Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 539 Li Yanan Gets Married

Chapter 539 Li Yanan Gets Married

May 2007, 5, suitable for marriage!
Li Yanan, who didn't sleep well all night, got up by himself without anyone calling, mainly because the atmosphere at home was too lively, and he couldn't sleep well even if he wanted to sleep.

Sitting on the bed, he could vaguely hear the lively chatting of family members in the living room, but it was obvious that he didn't hear his father's voice.

People say that a daughter was her father's lover in her previous life, and she is a little padded jacket in this life. At this time, her daughter's marriage is a happy and sad day for a father.

In her room, she is not alone, there are also her good sisters Tang Xin and Xu Wenjia, who will share this happy day with her today, and they are also her bridesmaids.

"The bride is awake!" Xu Wenjia was sitting by the bed in a pink bridesmaid dress, looking at Li Yanan with a playful expression.

Li Yanan rubbed his eyes and said, "Yes, when did you come here?"

Xu Wenjia laughed and said, "I've come here a long time ago, let me tell you, just now we recorded the sound of your drooling and snoring when you were sleeping!"

Li Yanan blushed, but he quickly denied it: "Nonsense, someone who never drools and that!"

Xu Wenjia grinned and said, "Wouldn't you know if you snore or not?"

Li Yanan looked at Xu Wenjia nervously, and said, "You're not telling the truth, are you?"

Tang Xin couldn't help laughing beside her and said, "You believe it, we've been sisters in the same dormitory for so many years, if there really was one, wouldn't I have told you a long time ago!"

"Okay, Xu Wenjia, if you lie to me, I can't spare you!" At this moment, Li Yanan realized that he had been cheated, and came up directly to fight with Xu Wenjia.

Tang Xin who was on the side quickly dissuaded her, "Okay, stop making trouble, Wen Jia, your bridesmaid's dress will be messed up in a while!"

Hearing this, the two of them ended their fight, and it was still Tang Xin who said to Xu Wenjia, "Okay, go wash up first, the makeup artist has already arrived, and I'm just waiting to do makeup with the bride today!"

While getting dressed, Li Yanan teased Tang Xin and said, "You have made the marriage process so clear, don't you already want to marry your Feng soon?"

Tang Xin blushed, and said, "This is not for your sake, a dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart!"

Li Yanan grabbed Tang Xin's hand and said with a smile, "Yes, yes, it's my fault that I didn't understand the kindness of our dignified and generous Tang Xin beauty. She is not in a hurry to get married, but for the sake of good sisters! "

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Tang Xin to refute, she ran out to wash up.

Sitting next to Tang Xin, Xu Wenjia sighed and said, "I didn't expect that Yanan became the first among us to get married in a blink of an eye."

Tang Xin looked at the bridal gowns that had been sorted out, and said enviously in her eyes, "Yes!"

Xu Wenjia was a little discouraged and said: "What are you envious of? Your family Li Feng is so powerful and dotes on you so much. Pity me, an old girl. I have to deal with those blind dates every year when I go home. By the way, Tang Xin is a beautiful woman. , Didn't you say that the person you want to introduce to me is still in the belly of my future mother-in-law!"

If it is said that when female girlfriends are together, they are female hooligans, then Xu Wenjia, who has experienced engagement and breakup, has already transformed into a fighter among female hooligans!

Before, Tang Xin wanted to introduce someone to Xu Wenjia, so she asked Li Feng to see if there was a suitable candidate.

Tang Xin smiled and said, "Don't worry, I've already found a partner for you, how about I arrange for you to meet another day?"

Xu Wenjia also insisted on falling in love, but it was a kind of squabble between girlfriends, Xu Wenjia also smiled and said: "Then let's talk about it, I don't want to be handsome if I don't look good!"

There is a saying that a girl is a lady in front of boys, a crazy woman in front of her family, and a hooligan in front of her best friends. When discussing men, the scale is no smaller than when men discuss women !

At this time, Li Yanan had already washed up, walked into the room, and asked, "What did you say?"

Xu Wenjia laughed and said, "I won't tell you!"

Li Yanan joked: "Did you feel itchy to see Ben Gong getting married, and want to find an old man to marry?"

Xu Wenjia shouted directly: "I will fight with you!"

"Okay, stop messing around, hurry up and put on makeup, the groom will come soon, you haven't finished your makeup yet!" Tang Xin once again pulled away the two women who were almost crazy.

Xu Wenjia sat back and asked out of breath, "Xinxin, is your lady coming today?"

Tang Xin said with some disappointment: "But come here, he's been busy these days, and he said he has an important meeting today, so he can't shirk it, but he has already asked me to prepare the wedding gift for Yanan!"

Xu Wenjia also knew a lot about Tang Xin and Li Feng, "I know, I saw your guy on TV two days ago, what opener conference, Li Feng is really getting more and more handsome!"

Originally, Li Yanan wanted to teach Tang Xin not to indulge her boyfriend too much, but thinking of Li Feng's status, she had to give up.

