Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 529 Who will sell and keep? !

Chapter 529 Who will sell and keep? ! (Pleading subscription support!)
Judging from the way Li Feng and Liu Zhiping work, they are really a perfect pair,

Li Feng is the chairman and CEO, while Liu Zhiping is the president of the group. One is responsible for formulating strategies and the other is responsible for implementing strategies. The close cooperation between the two also ensures the rapid development of Fengrui.
It can also be regarded as "mutual achievement", and Li Feng also has more time to enjoy life, "talking about love", "drinking tea and sleeping", and Liu Zhiping also enjoys the pleasure of power, leading the entire Fengrui Group, can It is said that "under one person, above ten thousand people".

In fact, strictly speaking, the two of them are doing the work of one person, especially in Internet companies, where the CEO is the president. It is rare for Fengrui to set up a separate president.

And this is mainly because of Li Feng, on the one hand, in order to enjoy life better, make up for the regrets of his previous life, don't live so tired,

On the other hand, it is also because Li Feng's own management ability is limited. Even Li Feng has improved a lot in this life, but it is indeed a bit difficult for him to stay in the company all day long.
He is more suitable for grasping the company's development strategy. Besides, Li Feng only needs to say a lot of things, and Liu Zhiping can best implement them in place.

As for Liu Zhiping, he understands finance and management, and is a super management talent. His only flaw is his grasp of the company's strategy, which can be seen from his experience of three business failures, and Liu Zhiping is also very aware of this, so he is also Very cooperative with Li Feng,

And Fengrui's development directly proved this point, the two are really compatible!
This is not a plan for dealing with Facebook shares, and it was quickly formulated with the cooperation of the two.

After finishing the Facebook matter, Li Feng turned his attention to the "sale of investment shares" again.

"Zhiping, the 46 companies just now, in addition to the Facebook, Ali, Baidu, and Focus we have already mentioned, there are other companies, um, you don't need to talk about them all, since they are all entrepreneurs, let's say that the valuation can go up Tens of millions of dollars." Li Feng said.

Although Li Feng and Fengrui have invested in many companies, they are still in the development stage of the A and B rounds of venture capital, and it is still a bit early for the time to go public.

"These 46 companies are divided into listed and non-listed companies. As I said just now, only two companies, Baidu and Focus Media, are listed. The remaining 2 companies are all non-listed companies, including Alibaba, which is about to go public;

If it is divided by region, domestic and foreign are basically divided equally, there are 24 domestic companies, a little more, and 22 foreign companies, most of which are concentrated in the United States..." Liu Zhiping reported in detail this time, and many data have been printed in his head,
"The valuation is tens of millions of dollars. If I remember correctly, the companies we invest in are basically worth tens of millions of dollars. Domestic, Autohome, Dianping, Douban...

Overseas LinkedIn, Twitter, game company Valve, Steam platform, as well as Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technology Company (SpaceX) and Tesla, etc., all have tens of millions of dollars, and some even hundreds of millions of dollars . "

Then Liu Zhiping took out a small notebook and checked it again, "Well, yes, it's tens of millions of dollars. The main reason is that the boss has a good vision and you choose companies with development potential." Liu Zhiping finally He even took a small flattery.

"So many!" Li Feng was a little surprised. He never thought that he had already invested in so many Internet companies. If these companies can grow up and reach the height of the previous life, then Fengrui will be the "half of the world's Internet" up!

But the future is the future, and the present is the present. Who can say what will happen in the future? "A genius who hasn't grown up is not a genius." Even Teng Xun can be wiped out. Li Feng now focuses more on the present.

However, when it comes to the sale of shares, not only the current value, but also the future value must be considered. Li Feng also carefully calculated with Liu Zhiping.

"Facebook, we're done with it; Ali, Baidu, Focus, let's put these aside first, let's talk about other companies one by one now, you introduce the situation, I will make the final decision, let's start with the domestic ones first! "Li Feng nodded.

"Then let's talk about first. It is now the largest local information classification website in China. Its main business is renting houses. The owner is Yao Jinbo, who also has a technical background. The current valuation is roughly 2000 to 3000 million US dollars. We hold 20% of the shares. ,

And its main competitor now is We have also invested in this website, but it holds 10% of the shares, and the valuation is roughly 1000-2000 million US dollars..." Liu Zhiping said in detail, not only explaining their background, Even the current market competition situation has also been said.

