Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 506 Acquire My Android?WTF!

Chapter 506 Acquire My Android?WTF! (Happy New Year!)
what?Motorola wants to buy my Android? !
What's the meaning?Didn't Motorola want to join the Android Alliance?How did it happen? !
Li Feng was a little confused for a while, and looked at Larry Page seriously, and Larry Page was also confused, giving Li Feng a very helpless expression!
The tough attitude of Motorola CEO Edward Zander made the atmosphere suddenly severe.

At this time, Larry Page could only bite the bullet and said with a smile: "Edward, are you kidding? Didn't you just say that you were considering joining the Android Alliance? Why didn't you change your mind all of a sudden?"

"Larry, I'm not kidding. In fact, if it wasn't for your sake, I wouldn't be interested in this Android system at all. It is not certain whether this system can be applied to mobile phones nowadays? Even if it can be applied, It may not be possible to promote success in the end?
If there is no support from our Motorola, whether the Android system will have a future is another question!But it will be different if we give it to Motorola. We, the world's leading mobile phone manufacturer, are fully capable of promoting the Android system! "

The CEO of Motorola, Edward Zander, said quietly that the cigar in his hand was already more than half burned. Although he admired the Android system very much, whoever said that good things can succeed!And if it's a negotiation, it's natural to demote the other party as soon as it comes up, otherwise it's not easy to bargain, isn't it?

Besides, he is not very optimistic about the Android alliance that Li Feng created. How could an alliance led by a Chinese company be successful?Does an Internet company still want to be the leader of all mobile phone manufacturers!
And if Motorola joins the Android Alliance, with Motorola's support, maybe the Android system will be successful in the future, but at that time, Motorola will be controlled by the Android Alliance?
How could Edward Zander not know about such a "thankful effort"? This is simply an unequal relationship. How can a world's top mobile phone manufacturer and a Chinese Internet company be "equally matched"!

If Motorola really wants to promote this Android system, it has to be led by itself. It is not sharp, and Edward Zander has always believed that the most important thing is to hold things in your hands.

Larry Page's face changed. He didn't expect that Edward Zander actually wanted to acquire the Android system. This is not the same as what they said before joining the Android Alliance.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at Li Feng, worried that Li Feng would suspect that he and Edward Zander would join forces to annex the Android system.

Li Feng didn't doubt Larry Page, but this Edward Zander didn't take himself too seriously. He talked about the acquisition in front of his own face, and didn't care whether he agreed or not. He was obviously deceiving people too much!
However, for the promotion of the Android system, Li Feng still endured it. At this time, he did not change his face, and even had a slight smile on his face: "Mr. Edward, you may not have seen our Android system. Several phones with Android, and there is also a version of Android based on the latest Apple iPhone, you can take a look first..."

While Li Feng was talking, he was about to take out those Android smartphones from the briefcase next to him.

But before Li Feng could make a move, Edward Zander waved his hand directly and said forcefully, "I don't need to look at it, I just ask if you can sell it or not."

"." Li Feng.

Li Feng explained again: "Mr. Edward, our Android system will definitely not be sold, and I believe that the Android system will become the standard configuration of smartphones in the future."

Before Li Feng could finish speaking, Edward Zander interrupted Li Feng impatiently: "I don't want you to believe me, I just want me to believe me."


This is really embarrassing, what Li Feng now wants to say is "I bought a watch last year", this Edward Zander is simply an idiot, this bald man, if you weren't the CEO of Motorola, I really want to beat you up kill you.

At this time Edward Zander continued: "I know you, 'Leo' from China, a very successful entrepreneur, and so young, it can even be said that there is no peer in the world who is better than you,
But young people, let me tell you, maybe you can achieve it overnight in the Internet field, but in the asset-heavy hardware field, your method is not easy to use. It is good for young people to be confident, but if they are overconfident, then they are conceited , This is not a good habit. "

The expression of Edward Zander speaking to Li Feng was like an elder speaking to a younger generation, directly putting himself on top.

"Besides, Motorola is the world's number one mobile phone manufacturer. Without our support, do you think the Android system can succeed? It's better for young people to keep their feet on the ground."

In Edward Zander's view, Motorola is only temporarily the world's second mobile phone manufacturer, and it will return to the world's number one sooner or later. He doesn't want statistics, as long as he thinks it will be fine.

The smile on Li Feng's face finally disappeared. Before that, he could think that Edward Zander was using some negotiating skills to get himself to sell the Android system, but now the meaning of Edward Zander's words has been clearly expressed, Disdain for myself.

"Edward, you are wrong about one thing. Now the number one in the world is Nokia, not Motorola, and I also heard that Samsung will surpass Motorola soon...

