Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 552 The most fatal weakness

Chapter 552 The most fatal weakness

Jobs really wasn't joking, he pushed up his glasses without everyone waiting, then stretched out a finger, and said unhurriedly:

"The first one is Google! I just carefully studied Li Feng's promotion of the Android system and the layout of the Android alliance, and found that Google has actually played a large part of the effort, whether it is the joining of Qualcomm, or the joining of Intel and Nvidia. This is all the result of Google's efforts,

Moreover, Google itself holds 20% of the shares of the Android system, which means that the entire Android system is also independent within Fengrui.

The reason why Google joined the Android Alliance and promoted the Android system so hard was because of the contract that Google signed to acquire YouTube at that time. I had a phone conversation with Google CEO Eric Schmidt on this point.

According to the content of my conversation with Eric Schmidt at that time, and what I know about Eric Schmidt, in fact, he himself is not optimistic about Fengrui’s Android mobile system.
In other words, in fact, Google and Fengrui are not of the same mind. It was an additional condition for Fengrui to sell YouTube, and Google paid a lot of money to acquire YouTube at that time. In fact, the two have long been separated.

If the mobile system market explodes in the future, based on my understanding of Eric Schmidt and Google's technical strength, Google will definitely not give up such a large mobile market because of Fengrui, and this is our opportunity.

It's just that I don't understand why Google's Larry Page is so interested in Fengrui. Is there any inside story, or is Eric Schmidt hiding something from me? "

Google's current CEO Eric Schmidt and Google's founder Larry Page, these two completely different attitudes towards Fengrui made Jobs very puzzled, and he was a little uncertain about Google's attitude.

But the only certainty is that once the mobile market grows bigger, Google will definitely not be able to be Fengrui's "little brother". This is not in Google's interest, even if Eric Schmidt and Larry Page are both If they are willing, the shareholders behind them will not agree.

At this time, Cook also suggested, "Steve, since you have such a good relationship with Eric Schmidt, and he is also a member of our board of directors at Apple, why don't you directly ask Eric Schmidt for confirmation. Well, what role does Google play in this?"

"Well, that makes sense! I'll call now!" Jobs also nodded, then picked up the phone and called Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

As soon as the call was connected, Jobs asked straight to the point: "Schmidt, what do you mean by Google? Are you really planning to support Fengrui's Android system sincerely?"

Jobs is now not only afraid of Fengrui, he is also afraid of Google's entry into the mobile system. After all, Google has a strong engineering team, and it does have this strength now.

And Eric Schmidt, who was on the other side of the phone, also smiled after listening to it, and then explained: "Steve, did you get scared by the Sharp Opener Conference? It's just how you reacted, but To be honest, Fengrui's Android system is really good, doesn't it make you feel pressured!"

"Then you, Google, mean that you are completely on the side of Fengrui?" Jobs was a little confused by Eric Schmidt now. After all, Eric Schmidt was confused.

"How could it be, if it wasn't for YouTube, how could we Google sign such an outrageous contract, not only spending so much money, but also doing things for others!

Although Fengrui's system is good, I look up to you guys better. Besides, I am still a board member of Apple, so why would I support Fengrui!

It's just that Larry Page is very optimistic about Fengrui now, and he's all about helping outsiders, do you understand what I mean! " Eric Schmidt said.

It seems that Google's internal harmony is not very harmonious. Jobs understands what Eric Schmidt means.

And Jobs is not an ordinary person. He doesn't care about Eric Schmidt's specific ideas, but also implants an idea in Eric Schmidt:
"Schmidt, your Google's core information search has nothing to do with the system. In fact, before the mobile market becomes clear, the best way for your Google is to 'sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight'. Anyway, no matter who wins or loses, it must be Need your Google support!

But I still like that you Google can be on our Apple side. After all, you are our director of Apple, and you should support our Apple, or we may have opportunities to cooperate in the future! "

Regardless of who Google will support in the future, or do it on its own, Jobs will put a nail in Eric Schmidt's mind first, and then he will be able to tie Google for at least two more years.