Liu Zhiping didn’t say anything, but he never thought that he had invested in two websites that were both rivals. Li Feng was delighted to hear that. He invested in both websites. The only thing he could be sure of was that he definitely made money. Like table tennis players entering the final, the Chinese team will definitely win a gold medal.

What Liu Zhiping said just now was very detailed and objective. He was afraid that his subjective opinion would affect Li Feng's judgment, but when Li Feng heard the name, he knew it in his heart, so he asked casually: "Zhiping, what do you think of the two? Who will win in the end?"

Liu Zhiping thought this was Li Feng's test of himself, and after careful consideration, he said seriously:

"I personally prefer, not only because it currently has the upper hand, but mainly because I have contacted the founders of two companies. The main reason is that Yao Jinbo of feels more comfortable and reliable to me, and Yang Hao of more utilitarian,
We can see from the time when Fengrui invested in the shares, he only raised 10% of the shares, which shows that he is more utilitarian, and wants to wait for the development in the future before financing, so that he can earn more. In the most dangerous entrepreneurial stage of the enterprise. "

Li Feng just asked casually, but Liu Zhiping did not expect to give an answer. It seems that he has put in a lot of effort.

It’s just that whoever sells who stays, Li Feng also hesitated. If I remember correctly, the two companies in the previous life were fighting to the death, but they merged in the end, with 58 as the main body of the merger. It can also be said that 58 won in the end. .

But now they are still relatively small, only worth a few thousand dollars. If they sell them now, it doesn't make much sense, and they won't make much money, and once the shares are sold, they will definitely introduce other investment institutions.

Since it can't be sold, then it won't be sold. Li Feng also quickly decided, "Let's keep these two companies, but what you just said is right, in fact, I am more optimistic about, mainly because we have more shares in it. If we cooperate in the future, we can give priority to supporting”

In fact, Li Feng did not choose to support 58 Tongcheng because 58 Tongcheng was the final winner in his previous life. It is because Fengrui has a lot of shares in 58 Tongcheng.

With Li Feng's current status in the domestic Internet, let whoever he wants to win win, and directly import the traffic of YY and Renren, whoever wins,

Even Li Feng can learn from the previous Tengxun's "Mountain Race Dafa" and directly make one by himself to destroy them all, but Li Feng doesn't bother to do so,

He pays more attention to the market of hundreds of billions of trillions. As for these tens of billions of dollars, let others do it. You can't "eat your own meat and don't give soup to others", it is easy to become a "public enemy", and Li Feng doesn't want to be in his previous life Teng Xun, although the strength is very good, but the reputation is not very good.

After talking about, Liu Zhiping went on to say, "Dianping is also a local life information and trading platform, but unlike, it is now mainly focused on the catering industry. There are currently no other competitors. It has not been developed, I don’t know if it is because the catering industry has limited space!”

The current Dianping is also lukewarm, but Li Feng knows that the Internet will have great potential in the catering industry in the future. There are group buying, takeaway... and many giants have been born, such as Wang Xing's "Meituan" in the previous life, Zhang Xuhao's "Hungry what",
It's just that the mobile Internet has not yet arrived, and even Wang Xing is still studying abroad. Thinking of this, Li Feng hasn't seen Wang Xing for a long time. I don't know what this kid is doing, how he will start a new business in the future, and what he will do ?
Li Feng thought for a while, then turned his head away, and returned to "Dianping".

"Car House,..."

"Keep it!"


"Keep it!"

"Traveling on the same journey,..."

"Keep it!"


"Keep it!"

"Keep it!"

"Keep it!"


Why do I keep it for a long time, and I have to sell a few, who should I choose?
Seeing that Li Feng couldn't make a decision right away, Liu Zhiping suggested, "Boss, why don't we study foreign countries as well, and then you can think about it."

"Well, let's not do anything in China for now, let's keep them for now. Shall we study those foreign-invested companies?" Li Feng looked to see if there were any companies in foreign countries that were "great now, but they will die later".

It’s just a disappointment to Li Feng. Overseas companies are LinkedIn, Twitter, Valve, Steam, SpaceX, Tesla… Such awesome high-quality companies, let alone selling them, whether they can invest in the future is a problem.

So who will sell and who will keep?For a while, Li Feng didn't know what to do, he was a little troubled by happiness!

"Yes! Why do you have to sell it!"

Li Feng suddenly figured it out, these are high-quality companies, they must have been carefully selected by him in the past, and they are still relatively weak now, when the price is the most cost-effective, they must not be sold.

If you really want to sell, you should sell those companies that have grown up. It seems that you have to work hard to get listed companies in the end!I really can't get out of the alley.