Also, Edward, there is an old saying in China called "Don't bully the young and poor". The times are developing, and the mobile phone business is also developing. Nowadays, mobile phone technology is updating with each passing day. You are so confident that Motorola can continue to maintain its current sales. ? "

Li Feng directly uncovered Edward Zander's scar, and his tone became blunt. He even said that it was no longer Mr. Edward, but directly replaced by Edward.

As Li Feng's friend, Larry Page naturally knew that Li Feng was on the verge of anger. He wanted to mediate, but Edward Zander didn't give him this chance.

"Hmph, young man, Motorola's sales are not up to you, and it's not up to you to popularize the development direction of the mobile phone industry. Huaxia's own mobile phone brand does not even have a top ten global sales volume, and as of Now it’s just plagiarism, but you’re here to talk to me about the future direction of mobile phones, are you kidding me? Are you kidding?”

Edward Zander now has the meaning of reprimand in it. In fact, this is a common problem of the president of the international consortium. Although China's development has risen at this time, for people like Edward Zander, they are still In his bones, he looks down on domestic entrepreneurs.

They hope to get the Huaxia market, but they don't give the Huaxia market enough respect. Even now, there are still a lot of them. While making money from the Huaxia people, they stab Huaxia in the back.

He always looks condescending, thinking that he is the person who knows the market best at this time, and at the same time he also thinks that he has won Li Feng.


It is still the conglomerate thinking that is at work. Although Li Feng himself still has money, he is a billionaire, richer than Edward Zander, but Edward Zander has a strong control.

Just like Jobs, he is not the top rich man, but he is definitely more powerful than many people richer than him, "the person who changed the world".

Moreover, in the business world, Li Feng is a rising star. Although Motorola has encountered some problems now, in Edward Zander's view, all these problems are just some stumbling blocks on the road to success.

As long as he thinks, this stumbling block can be kicked far away by himself, but he forgot to observe that this stumbling block is actually a huge boulder buried deep in the ground.

And now Motorola still occupies the second largest share in the world. He has this confidence, but without his own support, this so-called Android system cannot be promoted.

In addition, it was Larry Page who contacted him before, so Edward Zander was so unscrupulous.

Li Feng's face turned completely cold.

He stood up, took a look at Edward Zander, and said calmly: "Edward, let me put my words here, it won't take five years, no! It won't take three years, and you will regret today's decision !"

Edward Zander tapped the cigar in his hand and said with a sneer, "I can also tell you that without the support of Motorola, your so-called Android system would never be successful!"

At this time, Li Feng was not angry anymore, and just said lightly: "We will wait and see!" You can't say "The dog bites you, and you are still biting the dog", you should say "The dog bites you, you just put it on the dog." The dog was killed"!
After speaking, he turned around and left Edward Zander's office. Li Feng really had no interest in continuing to talk to this kind of arrogant and conceited person.

Larry Page also got up at this time, and looked at Edward Zander with some dissatisfaction. He really didn't expect it to be a win-win negotiation.

Why did the talk collapse amid Edward Zander's arrogance?
Edward Zander did not understand Li Feng's ability, but Larry Page had strong confidence in Li Feng. He believed Li Feng's words, and Edward Zander might really regret his attitude today in the future.

"Larry, let me advise you, you will suffer a loss sooner or later when you cooperate with such a whimsical person!" Edward Zander said quietly behind Larry Page.

Larry Page didn't say anything, just sighed and left Edward Zander's office.

After Larry Page left the office, Edward Zander put the cigar in his hand into the ashtray, and picked up the phone on the table.

Since it is impossible to purchase the Android system, Edward Zander naturally has to be prepared. He believes that after Li Feng sees his means, he will obediently come back and continue negotiating with him.

For things that cannot be resolved through negotiation, then "force" can only be used!

Edward Zander never thought that Motorola's fists were not strong enough, he only worried that they were too strong and would directly hammer the opponent to death!
After Li Feng walked out of Motorola's headquarters, he looked back at the world-renowned corporate headquarters.

Some people are like this. When the opportunity is in front of them, they can’t seize the opportunity and kick the opportunity away. He has already given Motorola the opportunity. Ruined by arrogance.

Although Motorola is doomed to perish, Li Feng doesn't mind "adding more fire" to make "death" come earlier.

That being the case, Li Feng also picked up the phone in his hand and directly dialed the number of HTC CEO Wang Xuehong, "Mr. Wang, how is the development of HTC's smartphones? Have the design and configuration been finalized? Did you come up with a sample at the sharp opener conference?"

