Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 593 Must come to China to talk!

Chapter 593 Must come to China to talk!

Just a phone call away!

And it was already this time, and the bottom line of both parties was basically clear, so Cook was also very straightforward, picked up the phone and called Jobs.

But while waiting for the call to connect, Li Feng signaled Cook to give him the phone, and Cook didn't think much about it, so he directly gave the phone to Li Feng.

Just then the phone was connected, and before Li Feng could speak, Jobs' unique and sexy voice came from the opposite side, "Cook, call me so late, I hope you don't test my patience, you are the last one today. Good news to tell me, you know..."

As soon as Jobs came up, he said "badly" and didn't listen, and his spoken language was still so domineering, Li Feng couldn't stand it, and if Li Feng's English level hadn't improved, he might not be able to understand what he said!
And seeing that Jobs could speak so well, he didn't give Li Feng a chance to intervene. Fortunately, Li Feng turned on the speakerphone directly, and then put the phone on the coffee table next to him.

And put down the phone, Li Feng spread his hands to Cook, indicating that this is really Jobs, just like what Li Feng said just now, he doesn't know how to respect people at all,
Cook was also a little dumbfounded, probably only Li Feng could confront Jobs tit for tat, and even Song Jia next to him was laughed at by Li Feng's "childish" behavior.

Then, only Jobs was left alone on the phone "chittering", talking about loneliness...

After a long time, Jobs also found that there was no answer, so he began to shout impatiently, "Cook" "Where is Cook" "Cook, what do you mean? Why don't you speak..." Jobs was so angry that he was about to hang up. The phone is up.

Cook was about to answer the phone again. At this time, Li Feng picked up the phone again, and said casually: "Old Joe, you have finished speaking, and listen to me after you finish speaking!"

"Li Feng! China Leo, why are you! How did you answer the phone? Where is Cook? What about others? What is he doing? Is he next to you? Why did he let you call?..."

It was another series of questions from Jobs, the voice was a lot louder, and then he asked "Balabala" and didn't listen. Li Feng had to give an explanation. aside.

On the phone, Jobs continued to ask, "Well, that's right! Li Feng, since you answered the phone, what do you mean about our Apple and your Fengrui smartphone patents? What do you want to do? You directly give I have an answer, or if you have a request, just ask..."

Seeing that no one was talking on the phone, Jobs became anxious again, "Hi! Hello! Hey! Hey... Li Feng, talk to me! Where is Cook!"

At this time, Li Feng picked up the phone again, and said unhurriedly again: "Old Qiao, you can really talk, this time you finished talking again, now it's my turn to talk!"

"Okay, tell me, I'm listening!" Jobs was honest this time, and said in a low voice.

"The matter of patents is easy to talk about. My answer is very simple. We will talk about it after you come to China in person!" Li Feng said directly this time without playing tricks.

"Why do you have to go there! I don't have time. Isn't it the same when Cook is there, or we can talk directly on the phone, or you have time to come to the United States to talk about the same?" Jobs asked.

"Well, there is no reason, that's what it means! I know you have time, and a lot of time. Last time I flew to the United States to find you. You didn't give me a chance, so I made a trip for nothing; now you come to China to talk and this is the first prerequisite for our negotiation,
If you agree, I will wait for you to come, and we will talk about it in detail; if you don't want to come, then the lawsuit will continue!Another thing I need to remind you is that your time is really running out, and no matter whether you agree or not, during this period, lawsuits are still going to happen! " Li Feng said very seriously and affirmatively, not giving Jobs any room to maneuver.

"What are you! You are making trouble out of no reason at all! You are making a fuss! I will not give in, and I will not go to China..." Jobs replied very strongly.

But before Jobs finished speaking, Li Feng hung up the phone directly, not giving Jobs a chance to speak at all.

Cook next to him was also frightened again by Li Feng's operation. No one had ever treated Jobs so unreasonably. Cook couldn't believe how Jobs was reacting!
Cook also said to Li Feng with lingering fear: "Mr. Li, why do you insist on doing this? Do you have to be so stiff? Is this appropriate?"

Li Feng stood up and patted Cook on the shoulder, and said with certainty: "Don't worry, I know that for a person like Jobs, his strength is just his appearance, and he also has a weak side, but he has not met an opponent. He knew in advance,

And don't worry, Cook, I bet Jobs will come to China within two days, you can have a good rest in these two days, and this, believe it or not!If you don't believe me, we can make a bet on your joining Fengrui just now, how about it! "

"Leo, you really know how to joke, why did you put these two things together again." Cook said helplessly.

"Well, Jobs will probably call you in less than 10 minutes, and it's getting late now, it's almost noon, and I have other arrangements at home, so I won't accompany you, and the rest is waiting for Jobs Come on, let's talk again, if you have other needs, just go to Secretary-General Song Jia!" After speaking, Li Feng drank the tea in front of him again, and then patted his buttocks and went home.

Sure enough, what Li Feng said was good. Less than a minute after Li Feng left, Cook received a call from Jobs. After discussing some specific details with Cook, Jobs gave the promise of "I will arrive in Yanjing tomorrow". Answer.

Some of them were in Li Feng's plan. Li Feng never believed that Jobs would be arrogant and would talk about Apple's most important iPhone!He is a very mature CEO, strong is just his style,
He would not choose to die because of Li Feng's various difficulties; of course, Jobs would not choose Li Feng's various temptations and choose to follow the trend. A person like him would only choose what is best for him.

However, Li Feng didn't care much about these things, but Li Feng was very interested in the fact that Jobs came to China. Jobs had never been to China, not even once, including when he was dying in his previous life. China!
So Li Feng thought it would be interesting to have Jobs visit China this time, it must be very interesting!
Well, yes, very interesting!

PS: I haven't updated for a long time, just looking for the status, give me more time, it will be fine in the future, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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