Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 587 Coincidence

Chapter 587 Coincidence
On the second day, Kevin Fitch came to Merrill Lynch and met Danny Green!

"Danny, my friend!" Kevin Fitch smiled and opened his arms. Kevin Fitch and Danny Green are college classmates, which is why Merrill Lynch has a great willingness to support the comics. One of the reasons for Wei loans.

After the two embraced, Danny Green looked at Kevin Feige with a smile and said, "Why did you turn off your phone yesterday?"

Kevin Feige said with a smile, "Isn't it just to recharge your batteries and negotiate with you?"

Danny Green restrained his smile, looked at Kevin Fitch, and said, "Then, if you say that, there are some things you don't know yet?"

Kevin Fitch thought that Danny Green was referring to Paramount's statement, and said with a smile, "You're talking about Brad Gray's statement, right? Of course I know this, but my friend, I invite you Don't worry, the movie Paramount is talking about is definitely not our company's "Iron Man"!"

Danny Green shook his head and said, "It seems that you really don't know!"

Kevin Fitch showed a puzzled expression, and said, "Is there anything else I don't know?"

Danny Green said: "What you said is not the most important. In fact, since yesterday, some investment institutions on Wall Street that hold Marvel shares have received acquisition intentions from a lady named Lu Lu. This Lu Lu obviously raised the purchase price from a premium of 10% to 15% within a day when Marvel was bound to win.

With the sharp drop in Marvel's stock price announced by Paramount yesterday, all investment institutions are very worried about the future development of Marvel, so at this time, those who are still waiting and watching have contacted Lu Lu. Just this morning, you The moment I walked in, three more investment institutions sold their Marvel shares to Lu Lu, and now she is in our boss's office, negotiating our Marvel shares! "

Kevin Fitch's complexion suddenly changed!

In any case, he never thought that in just one day, the situation would change, and someone would be so interested in Marvel and buy Marvel shares at a premium of 15%. This person is out of his mind!
Even if Kevin Feige is the president of Marvel, but looking at this issue from the perspective of a businessman, he thinks that the other party's head must be broken.

But for the sake of his own life, Kevin Fitch immediately said to Danny Green: "Danny, you should contact your boss immediately, you can't sell the shares of Marvel, I believe that after next year, Marvel’s stock price will double several times in no time!”

Danny Green looked at his old friend. Danny Green naturally knew about Kevin Fitch's ambitions, but he still shook his head and gave a wry smile:
"It's late, Kevin, I'm willing to believe you, but our boss is not very optimistic about the development of Marvel. If there is no Lu Lu, all this is easy to say, and our boss is also willing to accompany you in the comic." Wei took a gamble, but now that Lu Lu's appearance has basically disrupted our boss's layout, it is impossible to get him to support your Marvel again!"

"Do you know where this Lulu came from?" Kevin Fitch knew that Danny Green would not deceive him, and now this matter has gradually become clear, in Kevin Fitch's view , Now I have proposed the concept of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which belongs to the grown peaches, and this one called Lu Lu is the one who picked the peaches!
Kevin Fitch doesn't think the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a concept left over from his predecessor.

Danny Green shook his head, and said: "This Lu Lu has always been very mysterious. She has already had her name in New York, but few people know her background, but everyone knows that after she came to Wall Street, she really It’s a few successful deals!”

Kevin Feige showed a puzzled expression on his face. For a moment, he even thought that this Lu Lu was sent by a certain studio, and wanted to push it to the front as a curtain for the acquisition of Marvel.

In fact, Kevin Fitch did guess something, but Lu Lu was not sent by other studios to buy Marvel, but Li Feng's!

Just when he was puzzled, he saw a very beautiful and intellectual beauty come out chatting and laughing with the president of Merrill Lynch Securities. I think this is that Lu Lu!
"Haha, I didn't expect you to come so soon, Kevin. I think you already know who this is!" The president of Merrill Lynch was very happy at this time. He was startled,
Before that, he did receive an application for equity purchase from Lu Lu, but he still wanted to take a look, hoping to raise the price again, but he didn't expect that after only one day, Marvel's stock price plummeted up.

So he urgently contacted Lu Lu, and Lu Lu, as everyone is saying now, is a qualified taker, and she didn't even make a counter-offer, and still bought Marvel at the original offer.

