Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 5 Dear, I miss you

Chapter 5 Dear, I miss you
Within a few days, it was reported that "Kuixing Chemical" was acquired, and the stock price had risen from "2.00" to "2.40". Li Feng knew that the real harvest would be when "Kuixing Chemical" completed the acquisition and resumed trading.

June 6 is the day to check the results of the college entrance examination.

Li Feng's parents came back in a hurry. When Li Feng saw Li Ma again, he couldn't hold back his tears. No, he excitedly hugged Li Ma, and even surprised Li Ma.

"You're so grown up, you're still crying! I haven't seen you for a few days," Mama Li pinched Li Feng's nose, and scolded with a smile, "Come on, Mama bought you a set of clothes, let's try them on first!"

After Li Ma finished speaking, she came to help Li Feng undress, Li Feng quickly said, I will do it myself.

"Son, when you grow up, you're still shy!"

At noon, Li Ma cooked some of Li Feng's favorite dishes. The family had a reunion dinner, and Li Feng ate several bowls. After the meal, the family sat together, chatted and drank some tea.

Li Feng enjoyed the warmth of his family at this moment, and secretly vowed in his heart that he must let the whole family live a happy life.

After 14:00, you can check the results of the college entrance examination.

Li Feng knew that his grades would not be found for a while, so he told Li's father and mother not to panic.

But the anxious father and mother of Li didn't listen to his words, and started calling the score checking hotline at 14 o'clock. As expected by Li Feng, the service has not been activated.

After half an hour, the phone was connected, and Li's mother pressed the speakerphone, and Li's father surrounded the phone and listened anxiously to the female announcer's report:
"Exam admission ticket number: 724735712, name: Li Feng, the scores of each subject in the college entrance examination are..."

Li's father and Li's mother began to wait with bated breath.

"Chinese: 98 points"

Li's father and Li's mother frowned slightly, their Chinese scores were a bit low, but they knew that Li Feng was partial to science, and his strength was in science.

"English: 75 points"

Li's father and Li's mother frowned, and Li's father also smoked. For an ordinary family, the college entrance examination is an opportunity to change their destiny.

"Mathematics: 136 points"

Li's father and Li's mother finally relaxed their brows a little.

Li Feng wasn't nervous at all for the three subjects before. Although he didn't remember the specific scores, they were about the same score, and the total score of these three subjects was 309, which was accurate with his own memory.

The only thing he is nervous about now is reasoning.When evaluating the score after the college entrance examination, Li Feng got the answer right, knowing that he got it right in the end, but he was still worried.

At this time, the voice on the phone said: "Comprehensive theory: 300 points."


Father Li stood up abruptly, trembling with excitement, he didn't even notice that the cigarette butt fell on the ground: "How much did you do in the comprehensive exam? Three hundred? Full marks?"

"Total score: 609 points, please press '1' for hard listening..."

"Yes!" Li's mother burst into tears: "It's a perfect score! My son's total score is 609!"

Li's mother was a little disappointed when she heard that Li Feng's Chinese score was 98; when she heard that her English score was 75, Li's mother was already in despair.

But when she heard that she got 136 points in mathematics, especially 300 points in comprehensive science, Li Ma's heart was finally settled, because this year's key line is 606 points.

Usually Li Feng's score rarely exceeds the key line, but now the score is out, 609 points, just 3 points above the key line.

Father Li also pinched the cigarette butt, and said happily: "Okay! Okay! Okay! Damn it, let's go out to eat tonight, I want to have a good drink!"

"Look at burning you! Just eat at home, and get you two more dishes! I have to call his aunt!"

On this day, Li's father and Li's mother made countless phone calls to relatives and friends.

"Hey, Xiaoqin... the score is out, only 609 points, just passed the key line..."

"Hey, it's Xiaokai! Is your mother at home?...Sister-in-law...The grades are out...Okay, I will tell you when the time comes..."

Dad Li picked up the phone and said, "Hey, my old Li... huh? The grades? The grades are out... It's okay, 609... Yes, I didn't pass the exams in Chinese and English... Full marks in science and comprehensive... OK, do it I will tell you the wine, don't worry, we will never forget you in this relationship."

Seeing his parents happily calling his relatives one by one, smiling from ear to ear, Li Feng felt that this was happiness and it was worth it!

