Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 590 Cook Visits China

Chapter 590 Cook Visits China
Compared to Jobs, who was "cold and windy", Li Feng's atmosphere was much more relaxed, and he was so happy that he almost laughed out loud!

Ha ha!It's really cool, and Li Feng had to pretend to be very serious just now, almost revealing his secrets, especially Jobs' helpless tone of "wanting to scold but dare not scold", Li Feng thought it was funny!
Even near the end, Li Feng still didn't forget to give Jobs a call. When he was the most angry and needed to vent, he hung up the phone ahead of time. A person with a bad temper like Jobs must have suppressed Jobs a lot!
No wonder Mao Zedong said "fighting with others is a lot of fun", it really makes sense!People's happiness is based on the pain of others, especially when Jobs is on the other side, it is "a lot of fun"!

Therefore, Li Feng, who was in a good mood, also stood on the balcony outside the house, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, and shouted a few words, "Ah", "Ah..." Yang Xiao who was in the house was so scared that he almost thought that Li Feng was "epileptic and crazy!" "Guilty.

It's just that Li Feng hadn't finished enjoying himself when the phone rang again.

Disappointed, Li Feng thought that Jobs had called again, and was about to keep him cool for another 5 minutes, but when he saw the caller ID, it was Lu Lu's call, so he hurriedly and happily connected the call.

"Hi, what's the matter, Baby Lu, what's the matter? You miss me again this late at night!" Li Feng said with a smile.

"It's still late at night, you don't know that it's daytime here, are you hanging out with your star lover again!" Lu Lu said directly.

"Uh... that... I forgot about the time zone difference, but baby, you call me at this time, is there something wrong?" Li Feng quickly changed the subject.

Sure enough, Lu Lu also said: "Well, didn't you read the news reports in the United States today? Baker & McKenzie International Law Firm officially filed a lawsuit against Apple on your behalf!"

"I know, before you called just now, Jobs called me, but I didn't hang him up, and just gave him shit." Li Feng said as a matter of course.

"What, you gave Jobs did you give him bullshit...well, look, what kind of good words are you making up?" Lu Lu asked curiously.

"It's not that simple, it's just that I was perfunctory when I talked, talking to him, just not talking about the business, and finally I told him that I did it on purpose..." Li Feng didn't take it seriously Said.

"Hehe, if you really do this, Jobs will be so mad at you!" Lu Lu said with a smile.

"What's the matter? It's not like you don't know about Jobs' bad temper. It's just mild!" Li Feng continued to say indifferently.

"You...hehe...I guess you can treat Jobs like this..." Lu Lu said.

"By the way, what did you call? Fengrui sued Apple. Isn't this what was planned? You didn't do it with me, so why did you tell me about it?" Li Feng wondered asked.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you a good thing. I made 2000 million US dollars this morning, and I made it from Apple." Lu Lu said in a tone of "you are about to praise me".

Although Li Feng also roughly guessed how Lu Lu did it, he still cooperated and said: "Oh, it's so amazing, 2000 million US dollars! Baby, how did you do it!"

Li Feng's exaggerated tone made Lu Lu laugh, "Haha, you are so annoying! I know you don't like this little money, but don't be so exaggerated!"

"If you don't tell anyone, why don't you tell me how you did it? Do you have to let me tell you that you made money by shorting Apple." Li Feng directly exposed the mystery.

"You can only fool people, but if you fool people, you should at least be sincere!" Lu Lu said.

"Oh, by the way, you made so much at once, you wouldn't invest all your money in shorting Apple's stock, right? Don't forget about our business just because of this small amount of money!" Li Feng instructed.

"What are you thinking, how could I lose a lot because of a small one, I just invested hundreds of millions of dollars for fun, and most of the funds were prepared for the financial crisis." Lu Lu said.

"Hundreds of millions of dollars for fun?! When did Queen Lu Lu's taste become so big, but if I can hang some meat from apples, it's not in vain for me to go to the United States." Li Feng said.

"After discussing, you will bully me. I won't tell you anymore. I have to be busy with business. Maybe I can take advantage of this opportunity to make more money. Husband, you must persevere!" Lu said.

"Don't worry, since Jobs dared to release my pigeons for a week, I will at least keep him cold for a week. This period of time will definitely be fine. You can operate with confidence." Li Feng said with certainty.

"Okay, it's all up to you, husband, I'll go to work first, I have too many things to do in the morning, good morning." Lu Lu said.

"Well, I'm going to sleep here too, good night, baby." Li Feng said.


After hanging up the phone, Li Feng didn't go back to the house, and stayed outside quietly for a while, knowing that Yang Xiao had come over.

"Feng, who did you call just now? You are barking your teeth for a while, and laughing for a while, and it takes such a long time to make a dozen calls, so you are neurotic." Yang Xiao asked.

"Oh, you said this, just now I scolded Apple's Jobs a few times, of course I can't give him a good face, and then I made tens of millions of dollars in the United States, of course I am happy." Li Feng explained casually, It just downplayed Lu Lu's existence.

Yang Xiao seldom paid attention to Li Feng's career, nor did he worry about his work. She only cared about Li Feng. Then she handed Li Feng a water glass, and said softly: "It's so hot outside, you come in to cool off, drink more water."

Yanjing is still very hot in June, and Li Feng said a lot just now, he was also thirsty, took the water glass and drank it all in one gulp, then he put his arms around Yang Xiao and said: "Well, it's better to be a baby. I'll be fine for two days, so I can spend time with you."

"Well, I think so too. It's just that I still have a lot of things to do here. I still have to take postgraduate classes in school, and there's Brother Xiao's filming. I'm leaving tomorrow. I asked for leave on purpose to come back." Yang Xiao said quietly.

"Ah, what kind of movie is this fat man making? Why isn't it over yet?" Li Feng asked wonderingly.

"You forgot, it's that "Horror Cruise", this is the story you thought about, what made the script, have you forgotten?" Yang Xiao said.

"Oh, this, if you don't tell me, I really forgot, why hasn't the filming been finished yet, this fat man is really delaying things!" Li Feng said.

"No, don't say that. Brother Fat is very interested in this movie. He basically eats and sleeps in the crew every day. He has lost a lot of weight." Yang Xiao said.

"Oh, then he is taking advantage of the crew, and he likes to live and eat for free on the crew, but since he is so caring, you should also make a good film. This movie will become one of your masterpieces!" Li Feng still said .

"Well, if you don't say it, I will do the same, but I can't accompany you anymore." Yang Xiao was also a little bit reluctant to part with Li Feng.

"It's okay, we have a long time to come, but now we have to cherish it..." After finishing speaking, Li Feng picked up Yang Xiao and started to act. The following one-hour plot description is omitted...

And when Li Feng was talking about love, Cook had already rushed to Huaxia overnight...

(End of this chapter)

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