Chapter 530 Banned! (Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly pass! Please recommend!)

Listing is the process in which a company issues additional shares to investors through the stock exchange for the first time in order to raise funds for corporate development.

But the essence of its listing is actually a kind of financing, but it directly faces investors, and because of this, is it easier to collect money by going public!After all, all investors are destined to be "harvested leeks".

So Li Feng also understood what Liu Zhiping meant, but he didn't know how Liu Zhiping would do it, but at this time, Liu Zhiping still played it off as a joke.

However, Liu Zhiping didn't keep Li Feng waiting for a long time. After a little joke, he explained: "Boss, you should also know that the financing is not as much as the listing financing."

This is for sure, otherwise there would not be so many companies seeking to go public for financing. It’s just that Fengrui can’t go public right now. Li Feng also asked puzzledly:

"However, Zhiping, you also know that I don't want Fengrui to go public now. I think it will be listed in 12 when Fengrui's [-]th anniversary is celebrated. What do you mean? How do you do it?"

It turns out there are things you don't know!Liu Zhiping smiled, and then said: "Boss, Fengrui is not listed, but the companies under Fengrui can be listed!"

"You mean to let the following companies go public independently?" Li Feng understood a little bit.

"Yes, that's what I meant. We Fengrui cannot go public, but there are many companies under our company that can go public.

For example: the game portal 17173, the game trading website 5173, and the game platform Haofang, all of which can be listed independently, or can be packaged into a game company and listed as a whole.

Another example: Zhou Hongyi's 360, 360 Guard, 360 Antivirus, and the Rising and Kingsoft antivirus software we acquired can also be packaged into a company and listed as a whole.

Another example: Fengying Group, our theater company "Fengying United Cinema", film and television production company "Tangren Film and Television", special effects company "Digital Field", animation company "Penguin Animation", and Hengdian Film City shares, shares of Bona Films,

They are all integrated into Fengying Group, and they can even be listed on the domestic A-share market. Wasn’t Huayi Company planning to list on the domestic A-share market some time ago? Although Fengying Group still lacks a film and television production company, our industrial chain is complete. , must be higher than Huayi!
There are many such companies under Fengrui, such as "Fengyin Group" mainly based on YY Music, "Fengyue Group" mainly based on starting point... All of them can be independent or packaged for listing, and the profits are absolutely maximized. ! "Liu Zhiping explained.

I didn’t expect that I would “look for a donkey while riding a donkey”. It turns out that I already have such companies that can be listed. If I can successfully list all these companies, I will really make a lot of money, and just look at these listed companies. No matter how strong Feng Rui is, maybe he can become the "richest man" Dangdang.

It's just that Liu Zhiping doesn't know the real purpose of his financing this time. Fengrui is not short of money. Li Feng just wants to raise more funds before the financial crisis, and then make a lot of money during the financial crisis, and then invest after the financial crisis ,
This is how things work, but after the company goes public, its finances are disclosed. Once you do this, it is easy to be seen by interested people, which will not only affect your follow-up investment, but also affect your external image.
Although Li Feng himself doesn't care about his image, Fengrui is different. When you are a small company, you can "sneak chickens and dogs".

Moreover, Fengrui and these companies are also high-quality companies. They have to wait until the mobile Internet to reach the peak. It is not suitable to go public now, and it is estimated that the time is not urgent.
Li Feng also asked casually, "Zhiping, if we really want to operate a company to go public, let's say Zhou Hongyi's 360, if I let you operate it, how long will it take you?"

Liu Zhiping also thought about it for a while before he said seriously: "Boss, you know, listing is very troublesome. You have to find an exchange first, and you have to contact an underwriter, plus roadshows and other procedures. Moreover, our company is currently Without a professional team, it would take at least a year."

"The time is a little too long. I need money, but it must be in place before the end of 07." Then Li Feng explained to Liu Zhiping a little bit, "It's not that I need money, but actually I need money from the Yunfeng Fund in the United States. , it will have a major investment this year and next year, if it succeeds, we will probably not be short of money for Fengrui in the future.”

Liu Zhiping knew that Li Feng was making a big move, so he also guessed that it was Yunfeng Fund's business, because Yunfeng Fund had provided Fengrui with financial support when Fengrui was fighting with Tengxun last time, and after Fengrui acquired Tencent , The money was transferred to "Fengrui X Laboratory".

"Well, boss, I know, I will do a good job of cooperating, but if the listing fails, where do you plan to get more money, just relying on Fengrui's financing?" Liu Zhiping questioned.

