Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 581 Coincidence

Chapter 581 Coincidence
There used to be so many opportunities in front of me, but I didn't cherish them. When I lost them, I regretted it.

This is the current situation of Robert Downey Jr.

At this time, Robert Downey Jr. has also walked out of Marvel, but when he thought of Kevin Fitch's attitude just now, the depression in his heart became more intense.

If it was in the past, Robert Downey Jr. would definitely be willing to degenerate, but he definitely won't now. He has indeed corrected himself.

Came to a hamburger restaurant, Robert Downey Jr. ordered a cheeseburger, sat at the table with a downcast expression.

In fact, if it was in the 90s, Robert Downey Jr. would definitely not have the opportunity to sit alone in a burger restaurant and eat a burger. At that time, he was a star that everyone was looking forward to, and he was surrounded by people everywhere he went.

Is it just now?
What is the most indispensable thing in Los Angeles?

And fallen stars like Robert Downey Jr. will not arouse the curiosity of ordinary people today.

So the entertainment industry is a very forgetful place, no matter how brilliant you used to be, as long as fans don't like you, you are just an ordinary person.

This is also the reason why some stars are unable to adapt after their popularity has fallen.

In Feng Xiaogang's movie "Party A and Party B", the big star played by Xu Wei is like this. He says he wants to live the life of an ordinary person, but after only a few days, people can't stand that kind of life.

This is not an exaggeration, but a fact.

"Downie?" Just as Robert Downey Jr. was confused, a voice suddenly sounded beside him.

Robert Downey Jr. looked up and saw a face of Chinese descent, but what made Robert Downey Jr. feel strange was that he actually felt that this person looked familiar, as if he had seen it before.

You must know that not only do Chinese people think that foreigners look the same, but foreigners also look at Chinese people in the same way.

"May I ask who you are?" Robert Downey Jr. asked politely.

"My name is Li Feng!" Li Feng said with a smile, he was knocked down in the supermarket yesterday, and he was knocked down here again today, it's really a predestined relationship!

At this time, Li Feng did not expect that he was still discussing with Lu Lu yesterday about the acquisition of Marvel, and he met Robert Downey Jr. here today.

It seems that I can't do it if I don't buy Marvel!
Lu Lu is currently negotiating with major investment institutions to acquire Marvel shares, and at the same time, she also has to operate to acquire the scattered shares of Marvel in the stock market. It is not interesting for Li Feng to stay in the villa alone, so he is going to visit Hollywood. When I was about to eat something at noon, I didn't expect to see Robert Downey Jr. here.

"Li Feng?" Robert Downey Jr. was taken aback for a moment. First of all, he felt that the name was familiar, which made him very curious. He looked familiar and his name was familiar. Why couldn't he remember where he met him? What?

Shaking his head, Robert Downey Jr. felt that the previous depraved behavior might have hurt his memory nerves, and he felt angry and regretful again.

By the way, isn't this the person who knocked me down yesterday? At that time, he seemed to have said "Iron Man", and then he received the mirror of "Iron Man", but the result of the mirror was not very satisfactory.

"Excuse me, do we know each other?" Robert Downey Jr. was still a little uncertain.

If it was normal, Li Feng would naturally not have much to say to Robert Downey Jr., but now that he wants to acquire Marvel, he naturally cannot leave directly, and he feels that he is destined to meet him twice in a row. of.

Li Feng smiled and said, "Li Feng from Fengrui Technology, I also have an American name called 'Leo'!"


As soon as Leo was mentioned, Robert Downey Jr. suddenly remembered why Li Feng looked familiar to him. It turned out to be Li Feng from Fengrui Technology, a well-known entrepreneur and the world's top fit.

All of this is clear. I really don't know the other party, but it doesn't mean I don't know the other party. Fengrui Technology is very famous in North America!

No one thought that a Chinese technology company would achieve such a great achievement in the world, and not only in its own field, but also in the investment of key companies. It is said that it has been involved with Apple recently.

"Mr. Li, hello, I didn't expect you to know me!" Robert Downey Jr. immediately stood up. For the existence of Li Feng's level, even Robert Downey Jr. in the 90s could not underestimate him, let alone now Robert Downey Jr.!
Li Feng smiled and said: "Hi, Donnie, I have seen some movies starring you before, and by the way, I really appreciate your acting skills!"

Robert Downey Jr. showed a wry smile: "That's all in the past!"

