Chapter 507
Li Feng didn't affect his mood because of Motorola's incident, it wasn't planned in the first place, the only thing he was upset about was that Motorola wasted a few days in vain, and it made Li Feng feel unhappy.

But since everything is already like this, there is nothing wrong with Li Feng staying in the United States. He also feels that he should go back. There are still a lot of things in the country, and he has an appointment with Sun Zhengyi to go to Japan. Go check out HTC...

There are so many things to do!Moreover, these matters had to be settled before the Fengrui Openers Conference, but Li Feng didn't know how to tell Lu Lu that it was time to leave again, what annoyance!
When she came back, Lu Lu saw that Li Feng didn't speak, and she also thought that Li Feng was in a bad mood about Motorola, so she also comforted her:

"Husband, are you still worried about Motorola! I believe in you, and you will succeed. Motorola will definitely lose in the end. Let it kowtow to apologize!"

"Okay, I'm going to kowtow to apologize! I'm fine, I just feel that I'm a little eager for success. I know that the relationship between the two parties is not equal this time, and I know that Motorola's hope is not great, so I waited carelessly. As a result, In the end, someone led me by the nose...

But I don't take this matter to heart, but you are right about one thing, Motorola must kowtow to make amends in the end, and now I mainly have something to tell you, uh... how should I put it, I think I should gone back…"

"Ah! So soon, are you going back tomorrow? Well, it doesn't matter, I know you have a lot of things recently, and you are also worried about the promotion of the Android system, and you have been with me for so long, and I am self-sufficient , I will arrange tomorrow's flight in a while..."

Lu Lu worried about gain and loss and said that although she was reluctant to part with Li Feng, she also firmly supported Li Feng's career, and isn't this what attracted her to Li Feng!

"Silly girl, what are you thinking about? Who said you have to leave tomorrow! I just said that I should go back, not tomorrow, and besides, didn't I promise to watch Musk's rocket launch with you!" Li Feng said.

"Really? You're not leaving tomorrow!" Lu Lu questioned.

"Well, there are still a few days before March 3st. After we watch the rocket launch, I will go back directly." Li Feng nodded.

"Great, then we can have fun for a few more days!" Lu Lu said happily.

"Just know how to play! Don't be too happy too early. I have to go to the Fengrui branch in North America to take advantage of these few days. I have to go to Fengrui North America, and I have pressed a lot of things , I have to show up." Li Feng explained.

Because of Motorola's relationship, Li Feng has been pushing away Fengrui's affairs. Even when Vic Gundotra joined Fengrui, Li Feng didn't show up. Now that Li Feng has time, at least he needs to meet. ah.

You must know that Li Feng will personally come forward to join this kind of super talent, and Vic Gundotra is the former vice president of Microsoft and the person in charge of Microsoft's global openers.
Moreover, in order to invite Vic Gundotra to join Fengrui, Li Feng also took great pains, not only because Vic Gundotra is the global vice president of Microsoft, but also because Vic Gundotra is in the global software industry. Huge influence among app developers.

Moreover, Vic Gundotra is different from Li Fukai who joined Fengrui in the early stage. He is the real leadership core of Microsoft. Unknown, Vic Gundotra will die immediately.

It was not until Jobs launched the iPhone and opened the "mobile door" that Vic Gundotra noticed Fengrui. Coupled with Li Feng's legendary experience in Silicon Valley, Vic Gundotra made up his mind to let go Give it a go!
As for Vic Gundotra being able to join Fengrui, Li Fukai also contributed a lot. The two were good colleagues before, and Vic Gundotra was also Li Fukai's old leader. Because of the relationship, Vic Gundotra chose Fengrui.

Of course, the root cause of Vic Gundotra’s determination in the end is Fengrui’s layout in the mobile market, especially the development of the Android system, and Fengrui’s efforts in promoting the Android system. The Android Alliance .

In fact, Vic Gundotra himself has always been optimistic about the mobile market. Although Microsoft has a big business, it doesn't pay much attention to this area. For example, the former Tencent QQ team didn't like WeChat very much from the beginning.

So when he saw Vic Gundotra, Li Feng stretched out his hand and said happily, "Vic, you are welcome to join Fengrui. I believe you will find your entrepreneurial passion again!"

Vic Gundotra also shook hands with Li Feng tightly, and then said happily: "Boss, I have found the passion for entrepreneurship now, Fengrui is really great, I really thought there would be such a perfect I think it would be a pity if the mobile system is not available to everyone."

"Vic, isn't this the purpose of your joining Fengrui? Your joining just made up for the last shortcoming of the Android system!" Li Feng said with a smile on his face.

The most important thing about the Android system is promotion. After removing the hardware parts such as operators, mobile phone manufacturers, and chip manufacturers, the most important thing left is the ecology, that is, software applications. The final competition of the system is to compare whose ecology is better!

And Vic Gundotra, as the former head of Microsoft's global developers, is dealing with third-party software developers, so he joined Fengrui, and he has indeed perfected the last piece of the puzzle of the Android system.

Of course, apart from such things as ideals and passion, Li Feng also "buy bones with thousands of dollars", and also has real "interests". .

Regarding the treatment of Vic Gundotra, not only did Li Feng offer a president-level treatment with an annual salary of 500 million U.S. dollars (the salary has been raised), but he can almost get it even if he includes bonuses at the end of the year. tens of millions of dollars,

You must know that when Li Fukai joined Fengrui at the same level two years ago, his annual salary was still calculated in RMB, but now it is directly exchanged for US dollars, and the corresponding shares have also been increased.

Of course, people like Vic Gundotra, who are rich in themselves, don’t value the annual salary at all, but value the shares Fengrui gave him, and Li Feng is not a stingy person. options,

Of course, there is still a limit on the number of years for this part of the shares. You have to work for five years to get them all. For Fengrui, which is valued at nearly 300 billion US dollars, there are very few of them. You must know that the valuation of Fengrui in the past two years is only 30 billion US dollars, now directly doubled by 10 times,
So Vic Gundotra seems to have a lot of shares, but compared to the current Fengrui, there are very few, and even compared to Zhou Wei, they are not worth enough.
After all, Zhou Wei and the others were the first to follow Li Feng, and they were directly calculated on a percentage basis. For Fengrui, which is valued at 300 billion U.S. dollars, even 1% of the ratio is 3 million U.S. dollars. There are more shares than these,

Therefore, for entrepreneurs, the sooner they join, the greater the risk, but the greater the benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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