So the boss of Merrill Lynch sold his shares in Marvel to Lu Lu without any hesitation.

"This should be Miss Lu Lu!" Kevin Fitch still kept his smile despite the turmoil in his heart.

Lu Lu smiled and said, "Yes, we will be colleagues from now on!"

Hearing Lu Lu's words, Kevin Fitch's heart skipped a beat. Is the other party ready to join Marvel?

At this time, Lu Lu didn't talk too much with Kevin Feiqido, but turned to the president of Merrill Lynch and said with a smile: "Let's sit with the president of Merrill Lynch in the future, I will go to other companies to acquire What about Marvel's shares!"

In front of Kevin Fitch, it was not embarrassing at all to say that he bought the shares of Marvel!

After that, Lu Lu just nodded with Kevin Fitch, and left Merrill Lynch.

After Lu Lu left, the president of Merrill Lynch said to Kevin Fitch with a smile, "Kevin, I think we should wait for the agreements between you and me. The current Marvel is not alone. Forget it!"

Kevin Fitch didn't argue with him, he needed to understand the whole thing right away.

So Kevin Feige quickly left Merrill Lynch and dialed the company's phone number. Now it is obvious that someone is buying Marvel. He needs the support of the board of directors to implement an anti-acquisition, otherwise Marvel may really be acquired by others. acquired.

But when he finished the call, he fell silent
"Boss, what's wrong?" Kevin Fitch's assistant also asked in panic.

Kevin Fitch didn't answer him, but muttered to himself: "How is that possible?"

In one night, Marvel's board of directors also experienced earth-shaking changes. Many shareholders who supported him even told him at this time that they had sold their shares in Marvel!
Even though Kevin Fitch doesn't have exact data in his hands at this time, he can be sure of one thing, that is, Lu Lu must now be one of the largest shareholders of Marvel, or even the largest shareholder. !

Even though he knew that he was in a capital society, he never thought that the power of capital would be so powerful. In just a few days, a company with a market value of nearly one billion US dollars has undergone earth-shaking changes!
"Let's go to Los Angeles!"

At this time, Kevin Fitch already knew that everything had changed!

There is no point in him staying in New York!

In fact, at this time, major financial magazines have already paid attention to this matter, and Lu Lu's acquisition of Marvel has also been exposed!

"A stupid takeover!"

"The stupidest business move of the year has happened!"

"Marvel's big hole, someone finally jumped into it!"


No one is optimistic about Lu Lu's acquisition, just as no one is optimistic about the development of Marvel before, almost every magazine is complaining about Lu Lu's behavior.

But their complaints did not arouse Lu Lu's concern. Her most important task now is to take advantage of the time difference before everyone has recovered, and quickly acquire the shares of Marvel scattered outside.

On the fourth day, Marvel held its own board meeting!

At this time, Lu Lu has also returned to Los Angeles!
After Kevin Fitch returned to Los Angeles yesterday, he immediately contacted the members of the board of directors he knew well, tried his best to persuade them to hold the shares of Marvel in his hands, and told them how bright the future of Marvel is!
But the painted pie is never more attractive than the real pie, and Marvel has never been successful, so in the face of ideals and funds, these shareholders chose funds!
At the board meeting, Kevin Feige was still sitting in his seat, but there were a lot fewer members. At this time, Marvel's board of directors was a little silent.

The atmosphere is a little weird.

To say that the one with the most relaxed expression is naturally Stan Lee who knows the whole thing!

After all, the shares of many of them were brokered by him!
Now the people in the entire meeting room are paying attention to the door, because it won't be long before the new director who held the board meeting will come in. Now someone is secretly calculating, but the conclusion they have drawn makes them very nervous. Depressed, because the equity in the hands of the new director exceeds everyone else!

And these people who have not sold Marvel shares now naturally want to fight against each other, or are people who really have feelings for Marvel.

They were very nervous about the arrival of the new director.

Soon, the door was opened!
The first person to walk in was Lu Lu whom Kevin Fitch had seen in New York before, but what he didn't expect was that there was a man behind Lu Lu.

"It's you! Sharp Li Feng!" After seeing the man, Kevin Fitch stood up in surprise. He naturally knew Li Feng.

