Chapter 44

When returning to his small city from a big city like Yanjing, Li Feng felt that the time slowed down a lot. Even after being stuck in a taxi for half an hour, Li Feng felt very relaxed.

In a small city like Taicheng and a big city like Yanjing, although they are both blocked for half an hour, the nature is different, because the pace of life in big cities is fast and the cost of living is higher.

It was already night when Li Feng returned home in a hurry, and just when he was about to open the door, he heard the conversation between Li's father, Li's mother and brother Li Ying.

Brother Li Ying said: "Dad, is it okay to just get married here? I'm not going to compete with Xiaofeng for this house, and I have promised Guo Fang."

Father Li directly refused: "No, there is a house that has been married twice, and this house has already been given to Xiao Feng, and his name is written on the real estate certificate.

Besides, didn't I promise you, when the family has money, I will definitely buy you a new set,

There is also that Guo Fang, whose family conditions are not as good as ours, why do you ask for so much, did she ask you to say that, she has a lot of heart at such a young age! "

The elder brother still insisted: "She didn't tell me, I promised her myself, besides, why should this house be given to Xiaofeng, he is still in school, it won't be too late to buy him a house after he graduates .”

"That's enough, don't talk about it anymore, we'll stick to the previous plan, and it's only been two days, and even the hotel has been booked, so it's too late to change it now." Father Li said a little angrily.

"You... partiality!" My brother said aggrievedly.

"Okay, don't you two stop arguing, it's not a joke if people hear it!" Finally, Mama Li ended the quarrel with one word.


Hearing the conversation between his parents and his brother, Li Feng, who was standing at the door, sighed: I didn't expect this to happen in my previous life. At that time, I was still fighting CS in front of the computer, "I didn't hear anything outside the window".

In all fairness, after sister-in-law Guo Fang came in, apart from some complaints to her parents and Li Feng about this matter,
She behaves well at other times, and she still respects her parents. She can be considered a good wife and mother by doing laundry and cooking.

Not to mention my elder brother, except that he often beat Li Feng when he was a child, he was quite good to Li Feng.

There is no way, "beating the younger brother while eating and sleeping" is the privilege of being an older brother.

I remember one time when the young Li Feng questioned his brother Li Ying: "I said, brother, why do you just beat me when you have nothing to do, beat me when you are happy, and beat me when you are unhappy, why don't you dare to beat others."

As a result of questioning, another beating was in exchange.

The benefits of being an older brother are nothing more than this. A younger brother who was beaten up since childhood only remembers his elder brother's kindness when he grows up.

In the previous life, my family was poor, so I had nothing to do!The me now is not the me I used to be, isn't it just to make my family happier when I have money!Thinking of this, Li Feng opened the door and walked in.

The parents and elder brother who were still fighting just now saw Li Feng coming in, as if they were "changing faces", and they were all very happy, not at all like they just finished arguing.

And as soon as Li's mother came up, she said fiercely: "You child, why are you doing outside without going home on vacation!" Then, she asked with concern: "Xiaofeng, have you eaten yet?"

Li Feng put down his bag and said, "Mom, I've eaten."

Then Li Feng was afraid of "unnecessary problems" and delaying his brother's marriage. In front of his brother, he said to Li's father and Li's mother: "Dad, Mom, I heard it just now. I think you should listen to my opinion on this matter." ..."

Before Li Feng finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li's father, who directly scolded: "You little boy, what do you know! What's your opinion! If you have any opinions, you have to listen to me, I can't control you anymore." Then, Father Li raised his hands.

Seeing that Dad Li was so angry and about to hit someone, Mom Li hurriedly pulled Li Feng to her side and persuaded her: "You boy, you are not honest when you come here, and you also made your father angry, isn't it itchy? gone."

The elder brother next to him was so flustered that he didn't know what to do for a while.

Facing Father Li's stern gaze, Li Feng said without changing his expression: "Dad, can you listen to me before you decide whether to use your hands or not!"

Father Li felt as if he was talking to a peer, and subconsciously said, "Okay, you say it." After finishing speaking, he realized that it was his son, and quickly added, "See what you can say!"

Li Feng said sincerely: "Mom and Dad, listen to me first. Didn't I buy a lot of things last winter vacation? It's not because of my part-time job.

In fact, I earned it in partnership with others. A few of us partnered to start a company, and I can get more than 1 yuan in dividends every month. I have never told you. "

Speaking of this, Li Feng stopped to let his parents and brothers digest it, and let them have a transition process.

In the end, Li Feng still didn't dare to tell the truth: now his parents' salary combined is only two to three thousand yuan, and his elder brother's salary is only over 3000 yuan. How can they accept Li Feng's net worth in the tens of millions?

Let's wait a little longer, and it's not the most difficult time at home, at least let your parents accept your changes a little bit first.

Sure enough, after Li Feng finished speaking, Li's father and Li's mother still didn't believe it, and his brother was directly confused.

The words "start a company" and "[-]" seemed to have turned into shining little stars, swaying back and forth in front of Li's parents and mothers.

Still, Dad Li reacted first and asked, "You start a company, what kind of company? Can you give so much money a month?"

Li Feng replied: "It's the kind of game on the Internet, that is, the game played on the computer. I represent it with others."

For Dad Li, who can't even send text messages, he couldn't understand that "agent games can make money!"

But my brother came to his senses and said happily: "Dad, it's the game I play on the computer. I charged 100 yuan a few days ago. By the way, Xiaofeng, what game do you represent? I recently played it." Quite a lot."

Before my brother could finish speaking, he was hit on the back of the head by Li's father, and he scolded directly: "You are such an old boy, you are going to get married, you still play games, and you still recharge money, you are stupid! "

The elder brother looked aggrieved, even pitiful.

Seeing that Li's father and Li's mother still didn't believe it, Li Feng didn't say anything. He went directly to the bank and took out [-] in cash.

When Li's father, Li's mother, and elder brother watched Li Feng put ten thousand dollars a dozen from his bag on the table, their eyes widened.

In particular, my brother has seen so much money since he was a child, and he rubbed his eyes thinking it was spent.

Then Li Feng took ten dozen in a row like "magic magic", when he saw a whole 10 yuan placed on the table.

At this time, Dad Li was silent. For a person who has been engaged in business all his life, it has always been "you pay me and I will deliver the goods",
I can't understand that some people will pay for things that are "invisible and intangible", so I muttered to myself: "I'm old, I'm old, I'm out of date."

Then, Father Li patted Li Feng on the shoulder, and said happily: "Son, you have grown up, you can handle your brother's affairs according to your own needs.

I can't teach you anything, but I always believe that the down-to-earth things are true! "

Industry prospers the country, empty talk harms the country!
That night, Li's father said a lot to Li Feng. It was not only a conversation between men, but also a message from the father to his son:

Father Li told Li Feng: A man must be responsible, even if his career is not successful, even if he doesn't have much money, he must be a man who can be relied on.

Dad Li told Li Feng: Hard work may not lead to success, but not hard work will only waste time. No matter how big your career is, you must keep your feet on the ground, read more books, and go out for a walk more.

Dad Li also told Li Feng: If you have a girl you like, you should pursue it boldly, communicate more with classmates and friends, and go out to eat and have fun together if you have nothing to do.

Father Li finally told Li Feng: Call home more when you have time, your mother always says she misses you.

That night, lying on his bed, staring at every piece of furniture in the house by the moonlight, Li Feng felt that this was his real home, and the place where his parents were was his real home.

 As for the update, I will work hard and strive to be the first to transform into a second-gen beast, and please continue to support the veterans.

(End of this chapter)

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