Chapter 546
For most people, when mentioning Huaxia's film and television base, the first place that comes to mind is naturally the film and television base in Hengdian. Even the former Bei Piao has been replaced by Heng Piao!
However, as the cultural center of China, Yanjing naturally has its own film and television base, which is located in Huairou.

The predecessor of Huairou Film and Television Base was Feiteng Film and Television City, which started construction in 95 and was completed in 97. In 05, Huairou Film and Television Base officially approved the project with an investment of 20 billion. It was really completed last year, and it has been fully capped this year. .

It seems that Fengrui also invested some money in the film and television base in Huairou. Anyway, as long as it was well-known in the previous life, including the Hengdian film and television base, Li Feng also invested.

However, Li Feng didn't know how much he invested. Anyway, Fengrui didn't need money, and after Fengrui's financing was successful, he didn't need money.

The reason why Yang Xiao agreed to be a guest star was not only because she was her teacher, but a large part of the reason was because she was still in Yanjing, which was relatively close to the pen. She didn't want to delay her studies, and because of her human relationship, she agreed. Meet the teacher's request!
If the relationship between people in the entertainment circle is thin, it is really thin, but if it is important, it is really important. Why did Xiang Huaqiang and his wife in the later generations invite a group of big-name stars to make the horrific "Feng Shen"? , and even invited Li Lianjie, who has half-retired, to come out, isn't it because Li Lianjie had received help from Xiang Huaqiang and his wife when Li Lianjie was in Hong Kong!

In fact, most of the films made by Li Lianjie at that time were used to repay favors, so don't be too serious about whether his films are good or bad!

So is Yang Xiao now
The entertainment circle, the entertainment circle, this is a circle, no one can escape the human relationship.

Early this morning, Li Feng didn't eat at home, but drove out with Wang Xiao and found a steamed stuffed bun shop for breakfast.

After breakfast, Wang Xiao took Li Feng to the cake shop again, and explained to Li Feng: "Our current behavior is called visiting the class. According to the rules in our industry, it is called visiting the class. We must not go there empty-handed. Let’s get you some snacks.”

Li Feng smiled and nodded without saying anything.

It's just that at this time he was more fortunate to have brought Wang Xiao. Of course he knew about this kind of thing, but Wang Xiao went to buy it. Obviously, it will be Wang Xiao who will be the coolie and get the snacks.

After the items were sold out, the two of them officially embarked on a journey to visit the class.

Li Feng woke up a little early today, so he got in the car, adjusted the position of the passenger seat, and said with a smile: "I'll sleep first, when I get there, call me!"

Wang Xiao said helplessly: "I found out, you just found a driver!"

Li Feng smiled and said, "Pull it down, do you think it's so easy to be my driver?"

Li Feng naturally has his own driver. Wu Nan is also a special soldier. Not only can he be a driver, but he can also be a bodyguard. However, this time Li Feng did not ask him to come for a private operation, but I don't know if he followed behind.

And as Li Feng said, even if he has a driver, those who want to be his driver can still form a team of thousands of people.

Everyone knows that drivers are one of the closest people, whether they are in business or officials. There are actually several realms of being a driver. The most stupid ones are those who play tricks on the car and earn a little money. The second level is to drive the boss honestly, the boss will not fail to see all this, and the next level is to be able to obtain some business information from the boss's words.

So generally, if the drivers who drive for the rich are not too stupid, their current net worth is at least a few million less. As for Li Feng's drivers, they can all hold shares in Fengrui.

But Wang Xiao could see that Li Feng was not doing well, so naturally he couldn't let Li Feng sleep peacefully.

Friends who have driven long distances know that driving is a relatively boring thing. If there is a sleeping master beside you, it will be even worse.

So Wang Xiao also turned on the music in the car, and turned the volume to the maximum. What's more, Wang Xiao also sang along:
"Before Day Breaks"

"I want to climb to the top of the mountain"

"Looking at the Stars"

"Pray to Time Forever"

The song "Never Look Back" made Wang Xiao stunned to call out the feeling of "Li Ge".

As if awakened by a bomb, Li Feng sat up helplessly, looked at Wang Xiao and said, "I've convinced you."

"Not sleepy anymore?" Wang Xiao looked at Li Feng with a smile.

