Chapter 513

Because Li Feng had transferred from a small island in the Pacific, this time Li Feng did not bring a bodyguard or accompany him. Besides, Sun Zhengyi had already arranged everything in Japan.

It's just that this is the first time that there is no woman around, Li Feng is still a little unaccustomed to it. Before, no matter whether he was in China or going to the United States, at least there was a woman by his side, or a woman was waiting.

And this trip to Japan and South Korea, the only regret is that all the women of Li Feng are not around, so he can only act by himself.

It's just that there are surprises everywhere in life. When Li Feng came out of the airport and was about to find the receptionist arranged by Sun Zhengyi, he suddenly found Song Jiaqiao standing in the airport lobby.

Whatever you want, what a surprise!
Today's Song Jia specially dressed herself up, wearing a brown woolen trench coat, and her good figure made her look like a model walking on a catwalk.

It turned out that Song Jia was quite beautiful. It seemed that this was the first time Li Feng found out that Song Jia was so beautiful. He felt amazed, and he also ran a few steps.

When Song Jia saw Li Feng, she also ran two steps forward, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly, she opened her arms, and hugged Li Feng tightly.

Li Feng naturally sent his own hug.

To be honest, among his several women, Li Feng cared very little for Song Jia. Even when they were working together, it was more about work, and Li Feng often ignored her feelings.

After putting Song Jia down, Li Feng asked happily, "Why are you here?"

Seeing Li Feng so happy, Song Jia was also very happy, "The main thing is that I have nothing to do at the company, so I will come to accompany you..."

Song Jia finally whispered: "I miss you, you won't drive me back again..."

"How could it be? Besides, we haven't been together for a long time alone. This time is just the right time." Li Feng said happily.

"Hmm..." Song Jia also gave Li Feng a big smile.

"Let's go, let's go to the hotel!" Li Feng said with a smile as he was next to Song Jia.

After speaking, Li Feng stopped Song Jia's shoulder, walked out of the airport hall, and left the airport by car.

At this time, Song Jia also explained to Li Feng the reason why Sun Zhengyi didn't come to pick up the plane. It turned out that Song Jia was afraid that Sun Zhengyi would disturb the world between the two of them, so she directly asked Sun Zhengyi's people to go back.

However, Sun Zhengyi is also a caring person, and he has already arranged some in advance. The hotel he arranged is the Tokyo Imperial Hotel with a long history in Japan. It is about 75 kilometers away from Narita Airport.

Li Feng and Song Jia sat in the back seat of the car. Song Jia hugged Li Feng's arm very intimately. Such an intimate gesture was rare in China.

When they were in China, the relationship between Li Feng and Song Jia was seen to be more of a superior-subordinate relationship, and both Li Feng and Song Jia had a bottom line, and never messed up "office romances" in the office. But here is Tokyo, the feeling is naturally different, what should be touched, what should be hugged...

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Feng smiled slightly and took out a beautifully packaged box from his pocket.

"What is this?" Song Jia asked curiously.

Li Feng replied with a smile: "Don't you know if you open it and have a look!"

Song Jia took the gift box from Li Feng's hands, then gave Li Feng a pretty look, and said with a smile, "It's funny."

Even so, Li Feng could still see happiness in Song Jia's eyes.

"Tiffany's earrings!" Song Jia's voice was filled with excitement and a hint of disappointment. In fact, this was the same reaction as most girls.

When most girls see such a gift box, their first reaction is that it should contain a ring. However, Song Jia knows that there may never be such a day between herself and Li Feng, but she still has the nostalgia she should have. !

Carefully taking out the earrings from the box, Song Jia tried it on her ear, and asked Li Feng, "Are you beautiful?"

Li Feng nodded and said: "It's very beautiful. I bought this for you specially. When I saw this pair of earrings, the first person that came to my mind was you. I knew the owner of this pair of earrings at that time. It should be you, and it can only be you!"

This was indeed chosen by Li Feng specially for Song Jia. Of course, Li Feng can't "discriminate" and bought a lot of gifts for Tang Xin and the others.
Moreover, the gift Li Feng bought couldn't be ordinary. Song Jia knew at first glance that this pair of earrings should be a limited edition specially designed by Tiffany and only one in the world!
The meaning represented here is more important than her own monetary value!

Coupled with the love words that every girl likes, Song Jia felt extremely happy at this time, carefully put the earrings into the box, hugged Li Feng's arm, leaned on his shoulder, and murmured: "Thank you! "

Li Feng tilted his head slightly, and the fragrance from Song Jia could be heard. The scenery outside the car window was fleeting. Sometimes, people look for happiness in these subtle places.

However, this sense of happiness was quickly replaced by the irritability caused by traffic jams.

The same is true for Song Jia, she wants to arrive at the hotel as soon as possible than Li Feng at this time.

"Hurry up!" Song Jia urged the driver anxiously.

The pick-up driver, probably an old driver, was not in a hurry, as if he was used to such a traffic jam, and said, "Relax, relax!"