Li Feng also said to Liu Zhiping: "Let's keep those companies that are not listed, and if possible, they can increase investment, but there is no need to increase in the last six months. I guess they will come to the door next year."

Li Feng did not forget to use this "financial crisis" to make some more money in the end, and Liu Zhiping had already seen from Li Feng's various signs that Li Feng would make big moves this year and next year, but he believed in Li Feng and would not say anything.

"It seems that we have to sell the big company in the end, bleeding from Baidu and Focus!" Li Feng sighed and motioned for Liu Zhiping to introduce the situation.

"Baidu is a listed company. We have 8% of the shares. Based on the current market value of Baidu of nearly 8 billion U.S. dollars (more than before), it is worth about [-] million U.S. dollars.
It’s just that we still have a board seat in Baidu. If we want to keep our board seat, the shares should not be less than 5%. "Liu Zhiping explained.

"Okay, let's keep 5% and sell the 3% of the shares, but let's say hello to Li Yanhong from Baidu in advance." Li Feng said.

"Focus Media, we have 10% of the shares, based on the current market value of Focus Media of nearly 50 billion U.S. dollars (also appreciated), it is worth about 5 million U.S. dollars;
We also have a board seat in Focus. Like Baidu, if we want to keep our board seat, the shares should not be less than 5%. "Liu Zhiping said.

"Focus Media! I have to think about this..."

If Li Feng remembers correctly, Focus Media should belong to a company that is "very awesome now, but will have diarrhea in the future", and not only it, but all media companies will be impacted after the advent of the mobile Internet!
So Li Feng thought about it for a while, and made a decision directly: "Focus Media, it doesn't matter, cash out all, don't need to keep anything!"

"Ah!" Liu Zhiping didn't expect Li Feng to be so tough this time, and he was taken aback, "Boss, this is really all for sale! Do you still need to communicate with Focus's Jiang Nanchun?"

Now that Focus Media is booming, and has taken major competitors such as Juzhong Media and Frame Media under its umbrella through mergers and acquisitions, it can be said to be very prosperous, and its market value has repeatedly hit new highs. Liu Zhiping is also a little bit reluctant to part with this "big baby". .

"No need to think about it, no need to communicate, just sell it!" Li Feng said domineeringly.

In the era of mobile Internet, who is the largest media company, there is no doubt that it must be Fengrui, I have "connection" and "content", if the Android system is successful, who can challenge themselves, no, who dares to challenge themselves, This is Li Feng's confidence.

It’s been a long time since I saw Li Feng so domineering, so much so that Liu Zhiping forgot that Li Feng is also a bad tempered person. He also nodded, and finally asked: “Then Ali, especially now that Ali’s B2B Alibaba is about to list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. listing?"

Ali? !That's a thing!

This is undoubtedly the best investment among all Li Feng's investment companies.

With Ma Yun's father's ability to tell stories, Alibaba's listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will definitely skyrocket this time, but with Ali's personality, it will definitely plummet later.

The previous life seemed to be during this time in 07. Relying on Ma Yun's "three-inch tongue", Alibaba's road show was very good, and it was oversubscribed by institutional investors by more than 50 times. After Alibaba went public, it skyrocketed. The stock rose from 13.5 Hong Kong dollars to 39.5 Hong Kong dollars, and the highest market value directly reached 280 billion U.S. dollars, which was the sum of Baidu and Tengxun at that time. Ali also successfully raised 15 billion U.S. dollars.

And not only the listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange this time, but also the entire group company of Alibaba after it was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 14, it also plummeted after a sharp rise.

So, sometimes it really is better to "talk" than "do"!Not convinced!

This time Ali's B2B listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is a good opportunity, but Li Feng is reluctant to part with Fengrui's shares in the entire Ali Group. C2C Taobao and B2C Tmall!

It's just that "you can't have both", not to mention that Ma Yun has always wanted to drive herself out of Ali. It would be great if there was a way to get the best of both worlds. It does not affect Fengrui's shares in the entire Ali.

When Li Feng was thinking hard about Ali, Liu Zhiping suddenly suggested: "Boss, actually don't worry about Ali, or Baidu or something. These are all small money. If you really want to make money, there is a better way!"

"any solution?"


"IPO?! Who will go public, Fengrui Technology? Isn't this time we are financing, so who is going to go public?"

"I'm not talking about Fengrui Technology, I'm talking about..." Liu Zhiping made a fool of himself at this time.

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(End of this chapter)

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