Chapter 582
After separating from Robert Downey Jr., Li Feng went back to the villa because Lu Lu had already returned.

In the study, Lu Lu was standing there with a cup of coffee in her bare feet, looking out the window.

Hearing the voice and seeing Li Feng walking in, Lu Lu smiled slightly and said, "I was a little tired just now, get up and take a rest!"

Li Feng smiled and said: "Baby, you don't have to work so hard. The acquisition of Marvel is just an entertainment activity. Even if you can't win Marvel, I don't want you to be too tired!"

Lu Lu smiled and said: "It's okay, this is something I'm interested in, seeing those companies become your company through my operation, I feel very fulfilled!"

Li Feng laughed, stood next to Lu Lu, put his arms around her waist, and said with a smile, "Okay, just be happy yourself! But you must also pay attention to your body!"

"By the way, didn't you say you'd just go out for a while, why did you come back now?" Lu Lu leaned her head on Li Feng's shoulder and asked in a low voice.

"When I met an interesting person, I chatted a little more." Li Feng straightened Lu Lu's hair and explained.

Lu Lu asked curiously: "An interesting person? A man or a woman?"

Li Feng smiled wryly: "What are you thinking, man, Robert Downey Jr.!"

Lu Lu obviously heard about Robert Downey Jr., and said with a smile, "How did you meet him?"

Li Feng simply told Lu Lu about his experience with Robert Downey Jr. just now.

"So that's the case. It seems that you and Marvel are really destined, but are you so sure that he can play Iron Man?"

"As long as I acquire Marvel, he will be able to participate!" Li Feng said confidently.

Lu Lu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and said, "That's right! My husband is domineering!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Lu left Li Feng's arms, stretched her waist, and said, "Then start working!"

Li Feng chuckled and walked out of the room without saying anything.

Li Feng trusts Lu Lu's ability very much. It can be said that Lu Lu is the cornerstone of his career success, and since Lu Lu has never said that he has difficulties, then the acquisition of Marvel must be no problem.

In fact, in the process of acquiring Marvel, Li Feng was not prepared to show up. This was also because of Li Feng's fame. At this time, Li Feng was no longer the Li Feng that no one knew a few years ago.

At this time, Li Feng can be said to be the object of attention of the entire Wall Street. If the new generation of investment godfathers let them know that they are buying Marvel, what will happen at that time, so Li Feng is in this matter. Full authority was entrusted to Lu Lu.

When Lu Lu got Marvel in his hands, it was time for him to come forward.

Back in the living room, Li Feng turned on the TV, which was showing ESPN sports programs, but to Li Feng's disappointment, it was not NBA news, but football news.

Back in the 90s, Stern came to China with videos of NBA games. He wanted CCTV to broadcast NBA games. In order to meet the person in charge, Stern spent all his time on CCTV. I sat in the building for four hours before I met the person in charge. It was with such an unyielding spirit that Stern brought the NBA into China, but it happened to be ruined by an idiot in later generations.
There are four major professional leagues in North America: the American Football League, the American Professional Baseball League, the American Professional Basketball League, and the National Hockey League.

For domestic audiences, the most popular is the NBA, but in North America, the NBA can only rank third among the four major professional leagues, after the American Football League NFL and the American Professional Baseball League MLB after.

The NFL Super Bowl is the biggest event for Americans, and the Super Bowl is also known as the "American Spring Festival Gala".

So many friends will see that whenever the Super Bowl is held, countless stars will go to the scene to watch it. At the same time, the singers who can sing on the Super Bowl are also the hottest singers in North America that year. However, this tradition has not always existed. Before the 90s, there were very few celebrities participating in the Super Bowl halftime show, and most of them were performed by performing arts organizations, which lacked attention. However, with the development of the Super Bowl, the halftime show began to pay more and more attention to inviting popular singers to appear.

Michael Jackson, who performed on the Super Bowl halftime show in 93, caused a huge sensation.

Later, the Super Bowl halftime show also became a stage for many production companies to release their new movie trailers, and many blockbuster movies will release their new movie trailers here.

