Chapter 591

Cook is not prejudiced against China like Jobs. Jobs has never been to China, but Cook has been to China several times and traveled personally. It is a backward but hard-working country, and this is his first visit to this suddenly emerging Fengrui company.

Even though Cook has visited many Chinese companies, even though he has a certain understanding of Fengrui and has even done special research, this is his first on-site visit, and he is still amazed. This spacious and bright office environment , a pleasant and relaxed working atmosphere, a vigorous spirit...

This is a modern Silicon Valley company in the United States. It is even more advanced than American high-tech companies in some aspects. No wonder Fengrui can achieve such great results, and it is no wonder that it dares to challenge Apple. It turns out that it still has confidence. Really The most famous thing is "seeing is better than hearing a hundred times"!

These made Cook pay more attention to Fengrui in his heart, but the only thing that made Cook unhappy was that he had been here for three days.

Not to mention meeting Li Feng, I didn't even meet Fengrui's other high-level executives. Except for Liu Zhiping, the president of Fengrui, who missed a meeting when I came up, the only thing I could do was "wait"!

How can I say that I am also the chief operating officer of Apple, and there was a lot of cheers there, but at Fengrui, I just waited and waited, and I waited for three days!
It's been three days!

I sat in this conference room and waited for three days!
Although there are "good wine and good tea" served every day, this is not what I need, and I am not here to travel, and I have important matters to negotiate, which is too tortured.
Although Cook also knew that this might be Li Feng's strategy to deliberately cool himself down, Cook really couldn't stand it, and because he had a bad start, Jobs had to beat him up every day.
Cook sat in the Fengrui reception room, drinking coffee while blowing the wind, feeling aggrieved, even a little aggrieved.

At this moment, Cook saw Li Feng's personal secretary, Song Jia, passing by the door, and Cook was also making a last effort, so he quickly stopped Song Jia from behind, and said eagerly, "Secretary Song, when will Mr. Li see me? "

"Ah, Mr. Cook, Mr. Li is on a business trip and hasn't come over for the past few days. If you wait patiently, if it doesn't work, go out and have a look around. When he comes, I'll call you. "Song Jia said with a smile.

"What! Secretary Song, it's been three days! I can't wait any longer, and yesterday I saw Mr. Li coming downstairs!" Cook said a little excitedly, he really couldn't control his emotions up.

"Um... That must be your misreading. Mr. Li really hasn't been here these days! How about this, I'll call Mrs. Li and ask, you wait first..." After Song Jia finished speaking, she put Cook down. He fled in a hurry.

Cook didn't stop her, and could only watch Song Jia go away, a little unwilling.

And Song Jia didn't stop until Cook was out of sight when she walked around a corner. She also patted her chest and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Just now Cook's eagerness almost scared Song Jia, but Song Jia knew that it was not Cook's fault, it was Li Feng's fault that he insisted on closing the door when he was at home, and it was cold all of a sudden. It's so troublesome, I almost exposed my stuff!

Song Jia calmed down and came to Li Feng's room, and sure enough, she saw Li Feng slowly brewing tea in front of the coffee table, and when she saw Song Jia coming in, Li Feng waved and said, "Jia Jia, this is Zhiping The new tea brought here, you can taste it, and see how my craftsmanship is."

Now that there are no outsiders, Song Jia is not polite anymore, picked up the teacup and lost her mouth for a while, and said emotionally: "Well, the tea is good, and the craftsmanship is also good, Feng, but I will tell you something first.

When I came here just now, I saw Mr. Cook again, and he stopped me suddenly just now, scaring me so much that I almost didn't come over. How long are you going to keep him in the dark?It's been three days! "

Li Feng didn't answer directly, and first refilled Song Jia's tea, and then said calmly: "Oh, it's been three days, um, how about it, you can bring him over tomorrow, I will tell you He met and said, let's put it away for now, drink some tea, talk with me, and calm you down."

Seeing that Li Feng was still so calm, Song Jia also calmed down all of a sudden, and slowly drank tea with Li Feng, "Well, I listen to you, but I'm not used to asking you to pour me tea. Let me make some tea."

"Well, I'm not used to it, and it's still your workmanship!"


And while Li Feng was pouring tea and chatting with his wife, Cook had just hung up on Jobs' phone. The key point was that Jobs had given Cook an ultimatum: "There must be a result today!"

Cook is very helpless, on the one hand he insists on getting results, on the other hand he avoids seeing people, what should I do!I'm really having a hard time!If this goes on like this, maybe I might be driven crazy!
It's so frustrating!Therefore, Cook felt that he could no longer continue like this, and he should take action...

Cook silently analyzed in his heart: If I remember correctly, the big meeting room in front should be Fengrui's president's office meeting room, the legendary "Strategic Command" of Fengrui, and turning from this meeting room is just now Song Jia turning past On the left side of the corridor, it should be Li Feng's office.
And Song Jia, as Li Feng's personal secretary, since she came and went there, it means that the probability of Li Feng being in the office is at least 80%, so she should be able to gamble!

Cook is also a person who does what he says. He poked his head outside and saw that there was no one in the corridor, so he hurriedly and cautiously ran towards the direction he set.

"Whirring whirring…"

The distance of nearly [-] meters was reached in less than ten seconds. Cook had never felt that he was so fast, and just after he stopped, he heard Li Feng's voice. His magnetic and sonorous voice still impressed him. Quite profound.


As soon as he opened the door, Cook saw Li Feng drinking tea leisurely with a teacup, and Song Jia was waiting beside him, but he didn't pay attention to the ambiguous expressions of the two of them.

Seeing that Cook came uninvited, Song Jia panicked. She rushed up to meet her and said in disbelief, "Mr. Cook, why are you here? But wait a minute, you're just trying to force your way!"

Although Song Jia and Li Feng had confirmed their relationship, it was also Song Jia's mistake to allow Cook to come in so easily and affect Li Feng's plan, so she was still a little angry.

And Cook ignored Song Jia who was next to him at all. He kept looking straight at Li Feng, and said a little excitedly: "Mr. Li Feng, we meet again, can we have a good talk now?"

"Well, we should have a good talk."


(End of this chapter)

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