is that it is “permanently free”. Even in this mature anti-virus software market, also had to face this subversive blow,
Just like Fengrui's first product "Bat Network Management", in fact, Li Feng's "Bat Network Management" Internet cafe management software was a bit late at that time, and there were already many network management software on the market, such as Vientiane and Xinhaoyi software ...But they were not wiped out one by one by Li Feng's "Bat Network Management", because this is a dimensionality reduction blow from a higher level!

"Our antivirus software is easy to use and convenient!" Traditional antivirus software led by Rising.

"We are free forever!" 360 antivirus.

"Our software is easy to operate!" Traditional antivirus software.

"We are free forever!" 360 antivirus.

"Our software has been used for more than ten years, with high technology and many virus databases!" Traditional antivirus software.

"We are free forever!" 360 antivirus.

"Can you say something else?" Traditional antivirus software.

"We are free forever!" 360 antivirus.

"Well, you are still good..." Traditional antivirus software.

"We are free forever!" 360 antivirus.


Besides, 360 Antivirus is a software produced by Fengrui, so the user experience can be bad!Easy to understand, easy to operate, and the key is free forever!
Therefore, the "Anti-360 Alliance" was self-defeating, and many traditional anti-virus software couldn't stand it one by one. Even the "big brother" Rising of traditional anti-virus software became the first unlucky ghost.

On April Fool's Day, April 2006, 4, Fengrui directly announced the acquisition of Rising Antivirus Software for a total of US$1 million. pet"!
Even the acquisition took only two months, and Zhou Hongyi directly negotiated the deal. Even Fengrui's president, Liu Zhiping, didn't show up. He only came forward to sign for Li Feng at the final signing ceremony.

The market price of this traditional anti-virus software company, which could have been worth about 2000 to [-] million US dollars, was directly "cut down in the middle" by Zhou Hongyi, and it was Li Feng who raised it by [-] million US dollars.
In fact, if Li Feng waits longer, it is possible to win Rising with 1 million US dollars, but Li Feng never delays major events for a small amount of money.
As for the reason why Rising failed so quickly, apart from external competition and Zhou Hongyi’s 360 crazy crushing, the key is also because of its internal reasons. At that time, there were two representatives of Rising’s top management. One was Liu Xu who advocated the improvement of technology. Second, Wang Xin advocated marketing.

Is it very familiar?Our big joint box has also experienced this. At that time, the dispute between Liu Chuanzhi's "trade industry technology" and Ni Guangnan's "technical industry trade" route, in the end, Liu Chuanzhi with a stronger relationship won the victory. Since then, the joint box has embarked on the "trade industry" The route of "technology" has finally become "the conscience of the US emperor"!
Huawei, which is opposite to the choice of headers, embarked on the most difficult road of "technology, industry and trade" under the leadership of Ren Zhengfei, and finally created Huawei today. You must know that in the 90s, headers were Chinese companies. The pride of Huawei, and Huawei is just a fart for the header!

"Trade, Industry and Technology" and "Technology, Industry and Trade", one focuses on the market, the other on technology; one short-term benefit, one long-term benefit; one is the result is obvious, and the other is the future is confusing!

The same is true for Rising. In the beginning, Liu Xu, who advocated technology, had the upper hand, and indeed he focused on improving technology. He failed because of continuous losses. Later, Wang Xin took the upper hand, focusing on marketing and sales, and using public opinion to suppress opponents. Instead, the defendant .

And the two also competed with each other in the company because of disagreements, and even confronted each other in a targeted manner. The final result was that the capital behind it stopped playing and sold it to Li Feng directly.

The dispute between Liu Xu and Wang Shen, or the dispute over technology and the market, has never been a problem for Li Feng, because Fengrui is a technology-oriented technology company from the beginning to the end.

Not only did Li Feng ask Zhou Hongyi to fire Wang Xin, but he also fired all of Rising's non-technical senior management. Li Feng didn't want his company to have a market-oriented concept!
The reason why Li Feng raised the purchase price of Rising is because he valued Rising in the enterprise charging market (to B), and no matter how powerful 360 is, it is only fighting at the consumer level (to C).
In the final analysis, because Rising has a strong background relationship at the government level, not only did he call Li Dongmin, but he even got the call to Li Feng's woman. I have to say that Rising's relationship is so strong!

Rising surrendered, so Jinshan, Jiangmin and many other anti-virus software, will it be far behind?

At the same time, Rising's complete defeat also means that Li Feng and Lei Jun's bet: Can 360 beat Jinshan within a one-year period?
Neither of them said anything about the bet, but everyone knows that if 360 wins, then Lei Jun will agree to Fengrui’s acquisition, and Lei Jun will also join Fengrui; otherwise, if 360 loses, then 360 will quit the antivirus software forever market.

As for the result, it is already obvious now that only Jinshan is left to linger, but Lei Jun still has no choice to give up, he can't give up until the last moment, and he will die standing up!
For the majority of people who eat melons, Zhou Hongyi, who has been bombarding the media all day and won the victory, is the most beautiful person in 2006!

But for Li Feng, this should have been foreseeable and destined to succeed. Apart from calling Zhou Hongyi to encourage him, Li Feng didn't even show up.

The only time when Li Feng returned to the company was because of the Fengrui F2 conference (the second Fengrui I/O global opener conference).

This kind of super-strategic matter is what Li Feng is most concerned about!

The Fengrui F2 Conference was held on April 2006, 4, the "Fengrui Day" in Pengcheng Fengrui Building (sub-center). Li Feng attended the event at the end, just to stand for his own open conference.

After the meeting was a complete success, Li Feng, led by Ren Yu, the person in charge of the Pengcheng branch, inspected the Fengrui Building in Pengcheng. Yanjing Fengrui Building is exactly the same, not bad!

Immediately afterwards, Li Feng held a president-level internal meeting in the Fengrui Building in Pengcheng. After a simple work report, Li Feng emphasized three points, and then went home and looked around before flying directly to the United States.

The first point, comrades have worked hard, and everything is going well for Fengrui. 360 was successful, Pengcheng Fengrui Building was completed... "Three Super Projects" are also in the planning progress.

The second point is that the acquisition plan of Fengrui International has been successfully completed, and the results are very gratifying.This Fengrui "International Acquisition Plan" started from last year's F1 conference and lasted more than a year, spending a total of 1.2 million US dollars.
Wholly acquired four companies: YouTube, Blog China, South Korea's Smile Gate ("Cross Fire"), and Steam (Steam);
Jointly acquired the Japanese social networking site Mixi with SoftBank Group, each holding 50% of the shares;
Even Fengrui, Shen Nanpeng, and Sequoia Capital jointly established an investment foundation "Sequoia Capital China Fund".

In short, Fengrui's "International Acquisition Plan" can be said to be a complete victory!
(End of this chapter)

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