Because Li Yanan had to put on makeup, they sat and chatted more, especially these girls, they all had an inexplicable yearning for marriage. In their hearts, marriage was romantic and would last forever.

It is in the poem: You are thick and I am thick, so much love;
Love is everywhere, hot as fire:
Take a piece of clay, pinch a you, and mold a me.

Break me both together and mix them with water;

Make another you, and make another me.

I have you in the mud, and you have me in the mud:
I was born in the same quilt as you, and died in the same coffin.

At this time, no one will think about the firewood, rice, oil, sauce, vinegar and tea in marriage, which is realized step by step in marriage.

Marriage is different from love. Marriage is a mutual responsibility and shared responsibility, while love is a sharing between two people.
As the main theme of today, marriage is naturally also the content of their chat.

"Yanan, I told Xinxin just now, I didn't expect you to get married so soon!" Xu Wenjia said enviously.

Sitting in front of the mirror, Li Yanan looked at the makeup artist invited from the stage to apply beautiful makeup on his delicate cheeks, and said with a smile: "Yeah, I didn't think of it either, but the buns are really good, I found them." If you are right, get married!"

Baozi is Li Yanan's future husband, named Bao Sheng, but because of his surname, Li Yanan always likes to call him Baozi.

Although Baozi is only a support editor in the station, his father is said to be a leader in the district, while his mother has started some business and is worth a lot of money. For Li Yanan, who has always wanted to find a wealthy husband-in-law, Bao Sheng's Conditions are already very good.

So Li Yanan felt very happy at this time, and therefore did not sign up for CCTV with Tang Xin and the others.

Being a news host is not just about being glamorous in front of the camera. Only those in the industry know the hardships involved.

Now that Li Yanan has found the Prince Charming of his dreams, he naturally has no intention of continuing to suffer.

Speaking of Bao Sheng, Li Yanan remembered the matter of Xu Wenjia looking for a boyfriend just now, and said: "Wen Jia, Baozi has a few good friends, they are all in their circle, and the conditions at home are also good. The two will be the best man today, would you like me to introduce you later!"

Everyone has their own circle, some are the circle of classmates they handed over when they were in school, some are the circle of colleagues after work, and some are small circles that they grew up with since they were young. Most are pretty much the same.

Some families are also in politics, and some are in the business world, but in the final analysis, they have similar family backgrounds and can play together.

So gradually a circle formed.

In a word, this is a second-generation circle.

Because Tang Xin had just talked to Xu Wenjia about the date. Although Xu Wenjia hadn't met the young talent Tang Xin was talking about, she had already introduced it after all. come out.

So Xu Wenjia refused with a smile: "Let's talk about it later, I will check the product that Xinxin introduced first!"

At this time, Li Yanan wanted to understand the whole process of what the two of them said just now. It should be that Tang Xin wanted to introduce someone to Xu Wenjia.

Thinking of Tang Xin, naturally also thinking of Li Feng, Li Yanan couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart. Although she and Tang Xin are also good friends now, she still has to envy what should be envied.

Baozi is not bad, but compared to Li Feng's net worth, he also has poor looks.
Forget it, it's still no comparison, what do you want to do with these unhappy things on the wedding day.

Yanjingtai's make-up artist naturally has no problem with their skills. In about four to ten minutes, Li Yanan was dressed up beautifully, and then put on a white wedding dress. At this time, Li Yanan is like an angel who has fallen into the world. generally.

In fact, there are very few brides who wear wedding dresses who are not beautiful. I don’t know what kind of psychology it is. A girl who is only sixty or seventy points will immediately add more than ten points of color after putting on the wedding dress. value.

"Wow, so beautiful!" Xu Wenjia couldn't help but praise.

Li Yanan smiled coquettishly: "Of course it's beautiful, this wedding dress is specially made by Baozi, and it cost more than 3 yuan!"

"Really, a wedding dress costs more than 3 yuan. When you toasted, which one did you wear?" Xu Wenjia asked curiously.

On the wedding day, the bride usually prepares two wedding dresses, one is a white wedding dress, and the other is mostly a Chinese cheongsam as the wedding dress for the toast, which is more convenient.

Li Yanan smiled and said: "Of course I bought it, and it cost more than 2 yuan. Let me tell you, wedding dresses should not be ambiguous. Wearing them is a woman's happiest moment. A woman must have one of her own in her life." Wedding dress!"

Li Yanan is still Li Yanan.
At this time, the car whistle sounded outside the car window, and Li Yanan's room could just see the entrance of the community, so the people in Li Yanan's bedroom all stood by the bed to look at the situation outside.

I saw the gate of the community slowly driving into a long row of convoys, and the head car in front of the convoy was a red Ferrari sports car, followed by all Mercedes-Benz S series.
"Sit on the bed quickly, don't let Baozi think that you want to marry him so much!" Xu Wenjia immediately commanded, and then shouted: "By the way, where are the bridal shoes? Hide the bridal shoes well, don't let him So easy to find!"

(End of this chapter)

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