"Hehe!" Li Feng naturally knew why Song Jia was in a hurry. Everyone said that a new marriage is better than a little Bie, but in fact, not all men are anxious.

Song Jia looked at Li Feng with a blushing face, and then said to the driver: "We are in a hurry, so we can't relax!"

Naturally, Li Feng and Song Jia couldn't take a taxi, but a special car arranged by Sun Zhengyi. I don't know how Sun Zhengyi arranged for this driver. The driver's face changed, and he didn't look anxious at all because of Song Jia's urging. He was still slow. Said: "Don't worry, it will be there soon!"

Hearing this, Li Feng suddenly smiled.

Song Jia thought that Li Feng was laughing at herself, her face turned even redder, her left hand made a gesture of twisting fingers, and gently placed it on Li Feng's waist, Li Feng quickly laughed and said, "I'm not laughing at you, but thought of a joke. "

Song Jia blinked her watery eyes, looked at Li Feng and asked, "What joke?"

Li Feng said with a smile: "Let's talk about a Yanjing businessman who went to Thailand to do business. This Yanjing person was still impatient. He got off the plane and got in a taxi. When he was heading to his destination, he happened to catch up with the traffic jam in Bangkok, so he followed The driver got into a dispute, and he urged the driver to drive faster just like you did just now."

"The driver thought he was Japanese, and then said to the businessman in Yanjing in simple Japanese, telling him to calm down."

"However, the Yanjing businessman soon revealed that he is Chinese. Guess what the Thai driver said!"

At this time, "Tai囧" is naturally not released, and Xu Zheng is not yet called Uncle Shan Zheng. At this time, he is studying the script of the new movie with Ning Hao and others in Yanjing.
By the way, didn't Wang Xiao make some "brother film and television" with Xu Zheng and Ning Hao? I don't know what's going on, so I have time to watch it.

Li Feng also quickly turned his attention to Song Jia, and Song Jia didn't know that this was a plot in a movie, and the story Li Feng told was somewhat similar to his current situation, so he asked curiously: "What about that?" What did the driver say?"

Li Feng said with a smile: "The driver said calmly, the Chinese are the most anxious, the Yanjing businessman replied that the Thais are the most imprinted, and the driver asked again, where is China?"

After speaking, Li Feng looked at Song Jia with a smile, and repeated: "Where is China?" But this time it was obviously Li Feng who was asking Song Jia.

Song Jia replied subconsciously: "Yanjing!"

Li Feng suddenly changed the tone of a foreigner speaking Chinese, and said: "Yanjing is even more congested!"

"Pfft!" Song Jia was suddenly amused by Li Feng.

"You're going to be bad!"

In fact, Yanjing is not so congested at this time, and the real congested people still have to wait until the end of the Olympic Games. At that time, Yanjing will usher in a more rapid development period, and Yanjing will also be more congested. traffic.

With Li Feng's jokes, the journey was very pleasant, and the two arrived at the Imperial Hotel very quickly.

As one of the hotels with the most historical thickness in Tokyo, the Imperial City Hotel has always been one of the iconic hotels in Tokyo, and the service here can also be said to be exquisite to the extreme.

In 95, Keanu Reeves and Japanese actor Kitano co-starred in the American film "Defend the Secret", there is such a line: "I want to wear the washed shirt of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo."

Keanu Reeves is known for his preference for the Imperial Hotel, and he improvised the line "Shirts washed at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo" in the film's lines.

In fact, when it comes to the laundry service of the Imperial Hotel, there is another anecdote in the Imperial Hotel.

There was once an elderly man who lived in New York and came to Japan once or twice a year and stayed at the Imperial Hotel.Every time he came, he always brought a large pile of shirts, and immediately handed these shirts to the service desk for washing after checking in.

And this man is actually the designer of the Imperial Hotel, Frank Kate. When a reporter asked him why he brought the clothes to the Imperial Hotel, his answer was also very funny.

"As for why so many shirts are brought to the Imperial Hotel to be laundered, it's because there are no decent laundromats in New York."

In fact, every time he came to the Imperial Hotel, the laundry department would receive piles of shirts, and the staff would enter an extraordinary "war state".

The answer from the person in charge of the laundry department is: "The customer was satisfied in the end and did not ask for rewashing."

He smiled very brightly when he spoke.

Li Feng and Song Jia walked into this century-old hotel arm in arm. After several renovations, the style here has become very modern.

Since Li Feng arrived in Tokyo at night, and Song Jia's arrival, there was no arrangement for a meeting between the two, so Li Feng and Sun Zhengyi agreed to meet tomorrow morning.

In other words, there will be nearly ten hours from now, and no one will disturb them.

Walking in the corridor of the hotel, Li Feng asked Song Jia with a smile: "Do you know what is the biggest difference between a top hotel and an ordinary hotel?"

Song Jia looked at Li Feng ignorantly, and asked curiously, "What is it?"

At this time, the two had arrived at the door of their room. Li Feng opened the door and dragged Song Jia in. Then he slapped Song Jia and said with a smile, "The biggest difference is that the sound insulation effect of top hotels is very good!"

(End of this chapter)

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