Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 508 Life is Struggle!

Chapter 508 Life is Struggle!

Then Li Feng communicated with Vic Gundotra for a while, mainly about the promotion of the Android system among third-party developers in the future,
A super talent like Vic Gundotra, who has proven himself and is a leader in this field, not only has his own contacts, but also has skills,
Some of his views and ideas also benefited Li Feng a lot, so the two chatted for a while, and Li Feng also said sincerely:

"Vic, your joining has made me more confident, and it can at least increase the winning rate of the Android system by 10%!"

"Boss, you are really humble. Who doesn't know that Android was created in your hands, and the system was developed by Xiaotian and Andy, and I'm just adding bricks and tiles now..."

"Vic, you are too humble. After all, the user has the final say on the system. In the end, it depends on whose ecology is better, and this is exactly your strong point, so it depends on you!"

"Well, boss, don't worry, I will go all out and try to invite more third-party software companies to develop software based on the Android platform before the April 4 Fengrui global opener..."

Just when the two were chatting happily, Long Xiaotian and Andy Rubin knocked on the door together and came in.

Victor Gundotra also knew that Long Xiaotian and the others probably had something to discuss with Li Feng, so he got up and greeted Long Xiaotian and the others, and then said to Li Feng: "Boss, I won't bother you any more, we have Time to talk again..."

"Okay, Vic, then you can do your work first." Li Feng also got up and sent Vic Gundotra to the door.

After Vic Gundotra left, Li Feng also warmly greeted Long Xiaotian and Andy Rubin to sit down, "Is everything going well recently?"

"Well, Brother Li, there is nothing wrong with me, the system is fine, and HTC's mobile phone has almost been developed, and the prototype has basically been finalized..." Long Xiaotian said roughly, and Andy Rubin next to him was also Talk about some situation of Fengrui North America Branch.

"Well, counting Qualcomm, Google, Softbank, MIH... Now there are 14 Android alliances, but it is estimated that there are only so many mobile phone manufacturers, and the only mobile phone manufacturer is HTC.
Moreover, Apple's first-generation iPhone is about to go on the market, and there is not much time left for us, so we must launch the Android system at the Fengrui Developer Conference in April today,

As for HTC, I'm still a little worried. I'll be there in two days. You two are lucky during this time. Xiaotian, you are mainly busy with the Android Alliance, and Andy, you are mainly busy with the Android system.

At the same time, don’t forget to coordinate well with Vic. There are few application software in the early system, but the competition in the later system is ecological competition. See who has more application software, faster application software, and better application software..."

Finally, Li Feng emphasized, "Everything is subject to the Fengrui Developer Conference in April. Before that, all problems have been solved, and then our Android is launched. It's the mule or the horse that came out!"

"Well, Brother Li, don't worry!"

"Okay, boss!"


After sending Long Xiaotian and Andy Lubin away, Li Feng finally had some time, so he could make some tea and rest for a while.

But before Li Feng's tea was ready, Chen Shijun came in again.

After Li Feng sold YouTube to Google, Chen Shijun stayed in Fengrui's North American branch after the handover.

Chen Shijun is indeed a talent, and he is also of Chinese descent, so Li Feng is also very optimistic about him, and plans to establish a branch of Fengrui X Laboratory in North America, which he will be in charge of.

It was just Chen Shijun's first words after he came in that almost startled Li Feng, "Boss, I'm going to resign!"

"What? Resigned? Why? You didn't do a good job, oh, is it because I sold YouTube, which you founded?" Li Feng asked wonderingly.

The reason why Li Feng said this is because YouTube was founded by Chen Shijun, but because Li Feng is the boss, Li Feng sold it to Google for Fengrui's future mobile layout.

"No, boss, I never thought about it that way. Although I founded YouTube, you actually founded it. I'm just the executor." Chen Shijun said.

"Then why did you leave?" Li Feng was very reluctant to part with such a talent as Chen Shijun. Although Fengrui has many talents like Zhou Wei and Long Xiaotian, there are still very few Chinese who live in the United States and understand Western culture.

"I have a brain tumor..." Chen Shijun said frankly.

"Brain tumor?!"

Chen Shijun, he is indeed a genius. As a Chinese, he has already shown his superhuman programming talent in the sixth grade of elementary school-completed the first program he wrote.

Then he walked all the way as a top student, and successfully entered the fifth-ranked University of Illinois in the United States to study computer science.

