Chapter 4
Li Feng really got a little excited when he saw the 20 in his account, it was the first time he saw so much money in his previous life.

However, Li Feng knew that he was not happy now. After all, this was borrowed money with interest. Only when he really made money would it be his own money.

In the afternoon of the same day, Li Feng opened an account and bought all the shares of "Kuixing Chemical" with 20 yuan, and the purchase price was exactly 2.00 yuan.

Li Feng didn't know how much "Kuixing Chemical" had increased after it was acquired, but the increase must have been more than two or three times.

After all these were dealt with, Li Feng planned to have a good sleep. This sleep lasted until the next day, until he was woken up by a phone call.

"Madman, what are you doing? Didn't you say yes, let's sign up for driving lessons together today! And let me tell you, Yang Xiao from our class is also here and says he wants to practice with us, so hurry up!" Speaking of.

"Who? What learning to drive?" Li Feng asked subconsciously without realizing it for a moment.

"Crazy, you're really my brother Feng, you haven't woken up yet! It's me, fat man! Come here quickly!" The person on the other side of the phone still did not forget to "taunt".

Is there always a funny fat man next to every protagonist, but compared to Li Feng, Fatty Wang is more of a protagonist.

Fatty Wang, whose real name is Wang Xiao, has some connections in his family, so he can be counted as the "second generation of fake officials", he is Li Feng's best buddy.

The two agreed to sign up for driving practice together the next day after the college entrance examination. After Li Feng was reborn, he only thought about how to make money and forgot about it.

Besides, with Li Feng's current level, getting a driver's license is not a joke.

It's been a long time since I saw Fatty, and it would be good to get a driver's license now.So, Li Feng packed up and took a taxi directly to the driving school.

As soon as he entered the training ground, Li Feng saw Fatty Wang laughing from afar.

Once again, seeing this unusually familiar face, Li Feng walked over excitedly and hugged Wang Xiao directly.

Although they were not in the same city in the previous life, they still kept in touch with each other often, especially when Li Ruifeng was in trouble, Wang Xiao helped a lot.

Friends, this life, forever!

Seeing Li Ruifeng's excitement, Wang Xiao said fearfully, "I said, madman! I'm not interested in men. You know I'm going to be a big star?"

"Fuck you, with your 200-pound weight, you still want to be a star and play unspoken rules, so you're not afraid of crushing other girls."

"What do you know, other girls like strong men like me, besides, we have produced many celebrities in the fat circle. Of course, it's still a little boy like you, who is attractive!" Wang Xiao pointed to Yang Xiao in the distance , Said cheaply.

Li Feng, the "veteran driver" for many years, saw Yang Xiao walking over, and suddenly felt a little nervous, because Yang Xiao almost wrote "I like you!"

I have never seen Yang Xiao like this in my previous life!Don't save someone's life should be a promise of body!
"Li Feng, I haven't thanked you enough for what happened last time. The driver was also caught! And I don't think you have a mobile phone yet, so I bought you one!" Yang Xiao said a little embarrassed After finishing, he took out a mobile phone from his pocket and prepared to hand it to Li Feng.

Wang Xiao snatched it from behind, and screamed while looking at it: "Ah, this is the 'Nokia 8250' newly launched by Nokia this year, known as 'Blue Charm',
Look at this butterfly-shaped answer button, the current market price is at least 2000!Yang Xiao, you've lost all your money..."

2000 yuan, in 2001, when wages were less than [-] yuan, was not a small amount.

"Ah, it's so expensive, Yang Xiao, you're too polite, and it's not a big deal!" Li Feng quickly refused.

"Why! How can it be a trivial matter! You saved my life! Am I so worthless?"

"I didn't say you're worthless!"

"Why don't you want what I gave you!"

"Um, it's not a matter of time!"

The two were like a quarreling young couple, countless eyeballs in the driving school were gathered, and Li Feng really felt the taste of all the attention.

Yang Xiao has an angelic face and a talent like a devil. No matter where she goes, she will always be the focus of attention.

