Chapter 592

We should talk about it, but what should we talk about, and how should we talk about it!

Cook originally had a lot to say to Li Feng, about the purpose of this visit to China, including the accusation of being neglected and wronged in the past three days, but when he suddenly met Li Feng, he suddenly didn't know what to do. Say something.

Song Jia, who was next to her, complained about Cook's outrageous "coming uninvited" just now, and was about to say something when Li Feng waved her down.

Li Feng didn't say anything else when he came up, he just poured a cup of tea for Cook unhurriedly, and then said casually: "Mr. The new tea, just brewed, you are just in time, try it, and see if you foreigners who drink coffee often are still used to it?"

Cook obediently picked up the teacup and took a sip, and then Cook, who was a little irritable, suddenly calmed down.

At this time, Li Feng directly announced: "Mr. Cook, in fact, I already knew when you came here a few days ago, and I didn't mean to offend you, because I know that Jobs has the final say on everything about Apple. , and Jobs is a domineering and conceited person, and he did a lot of things by himself, you should have a deep understanding of this point!"

Jobs is indeed such a person, otherwise he would not be called Jobs!
But Cook made the final excuse, "But Mr. Li Feng, at least give me some bottom line, so I can report to Jobs!"

Li Feng also took a sip of tea, and said unhurriedly: "Didn't I just say that, since Jobs has the final say, then I might as well wait for him to come and talk about it seriously, and Don't push too hard, why not take advantage of this time to have fun and visit the places of interest in Yanjing."

"How is this possible? I haven't achieved anything. I don't have time to travel!" Cook said dumbfounded.

"Cook, look at how wronged you are. In name, you are the chief operating officer of Apple, and you can be regarded as the second in command, but in fact you can't do anything. In the end, Jobs has the final say. And Jobs is a man of great success and doesn't like his subordinates to show off. Even if you have made certain achievements, he will take it for himself.

Let me tell you, Cook, since you are so wronged, you might as well follow me, at least I will not stand on your head and give you [-]% trust. If there is a problem, I will take care of it for you. "

At the beginning, Li Feng was just talking casually, just to scare off Jobs. As he talked, he felt that it made more sense. Later, he thought, "If Cook is really poached from Apple", that would be really interesting. , It's really getting more and more messed up!
Others don't know about Cook's ability, but Li Feng doesn't know about it!Although Apple was founded by Jobs, and Apple pulled it out of the abyss after it fell, it is undeniable that Cook is responsible for this. Cook is definitely a first-class professional manager, and can even be said to be the top in the world. CEO.

Jobs brought Apple from zero to a market value of more than 0 billion U.S. dollars, and Cook also brought Apple from a market value of more than 1 billion U.S. dollars to a market value of trillions of dollars. It is undeniable that Jobs' greatness "from 1 to [-]", but it cannot erase Cook's " Persistence from [-] to N"!

Although Apple in the previous life seemed to have lost its amazing innovation ability after losing Jobs, Cook is definitely a super professional manager.

And what makes Cook the most powerful lies in his outstanding operational talent, more precisely, the management of the supply chain, and it is only in this way that he has created the top supply chain management in Apple's industry, super S-level!

And this is exactly what Fengrui lacks now. Why did Li Feng not enter into hardware when he came up? It is because Fengrui has no supply chain system and has no right to speak in terms of hardware. Li Feng is unwilling to "fight on two fronts", or , can only choose the software aspect that is the most advantageous to Fengrui, and although Long Xiaotian has done a good job and worked hard, it will not be able to make rapid progress in a short period of time.

If Cook can really join in, it will definitely make up the last link of Fengrui, and even turn Fengrui's "short board" into a "long board", greatly improving Fengrui's core competitiveness, and can also Shorten Fengrui's hardware layout time!

It can really be regarded as "killing two birds with one stone"!

No, it can also poach the corners of apples, which is "kill three birds with one stone"!

Therefore, Li Feng got a little excited. He leaned forward when he moved backwards. He stared at Cook and said seriously: "Cook, I'm serious. If you really join Fengrui, what? Salary treatment and share rewards are definitely higher than yours at Apple,
I guess you and I both know that Fengrui will definitely set foot in hardware like Apple in the future, and I will leave it to you, and I will set up a subsidiary company for you, and you will be the CEO. You can do whatever you want, and do it however you want. Just do whatever you want, I won't make random orders,

You can rest assured on this point, as long as you walk around our Fengrui, you should know that except for some very important events or necessary events, generally I will not show up.

How about it, Cook, think about it, Fengrui welcomes you very much, and Fengrui is very tolerant. Although we are a Huaguo company, we do not have any regional discrimination. There are many branches abroad. There are also branches in the United States, that is, most of the development of our Android system is developed in the United States, and you can stay in the United States to continue the company! "

"… .."

"Bala blah blah..." Li Feng said a lot in one breath, it seemed like he had never said so much since Li Feng personally invited Liu Zhiping.

Not to mention that Cook is stupid, even Song Jia, who was serving tea and water by the side, was a little dumbfounded. In my impression, it seemed that this was really an invitation from Li Feng, a "corporate of respect and virtuousness".

In the past, Li Feng was thirsty for talents, but later on, there were more talents and sharper talents. There was no need for Li Feng to personally invite many talents to join in, or Li Feng showed his face, that's all.

But Cook was different. He was a little scared and stupid. He was so flattered that it took Cook a while to react.

But Cook did have something, and he calmed down quickly, so Li Feng was sincere, and he invited him personally, and made many promises, and many of what Li Feng said just now did exist, including Jobs being overjoyed, irritable, etc. Wait, but this can't change Jobs' kindness to him, and Cook is used to it, and even enjoys it a little bit!
No wonder Cook will "come out" in the future!

However, Cook said gratefully: "Leo, thank you very much for your recognition of me, but I'm doing a good job at Apple now, and I don't think about changing my life at the moment, so I can only apologize for Mr. Li's kindness.... .”

It’s just that Cook was interrupted by Li Feng before he finished speaking, “Cook, you don’t have to answer me now, you can go back and think about it first. You will not let people go easily. You can definitely use Fengrui as an alternative. If one day you are not suitable for Apple, feel uncomfortable, and want to change jobs, we Fengrui are very willing to wait. of."

Li Feng never thought that a person of Cook's level could be done with just a few words. He was also taking a long line to catch a big fish. First, he planted a seed in Cook's heart.

Hey, it's just, isn't this a spare tire?Well, the company's spare tire is fine, anyway, Cook has real skills, as long as it's not a woman's spare tire!

Now that Li Feng has said this, Cook really doesn't know what to say, so he can only promise: "Well, I will remember what you said Leo, if there is such a day, I will definitely call you first!"

Then Cook brought the topic back again, "Leo, how do we solve this patent between Apple and Fengrui?"

At this time, Li Feng was also rambling, and said straight to the point: "How about this, you call Jobs, I will tell him directly, if you agree, we can talk, if you don't agree, we can continue to sue!"

It's that simple to cut the mess with a sharp knife!


(End of this chapter)

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