But even so, the salaries of NBA players are the highest among the four major professional leagues, which is why many players who were both basketball players and rugby players in college choose to join the NBA.

One of the most famous is Allen Iverson. In high school, Allen Iverson was definitely a double star of football and basketball. He first led his high school football team to win the Virginia High School Championship as a quarterback, and then He also led the school basketball team to win the same honor.

At this time, ESPN was broadcasting last year's Super Bowl game. As for the advertisement, it was naturally deleted, but Li Feng has now begun to think about the problem as the master of Marvel.

If you buy Marvel, you can buy the Super Bowl advertisement next year. Although this will increase the cost of "Iron Man", it will also be of great help to the movie's box office.

An "Iron Man" has brought Marvel a global box office of more than 8 million U.S. dollars. In terms of box office share alone, Marvel can get nearly 3.5 million U.S. dollars in revenue.

For a Hollywood movie, box office revenue is always only a part, not all, especially movies like "Iron Man".

With the success of the "Iron Man" movie, its peripheral income is the real big head, toys, network broadcast rights, TV broadcast rights, video tape income, etc., these incomes even exceed the box office income of the movie itself.

Thinking of this, Li Feng became more determined in his mind to acquire Marvel.

Now my layout in the domestic film and television industry has been basically completed. With the rise of Fengrui related businesses, China will enter the Internet era in an all-round way. At that time, if I have the banner of Marvel in my hands, it will definitely be a powerful force. subsidy.

And the most important point is that I can use the strength of Marvel, and wait for the "Disney baby" to come to ask for cooperation with me, and even use this to invest in Disney.

In another time and space, although it was Marvel who begged Disney to take care of it, it is different now. In another time and space, Marvel lacks financial support. Even if "Iron Man" succeeds, they still bear huge debts , coupled with the fact that the film industry is a high-risk industry, if Marvel wants to develop, they will definitely not be able to rely on their own strength.

There is one more item that Marvel has to consider, and it is also something Li Feng needs to consider, and that is the release of the movie.

The most important reason why there are only a few top Hollywood movies, but few other movie companies come out, is that the top movie companies in Hollywood have their own movie distribution channels.

There are only dead giants, no born giants.

From the "Big Eight" in Hollywood to the "Big Seven" (United Artists over), then the "Big Six" (MGM over), and then the "Big Five" (Disney's acquisition of 20th Century Fox), it will only decrease. will increase.

Only when you truly own the distribution channels of movies can you really gain a foothold in this industry, not to mention that these top giants still monopolize the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA).

Just like Dreamworks, there are three giants of Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen, as well as blockbuster movies such as "Gladiator" and "Saving Private Ryan", But the company just can't make money because of its own distribution channels.

Just in case, if we want to acquire Marvel as soon as possible, we have to rely on external pressure. Thinking of this, Li Feng picked up the phone again and made a call: "Help me contact the president of Paramount. Let me investigate the situation of theaters in North America!"

"Okay, Mr. Li!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Feng began to recall the Marvel movies he had seen. In fact, not every series of Marvel superhero movies made money. What kind of profit did it come from? It was not until "Thor 1" that the director was changed, which saved the series and gave Marvel the courage to open the fourth "Thor".

At the same time, he is also recalling the development process of Marvel. In the early Marvel movies, Marvel did not cooperate with Disney, but with Paramount. This is why the early "Iron Man" movies started From time to time, the Paramount logo will appear.

That's why Li Feng wanted to meet the president of Paramount.

The great man once taught us that negotiations are negotiated through the barrel of a gun. Since Li Feng wants to acquire Marvel, he must increase his bargaining chips. The more chips he has, the more likely he is to win Marvel. big!

After ordering these things, Li Feng waited for the other party's reply, but Li Feng did not forget his most important thing. The acquisition of Marvel is just a branch of his business plan, and this period of time is really important to Li Feng Still fighting with Apple.

After asking his subordinates, Li Feng knew that Cook had made appointments with him many times. In fact, Jobs had already started to panic, but Li Feng would not meet Cook. He wanted to completely convince Jobs this time!
We have to wait for Jobs to come to beg for mercy in person!

(End of this chapter)

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