Chapter 514
Exercise makes people happy!

It's just that the movement between Li Feng and Song Jia belonged to two people, which meant that he couldn't go to the next room to test his theory.

Facts have also proved that some things still need to be done according to one's ability, so when Li Feng opened his eyes, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning. Calculating the time, he actually didn't sleep for too long.

But already accustomed to the time of the biological clock, Li Feng went to take a bath in his pajamas
When he came out of the bathroom, Li Feng saw where Song Jia was still sleeping on her back, and Li Feng showed a smug smile. Is he still very good?
Although the cattle on the plowing land are a bit tired, the land is indeed suffering too.
So Li Feng didn't wake up Song Jia, and when he walked out of the room, he closed the bedroom door.

First he called for a breakfast service, and then Li Feng began to check some information about his trip to Tokyo.

Although there was Sun Zhengyi's introduction, Li Feng also knew after the trip to the United States that this negotiation will not be so easy. Every consortium has its own development plan, and the plan proposed by him now is to Changing their original development plan is not acceptable to any company.

First of all, Li Feng looked at Sony's information.

In the nearly 30 years since China opened up, the Japanese consortium can be said to be the first to enter the Chinese market, and Sony is the leader among them.

Li Feng still remembers how he wished to have a Sony Walkman when he was in middle school.

Ordinary domestic Walkmans only cost tens of dollars, while a Sony Walkman cost at least hundreds of dollars, which was not a small amount for ordinary Chinese people at that time.

At that time, anyone who could have a Sony Walkman would definitely be the most beautiful kid on the street.

In fact, Sony also grew up with the children born in the [-]s and [-]s in China. First, their Walkman series, and then Sony’s PS game console. At the same time, Sony also acquired Hollywood’s Columbia Pictures. Formed its own Sony Pictures.

This is a truly multinational large-scale enterprise!

In fact, in the 80s, Sony's game business was not their main business. At that time, the leaders of Japan's game industry were still dominated by Nintendo and Sega.

By the way, although Sega looks like a Japanese company, its boss is actually a gringo
However, at the end of the 80s, Sony had already cooperated with Nintendo to jointly develop a CD-ROM host for the Super Nintendo.

It is a pity that Nintendo took the Japanese nature to the extreme, and the May 1992 betrayal of Nintendo betrayed this cooperation.

At that time, Sony’s top person in charge of this project, Ken Kutaragi, made every effort to develop a new generation of game console plan to the then top business decision-maker, Norio Oga. Amidst the waves of opposition, Norio Oga strongly endorsed Ken Kutaragi’s game console development plan. , Beginning in 1993, Sony's "Sony Music Japan" established Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE), and planned to develop a new generation of CD-ROM game consoles code-named "PS-X" to fight against the game market dominated by Nintendo.

This is also the first generation predecessor of the PS series.

In the later period, under the leadership of Ken Kutaragi, this group developed a revolutionary game console in the game industry, the PS series. With the PS series, Sony also defeated its former betrayer Nintendo and another Japanese game company Sega. !
However, after entering the 21st century, the Sony brand began to show weakness in the electronics business.



However, Sony has created a fabulous and glorious history in the past, so it has not lost the favor of consumers because of the temporary downturn in the consumer electronics business.

在2005年08月31日,Asian Integrated Media委托国际调查机构Synovate在亚洲多个国家和地区进行的“2005亚洲1000名最佳品牌”中,索尼2年蝉联第一品牌。

It is also under such a major premise that Sony began to think about change.

At that time, Ericsson Mobile, a subsidiary of the famous European telecommunications giant Ericsson, was losing money year after year.

So two people who were frustrated at the same time started their cooperation. At that time, their mobile phone business was losing money, and it seemed that there was no future for developing the mobile phone business alone, but they were unwilling to give up this "chicken rib", so the two parties put the mobile phone business together. to merge.

This trend became popular for a while, and Siemens then transferred its mobile phone business to BenQ.

Sony and Ericsson cooperated, each holding 50% of the shares, and established a joint venture company, which combined Sony's expertise in audio-visual, product planning and design capabilities, consumer electronics product marketing and brand promotion, and Ericsson's expertise in mobile communication technology, and operators. relationship, network facilities construction, etc., jointly research and develop mobile phone business,

In fact, in the early stage of their cooperation, relying on the profound background accumulated by the two consortiums, Sony Ericsson's mobile phone has indeed become one of the most famous mobile phone brands in the world.

According to media reports this year, Sony Ericsson, together with Samsung, Motorola, and Nokia, has become the world's highest-selling mobile phone brand.

But at this time, it is actually time for the mobile phone industry to experience another reshuffle. With the launch of smart phones, a large number of mobile phone brands will die before they have time to react.

Of course, for this kind of situation, there are probably one and a half people in this world who know about it, and one of them is naturally Li Feng. He believes that there is no one in this world who knows the future of mobile phones better than him. to go.

And the other half is the Steve Jobs who ate apples in the United States.

In fact, sometimes Li Feng really admires Jobs who eats apples. What he makes will always be ahead of the world, whether it is Pixar animation he founded after he was kicked out by Apple, or after returning to Apple. , and a series of products developed with great efforts have become the leaders of this era.

Looking at Sony's report in his hand, Li Feng rubbed his eyebrows. He knew that this would not be an easy negotiation, even with Sun Zhengyi as the middleman.

At this time, Sony mobile phones can also be said to be standing at the top of the mobile phone brand, and Sony is also a dominant presence in electronics. It can beat the whole world, so it is indeed a very difficult task for them to change their plans and join the Fengrui Android Alliance.

