Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 553 Can't Let the Scariest Thing Happen!

Chapter 553 Can't Let the Scariest Thing Happen! (Pleading subscription support!)
Does Fengrui have a more fatal weakness? !
As soon as Jobs said that, everyone was immediately confused!

seriously? !Could it be that what you just said was all nonsense!

It seems that today is destined to be the performance stage of Jobs, and Jobs stood up directly, and said loudly while walking: "Actually, besides the three factors I mentioned above, Fengrui also has a simpler and more important factor. And a more deadly factor..."

Jobs walked when he liked talking the most. At this time, Jobs paused a little, but he quickly gave his answer, "That is Fengrui is a Huaxia company!"

Well, then, this is the end, we also know that Fengrui is a Chinese company!Yes, it's not bad, but what's wrong with it, it has become Feng Rui's most fatal flaw! ?
Many people expressed their incomprehension, but careful people figured it out quickly.

At this time, Jobs also continued: "The competition between Fengrui and us this time is different from the nature of our competition with Microsoft last time!
Last time it was an internal matter of our country, whoever wins or loses, and no one knew that the scale of the IT industry would be so large.

But the nature of the competition is different this time. The IT industry has almost covered the whole world. This is not just a competition between companies, but has risen to a national strategic competition, and this is our biggest advantage of Apple!

The Internet was invented by us in the United States, the chip is from the United States, the instruction set is from the United States, and the software is also ours, including servers and routers for network connection. We invented all the standards in the IT field by us in the Western world.

What does Fengrui have, what does Huaxia have, why does it want to dominate the world and succeed? !A Huaxia enterprise wants to reshape the rules of the game, do you think it is possible! "

If the struggle of small enterprises is just a struggle of simple money interests; then the struggle of super enterprises like Fengrui and Apple sometimes represents the embodiment of the will of the country and reshape the structure of the world economic system.

After Jobs finished speaking, everyone understood in their hearts that the mobile operating system of smartphones is not just a simple system competition, it is a very large ecosystem competition, and it is also a national strategy. The only system that succeeds is Microsoft!
You can even imagine that if all the smartphones used by Americans are equipped with a sharp Android mobile system, what a terrible thing it would be!This "most terrible thing" must not be allowed to happen!
At this time, Jobs said: "Of course, it is too early for me to say this, the worst situation at that time is when Fengrui's Android system rules the world.

If this serious situation really comes to this, we have to let the "white house" politicians who eat nothing to do bad things, we can't vote for them in vain! "

The more everyone listened, the more relieved they became, and the more relieved they became, the happier they became. It seemed that Feng Rui had no chance of success at all!

Seeing that everyone was happy and blossoming, Jobs also poured cold water on it, "Okay, now is not the time to be happy, Fengrui may not be able to succeed, but the one who wins in the end may not necessarily be our Apple,

There are also Microsoft, Google, Nokia, Motorola... This is a [-]-meter marathon. We just ran [-] meters ahead of time. set"! "

Everyone woke up all of a sudden, even if they were not sharp enough, it might not be Apple's turn. The system competition is the cruelest, and only one company will win in the end. Compared with Microsoft and Nokia, Apple is not Dare to say that the final winner is myself.

After everyone calmed down, Jobs also walked to the desk, and finally concluded: "Okay, what I just said is just to let everyone have a clear understanding of Fengrui. Don't belittle yourself, and don't be complacent. We and Fengrui The sharp war has just begun, and the most important thing for us now is to do our own thing first,

Just like what Cook said just now, the most critical and important thing for us now is the launch of the first-generation iPhone, and it is only more than a month away from the launch time, so everyone must be nervous! "

At this time, Jobs sat down again, took a sip of coffee, and continued: "When the first-generation iPhone smartphone is launched, we will immediately organize a counterattack against Fengrui. One is to delay the launch of HTC Android smartphones. The second is to directly attack Fengrui’s Android system through a patent war, which will buy time for our first-generation iPhone!”

Then Jobs pointed to Cook and said directly: "Tim, I have taught you to be responsible for these, I just want the result!"

"Well, okay, Steve." Tim Cook also nodded, and then he suddenly thought of something, and then said: "Steve, I suddenly thought of how to delay the first model through the HTC supply chain. time to market for android smartphones,

Didn’t you reach an agreement with Gu Benmao of LG just now? It just so happens that LG is also the main supplier of HTC panels. Didn’t he agree to withdraw from the Android alliance? I slapped Li Feng once, and I don't care about slapping him again, I believe he will agree. "

Cook's thinking was very logical. He had already offended Fengrui anyway, and he didn't care about offending him again. Jobs also thought about it and planned to give LG's Gu Benmao another computer.