Then Robert Downey Jr. invited Li Feng to sit down, and Li Feng naturally did not refuse.

"I didn't expect Mr. Li to be interested in movies!" said Robert Downey Jr.

Li Feng said with a smile: "You may not know about some research. I also invested in film companies in China!"

Since he wanted to win over Robert Downey Jr., Li Feng would naturally reveal some of his background.

And Li Feng's answer really surprised Robert Downey Jr. He didn't expect that Li Feng would invest in the film industry, but it can't be said that Robert Downey Jr. is ignorant. After all, Feng Rui is the most reported about Li Feng in North America. Technological development in the field of science and technology.

The two chatted nonchalantly. Li Feng noticed that Robert Downey Jr. was looking at his mobile phone from time to time, and asked with a smile why.

Robert Downey Jr. smiled wryly and told Li Feng what happened just now. In fact, Robert Downey Jr. was really worried, otherwise he wouldn't have talked about these things with Li Feng, a person he just met.

Li Feng heard that Robert Downey Jr. had just finished interviewing for the role of Iron Man, and felt that the timing of his acquisition of Marvel was just right.

Unexpectedly, this little Robert Downey was still his lucky star, Li Feng also smiled and said: "I have read the iron man comic, it is a very good comic, and to be honest, I personally think that there is no one more suitable than you this role."

When people are down, they always lack immunity to such encouraging topics, and because where is Li Feng's identity, no matter when, people at Li Feng's level don't need to compliment Robert Downey Jr. , so such a compliment is even more precious to Robert Downey Jr.

Sometimes people's friendship is so wonderful, just a small throb in the heart can make people have friendship.

At this time, Robert Downey Jr. also raised a small flame of friendship.

"Thank you Mr. Li for your encouragement. To be honest, I also like you Huaxia very much. You must know some of my previous experiences!" Robert Downey Jr. obviously needs someone to vent his depression, and now sitting in the Li Feng who is opposite him is the best candidate. First of all, where is Li Feng's status? Such a person will not gossip casually. At the same time, he and Li Feng have just met, so it is embarrassing for them to have no acquaintances.

Li Feng said with a smile: "I don't know very well, but I have heard some..."

"Actually after I came out" the following time was the time for Robert Downey Jr. to complain, and Li Feng also knew about Robert Downey Jr.'s past. After he came out of the correctional institution, Robert Downey Jr. did not Break with yourself directly.

It’s just that once again just after the end, Robert Downey Jr. drove to the hamburger restaurant and wanted to eat something, but when he bought a cheeseburger, he couldn’t eat it anymore, his heart beat faster, and he was nauseated constantly .

".I know it's the influence of those things. At that time, I suddenly felt that I can't go on like this anymore. If I go on like this, I will be a useless person!"

Li Feng smiled and said, "Very wise choice!"

Robert Downey Jr. gave a wry smile, and continued: "So I drove the car to the beach, threw everything in the car into the sea, slept well, got up and ate two cheeseburgers, and then In order to increase my body's immunity, I started to learn Wing Chun, and it can be said that Wing Chun and cheeseburgers helped me quit those habits!"

Li Feng really did not expect Robert Downey Jr. to have such a history and practice Wing Chun, it's true!

"Very well, there is a saying in China that the prodigal son turns his head back and does not change his money. I think your future will definitely be better!" Li Feng also sincerely wished.

Robert Downey Jr. said: "It's just that not everyone believes in me now and is willing to give me another chance, but I just hope to have another chance. Isn't this chance to prove something? It's to tell those who have looked down on me ,I can!"

Li Feng smiled and said: "Believe me, I have a hunch that you will become Iron Man!"

Robert Downey Jr. may have vented his depression, so the smile on his face increased, and he said, "I hope so, Mr. Li, no matter what, thank you for listening to me today!"

Li Feng smiled and said: "It's nothing, I also find it very interesting to chat with you!"

When the two left the burger shop, it was already an hour later. Robert Downey Jr. thanked Li Feng again: "Mr. Li, we are friends now!"

Li Feng laughed and said, "Of course!"

"Great, then Mr. Li, let's leave a phone call!" said Robert Downey Jr.

"Okay!" Li Feng said his phone number very readily, and then said with a smile: "Donnie, believe me, you will definitely become Iron Man!"

"Thank you, Leo! I'm fine now, even without Iron Man!" Downey said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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