It is not necessary for Jobs to say that Eric Schmidt himself has this idea, but now the mobile market is unclear, and he does not care about large-scale investment. He also wants to see Fengrui and Apple in the first wave of smart phones. How was the confrontation?
Then Eric Schmidt chooses a suitable entry point to enter. As for Fengrui saying that Google does not need to enter the mobile operating system in three years, it is even simpler. It is not necessary to launch its own operating system, but it is not impossible. Develop your own mobile operating system,

And Eric Schmidt feels that the mobile operating system, let alone three years, will not be able to tell the winner in at least five years, so Eric Schmidt can do it with peace of mind!
As for, now that Larry Page is so optimistic about Li Feng, Eric Schmidt will take it as his own will, open his eyes and close his eyes, and wait for the real battle, Eric Schmidt Teke couldn't help but make Larry Page give up. Even though Larry Page is the founder of Google, the company's shareholders still have the final say.

After Jobs hung up the phone on Apple's side, he also said: "Well, at least I know what Google thinks. No matter what Google does in the future, it will not cause us difficulties now, and it may give Fengrui a fatal blow. Woolen cloth!"

"There are no permanent friends in the world, as long as there are permanent interests!" Then Jobs took a sip of coffee, refreshed himself, and continued to say "Fengrui's three Achilles' heels", "In fact, it is far-fetched to regard Google as the first, but The second point is really sharp's weakness,

It seems that the Android Alliance is very powerful, but in fact there is not much support in it, more just joining, and it is not exclusive, just like Intel and Nvidia, don’t they also support us Apple, but we don’t have to pay At that time, what kind of Apple alliance was established.

And the most critical thing here is the sharp hardware!Now Fengrui only has the system, and all the hardware is made externally, and the most important manufacturing of mobile phones is involved, and there are only two companies, HTC and LG, and according to the information I have, LG simply joined the Android Alliance and actually produced Android smartphones. The only mobile phone is HTC!
And as long as we get HTC out of the way, the Android Alliance cannot be said to be self-defeating, and at least half of its strength will be lost, and the Android system will be delayed for at least two or three years, and these two or three years are enough for Apple to do a lot of things up!
So the question is back again, how to deal with HTC, it is probably impossible to get him to withdraw from the Android alliance now, so we will start from other aspects, such as at least delaying the launch of its first Android smartphone,
Although I'm not very optimistic about HTC's smartphones, it's the first time to make a mobile phone of its own brand, and I got a "four different" mobile phone with a keyboard, but it's good to delay its time to market.
Didn’t HTC say that it will go public in August? Then we will block its supply chain and let its smartphones go on the market next year. At that time, our second-generation iPhone smartphones will basically come out again, so we don’t have to worry . "

Then Jobs directly handed over this task to Cook, "Tim, you are most familiar with the supply chain. I don't care what method you use, you must not let HTC's Android smartphone go on the market so easily!"

"Okay, Steve, I understand what you mean. Not only did I do it, but I also made it impossible for people to find that it was made by Apple." Cook said very simply.

Cook has the strongest execution ability and has never said less and done more.

Jobs is also very satisfied with Cook's performance, and he can't let Cook "specialize in the front". He also said: "As for LG, I will handle it. I have dealt with the chairman of South Korea's LG Group, Koo Bon-moo. Since Li Feng can pull him into the Android Alliance, I can also pull him out of the Android Alliance!"

what? !

Can LG withdraw from the Android alliance? !

Is the relationship between Apple and LG so good? !

Without further ado, Jobs called Gu Benmao, the chairman of LG, and he spoke very directly, and said straight to the point: "President Gu, I heard that you joined a Chinese enterprise organization. Mobile Operating System Alliance, what Android Open Handheld Alliance? Is there such a thing?"

"Oh, Steve, there is such a thing, but I don't understand it, it's all caused by my unprofessional child, if there is something wrong, please bear with me!" Gu Benmao is also an "old fritter", "And muddy" directly.

"Well, President Gu, we are also old friends, and I won't be polite to you anymore. Can you look at me, Joe, and withdraw from this sharp Android alliance!" Jobs said bluntly.

"Steve, this is inappropriate. You also know that I value reputation very much, and I can't lose the big because of the small!" Gu Benmao was not moved at all. I, LG, am not afraid of your Apple, so why should I order the old man!

At this time, Jobs did not directly continue to talk about the "Android Alliance", but directly shifted the topic to "the cooperation between Apple and LG", "In our upcoming iPhone smart phone, it seems that there are orders for hundreds of mobile phone display screens." Is it from LG?"