"Didi!" At this moment, the Nokia phone that Yang Xiao gave Li Feng to give off rang!

Seeing the new phone in Li Feng's hand, Father Li asked, "Xiao Feng, whose phone is it in your hand?"

"Ah, this is Wang Xiao's. If it's okay, let me play for two days and give it to him!" Li Feng did not dare to say that it was given by someone else.

"Well, then you are fine and return it to others. I will buy one for you when you go to college. By the way, how much did the kid pass?" Father Li knew that Wang Xiao's family was rich, but as a parent, he preferred to judge his child by his grades.

"At that time, I'll just buy it myself. Besides, he still has another one. Let me borrow this first. He studies better than me, so he should be higher than me!" Li Feng knew clearly that Wang Xiao's score of 626 in the test this time was just right. 20 points above the key line.

Li Feng saw that it was Wang Xiao's text message:

"Crazy, what's your score? Are you on the key line?"

"Fuck you, I got a score of 609. Not only do I know how many exams you have taken? I also know which school you are going to apply for? Do you believe it?"

"Really, then tell me? As long as you guess correctly, you can let me eat rice!" This Wang Xiao spoke carelessly, he really dared to say anything.

"You just got a score of 626 in the test, are you planning to apply for Yanjing University of Science and Technology! It's not Tsinghua University, Peking University, what are you doing! But you don't have to eat food anymore, just promise me something in two days!"

"Ah! Li Feng, you can do it, you are really Brother Feng! I didn't realize that you can tell fortunes, did someone tell you? How about you figure out who my future wife is?"

Uh, Li Feng really knew about this, but Li Feng didn't say that, Li Feng didn't want to change the fate of his friend, besides, Wang Xiao's wife met in college.

Just as Li Feng put down his phone, he received another text message from Yang Xiao. The two chatted for a while, and finally Yang Xiao asked:
"Li Feng, which university are you going to apply for?"

"Where to apply, I haven't thought about it yet, let's talk about it on the day when I fill out the application."

"Oh! Yenching's university is better..."

To be honest, Li Feng also sensed Yang Xiao's attitude towards him, but Li Feng still couldn't let go of the lover in his heart who spent half his life with him - Tang Xin.

That night, Li Feng was lying on his bed, missing Tang Xin like a surging tide, unstoppable.

That gentle and generous woman, that understanding woman, that frugal housekeeping woman.

Tang Xin, who was the same age as him, was also his high school alumni, but she was in a science class, and Tang Xin was in a liberal arts class;

In the third year of high school, the classroom building was in the shape of "Hui", and both of them happened to be sitting by the window;
At that time, the pressure of the college entrance examination was high. During recess, Li Feng liked to look at the scenery from the window, and it happened that Tang Xin also liked to look at the scenery.

You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, and the people watching the scenery are looking at you!
Although the two of them didn't say a word, they just smiled and nodded to each other every time, that smile encouraged Li Feng to go through the whole senior year of high school.

Three years later, the two met again on the train; seven years later, in 3, they got married.

After ten years of marriage, Li Feng and Tang Xin treated each other like guests.Unfortunately, the two have never had children!
It was the first pregnancy, the two were still young and ignorant, so they had a miscarriage;
The second pregnancy was at the most dangerous time in the first three months. Tang Xin was about to move that day, and Tang Xin accidentally fell on her foot. She went to the hospital for color Doppler ultrasound and found that the fetus had aborted.

Li Feng will never forget Tang Xin's desperate expression when she heard the news, she cried and said to Li Feng, "Feng, our child is gone! It's gone!"

Not having children has always been the biggest pain in Tang Xin's heart!

Li Feng remembered that he and Tang Xin went shopping together, bought vegetables together, and watched movies together. Many details appeared in front of him so clearly, and he wondered how she was doing now...
Li Feng swore that he would have a vigorous relationship with Tang Xin, earn a lot of money, give Tang Xin an incomparable wedding, buy Tang Xin a big house, and make Tang Xin happy...

Li Feng wanted to contact Tang Xin now.

Tang Xin's mobile phone number is known to her, but it is useless now, that number will be used after ten years;
I know Tang Xin's email address, but Tang Yan hasn't registered yet;
Tang Xin's QQ account is known by herself, and she hasn't registered it yet.

Tang Xin, dear, I miss you!
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(End of this chapter)

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