Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 395 The Achievement of Fengrui Development Strategy

Chapter 395 The Achievement of Fengrui Development Strategy
The third point is that Fengrui's development strategy is very successful, and the results are equally gratifying!And this is the most important point for Li Feng. Li Feng is very satisfied with the results of this F2 conference. The F2 conference was originally to showcase the results of the F1 conference's "sharp and open strategy". The results are very gratifying, so why is Li Feng unhappy!

Fengrui's development strategy allows many emerging Internet start-up companies and individuals to easily develop programs, just like opening applications like Microsoft, which lowers the threshold for Internet entrepreneurship. It has never been thought that starting a business is so simple now. Li Feng ignited people's entrepreneurial enthusiasm in advance,

Moreover, this kind of entrepreneurial enthusiasm was completely beyond Li Feng's expectations. Before the F1 conference, Li Feng was still a little worried that Fengrui's open strategy would fail. He also hoped that in the next year, would have 5000 apps is not bad, and [-] in [-] users install those apps is not bad,
But Li Feng found that he still underestimated people's enthusiasm. This land of China is still full of talents. In just one year after the F1 conference, 25 openers have been registered on
There are 2.5 applications running, of course, among these applications, there are the most game programs, and even more than half of them are casual games like Happy Farm. Of course, this itself is a part of the social network!

The open platform has brought Fengrui an unprecedented position. It makes network technicians and ordinary users feel that this service is something they have never expected before, and a new vast world has emerged, with infinite possibilities.
And Fengrui has also begun to transform from a single social platform to an online world, and Fengrui itself is growing into a self-sufficient "ecological universe".

And Fengrui's development strategy and Li Feng's success have inspired the young people of today to forge ahead...

Zhang Yiming was born in 1983, only one year older than Li Feng. Both of them went to university in the same year, that is, in 2001. One is from Nankai University, the other is from Yanjing University of Science and Technology; One is microelectronics (later transferred to software engineering in junior year), and the other is business administration;

Of course, one is studying hard and making progress every day, the other is doing business outside all day; another has a diploma after completing four years of college, and the other dropped out of school before finishing his sophomore year...

Even their personalities are similar, they are low-key and not good at speaking, but Li Feng is more masculine and domineering, while Zhang Yiming seems a bit "cowardly", but has a strong affinity,

The key point is that Li Feng is taller and more handsome than Zhang Yiming, especially Zhang Yiming has a pair of big glasses frames on his small eyes, and he can hardly see his eyes.

However, ever since Li Feng opened the "Green Apple" Internet Cafe when he was in college, especially since he founded Fengrui on January 2002, 1, the trajectory of the two has been different...

In the past four years, after fighting with Shengda, working with Ali, and destroying Tengxun, Li Feng has developed Fengrui into a super-large Internet company with a market value of over tens of billions of dollars, and he himself has become a veritable Internet company. The Godfather of Huaxia Internet!

Four years later, Zhang Yiming was still a good student with excellent character and learning, and because he was very fond of computers, he switched from microelectronics major to software engineering major in Nankai University in his junior year.
He also often spends time on the BBS web page development technology section, and later became a small technology celebrity. Even the circuit board automatic processing software PCBS he wrote in his senior year won the second prize of the "Challenge Cup".

Although Zhang Yiming looks a bit "technical" from the outside, he is also a very aggressive and coquettish man in his heart.

When he was in college, one of Zhang Yiming’s fellow countrymen’s computer broke down. He went to help repair the computer and came back. He excitedly told his roommate, “There’s a nice girl in that dormitory.” He liked it and decided to chase after her.

Then he always went to repair the computer, chatted with girls on the BBS, asked out to play, and then confessed.As a result, the girl didn't even send out a good person card, so she refused him without any room.

The roommate wanted to comfort him, but Zhang Yiming felt that it didn't matter. The failure of the confession felt like "I just told you about this matter, and then you have different opinions. It's okay, we will continue."

Zhang Yiming continued to repair the computer, chatted on the BBS, and asked out to play.Two months later, when I came back from a trip, my roommate saw the two holding hands.And that girl was Zhang Yiming's first love, and later became his wife.