"Not sleepy anymore!" Li Feng was also quite helpless.

"That's right! When I was in school, I just wanted to take a trip on the go. You said that now we can be considered successful, so why don't we have those ideas before?" Wang Xiao casually found someone The topic was chatting with Li Feng.

At this time, the travel saying of "go as soon as you say it" has not yet become popular on the Internet, but it is still on the minds of many young people.

Li Feng leaned his hands behind his head, put his legs on the fender of the car, and said with a smile: "It's so simple to travel as soon as you say it. Self-groaning, irresponsible way of saying it."

"It seems that you don't agree with this statement?" Wang Xiao asked curiously.

Li Feng sighed and said: "I don't agree with it. It's just a walk-and-go trip. It looks very beautiful. I just haven't thought about it. What supports your walk-and-go trip is for an ordinary person. Walking away means being irresponsible to one's own work, and for a company boss, walking away means being irresponsible to the company, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny."

"In my opinion, if you want to have an instant journey, you must have a prerequisite, that is, you can achieve financial freedom."

Wang Xiao said indifferently, "Aren't you financially free now?"

Li Feng cast a glance at Wang Xiao, and said, "If I'm not financially free, I guess few people in this world can achieve financial freedom!"

Talking to his brother, Li Feng also became more casual, and said some things that he would not say before.

"But I know, I still have my responsibilities..." Lying halfway on the passenger seat, Li Feng saw the white clouds passing by in the sky through the sunroof of the car, and his mind returned to his sharpness.

It's just that Wang Xiao, who was unlucky, knocked Li Feng down from the cloud at once, "Come on, I don't know what you do all day long, whether it's drinking tea and sleeping, or chatting with girls, tell me She’s a woman! She’s still responsible! Moaning without illness!”

"You fat man, unreasonable!"

The two of them chatted one after another, and finally arrived at the Huairou film and television base. Although all the capping work had just been completed at the beginning of this year, many crews had already settled in, and at the same time, they could see Many movie fans began to visit here under the guidance of the tour guide.

Wang Xiao's car also slowed down, and he explained to Li Feng with a smile: "Tourism is a big source of income for the film and television base. Many movie fans will come here, hoping to meet their idols. In fact, where do they come from?" You know, when the real production crew starts working more often, the entire scene is closed, and the audience will not be allowed in at all!"

Then Wang Xiao pointed to a crew that was filming not far away and said, "Did you see it? With such a crew, the filmed scenes will never be released, and they are not even reported to the radio and television!"

Li Feng was slightly taken aback, and asked: "Then they?"

Wang Xiao said with a smile: "You don't understand this. This is actually a way for the film and television base to attract tourists. It looks like they are filming, but they are actually extras, and the cameras are not turned on."

Although Li Feng also has shares in Huairou Film and Television and Hengdian Film and Television Bases, to be honest, he really hasn't inquired about the specific operation of the Film and Television Bases. It's interesting to hear Wang Xiao talking about the Film and Television Bases now.

Soon, they arrived at the filming location of Yang Xiao's crew.

Huairou film and television base is more of a location for ancient costumes, such as "The Gate of the Mansion", "Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan", "The Promise", "Huo Yuanjia" and other film and television works have all been filmed here.

Yang Xiao's crew is also a costume TV crew, and it is also a historical drama, which is "The Reign of Zhenguan" in the period of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty.

After arriving at the place, Li Feng and Wang Xiao got out of the car. Li Feng saw outside the crew, there were many men and women wearing various costumes, both young and old!

They were squatting or sitting there, and from time to time someone would come over, find a few people, say a few words, and take them away.

As Wang Xiao said, the entrance of the crew was guarded by security guards.

However, there was no scene where the security guards would not let them in, and Li Feng and Wang Xiao revealed their identities and slapped them in the face.

Both Li Feng and Wang Xiao are extremely famous people, they naturally know each other, besides, Wang Xiao has already greeted them in advance.

"Mr. Li, Director Wang, you guys are here to visit the class!" The security guard even greeted him proactively, hoping to leave some impressions in front of such a big man.

Wang Xiao just nodded and led Li Feng into the crew.

"Those outside are all extras, right?" Li Feng asked with a smile.

