Chapter 589
Ms. Christine Legard, chairman of the management committee of "Baker McKenzie" international law firm, is indeed a strong woman who keeps her word. ".McKenzie" is the first shot in intellectual property litigation!
On the second day after meeting with Li Feng, this powerful woman mobilized her entire network, invited almost all major American media and reporters, held a grand press conference, and formally represented Feng Rui to the United States International Trade Commission ( ITC) filed a lawsuit against Apple!
Yes, that's right, a lawsuit against Apple!And a full 555 lawsuits accused!

Some time ago, Apple sued Fengrui, but now it is Fengrui's turn to sue Apple again.

Fengrui vs Apple!

222 items vs 555 items!
And not only that, Ms. Christine Legard also made a lot of publicity in the major media, especially when Ms. Christine Legard presented Fengrui's 555 genuine patents, "there are There is evidence in the picture”, the scene was also in an uproar:
"Didn't you say that Fengrui plagiarized? How did it become Apple's plagiarism? This is simply impossible! If Huaxia can really make such a perfect operating system, I will live broadcast it and eat shit!"

"That's right, isn't Huaxia copying and pasting our American stuff? Why is it the other way around now? When did Huaxia companies become so awesome!"


Tall and arrogant Americans don't believe this at all, especially if it happens to a star company in the United States like Apple, this is simply impossible!The United States will copy Chinese things, No way!

Of course, no matter how awesome the nation is, there are many people with more rational minds:

"Stop yelling, please take it lightly, Fengrui applied for a patent in 2005, and Apple probably didn't start the iPhone project at that time!"

"Well, it's true. Is it true that Apple copied Fengrui? It's really possible. It's obvious that Fengrui's Android system is more perfect and superior than Apple's iOS system,"


However, these arguments are not drowned in the vast ocean. After all, it is impossible for most proud Americans to recognize the excellence of other countries!

But no matter if they are die-hard fans who support Apple, or, most of them still like to watch the crowd, and the media are unwilling to give up this hot news, and they are willing to contribute to the flames behind the scenes, which also pushes Apple to the forefront. Around the time the iPhone was released.

This almost pissed Jobs to death. This Li Feng really didn't follow the routine, he really didn't leave any room for doing things, and this group of media reporters was like a cowhide plaster, lingering on!
Some time ago, the "Fengrui plagiarism incident from Apple" just broke out, and Li Feng was surrounded by media reporters at the door of the company. Now it happened to Jobs. It really is "Feng Shui Turning"!

However, Jobs was much more irritable than Li Feng. Facing the news media who were chasing and intercepting him, he didn't show any face at all. He directly threw them out of the gate, and even started yelling at each other.

Jobs, who was in an extremely bad mood, turned around and yelled at Cook directly: "Tim, what's going on, didn't you tell you to keep an eye on Li Feng and pay attention to his movements all the time! Report to me immediately! And now! We have been sued! We have been knocked on the door by others! Do you know that we are very passive in our work now!"

Cook felt wronged for a while. On the one hand, he actively contacted Li Feng, but he didn't hang himself;
"Steve, I'm always paying attention, and I'm in touch with Li Feng every day, but he doesn't give me this chance at all!" Cook said aggrievedly.

"It seems that Li Feng did it on purpose, but now this situation is not good for us at Apple, we still have to talk to Li Feng again!" Jobs also understood Cook's grievances.

"It's just that even Li Feng himself has returned to China, and we can't get in touch with him anymore!" Cook said helplessly.

" I'll call Li Feng first and talk about what's going on." Jobs said.

So, Jobs called Li Feng as soon as he called, but no one answered after a long time.

Jobs' face turned green, but he endured it and called again. After a while, Li Feng answered the phone.

"Old Qiao, what's the matter with you? You're in such a hurry, don't you know it's nighttime here!" Li Feng called impatiently and said perfunctorily.

"I said Leo, you are a bit out of place, you don't play cards according to the routine, if you are not satisfied, we can sit down and have a good chat, why are you going through a lawsuit, it's a joke Ah." Although Jobs was very angry, he said with a pleasant face.

"Oh, really, you can sue others, but others can't sue you! Do you allow yourself to be the first grader of junior high school and not allow others to be the fifth grader? Besides, I'm not giving you a chance, it's just that you don't appreciate it!" Li said. Feng said perfunctorily.

"Then you can't say that the lawsuit is just the lawsuit, can we sit down and have a good talk, and we at Apple are very sincere and have always had a cooperative attitude..." Jobs said humbly.

"Really, Old Joe, I didn't see it! But I'm kind, I can give you another chance, but this time, you have to come to Huaxia to talk to me in person! Also, come with your true sincerity! I Your patience is limited!" Li Feng said forcefully.

"You..." Li Feng made things difficult for himself on purpose for such a simple matter!And Jobs has never been to China, Li Feng is a bit difficult.

"Also, old Joe, let me tell you, I found a law firm on purpose, and I also deliberately let the law firm sue with a lot of fanfare, just to have a good lawsuit with Apple.
If you don't cooperate, I think Baker McKenzie "international law firms are very willing to fight this lawsuit, and I'm also happy to see if American laws can regulate American companies!" Li Feng said bluntly again.

" bastard!" Jobs was furious.

It's just that Li Feng didn't give Jobs this chance at all, as if he knew that Jobs was going to get angry, so he hung up before Jobs got angry!
After hanging up Jobs' phone call, Li Feng was also secretly happy, very "sour and refreshing"!

Not to mention the current Jobs, even the "god-like man" in the previous life, Li Feng would not give face.

When Jobs heard the sound of "beep..." and "beep..." from the phone, he exploded completely, and he yelled directly: "fuck you! Fuck Li Feng! Fuck everything! Li Feng just slapped shit! Slapped his nose on his face I'm so pissed off! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!..."

Cook next to him was so scared that he didn't dare to speak, trembling.

It wasn't until Jobs said "fuck" 25 times in a row that he calmed down.

Only then did Cook ask cautiously, "Steve, what should we do next?"

Jobs also thought about it, and then said very helplessly as if he had "eat a lot of shit", "Hey... If you can't, you can go to Huaxia first, and then we can see the situation in detail!"

"Well, okay, are there any other requirements?" Cook nodded.

"No! What are you doing standing still, you haven't set off yet!"

"… .."

(End of this chapter)

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