Chapter 547
At this time, no one disturbs the world of Li Feng and Yang Xiao...

Even Wang Xiao was very savvy, and deliberately gave the space to Li Feng and the others, while he carried the food box he bought. The crew's staff took the food from Wang Xiao's hands very tactfully, and helped distribute it to the crew. people.

"Thank you Director Wang! Thank you Mr. Li!"

"Director Wang is mighty! Mr. Li is mighty!"


Some people seemed very happy after getting the snacks. In fact, the food they bought was not very good, just some simple pastries and snacks, but this is what the big guys want.

And Wang Xiao came to the director of the movie with an expression of admiration on his face.

Director Liu is a director of the older generation in China. If we simply talk about seniority, he should be regarded as the fourth generation of directors. He is even the teacher of Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige.

Although there is no way to compare with these cutting-edge directors in terms of box office, its artistry and influence are not trivial.

This is also the reason why Wang Xiao respects Director Liu. In his opinion, Huaxia film can reach its current scale, not overnight. It is the struggle of generations of filmmakers. He attributes the rise of Huaxia film to a certain person or a certain Groups are not the right thing to do.

Originally Director Liu was a teacher at Yenching Film Academy, and at such an advanced age, he usually wouldn't come out to make movies. This time he came out to direct in person, just to change his favor!
You see, Huaxia is a society of personal relationships, you owe me, I owe him...

"Director Liu, why hasn't the machine turned on today?" Wang Xiao asked in bewilderment.

Director Liu smiled wryly, "Hey, stop talking, I really don't know what these actors are thinking now, the start time is set early tomorrow, and she is a leading role, and she can be three hours late."

"When we were filming in the past, there were some actors who dared to do this. At that time, when we were filming, the actors wished they could all live in the crew and work from dawn to dusk every day. Now it's good, even if they have been notified in advance, they should not come or not! "

"You said, you don't need these people, but you can't. The investors don't agree. Without their investment, this movie can't be shot at all. Alas, this society has changed a lot." Some of the phenomena are very dissatisfied.

However, there is no way around this. Filmmaking is not the same as it used to be. In the past, filmmaking was at the discretion of the studio. The actors were actors from the studio, no different from ordinary workers. The actors are different now. They are stars, I dare not say how good each one's acting skills are, but the airs are getting bigger and bigger.

This is also the place where these older directors can't see it.

Wang Xiao, as an insider, naturally knows about these phenomena, but his treatment is much better than that of directors of the older generation like Director Liu. First of all, his first film was a success, and then he has the support of Li Feng. You don't have to worry about investors at all.

However, Wang Xiao also knew about the previous studio system. Although the director had great rights, it can be said that the entire crew had the greatest rights of the director. There was no so-called producer at all. The overall situation is not good, and it does not conform to the progress of the commercial era. If it were not for the abolition of the profit-making model of selling copies in China in [-], it is estimated that China's film business will not be able to stand up until now.

"Is this actor also brought in by the investor?" Wang Xiao asked.

Director Liu nodded helplessly. As a director of the older generation, he naturally misses the days when he was the boss on the set. It doesn't matter whether it is an actor or others, everyone is decided by the director alone, and he is also a well-known director of the older generation in China. , Now I want to make a movie, but I can't even get the investment. Finally, I finally found the investment, but they forced actors into it.

The two were chatting about the film and television industry, and Li Feng was also chatting with Yang Xiao.

"How is it? Are you tired from filming today?" Li Feng asked with concern.

Yang Xiao showed a wry smile, and said, "Why are you so tired? The lead actor hasn't come yet, and the filming hasn't started at all!"

Speaking of this matter, Yang Xiao was also very angry. She came here to play a guest role just because of director Liu's face, but she came here early, and the lead actor hadn't come yet.

Yang Xiao naturally knew who the lead actor was. In fact, she had heard of this actor before, and her reputation in the circle was not good. Because she often brought money into the set, she always had her eyes on the set. , never play with rival actors.
If it weren't for the fact that Director Liu was the director of this play, and he was also his teacher, Yang Xiao would definitely not have made a guest appearance in this play.

After Li Feng heard it, he was also angry for Yang Xiao, and said, "Why don't you stop filming, anyway, you're just a cameo, and you don't have many scenes, so you can't compete with the other party."

Yang Xiao shook her head with a smile, and said, "Forget it, I've already agreed to Director Liu, the left and right are today's scenes, and I'll be fine after filming!"