But when Jobs picked up the phone and was about to make a call, he put it down again, "Well, that's a good idea, but let's forget about it today. I spoke badly to President Gu just now. I guess he's not in a good mood at the moment, and just now He agreed to withdraw from the Android Alliance, the idea is because of our Apple order, this time, the HTC supply chain, let’s wait until he is in a better mood tomorrow, but I guess the problem is not big, at worst, I will give him another order!"

"As long as there is no problem, even if LG can't, we must have other means." Cook counted.

Everyone didn't think there was anything wrong with doing this. Isn't this just market competition? It's life and death on the battlefield. It's just that foreigners' ideas are more direct.

"Well, I'm not worried about this. As for the counterattack against Fengrui, the time is set at the beginning of June. Let's let Li Feng shine for a few days. This day is also exactly one month before the launch of our first-generation iPhone. Let's set aside some time to see how Feng Rui reacts!"

After talking about this, Jobs finally made all the arrangements that should be made. The remaining key is to wait for the iPhone to be launched, and then give Fengrui a "big gift" as a surprise by the way!
But Jobs did not forget to say in the end: "Although Fengrui has many fatal weaknesses, everything is changing, and we Apple is not without weaknesses, maybe when we give Apple a fatal blow,
From now on, we must attach great importance to Fengrui, and raise the level of attention to Fengrui to the highest level, which is at the same level as Microsoft!And from now on, you must keep an eye on Fengrui, and report any of its actions to me,
In particular, its main leader, Li Feng, has to keep an eye on him all the time. I also know what he does and says every day, and even what he eats, what he does, and that woman he has sex with (Li Feng: I said, Old Qiao , you are going too far!) Wait, I need to know!
In short, I have raised Fengrui to an unprecedented level, even higher than Microsoft's level!Alright, now the meeting is adjourned, and everyone can do it for me! "

finished.Jobs immediately stood up and announced the end of the meeting. Sure enough, Jobs acted decisively and never dragged his feet.

As for Jobs, who has always been domineering, after everyone left, Jobs sat down all of a sudden, and his face suddenly turned pale, because his pancreatic islet cancer had recurred again, and since the beginning of the meeting, he was covered in blood all over his body. It hurts badly.

But Jobs can't fall at this time, he must also reshape the glory of Apple, just like what he said when he first learned to face the serious illness calmly:

“Everyone dies very quickly, and all external expectations, pride, and fear of embarrassment or failure fade away after death, and I just want to leave something that really matters!”

Originally, Jobs already felt that he was about to succeed, because he was full of confidence in his iPhone. He felt very much that the iPhone smartphone would really change the world, and he would be able to fulfill his promise, "Leave the truly important s things".

But what Jobs didn't expect was that just when he was about to succeed, Feng Rui came out halfway, a company from China,

Sometimes Jobs thought it was funny when he thought about it. When the iPhone was released, he thought about the competition the iPhone would face. He thought about Nokia, Motorola, and Microsoft, but the only thing he didn’t expect was a company called Fengrui "The Huaxia enterprise, and this enterprise puts a lot of pressure on itself, just like Microsoft's Bill Gates.

Could it be that the sharp Li Feng is his fateful enemy? !So what is Bill Gates? !
No matter who it is or not, no one can stop your success!

Jobs thought for a while, and stood up enduring the pain, but just as he stood up, he fell down again, and this time he lay down directly on the ground. He was in so much pain now, as if there was something stuck all over his body. bite him.

Just at this time, Cook came in because of something. Seeing that Jobs was so uncomfortable, he quickly helped Jobs up, and then he sat comfortably on the chair.

At this time, Cook also asked with concern: "Steve, is it possible that your islet cancer has occurred again? You should really pay attention to your body.
Your health is not only a matter of yourself and your family, but also a matter of Apple. I can't even imagine that if one day you are gone, who can lead this Apple.

So I suggest that you should undergo surgery as soon as possible while you are not busy now, there is still time now! "

At this time, Jobs was obviously much better, "I don't want my stomach to be cut open and then stitched up again, and I don't want to suffer that crime!"

