Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 538 Reaction of the Parties

Chapter 538 Reaction of the Parties
With the release of the first Android smart phone, Fengrui's main keynote speech at the [-]rd Open Developers Conference ended here, and the scene once again burst into warm applause.

At this time, Ma Huateng also stood up and said to Zeng Liqing: "Li Qing, although Li Feng's strategy is long and grand, his energy must be limited, and this may be our opportunity now!"

"pony, what do you mean?" Zeng Liqing asked subconsciously.

"I mean, Li Feng must be focusing on his Android mobile system now, and he has no time to take care of Fengrui's other fields, and this gives us the opportunity to 'take advantage of', and we can start to launch our "Twittered"."

Ma Huateng explained, and then he continued: "Also, although Li Feng doesn't care about this, it is very important to us. This may be the bridgehead for us to counterattack Feng Rui in the future. We don't have many opportunities. We must Work hard to get it right, just like the YY, Haofang, bat network management and other products prepared when Fengrui defeated us last time, we must keep some cards in the future.”

After Ma Huateng finished speaking, Zeng Liqing understood, because he was too worried about his memory. When he confronted Fengrui for the first time, Fengrui's "sea, land and air" product matrix really made Tencent lose his mind.

Zeng Liqing also nodded quickly, "Okay, pony, I will arrange it with Ma Shan."

After Ma Huateng arranged all this, he turned around again to look at the scene of Fengrui's Openers Conference, and then turned and left with Zeng Liqing.

And Ma Yun, who is far away in the United States, also said to Cai Chongxin: "Li Feng's heart is really big, but let's close our own business now, let's talk about the success of Alibaba's B2B listing first!"

Sheng Tianqiao, who is also in the United States, also nodded to Cheng Danian, but he didn't say anything, but his eyes were full of envy,
He thought about entering the content industry, social networking, e-commerce, video sites, literature, payment...

But he never thought about entering the operating system, he didn't even dare to think about it, but Li Feng dared, and Li Feng really did something he never thought about!
The launch of the Android system also aroused strong repercussions from various media at home and abroad, and most of the media reported positively:

"Fengrui has a heart of technological innovation, talk about Fengrui's innovation from the Android system!", its own media, must be desperately bragging!
"What exactly is the Fengrui Android mobile operating system?" Sina News.

"The impact of the Android mobile operating system on our future?"

Many traditional TV and newspaper media have also given high praise to the "Android System" launched by Fengrui this time, but there are still many discordant voices:
"Fengrui launched a mobile operating system, is it arrogant or arrogant? Or is it just a car!"

"Fengrui's Android system is a trick to sell dog meat, and it will not succeed!"

"Android system? If I can survive for three years, I will lose!"

But these are not the most important. It is just a mouthful, and there is no real money. The key is how the capital market sees it.
And Fengrui officially launched the mobile operating system "Android System" at the developer conference this time, and the capital market quickly responded, but the reaction was not very good!

Moreover, the capital market is not very optimistic about Fengrui's behavior.

Because in the world of capital investment, only "specialization" can increase the market value, Fengrui's strategy this time is a bit of a "taboo".

Just like Baidu in the previous life, when it entered the food delivery market with great fanfare and launched "Baidu Waimai", the market value plummeted, because the capital market was not optimistic about its behavior, mainly because it was not an expert in this field; on the contrary, when After Baidu sold "Baidu Waimai", the market value rose.

And you can look at the top few companies by market value, no doubt they all focus on their own fields, just like Apple is so rich, they never engage in real estate, because people's energy is limited, and the company's energy is also limited. It is impossible for the management team to span companies in multiple fields, so it must be considered that the decline in management efficiency is worse than focusing on one field.

This is very reasonable and based on multiple facts. Therefore, from the perspective of the capital market, it is very difficult for Fengrui, an Internet company, to develop its own mobile operating system and enter the system field.

Apart from this point, the most important thing is "Microsoft". The overlord of the system field "Microsoft" is almost invincible, and the prospect of the mobile operating system is unpredictable, no one can tell, anyway, the future will not be seen in three to five years, And Microsoft wants to launch its own mobile system, it is also a matter of minutes.

In addition to Microsoft, there are three absolute giants in the mobile phone field: Nokia, Motorola, and Samsung. How can Fengrui compete with them? Even Apple's iPhone smart phone is about to go on the market.

Therefore, James Gao Wen, the president of Morgan Stanley, also said to Li Feng "speaking earnestly and sincerely":

"Leo, you are a little too anxious this time. Morgan Stanley needs to re-evaluate the financing of Fengrui Technology. Of course, if you can properly lower your financing conditions this time, I will discuss it with the board of directors."

Li Feng was not moved at all, and without even saying a word, he directly excluded Morgan Stanley from Fengrui's financing list in his heart.

In addition to Morgan Stanley, Tiger Fund, DST, Temasek and other 16 investment institutions soon withdrew from Fengrui’s financing. Of the 36 investment institutions that originally planned to raise funds, only 20 remained.

It’s not that investment institutions are not optimistic about Fengrui, it’s just that the conditions for Fengrui’s financing this time are too high, and the direct valuation starts at 300 billion US dollars. What’s more, Fengrui is planning to enter the operating system at this time. The capital is not very optimistic, and the capital also has to settle accounts Yes, I just quit if I feel inappropriate.

And Li Feng didn't hold back at all, as long as anyone negotiated with Li Feng, Li Feng directly excluded, "Without Butcher Zhang, I can't eat Lian Mao pig", not to mention the remaining investment institutions alone are enough for Li Feng You are so busy, why should you wrong yourself!

Moreover, Li Feng had to deal with these investment institutions for several days a day, and even several domestic investment institutions found him through Li Dongmin. "I don't have time to do it either.

Today, after Li Feng had finally "shown his glory", when he was about to go to bed, Tang Xin also pushed Li Feng's shoulder, "Tomorrow Li Yanan is getting married, are you still going?"

"Didn't she get married on May [-]st? Isn't it still early?" Li Feng said without looking back.

"You're so busy, tomorrow is May Day!" Tang Xin said.

Tomorrow is May Day? !Isn't that right? The Fengrui Openers Conference is on April 4th, and Li Feng has been busy for a few days. It is estimated that the time will be almost the same.

"I can't do it tomorrow. I happen to have a dinner at noon tomorrow. It was arranged by Li Dongmin. I have been pushing it for several days, so I can't postpone it anymore. As for Li Yanan, it is your old friend anyway. Please explain to me , bring presents."

"Okay, that's the only way to go. But you're tired, you leave early and come back late, it's been a long time since you've been so busy." Tang Xin said with concern.

"Well, don't worry, I'll take you out for a stroll after I'm done working..." Li Feng fell asleep after talking.

(End of this chapter)

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