Wang Xiao nodded and said, "That's right, the people who came to find them are all the heads of the extras, and those heads are in contact with the assistant directors of each crew. If you need any actors, just go to them directly!"

"There are so many people!" Li Feng exclaimed recalling the extras he had just seen there.

Wang Xiao said with a smile: "Feng Xiaogang's "A World Without Thieves" made many people dream of becoming the second Wang Baoqiang. It's a pity that there are so many Wang Baoqiang in this world!"

Although the movie "A World Without Thieves" left a lot of classic lines for people, such as "Uncle Li is very angry, the consequences are very serious." ''I want to rob a color, IC, IP, IQ card, all tell me the password'.
But the real success of this movie is to tap the actor Wang Baoqiang, a real grassroots actor and a real inspirational actor.

Wang Xiao went on to say: "An actor like Wang Baoqiang probably won't come out in ten or twenty years. For many people, this is a place where dreams are shattered!"

Li Feng heard Wang Xiao's liking for Wang Baoqiang from Wang Xiao's words, and said with a smile: "It seems that you really like Wang Baoqiang as an actor!"

Wang Xiao commented: "That is a simple actor. He may be the only actor of his type in China!"

At this time, Wang Baoqiang, first in "A World Without Thieves" and then "Soldiers Assault", has already become one of the most popular actors in the country.

At this time, Li Feng thought of a work by Wang Baoqiang's later generations, "Hello, Mr. Tree". Wang Baoqiang's performance in the movie can really be called a textbook-like acting skill...

The two chatted and finally came to the set, but when Wang Xiao saw the situation of the set, he frowned slightly.

Seeing this, Li Feng asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's this time, and the crew hasn't started filming yet?" Wang Xiao replied.

They left the door after eight o'clock in the morning, and now it's close to ten o'clock, and the crew has not started filming yet. In the eyes of professionals like Wang Xiao, it is obvious at a glance. It must be that the main character today has not come. will cause such a situation.

Li Feng didn't think too much, and saw Yang Xiao sitting there bored from a distance, looking at the script in his hand, and only her carefree assistant Wu Na was following her.

And the whole crew looked like they were doing nothing.

As if telepathic, when Li Feng looked at Yang Xiao, Yang Xiao raised his head and saw Li Feng not far away,

When she saw Li Feng, Yang Xiao showed a happy smile on her face, stood up quickly, and ran over with her skirt, which also made the rest of the crew see Li Feng and Wang Xiao.

When many people saw Wang Xiao, they showed shocked expressions on their faces. After all, Wang Xiao was considered a figure in the circle.

These people don’t know or pay attention to the successful opening of the Fengrui Openers Conference, but Fengrui’s investment layout in the film and television industry, the acquisition of Tangren Film and Television, the establishment of Fengying United Cinemas, the investment in Hengdian Film City, the investment in Bona Film, Acquisition of Mtime…

The composition of the entire Fengying Group is also to let everyone in the entertainment circle know what kind of existence Li Feng is. He is the real behind-the-scenes boss in the circle!

However, in their view, Li Feng is like a cloud in the sky, an existence that is beyond reach, but now seeing a real person, the surprise in their hearts is naturally self-evident.

At this time, the two directors of the crew sat aside and said seriously: "Fuck, it's really Li Feng!"

"It's not him, who else can make Miss Yang so excited!" The other looked enviously at the scene of Yang Xiao and Li Feng embracing.

At this time, he hopes that he is Yang Xiao who can have a boyfriend like Li Feng, and he also hopes that he is Li Feng, who has the wealth and beauty that people can't even imagine!
"The next thing is interesting!" The first drama manager suddenly laughed.

"How do you say it?" The person who was still envious looked at him curiously.

"Hey, people like Ms. Yang have come to the set early, but that one has a look, what time is it now, and they haven't come yet. Ms. Yang is a nice person, she won't say anything,
But Mr. Li is here, if he finds out that his girlfriend has been waiting here for more than two hours in vain, he will definitely be unhappy! "The man said gloatingly, obviously no matter who it is, they will not be happy if they wait for more than two hours in vain!

But at this moment, Li Feng was still immersed in the sweet talk with Yang Xiao, Qingqing, me, me...

(End of this chapter)

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