"Then you can't make fun of your body!" Cook persuaded again.

"The main reason is that I am reluctant to leave Apple. I want to see the day it succeeds, at least the day it surpasses Microsoft!" Jobs said firmly.

Seeing that Cook wanted to say something more, Jobs waved his hand directly, "Tim, now is not the time to talk about this, there is medicine under the drawer in my office, please bring it here."

Jobs has a weird personality and a unique style of doing things. As long as he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it, especially when it comes to Jobs' health.
Cook knew Jobs' character, so he had no choice but to bring the medicine. At least Jobs has improved a lot than before, and he has started to take medicine!

At this time, Jobs obviously improved, and the familiar Jobs came back strongly. He asked Cook directly, "Tim, what's the matter, why are you back?"

Sure enough, he is very Jobs, always so strong, even when he is facing serious illness.

"Steve, Jonathan is back and is waiting in your office. We thought you would be there soon, but after waiting for a long time, I saw that you didn't come, so I came to have a look, and then..." Cook explained.

"Oh, Jonathan is back, so soon, let's go there quickly." Jobs hurried back.

Jonathan Ive, the designer of Apple, was dug out from a pile of resumes from the dust after Jobs returned to Apple.

Jobs once regarded Jonathan Ive as a "spiritual partner in Apple". Within Apple, Jonathan Ive has an influence second only to Jobs.

If Jobs is the symbol of Apple's soul and spirit, and Tim Cook is Apple's executor, then Jonathan Ive is Apple's designer. All of Apple's most successful products are designed by him, including iPod, iMac , and now the iPhone...

So Jobs was very happy when he saw Jonathan Ive, and he didn't want to lie on the ground sick just now.

Jobs also said directly: "Jonathan, I'm sorry to disturb your vacation, and I will make it up to you when I have a chance." Then Jobs went straight to the point, "Do you know about Fengrui?"

"Well, on the way here, I have already watched Fengrui's opener meeting, and also studied Fengrui and Li Feng's information. I have to say that this time is a very strong opponent!" Jonathan Yves also said.

"Yeah, it's just the three of us right now, and I'm not happy with you saying that, actually, I don't know what to do! This Li Feng puts more pressure on me than Microsoft's Bill Gates puts on me. After all, Bill Gates He is an old opponent. I can guess what level he is and what he does.

But this Li Feng is different, he gave me a really unfathomable feeling, as if everything was planned by him, and everything he did could be completed step by step in the end, it was really scary , A true prophet! "Jobs also revealed his heart in front of his subordinates for the first time.

Jonathan Ive and Tim Cook also nodded, Alexander!
"Did Cook tell you the results of our meeting just now?" Jobs asked.

"Well, Tim told me everything, I think these measures are very good, and I have nothing to add." Jonathan Ive said.

Jobs also nodded, and then went on to say: "Those mentioned at the meeting just now are just some countermeasures, and they are all "small ways". The real thing that can completely defeat Fengrui is our own product, so I am so anxious this time. Bringing you back is for the research and development of a new generation of iPhones!"

Originally, after the development of the first-generation iPhone was completed, Jobs wanted to see the sales of the iPhone after it went on the market, and started the research and development of the next-generation iPhone. Now that the sharpness is coming, Jobs has also accelerated the pace.

Jobs also said: "From the demonstration of the Android system at the Fengrui Developer Conference and the relevant materials I have, I think Fengrui's mobile system still has some reservations.

I even estimate that Fengrui's next-generation Android system has already been developed!So we have to speed up the development of our iOS system, as well as the development of the next-generation iPhone..."

"real or fake?"

"It's probably true. These are not important. The final performance of the system is still reflected in the mobile terminal! Regardless of whether there is a new version of the Fengrui Android system, I am sure that the current Android phone is only the current HTC one, and it must not be downloaded. The development of a new generation of Android phones!

So what I mean is to launch the second-generation iPhone as soon as possible after the first-generation iPhone is launched on June 6 this year, so that we can delay the launch of Fengrui's first Android phone while adding our own second-generation phone research and development,

In this way, when Android phones are on the market, we can use the second-generation mobile phones to compete and make a 'generation difference', so as to win the first opportunity!In this way, Apple will be able to take the lead step by step, step by step, and finally win! "

What a Jobs, not only has a conspiracy, but also a conspiracy, really put Fengrui to death!
(End of this chapter)

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