At this time, Wang Xiao couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly interjected: "Okay, madman, I will register you for learning to drive, and you will be practicing driving soon. You can take it first, so many people are watching! Besides, this is also Yang Xiao's whole heart..."

Li Feng couldn't bear to reject such a beautiful girl, so he accepted it.

Although Yang Xiao was added to the car learning this time, they were all under the name of an old coach Wang Lei. Li Feng once again had a sense of time and space. He was also this coach in his previous life.

There is a destiny in the dark, is this the trajectory of fate?

If you are a novice who has never touched a car before, you must be prepared to be scolded when you go to a driving school to learn how to drive!

Don't doubt this sentence, if you just ask your friends who have learned how to drive, you will definitely not deviate from the theme of "being scolded".

Subject [-] is the most difficult part of the driver's license. The coach said that he explained it orally, and then he demonstrated it himself, and finally asked them to operate the car according to what he said.

Wang Xiao was very new to the car, he was the first to get in, the coach sat in the co-pilot, and Li Feng and Yang Xiao sat in the back seat.

The first round: Wang Xiao clumsily followed the instructions of the coach, okay, kill the steering wheel, turn the steering wheel, see that corner, turn the steering wheel [-] centimeters...

The coach helped Wang Xiao turn the steering wheel and step on the brakes. Finally, with the help of the coach, Wang Xiao wobbled the car into the garage.

In the second round, the coach asked Wang Xiao to operate by himself, and he gave instructions next to him.

The coach no longer touches the steering wheel, but only gives pointers. Now Wang Xiao turns off the engine for a while, turns the steering wheel in the wrong direction, and sees the wrong angle for a while... It's horrible.

"Kill it, kill it, kill it in the direction, you are so stupid! Why are you so stupid! You can't teach me!"

"You didn't learn math well, did you? You can't count a lap or two!"

"Look at how you drive. Where is the line? Are you driving into the river?"

Wang Xiao was directly scolded by the coach for "I can't take care of myself", and Li Feng laughed and cramped.

After Wang Xiao got off the car, he still didn't forget to say to Li Feng, "Why are you laughing, you will do the same when the time comes"!
Then Yang Xiao practiced for two laps, probably because Yang Xiao was a girl, or a beautiful woman. Although she didn't drive very well, the coach didn't say anything.

It was Li Feng, and Wang Xiao planned to watch the excitement.

However, as Li Feng put the car into the garage perfectly, Wang Xiao couldn't laugh anymore.

Coach Wang was very surprised, this guy doesn't need to pay, it's done!

"Okay, it's driving well, haven't you practiced it before?"

"Well, I touched a few before."

"Okay, since this is the case, you don't need to use it normally, just come and practice your hands before the exam!"

Coach Wang still did not forget to stick his head over and said to Wang Xiao: "That new fat guy, look at how well he drives and looks good. I'm not talking about you, I think many people are just stupid when they learn to drive! If you teach it ten thousand times, you won’t know it!”

Li Feng wanted to laugh when he heard that.

Wang Xiao suddenly felt as if he had been hit by 1 critical strikes. He was really angry!

"Fatty, did you see how he drove?" Coach Mimi asked with eyes wide open.

"I see." Wang Xiao replied.

"Did you drive well?" The coach still had an old-fashioned tone.

"it is good."

"Did I scold him?"


"Then am I right to scold you?"

"Yes." Wang Xiao was dejected.

"Since you think I'm right in scolding you, why don't you hurry up and get in the car now, just sit in the back and watch the scenery!"

For the next period of time, Li Feng was free to look at the stocks, and occasionally came to train twice, listening to Coach Wang "swearing" Wang Xiao.

Poor Wang Xiao was called a pig by the coach, hahaha!
Listen, they are cursing again:

"Cherish life, stay away from driving!"

"You are so nervous, I am the one who should be nervous!"

"For people like you, if you get a driver's license, I have only one suggestion, to deduct points for others!"

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(End of this chapter)

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