Later, Yang Xiao was still worried that Li Feng was worried about herself, so she said to Li Feng, "Let's go, I'll take you to see how other crews are filming!"

Li Feng nodded, since Yang Xiao had no objection, he couldn't say anything.

"Director Liu, I'll take Li Feng to go shopping elsewhere, just call me when everyone is here!" Yang Xiao deliberately ran to Director Liu again, and said something to him before leaving.

Looking at the backs of Yang Xiao and Li Feng leaving, Director Liu sighed: "It would be great if all actors are like Yang Xiao!"

Obviously, Director Liu is very satisfied with Yang Xiao's performance: "When I called Xiao Yang before, Xiao Yang agreed immediately. It was just a guest appearance with a few lines, and Xiao Yang just wrote a short biography of several thousand words. Come out, it's hard to find actors like this now!"

Wang Xiao said with a smile: "Then I have taken advantage, the heroine of the next movie will be Yang Xiao!"

Director Liu nodded and sighed, "We're getting old and can't keep up with the current social changes. China's movies will depend on you in the future!"

Wang Xiao quickly said: "Don't say that, we young people still have to learn more from you!"

At this time, Wang Xiao looked very humble.

"By the way, what's the story of your new movie?" Director Liu, who had nothing to do with him, began to ask Wang Xiao about his new movie.

Wang Xiao then told Director Liu the story of "Horror Cruise" and explored how to shoot the movie well.

After listening to it, Director Liu sighed again: "I really can't accept my old age. I can't even understand this kind of subject matter. If people like us are asked to shoot, I don't know how to shoot. It seems that I have to do it when I have time." Look at what young people like today!"

For Director Liu's idea, Wang Xiao agrees very much. After all, it is different from before. In the current movie market, the main consumer group is actually young people. If you want to make a profit at the box office, you must be close to young people. idea.

Even the so-called art films are the same. Each generation has its own aesthetic characteristics. It is impossible for the elderly to go to the cinema to watch movies.

Li Feng and Yang Xiao each wore a big mask, just like tourists who came here to travel, wandering casually, looking east and west,
But after watching it for a while, Li Feng also felt that it was not interesting. Seeing this, Yang Xiao looked at the time and said, "Let's go back, we've been out for about an hour, and the actor should be here by now!"

Li Feng nodded and said, "Then go back!"

After speaking, the two walked towards the crew. Before they reached the crew, they saw an RV slowly driving over and stopped at the gate of the crew, followed by two small cars.

The RV stopped at the gate of the courtyard where the crew was filming the first scene. A very stylishly dressed girl got out of the car. Her big sunglasses almost covered most of her face. Then she saw the car getting off quickly. Several men in black immediately surrounded the girl, watched the situation outside vigilantly, and protected her into the set.

There isn't even a single person around, is it necessary to use it like this!Li Feng looked at the situation and sneered, "It's really big airs!"

Yang Xiao smiled indifferently and said: "Don't worry about them, it seems that if there are not many bodyguards around the stars, their fame will not be foiled, let's go, hurry up and finish filming this scene, we can go back! "

Li Feng nodded and followed Yang Xiao towards the yard.

But when they walked to the yard, they were stopped by the black-clothed bodyguard brought by the actress.

"What do you do?" The black-clothed bodyguard, also wearing big sunglasses, saw a man and a woman wearing masks walking over, and directly stopped Li Feng and the two of them.

The security guard at the side hurried over and said, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, this is also an actor from our crew!"

Only then did the bodyguard let him go, and the security smiled flatteringly at Li Feng and Yang Xiao.

After he returned to his place, another security guard said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you bothering with this matter? I've been annoyed by those people for a long time. It's a shame to stop Mr. Li!"

The security guard smiled and said, "Why are you so anxious, what kind of person is Mr. Li, can he compete with these little bodyguards? With that woman's arrogant appearance, Mr. Li will definitely be unhappy later, and he will deal with her sooner or later!"

Li Feng didn't know about the security guard's conversation. He accompanied Yang Xiao just as he approached the crew when he heard a woman's dissatisfied voice:

"Why is there still no one here? What time is it? Why don't you even have this bit of professionalism!"

"Also, let's see what you all eat. Is it filming? Or did you let you eat? I don't know how to be frugal at all. Besides, isn't this money!"

Li Feng took a closer look, and it was the actress who just walked in who said this, she was so arrogant!
(End of this chapter)

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