Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 531 Ma Huateng's new goal

Chapter 531 Ma Huateng's new goal (Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly pass! Please recommend!)

Ma Huateng was sitting on the sofa, with a stack of documents on the coffee table in front of him, and his right-hand man Zeng Liqing was sitting next to him.

Seeing Ma Huateng's uncertain expression, Zeng Liqing was filled with emotion.

I don’t know if I don’t check. I’m shocked when I check. After they investigate Li Feng’s situation in North America, they realize that Li Feng has made so many investments in North America, and they are all high-quality investments. This makes people can’t help I sigh whether it is Li Feng's good luck, or his unique vision has reached a terrifying level, it is indeed a bit scary!
"pony, these are Li Feng's investments in North America. I think LinkedIn is a good company. This software is suitable for work and also includes social applications." Zeng Liqing suggested.

Ma Huateng picked up an introduction about LinkedIn on the table. This company, established in 2002, was also invested by Li Feng with 1000 million US dollars, accounting for 10% of the shares!

After looking at it for a while, Ma Huateng shook his head and said: "This company is not suitable. Although they seem to have social attributes, in the final analysis, they are still a job recruitment company with a limited ceiling. They want to use this as the basis to fight against Li Feng. Fengrui, it is almost impossible!"

Zeng Liqing knew that his boss was very angry now. He didn't want to defeat Li Feng in one aspect at all, but wanted to defeat Li Feng in all aspects. Now they just wanted to find a basic way to revitalize all of them.

"What about the space exploration technology (Space X)?" Zeng Liqing continued to ask.

Ma Huateng didn't even pick up the company's information this time, shook his head with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, such a company is impossible in China, and our identity cannot be supported abroad. !"

Everyone knows that space technology will also be an important strategic development direction in the future, but domestic policies will not allow such companies to be born.

Zeng Liqing thought for a while, and it was indeed the case, then picked up a document on the table, and said: "Tesla, electric vehicles, with the change of new energy sources in the future, I believe Tesla should have a very good one. Prospects!"

Ma Huateng nodded, expressing his agreement with Zeng Liqing's suggestion, but then shook his head and said: "Although the prospect of electric vehicles is good, the current technology is still immature. If you want to make this industry bigger, it will take ten years." The time is impossible, we can't wait for such a long time!"

Ma Huateng agrees with the technology of electric vehicles, but it is precisely because of his approval that he has a more detailed look at Tesla's information, so he understands that there is still a long way to go before this technology can be truly used commercially. There is a way to go.

"Moreover, this technology will be an extremely expensive project, and the effect will not be seen in a short time. It is not suitable for our current situation!" In the end, Ma Huateng still rejected this suggestion.

"Steam, it's a game platform. Li Feng started his business with games, so we can too!" Zeng Liqing continued to suggest.

Ma Huateng tapped his hand on the table, obviously thinking about the possibility, after a long time, Ma Huateng shook his head again, and said: "No, the environment of the domestic game industry is different from the previous few years, and I studied over Steam,

If you want to do it in China, you must have powerful social software as a carrier. Simply copying it is easy to fail, not to mention that you need to spend money from game companies, and now the largest game company in China is Fengrui. Game agents will not join in so easily. "

Hearing this, Zeng Liqing actually thought about which investment his boss was optimistic about.


Sure enough, before Zeng Liqing suggested, Ma Huateng himself said, "Among Li Feng's investments, I am most optimistic about Twitter. This software not only has social attributes, but also has certain media attributes, and the user's stickiness is also high. Very solid!"

Now that Ma Huateng has made a decision, Zeng Liqing naturally has no objection, and said: "Then we will be the Twitter of the United States?"

Ma Huateng stood up, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looked at the night scene outside the window, was busy with traffic, feasted and feasted, and said, "Well, that's it!"

"I didn't expect to defeat Fengrui, I just occupied a bridgehead in the social area first, accumulated a certain user relationship, and one day we can introduce our new products through it, and then enter the social field, just like Fengrui passed the Renren is the same as connecting YY!"

Now Ma Huateng has thousands of ups and downs in his heart. Although many people are willing to say that Ma Huateng is a bigwig in women's clothing, but if there is no domineering entrepreneur, how can Ma Huateng make Tencent a world-class company in another time and space? Woolen cloth?

"Then should we think of our own name for Twitter?" Zeng Liqing said, since we want to be China's Twitter, we must choose a name that suits China's national conditions!
Ma Huateng turned around and said, "Do you have a good name? What is it called? It's called "Twitter" in Chinese. It doesn't sound good! "饭不"? Have you eaten yet? It doesn't sound good either! But this There is no rush, we can think slowly."