"Mr. Li, I'm just about to call you. Our HTC's first smartphone has been confirmed. If we hurry up, it's still no problem to come up with a test machine on April 4, but it needs to be launched on a large scale. It will be October at the earliest." Wang Xuehong said.

It will be available in October 2007, only four months later than Apple's first-generation iPhone, which is not bad.
You must know that HTC's first smartphone equipped with Google's Android system was launched in October 2008, and now it is a full year ahead of schedule.
Li Feng's gloomy mood became much clearer again, "Mr. Wang, don't worry, my promise keeps my promise. If I have time, I will go and see it in a few days."

At that time, in order to let HTC speed up the research and development progress, Li Feng and Wang Xuehong had an agreement that as long as HTC could launch the first Android smartphone before the end of 2007, Fengrui would give HTC a support worth 1000 million US dollars free of charge, and on this basis, Every few months in advance, HTC will give Fengrui a few more US$500 million.

If HTC can really launch the first smartphone based on Fengrui's Android system in October this year, then HTC will be able to get Fengrui's support of 10 million US dollars, which is not a small amount, and it can almost have HTC's profit for a quarter.

Even with HTC alone, Li Feng is still worried. After all, there are too few mobile phone manufacturers in the Android lineup, and now Li Feng needs the support of more mobile phone manufacturers.

At this time, Li Feng called Sun Zhengyi of Softbank again, because he said that Japan's Sony Ericsson and South Korea's LG mobile phone manufacturers were also very interested in the Android system.

"Old Sun, didn't you say last time that Sony Ericsson and South Korea's LG are also very interested in the Android system? Can you help me make an appointment with the heads of South Korea's LG Group and Sony?"

"Li Jun, I made an appointment for you after I called last time. You can come anytime in the next few days. I will take you to visit when the time comes. I believe they will give me face." Sun Zhengyi said.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Sun." Li Feng said happily.

This is another piece of good news, regardless of whether it is successful or not, it is definitely a good sign. Li Feng's haze has completely disappeared.

Since there is no Sony and LG, the trend of mobile phone intelligence is already unstoppable. In the case of Apple’s mobile phone, the launch of its own iPhone smart phone equipped with the iOS system, and at the same time, the smart phone launched by HTC is equipped with its own Android system, which will definitely go further. Accelerate the development of smartphones.

And Apple's iOS system is completely closed, and it will definitely not be used by Motorola; and Fengrui's Android system, Li Feng will definitely not be used by Motorola, so Motorola's failure is already doomed, even It also includes Nokia, which is now number one in the world, if it is still the same as in the previous life, it will have the same ending.

Perhaps without the Android system, Motorola may learn from Nokia and use the Symbian system, or other systems, but Nokia has told everyone with its own experience that the Symbian system is destined to be short-lived, just to delay their demise
"Leo, I'm really sorry this time!" Larry Page chased him out at this time and said apologetically.

Li Feng smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, I believe you don't want to do this either."

"Yes, Leo, Motorola has significant influence in the global mobile phone market, if they really want to deal with you"

"It's nothing more than boycotting the Android system!" Li Feng was the first to say what Larry Page said later.

Larry Page nodded.

Li Feng smiled and said: "Larry, do you know that there is an idiom in China called "Mantis Arms Dangche", which means that under the wheel of historical development, any resistance is futile. I have strong confidence in the Android system, so I I believe that even Motorola cannot stop the progress of history!"

Larry Page asked suspiciously: "Leo, are you so confident in the Android system? Do you want to know the most critical ecology of the system?"

Li Feng nodded: "Of course, Larry, the ecology is built up bit by bit. I have confidence in Android. I believe that there will be many people willing to develop applications for the Android system. I also believe that this day will not be too far away. You can Will see Edward Zander fail."

Larry Page didn't say anything else. He thought that Li Feng might really be successful, and the Android system might really be as successful as he said, but he didn't think Motorola would fail. What kind of existence is Motorola? He is more clear than Li Feng.

In fact, this kind of thinking is easy to understand. Just like in 2007, someone would tell you that Nokia’s mobile phone business would fall to the bottom and go bankrupt in a few years. Anyone who heard it would feel that this person was talking nonsense.

Is Li Feng an idiot?

Obviously not.

No one knows better than him the future development of mobile phones.

The two returned to the hotel, and after the failed negotiation with Motorola, everyone lost interest in staying in Chicago.

For Li Feng, if he was reborn a few years earlier, he would like to see Michael Jordan's last glory, but with Michael Jordan's retirement, the Chicago Bulls have completely become a small team, and there is nothing to see .

And the future Motorola may be the end of the Bulls today.

PS: Happy New Year!New year and new atmosphere, I wish everyone smooth work and a happy family. The author will update as soon as possible. Please continue to support!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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