Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 588 War is coming!

Chapter 588 War is coming!

The acquisition of Marvel is just an unexpected gain from Li Feng's trip to the United States.

However, even if the later generations of Marvel are good, but compared to Li Feng's Fengrui, this unexpected acquisition is like buying a relatively large toy, which can be regarded as a life-changing product, just to relax and relax...

After this period of rest, Li Feng also needs to calm down. It is time to get down to business. He has not forgotten that the purpose of this trip to the United States is to settle the patent negotiations between Fengrui and Apple.

When Li Feng and Jobs met at Google for the first time, neither side had a correct attitude, they were negotiating with a tentative attitude, so the result needless to say, nothing was agreed upon,
The only gain is that Li Feng showed his trump card, choked Jobs a few words, regained the initiative in the negotiation, and gave Jobs a blow!
And before leaving, Li Feng also set a time limit of 7 days for Jobs, but now that 7 days have passed, Apple has not responded, and Jobs has not stood up to express his opinion.
Just let Cook call himself if he has nothing to do, and call him a "meeting appointment", which is really funny!So gratifying!No sincerity at all!

If you really care about it, you should at least come to visit in person, or even "visit the thatched cottage three times", what is this!This is clearly not taking oneself seriously!

Therefore, Li Feng must express something, at least not let people "take his own words on deaf ears"!
Then roll up your sleeves and have fun with Jobs!


So, on the morning of the eighth day, Li Feng asked Lu Lu to help him make an appointment with "Baker McKenzie", the largest law firm in the United States.

"Baker & McKenzie" (Baker&McKenzie) is a world-renowned international law firm. It was founded in 1949. It was originally a partnership law firm established in Chicago, USA by two young lawyers, Rus SellBaker and John McKenzie.


Therefore, "Baker McKenzie" is hailed as a successful example of an international law firm composed of lawyers with different nationalities and cultural backgrounds, and has become a model for many international law firms to follow in their large-scale development.

This year, "Baker McKenzie" has created a total revenue of more than 10 billion US dollars (of which the revenue of Asian offices accounts for a quarter of the global business revenue), and has also achieved excellent results and various awards around the world, and It has also achieved good results in China, including awards such as "Best China Practice Award" and "Best International Law Firm".

The reason why Li Feng approached the "Baker McKenzie" law firm was mainly because Yunfeng Fund had business cooperation with them, and Lu Lu and their management committee chairman Ms. Christine Legard A good cooperative relationship has been established, and it is considered to be familiar with the road.

And this time Li Feng came to the door in person, and Ms. Christine Legard, the chairman of the management committee of "Baker McKenzie", personally received him.

This British female lawyer and partner from the New York office graduated from Harvard Law School and is also an alumnus with Lu Lu.

If it really counts, Li Feng studied for an MBA at Harvard, so Li Feng is also half of his alumni!

Because of the many relationships, the atmosphere at the meeting was very good, everyone was talking and laughing, and more importantly, everyone had common needs.

Li Feng needs a team of big lawyers to sue Apple in this patent war, and "Baker McKenzie" is the top law firm, which meets Li Feng's requirements.

Moreover, Li Feng also wants to establish a good partnership with the "Baker McKenzie" law firm, it is best to reach a strategic partnership, because since Fengrui intends to achieve something in the world, it must abide by international laws and regulations. Therefore, Li Feng also wants "Baker McKenzie" to become Fengrui's professional lawyer in the Western world.

And "Baker McKenzie" needs top clients like Fengrui, and more importantly, "Baker McKenzie" wants to enter into more professional intellectual property litigation through the lawsuit between Fengrui and Apple.

Although "Baker McKenzie" is the largest law firm in the United States and the largest law firm in the world, it can only be regarded as the largest, not the strongest, especially in professional intellectual property litigation. The grades are also good, but slightly worse than other professional law firms.

Especially "Baker McKenzie"'s old rival, "Weijia Law Firm", and more coincidentally, Apple's law firm is "Weijia Law Firm".

Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP is also one of the top ten commercial law firms in the United States, with annual revenue of $11 billion.It specializes in structured finance, private equity, litigation, capital markets, technology and intellectual property transactions, bankruptcy, labor and employment, antitrust, mergers and acquisitions, and restructuring practices.

Weijia Law Firm has more than 1000 lawyers, headquartered in New York City, USA, and has offices in 16 cities around the world.Its notable clients include: Olympic Corporation, General Electric, Washington Mutual...and of course, Apple.

Since "Lang Youqing and his concubine are interested", "Baker McKenzie" soon reached a strategic partnership with Fengrui.

Neither of them talked about money, because at their level, money is nothing. These more mundane things will definitely be handed over to the people below.

And "Baker McKenzie" also took great pains in order to win this lawsuit. Ms. Christine Legard, the chairman of its management committee, also took the initiative in person.

"Leo, don't worry, for this lawsuit, I will definitely form a huge team of lawyers according to your request, and I will personally come forward. As for the final result, I can't guarantee it. I can only do my best and obey the destiny." .”

Li Feng was very satisfied with Ms. Christine Legard's statement, at least she had an attitude!He also very readily handed over a document to Christine Legard, "Ms. Christine, Fengrui never makes things difficult for partners, I believe that this document of mine will definitely set you up for success! "

Li Feng provided this material mainly because of Fengrui's 555 patents that were successfully registered in advance, and Ms. Christine Legard just looked at it for a while and said with certainty: "Leo, with this material , you just wait and see! Although I want to say 100% victory, my professionalism tells me that it is still 90%!"

Although Ms. Christine Legard said it was modest, but Li Feng also thought so, and he couldn't think of any possibility of failure.

So Li Feng also made his own request, "Ms. Christine, since you are confident in this lawsuit, I have three small requests!"

"What request? Tell me." Ms. Christine Legard said.

"One is the loudness! I like the louder the lawsuit, the better. It's better for people all over the United States, and even the whole world to know about it. That would be great!" Li Feng didn't want to be famous, but Fengrui needed it. But also establish its strong side.

"This is definitely no problem. We at Baker McKenzie also want to take this opportunity to fire the first shot in intellectual property litigation!" Ms. Christine Legard said affirmatively.

"The second is to win! Winning is for sure, but I ask not only to win, but also to win beautifully! It would be best if Jobs can't step down!" Li Feng's request is the same as that of Real Madrid football. To win the championship, you have to play beautifully, which is not easy.

"Eh... this is not good, I will try my best!" Ms. Christine Legard was also reluctant to express her opinion.

"Well, between winning and being cool, let's make sure you win first. And the third point is that the time is short! Although I really hope to beat Apple in one go, I also know that it is impossible. If it is not enough, I still hope to be able to do it as soon as possible." I'm not going to force this to end this officialdom, I can only say as soon as possible!" Li Feng also made some concessions, not so forcefully.

After Li Feng finished speaking, Ms. Christine Legard thought about it for a while and accepted it all, "Leo, what you said, I will do it as soon as possible under the premise of guaranteeing to win! Please believe me Me, this is our appeal too, so leave the rest to us professionals!"

"Then enjoy the cooperation!" Li Feng also readily reached out his hand, and shook hands with Ms. Christine Legard.

"Happy cooperation!"


After Li Feng had a happy meeting with Ms. Christine Legard, he bid farewell to Lu Lu and boarded the plane back to China, and the lawsuit between Fengrui and Apple began!

War is coming!


(End of this chapter)

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