"By the way, when will Li Feng's Sharp Openers Conference be held?"

The Fengrui Openers Conference has now become a grand event in the national business circle. Although Ma Huateng has shown contempt for it, he has always paid close attention to Fengrui. After all, Li Feng is his biggest opponent. How could he not Pay attention to the latest movements of your enemies.

Zeng Liqing immediately replied: "April 4! It will be in a few days."

At this time, Ma Huateng was no longer reserved, and thought for a while and said: "When the time comes to get two invitation letters, let's go and have a look in private!"

Zeng Liqing said: "Understood!"

Ma Huateng has found his goal, while Ma Yun has also completed his road show. During this time, Ma Yun is basically negotiating with investment institutions or negotiating with investment institutions. on the way.

Today I finally ended my last meeting with an investment institution.

At this time, Ma Yun was reclining on the sofa, looking a little tired, sitting next to him was also his capable man and most trusted business partner Cai Chongxin!

Cai Chongxin looked at the somewhat tired Ma Yun and said with a smile: "Now all institutions have basically reached a consensus that they will use 50 times the pledged amount for Alibaba's listing platform. How do you think you are not so happy?"

Ma Yun said with a wry smile: "Chongxin, do you know that my mood is actually very complicated now, as long as Alibaba goes public, I will naturally understand the benefits, but the listing of Alibaba also means that he has officially entered the In the capital market, there will definitely be countless challenges waiting for us in the future!"

Cai Chongxin said with a smile: "I'm not as worried as you. If a company wants to succeed and grow bigger, going public is an indispensable link. As for the challenges facing Alibaba, even if we don't go public, don't we? Isn't there a challenge?"

Ma Yun said: "I know all of this. It's just talking to these capitals every day, which makes me a little tired. I really hope to find a time in the future to have a good rest. There are no such troubles, and there is no intrigue in the mall. Find a In a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, it is best to have a few more obedient children and give them lectures or something."

Cai Chong said: "Rural teacher?"

"Country teacher?" Ma Yun repeated, and said with a smile, "Country teachers are pretty good!"

After speaking, both of them laughed. With the listing of Alibaba, it is impossible for Ma Yun to become a rural teacher, but it does not mean that she cannot make some contributions to her own interests.

After laughing, Ma Yun said to Cai Chongxin: "By the way, Li Feng's Sharp Openers Conference will be held soon!"

"Yes, April 4, the day before our listing!" Cai Chongxin nodded.

During the road show during this period, Cai Chongxin has been with Ma Yun all the time. Almost every investment institution that sees Ma Yun will tell Ma Yun about Li Feng. Uncomfortable, for Ma Yun, Li Feng is like a big mountain in front of him, making him very uncomfortable.

"Will there be a live broadcast of the Sharp Openers Conference?"

"Not sure, but I'll figure it out!"

"At that time, we can't miss it. Anyway, Li Feng is now a leader in the domestic technology field. From his Fengrui conference, we can see a lot of plans for the future. This is also a very important event for Alibaba. things."

Cai Chongxin nodded, and said, "Understood, I have already arranged it, and we can watch it here directly when the time comes!"


In the private sanatorium in the United States, Sheng Tianqiao's health is getting better and better. Cheng Danian is sitting next to Sheng Tianqiao at this time, talking about something with a smile.

"Tang Jun has officially resigned and is about to join Fengrui!"

"Let's just go, it's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, we can't force her to stay!"

"It's just that Li Feng didn't want him, so he was directly kicked out by Li Feng, and Li Feng has already let go. If Tang Jun still messes around, he will block his company and the company he invested in in the industry. It seems that Li Feng still I really despise him, obviously Tang Jun suffered a big loss this time!"

Sheng Tianqiao didn't care about Cheng Danian's happiness, just smiled and said: "Forget it, there is no need to care about such people anymore. What I am more interested in now is Li Feng's Fengrui Openers Conference. I heard that this year there are many Major foreign companies have sent people to participate, it seems that Li Feng has made another big move!"

Cheng Danian knew his elder brother, although he always said to let go, but he was still unwilling to be defeated by Li Feng at the beginning. If there is anyone who makes Sheng Tianqiao care most now, then Li Feng must be ranked first.

"Yes, it will start soon, and then we can watch the live broadcast from the US side!"

Sheng Tianqiao nodded and said, "Well, remember to remind me when the time comes!"

"rest assured!"


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(End of this chapter)

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