LG’s display screens are top-notch in the world, and it’s considered a masterpiece. It’s also a supplier of many Apple products. However, with Jobs’ personality, he can’t let suppliers threaten him. For the same product, 2 to 3 suppliers’ products must be prepared. Therefore, LG is not necessary for Apple, but Apple is necessary for LG, and it is still a major customer.

"Steve, are you threatening me?" Gu Benmao didn't understand what Jobs meant!
"No, I, Jobs, never threaten anyone. I also want to express to you that if you LG does not want this part of the order for the display screen, Samsung in your country will also be waiting!"

Jobs said very strongly, "Oh, by the way, it seems that in addition to the iPhone's mobile phone screen, it seems that some Apple laptop iBook screens are also from LG."

This made Gu Benmao on the opposite side of the computer stop talking...

It seems that Jobs also knew that he was too strong, and he also "slapped a sweet date to eat", and also gave a step, "President Gu, in fact, you LG can't talk about this muddy water now, why don't you LG get out now ,

And we Apple must be grateful, in addition to its own orders for iPhone mobile phone screens, as well as laptop iBook display screens, and even our iMac Apple computer display screens, I can set aside part of the orders for LG! "

Apple can now be said to completely cover mobile phones, laptops, digital players, computers...all electronic products, and it is a real consumer electronics empire.

Gu Benmao really couldn't refuse this temptation, "So all Apple products can't be less than 2000 million display screens per year?"

"Okay, yes, but the quality must be guaranteed. You know, Apple needs to review this, and it must be selected first." Jobs said.

Apple has very high requirements on the supply chain. It always only chooses the best products, and the rest can be used by other manufacturers.

Gu Benmao also breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, Steve, you win, we LG agree to withdraw from the Android alliance!"

The Android Alliance has just been established, and some of its member units are about to withdraw. This is not only a slap in the face of LG, but also a slap in the face of Fengrui!

Jobs has always been ruthless to the enemy. He liked this operation very much. He did not forget to say: "President Gu, I hope you'd better announce it publicly!"

"Steve, don't go too far!...Well, okay!" Gu Benmao finally reluctantly agreed.

"President Gu, I'm not asking you to launch forever, I'm just asking you to withdraw publicly once, even if you join the next day, we at Apple will have no objection, and the order will still be delivered with both hands!" Jobs said.

"Jobs, you are still the best, and now I also think you will be the final winner!" said Gu Benmao.

"Then you have borrowed your good words!"

Jobs also hung up the phone, "Okay, LG has taken care of it, now it's all about HTC, it's all up to you, Tim!"

"Okay, Steve, among other things, there are hundreds of products in the supply chain for a mobile phone. Finding one that delays HTC's launch for half a year is not a big problem." Cook nodded.

"Well, very good, Fengrui's third weakness is patents!"

Jobs said loudly: "I don't know how many patents Fengrui has in hand, and I don't know that he has reached multiple patent authorizations with other manufacturers, but I am sure it does not have our Apple graphics patents in its hands!

And this is our most powerful weapon against Fengrui. Back then, we let the thief Microsoft steal our graphic patents from us. This time we must not give Fengrui any more chances!

Therefore, I want to directly sue Fengrui to court, not only will he be defeated, but he will also be notorious! "

Jobs really "hit the snake and hit the seven inches". He directly found the most fatal weakness from the three aspects of Fengrui's most powerful ally Google, Fengrui's most core mobile phone manufacturer, and operating system patents!
No wonder it's Jobs, it really makes people dissatisfied!

And after Jobs finished speaking, everyone suddenly became enlightened. It turned out that this matter was so simple, and they really took Feng Rui seriously!
At this time, Jobs said again, "Actually, what I just said is about Fengrui's own internal affairs. There is one more thing I didn't say, which is about external affairs.

Since Fengrui launched the Android mobile system, the only one that has to face the competition from Microsoft, the "boss" of the operating system, as well as the giants in the mobile phone field, Nokia, Motorola, and Samsung, I don't believe they have no ideas. Of course, Apple must also consider these Fortunately, all of this is under my control! "

Those people are completely relieved now, with Jobs, they really don't have to worry about anything (it rhymes quite a bit, applause!).

It’s just that Jobs’s performance wasn’t over yet, so he stood up and said, “Actually, I want to say one more thing. In addition to the three internal factors I mentioned above, as well as external competition, there is actually one more The simpler and more critical factor…”

There are more than three things that have been said inside and out, so why is there a more deadly reason? !

seriously? !

What is it? !
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(End of this chapter)

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