It wasn't until this moment that Kevin Fitch knew that it was Li Feng who bought Marvel!
At this time, everyone else saw Li Feng, and one can imagine the wonderful expression on his face!
After Lu Lu came to the scene, she didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly stated that she was buying Marvel shares on behalf of Li Feng. At the same time, they were already the largest shareholder of Marvel, and demanded to hold a meeting of Marvel's board of directors immediately to elect a new Chairman of the Board of Directors!

This kind of behavior, in the eyes of these people present, is superfluous, because the shares in Li Feng's hands have already exceeded the sum of all the people present!
But at this time, everyone's thoughts were complicated again. After all, Li Feng was well-known, and if Li Feng led Marvel, it might be a better choice.

Li Feng, who was soon elected chairman of Marvel's board of directors, sat in his own position, but released the first blockbuster.

"I know that the company is now fully operating the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so I plan to inject [-] million U.S. dollars into the company to support this plan. According to everyone's equity distribution, I hope that everyone can take out cash according to their own equity. If If you can't get it out, I'm sorry, it can only dilute everyone's shares!"

Li Feng is now Marvel's largest shareholder, but that doesn't mean he has to stop. Acquiring Marvel is just the first step. What he wants is to take more initiative in negotiations with Disney.

So now the first thing he has to do is to delist Marvel and take Marvel as his own completely.
And these shareholders in front of him are his stumbling blocks, he will naturally clear them up!
As for how these shareholders are selected, Li Feng can't control it anymore. If there are any real shareholders, it will not constitute a threat.

After giving them time to think about it, Li Feng met Kevin Fitch in his office.

"Kevin, don't worry, I'm very supportive of your ideas!" First of all, Li Feng definitely wants to keep Kevin Fitch steady. In fact, if possible, he hopes that Kevin Fitch will continue to be the director President Wei's, Li Feng likes the one who has proved his talent in his previous life the most!

Li Feng then explained his views on Marvel, and stated that he would not interfere with Kevin Fitch's decision on Marvel.

And Kevin Fitch actually needs the platform of Marvel to realize his own value. Now that he has Li Feng's support, he naturally has no idea of ​​resistance!

And many ideas, Kevin Feige and Li Feng also coincided with each other, if he had known Li Feng's thoughts earlier, what would he be busy with, wouldn't it be enough to just sell it to Li Feng!

After that, Li Feng didn't pay much attention to the matter of Marvel, but handed it over to Lu Lu's agent. After all, it will take some time to deal with the delisting of Marvel.

And Li Feng also met Robert Downey Jr. in the middle, and told Kevin Feige that he had only one request, that he must use Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man!
But favors belong to favors, and business belongs to business. He also specifically asked Kevin Feige that as long as he plays a Marvel hero in the future, he must sign a long-term contract, so Marvel also wants to re-sign the contract with Robert Downey Jr. for six movies. , As for the salary, although it will rise every episode, it will definitely not reach the level of another time and space!

But in the end, Li Feng remembered that Gwyneth, who played the role of Pepper in "Iron Man", the hottest Oscar queen, Li Feng didn't like very much, so he asked Kevin Feige to change her.

"Boss, this Gwyneth is Spielberg's goddaughter, and we have already signed a contract." Kevin Fitch said.

"Spielberg, what's the matter! None of his godmothers and godsons are worry-free. Hurry up and replace them. If you sign a contract, you won't break the contract. Isn't it just a matter of money! Marvel is short of money now Huh! Kevin, you have to correct your attitude and be tough, Marvel is not the same as before." Li Feng said angrily.

Kevin Fitch probably got used to living in poverty and wasn't used to how to spend money, but he still has a knack for flattering, "Then boss, this little pepper, do you have any recommendations?"

"I understand this, isn't it just a vase, so just find a beautiful and sexy blonde woman! Don't forget to sign a long-term contract!" Li Feng said casually.

Kevin Fitch thought that Li Feng had someone to choose, but since the boss didn't have anyone to choose, then follow the procedures.

Li Feng finally gave Kevin Feige some instructions, then turned and left Marvel. After all, this is just a relatively big toy, and he should get down to business!

It took Li Feng five days from when he first noticed Marvel to the final purchase, plus the two days when he first came to play, exactly seven days.

It's time to spare some time and play with Jobs!
Joe, are you ready?

(End of this chapter)

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