However, Li Feng is not too worried about this. Although Sony seems to be powerful, it is actually a strong outsider and a middle-ranked player. If they can't keep up with the trend of the times, their fate will not be much different from your Nokia.

"Are you worried about negotiating with Sony?" At this moment, Li Feng suddenly felt a pair of gentle hands massage his temples.

No matter how you look up, you know it's Song Jia who got up.

As his secretary, Song Jia is the one who knows her business map the most clearly among all the women in her, and her ability is beyond doubt. She can think that this negotiation will not go smoothly, and the same is true for Song Jia.

So Song Jia, who just got up, saw Li Feng rubbing her eyebrows, and knew Li Feng's worry.

At this moment, Song Jia was only wearing a simple white shirt, revealing her slender thighs, which looked fair and attractive under the sunlight.

Li Feng looked at it for a long time before he said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm actually not that worried. Looking at this matter now, we hope to cooperate with Sony, but when you look at it in a few years, we are actually giving Sony Chance!"

Song Jia smiled and said, "Of course I believe it, I have always believed it!"

"I'm more worried now that I can't control myself..." Li Feng laughed, stood up, hugged Song Jia directly from behind the sofa, and said: "Hurry up and change clothes, I ordered the breakfast service, authentic Japanese breakfast , the delivery person will be here in a while, I don't want such a beautiful scenery to be seen by outsiders."

Song Jia sweetly imprinted on Li Feng's face, and then went back to the bedroom to change clothes, but from the walking posture, it can be seen that the plowed land is also a little tired
The most important thing for three meals a day is breakfast, and the Japanese breakfast is very different from the Chinese breakfast, which is very rich, very delicate, and very ceremonial.

In China, a bowl of soy milk and a deep-fried dough stick for breakfast is very satisfying to eat with your legs crossed.

The Japanese have a more sense of ritual, and the dishes are small, rich and delicate.After a breakfast, seven or eighty small dishes are not a problem at all.

In Japan, eating breakfast at home can be said to be an iron rule in the hearts of Chinese people. You can hardly find any small stalls selling breakfast.

Just looking at these side dishes in small plates and small plates will whet your appetite, a piece of tofu, a small plate of salted vegetables, a few slices of fruit, a handful of shredded lettuce... No matter the quantity and type or even the presentation, they are all delicious. Infects the minds of diners.

This is not for the sense of ritual, but it really comes from the cooker's intentions. This kind of meticulousness also completes the balanced nutrition of the whole meal.

So Li Feng and the others worked hard for an hour to finish this breakfast. Although it was a bit of a list, it was really delicious.

Not long after Li Feng and Song Jia had a hearty breakfast, Sun Zhengyi arrived at the hotel.

After the two met, they naturally exchanged pleasantries. Sun Zhengyi was the first shareholder to invest in Li Feng. Although Sun Zhengyi lost his investment because of the gambling agreement, he also lost a lot of shares in Fengrui Technology.

However, this was just a commercial contest between the two parties and did not affect their friendship.

In fact, there are many kinds of business competitions. Although shopping malls are like battlefields, not all competitions are life and death.

This is why Sun Zhengyi acted as the middleman and helped Li Feng contact Sony and LG!
Sun Zhengyi's identity is actually quite interesting. There are many reports that Sun Zhengyi's ancestral home is Putian, Fujian, and the ancestors of the Sun family came from Putian, Fujian, China during the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

After many migrations to the Korean Peninsula, Sun Zhengyi’s grandfather Sun Zhongqing’s generation, the Sun family moved from Daegu in the southeast of the Korean Peninsula to Kyushu, Japan. Sun Zhengyi’s ancestors were Chinese who immigrated to the Korean Peninsula. Sun Zhengyi was born in Tosu, Saga Prefecture, Japan City, is the third generation of Korean-Japanese who settled in Japan, and Masayoshi Son has settled in Japan for three generations.

Masayoshi Son said: "My family's Son family is different from the inherent Son family of the Korean nation. My ancestral home belongs to the same root as the Han nationality's Son family."

Perhaps it is because his grandparents have Korean blood, so Sun Zhengyi has also inherited some Korean habits, but this habit obviously has not been perfectly inherited.

Sun Zhengyi claimed to be from the family of Sun Wu, a famous military strategist in the Spring and Autumn Period. He moved from China to North Korea, to Sun Zhengyi's grandparents, and from Daegu, South Korea to Kyushu, Japan.

The descendants moved to Korea and then settled in Japan.

Masayoshi Son has settled in Japan for three generations.His family said: "The Son family is different from the Son family inherent in the Korean nation. My ancestral home belongs to the same root as the Son family of the Han nationality." In the late 1980s, the Son family was still not a Japanese citizen.

His Japanese wife took his surname Sun.After her marriage, the law recognized her new surname, and Sun Zhengyi became a Japanese citizen without changing her traditional Japanese surname. It was not until 1991 that Sun Zhengyi officially "naturalized" as a Japanese and had the Japanese surname "Amben". ".

Anyway, when Sun Zhengyi reached the pinnacle of his life, Japan, South Korea, and some Chinese people said that Sun Zhengyi was from his own country.

And Sun Zhengyi also played tricks on his own identity, "both sides have a source", anyway, that identity is beneficial to him, so he took out that identity and used it.

But after all, this is Sun Zhengyi's personal matter, and it is impossible for Li Feng to say anything, so he can only despise it a little.

The two also chatted for a while, and then under the leadership of Sun Zhengyi, they went to Sony's headquarters!
(End of this chapter)

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