And Zhang Yiming has always regarded Li Feng as his idol. This person is really amazing. A person of the same age as him, not even as old as him, has already started from scratch and established such an awesome company. What is it? !
And Zhang Yiming also wants to start his own company like his idol, so Zhang Yiming plans to join Fengrui after graduation this year. If he wants to meet his idol up close, at least he can work in Fengrui for a while. Years, it's not too late to start a business again!

Of course, Fengrui doesn't allow anyone who wants to join. I heard that it is very difficult to join Fengrui now, and it doesn't matter if you don't have any strength.

At this time, Zhang Yiming, who was facing the graduation season, happened to see the Fengrui F1 Conference held, and Fengrui also officially announced the opening strategy, everyone can become a developer and entrepreneur!
Zhang Yiming, who has always been confident in his skills, thought: Isn't this an opportunity to prove himself?

If you succeed, you can start your own business. If you fail, you can also prove your strength to Fengrui. Whether you succeed or not, it is beneficial to you!

So, what are you waiting for, act now!But, what program should I develop?

Do you want to play a small game like other openers?

No, this doesn't show my skills!It should be somewhat technical.


What are you doing?After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Yiming couldn't think of a reason. If he couldn't figure it out, he went to eat, and he planned to take the train home in the afternoon.
Senior year, there is still time, and he also wants to take this trip home to make it clear to his family that he plans to go to Yanjing after graduation, and he doesn't want to go home to work.

It’s just that although it’s not the Spring Festival travel season, it’s still difficult to book a train ticket home, and it’s very difficult to buy tickets at the train station at that time, and I don’t know when second-hand tickets will appear on the Internet, even if some networks can check, It also requires the user to actively enter information to search.

So thinking of this, Zhang Yiming spent an hour during lunch time writing a small program to solidify and store his own needs in the program, and let the website machine automatically search for train tickets for him at regular intervals. Once the search results are available, he will be notified by text message. .

In less than half an hour after writing this program, Zhang Yiming received a text message, and then he bought the ticket, no need to buy scalper tickets, and no need to stay in front of the computer all the time, this small program is quite easy to use.

After finishing all these, Zhang Yiming felt that the small program was not bad, so he chose a random name, uploaded it to the program interface of Renren, and left it alone.

It's just something that Zhang Yiming didn't expect. This small program was not only welcomed by the majority of students, but also spread like a virus on

It even caught Li Feng's attention, especially when Li Feng noticed the name "Zhang Yiming", he became even more interested!

Since two of the three founders of TMD (Toutiao, Meituan, and Didi) (Wang Xing and Cheng Wei) are sharp people (although Wang Xing has left, Li Feng also regards him as Fengrui. member), then this Zhang Yiming is also destined to be a sharp person.

In the previous life, Wang Xing’s Meituan and Cheng Wei’s Didi had similar growth paths. At the beginning of the two, they had to kill many opponents of the same magnitude. After the battle, they finally ruled the roost by means of mergers (Meituan merged with Dianping, Didi merged with Kuaidi, and Uber China).

Today’s headlines founded by Zhang Yiming are not far away from the business radius of giants like Meituan and Didi, but rely on machine algorithms to recommend this subversive model from the information distribution business that Baidu, Tencent and traditional portals are good at. successfully blazed a way,

And his next evolution stepped on the rhythm again, from graphic distribution to short videos represented by watermelon, volcano and Douyin, becoming a content distribution platform with huge throughput and luxuriant branches.

Even Tencent launched the "Daily Express", Li Yanhong personally took charge of Baidu's information flow business, and the Ali department launched UC Toutiao, but Zhang Yiming's momentum still could not be stopped.

On China's Internet map, BAT and their allies each divide a large number of territories, and Zhang Yiming has become the leader of a self-contained kingdom in the map,

The Toutiao he founded is a super unicorn with a valuation of nearly 750 billion U.S. dollars that has not received a penny of BAT investment so far. It can be said to be the fourth giant after BAT, and may even compete with Tencent in the future. !
How could Li Feng miss a super talent like Zhang Yiming!

(End of this chapter)

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