Chen Shijun was very excited to be admitted to this university, because there are many computer programming enthusiasts there, and because of this, Chen Shijun put all his energy on programming when he was in college.There are no classes during the day and programming until late at night.

According to Chen Shijun: Self-study is much more efficient than taking classes!
In 1999 of the same year, Yang Zhiyuan, who is also of Chinese origin in Wanzhou, became popular in Yahoo. Chen Shijun, who was also extremely talented, could no longer hold back his enthusiasm for starting a business, and he happened to meet Paypal in a technical group on the Internet. CTO Lasef, the other party admired him very much, and strongly invited Chen Shijun to join Paypal.

Faced with this invitation, Chen Shijun decided to drop out of school and join this Silicon Valley Internet company in just 15 minutes!

In 1999, after dropping out of school, Chen Shijun successfully joined the Paypal company (co-founded by Peter Thiel and Elon Musk) under the introduction of Joseph.

But what Chen Shijun didn't expect was that the work intensity and pressure of Paypal in the early stage of entrepreneurship could be described as extremely strong. He worked until four or five in the morning every day. Not only that, the working environment and accommodation environment were also very poor.

Although everything was unsatisfactory, in front of his favorite programming, Chen Shijun put all these behind him, and worked hard day and night every day. Finally, with the joint efforts of Chen Shijun and his team, PayPal only took three years time to successfully complete the listing.

In the process of working hard in this company, Chen Shijun not only polished his programming skills and ability to design products, but also made Hurley, an important entrepreneurial partner in the future, and venture capital of up to tens of millions of dollars.

After everything actually matured, Chen Shijun and Hurley officially started their business in a garage.

Chen Shijun aimed at the enthusiasm of the younger generation in the United States for entertainment content, and began to build a video sharing website.

Although he is a genius, Chen Shijun has also experienced hardships in the process of polishing products and promoting them - video sharing is mainly free, his company has no source of income, all employees have no wages, and his own money is gradually not enough to support him. He could only max out his credit card to buy the server.

But these are only a drop in the bucket. Fortunately, he met Li Feng, and there is no need to talk about the subsequent stories. In the end, YouTube succeeded, but Li Feng sold it to Google for a purchase price of up to 25 billion US dollars.

It took only 20 months from the establishment of YouTube to the sale.

As the founder of YouTube, Chen Shijun also has a lot of shares. He has also become a billionaire in the true sense, an entrepreneurial hero envied by everyone, and has reached the pinnacle of his life.

Unfortunately, the future will be on this young man.

Due to high-intensity and long hours of work, Chen Shijun was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and even passed out during an airplane trip.

This experience also made Chen Shijun fall into deep contemplation. All the past honors, money, and achievements were left behind by Chen Shijun.

This time, Chen Shijun, who has always had a clear mind, also began to feel confused. For the first time, he had a sense of fear for the future after brushing shoulders with death.

How to live the next day?
Go crazy and squander all your savings?
Or work crazily and forget about tumors?
Even though misfortune befell him, Chen Shijun finally decided to face it calmly. He was going to work while he was being treated. He wanted to spend the rest of his time doing what he wanted to do. If he recovered from his illness, he would start his own business again, so he chose now resigned.

"Shijun, why do you have to resign? You can take a vacation for medical treatment, and no one in the company will say anything, and you know that Fengrui is not short of the money, we will not give up on you because of this, we will wait for you to come back! "Li Feng promised.

"Boss, thank you, I understand, but I don't need the money, whether I am sick or not, I plan to leave my job, I want to take a break, and then do something I want to do, or I will continue to start a business I can't tell."

Just when Li Feng was about to say something, Chen Shijun went on to say: "Boss, if everything you own will disappear in an instant, you will understand that you should not waste time, live boredly, or consume life."

This is Chen Shijun's understanding after suffering from a serious illness. He stopped staying up late, quit smoking, chose to leave his job, and pursued a peaceful and indifferent life.

Or he will find a beautiful girl, get married and have children, and the couple will take care of the children, cook, and participate in some charity activities on weekdays.

This time Li Feng did not refuse again, but only encouraged him to treat his illness well, but after Chen Shijun left, Li Feng still sighed a lot.

There are many people who left Fengrui, including Cai Zongjian who was fired by himself, and Wang Xing who left because of illness. Chen Shijun was the first one who chose to leave because of illness, and he was so calm.

However, as a financially independent Chen Shijun, even the serious illness did not break his persistence, so what reason do we have to be lazy?

Life is endless, struggle is endless!
(End of this chapter)

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