The problem is back again, although the more money the better, but this is a financial crisis, so it doesn’t matter how much it is. It is estimated that Guangfengrui’s financing will be enough, not to mention the sale of shares of Baidu and Focus. As for the shares of Ali , how to do it? !

Li Feng also thought about it, and said to Liu Zhiping: "Alibaba's B2B listing this time is an excellent opportunity to cash out. You can ask Ma Yun if we can cash out Alibaba's B2B shares.

But there is a condition that our shares in Ali Group cannot be changed, and if Ali repurchases B2B shares in the future, we Fengrui can also repurchase them together. We must remember this.
If Ma Yun agrees, then we will cash out; if he does not agree, then our shares in Ali will not move. "

"Okay, boss, it seems that you value Ali's C2C Taobao and B2C Tmall more, by the way, boss, when it comes to B2C, we have always forgotten to mention Jingdong, which you invested in! has been doing well recently, especially after its subsidiary Cainiao Logistics was launched, it has been sought after by sellers. However, the investment community is still skeptical of an asset-heavy Internet company like If it really wants to raise money, Estimated valuation is not high. "Liu Zhiping said.

Facebook and, these two companies are quite special. They were all invested by Li Feng personally, and Li Feng and Lu Lu had not established Yunfeng Fund at that time, so Liu Zhiping and the others also treated these two companies specially.

It’s just that’s development speed is a bit too slow compared with the “flying into the sky” Facebook, and it is different from ordinary Internet companies. It is “heavy assets”. It buys land and cars, builds logistics and warehouses, and many People don't understand it, not even the investment community understands it.

If others don't understand, it's fine for Li Feng to understand. Moreover, Li Feng is wishing that others don't understand. When they really understand, it is probably the time when will "fly into the sky".

However, if Liu Zhiping hadn't mentioned, Li Feng would have almost forgotten it. It seems that after's two rounds of financing, he already owns 44% of's shares, and he can still be regarded as's major shareholder!

Moreover, Li Fengzhi hasn't seen Liu Qiangdong for a long time since the last Fengrui Openers Conference. He "repayed his kindness" by giving back to Liu Qiangdong, and when Liu Qiangdong got married, Li Feng also gave him a big gift "an interest-free loan worth 1 million yuan".

It’s just that some people take advantage of it, and some people are unlucky. The only unlucky one is Ali’s Ma Yun. Not only did he become a shareholder of Ali, he also took Alipay, and even gave Ali’s “Cainiao Logistics” to

If Ma Yun knew that these should belong to Ali, she wouldn't go crazy in the end!

Li Feng and Liu Zhiping talked all morning, and they didn't settle everything until they had lunch at noon.

After finishing everything, Li Feng finally told Liu Zhiping: "Zhiping, it's up to you now, you can let go of other things first, the key now is to prepare for the Fengrui Openers Conference!"

"Okay, boss, it's okay, don't worry!" Liu Zhiping also nodded, "By the way, boss, I suddenly remembered something. Tang Jun from Sheng Tianqiao has resigned. Now he finds me and wants to join Fengrui? You how about?"

Tang Jun joined Fengrui? !
I didn't expect Fengrui to be really popular, and everyone wanted to take the initiative to join.

It’s just that Li Feng, who has always liked super talents, has a different view on Tang Jun this time. Although Tang Jun has some skills, this person is too publicized and self-confident, and he is very good at using the media to hype, just like an Internet celebrity.
Before Tang Jun joined Fengrui, he publicly stated to Li Feng in the media, "I can make Sheng Tianqiao the richest man in China, and I can also make Li Feng the richest man in the world!"

Damn, I don't need to do anything now, just wait for the arrival of the mobile Internet, and I will definitely be the richest man in the world in the future, do I still need you to achieve it!

And the same thing, Tang Jun also said to Chen Fashu, the founder of New Huadu, in his previous life, it seems that Sheng Tianqiao became the richest man in China because of his ability;
What's more, Tang Jun's "education school" has problems in personal morality, and Li Feng doesn't want such a "time bomb" in his team.

"I don't like him, and my Fengrui doesn't welcome this kind of person!" Li Feng directly refused,

Moreover, Li Feng thought about it and felt that it was not enough, so he said to Liu Zhiping, "You can find someone to talk to Tang Jun, and let him stop hyping me and my Fengrui in the future, or I will block him!"

block? !
How to block it? !
Entertainment stars can be blocked, but how to block an entrepreneur?
When Liu Zhiping was at a loss, Li Feng explained: "If he talks nonsense again, I will block him. If he joins that company, Fengrui will not cooperate with that company!"

It turns out that this is called banning, Li Feng does have the strength to do so!

(End of this chapter)

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