Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 596 Negotiations Go Well

Chapter 596 Negotiations Go Well

Or maybe we had a good start today, and the atmosphere of this negotiation is very harmonious, and there is no tension at all during the last negotiation at Google.

Or maybe everyone knows the bottom line of both parties, and they all know that the negotiation has a basis for cooperation, and this negotiation will definitely have a result, so they are very relaxed.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Jobs said straight to the point: "Leo, since we are sitting here again negotiating, it means that we still have room for cooperation. We have taken a lot of detours, and there are many misunderstandings, but these all strengthen our mutual confidence and our optimism in the field of smartphones."

Jobs had a very good attitude this time, he put his posture very low, and said very straightforwardly: "Leo, let's not hide it, and since I took the initiative to come this time, it means that we Jobs can make concessions." , So, what request do you have, you can directly put it forward now, and if there is any problem, we can discuss it further."

Jobs was so low-profile this time, not to mention Li Feng, even Cook was a little shocked. He had never seen Jobs so approachable, and he suspected that Jobs had changed his soul.

Since Jobs has such a low profile and correct attitude, this is like a normal business negotiation. At least put both parties in the same position, instead of showing off his power.

And Li Feng didn't lie, and said directly: "Okay, since you've said that, Old Qiao, I won't be lying. What you said just now is right, cooperation is cooperation, but the premise of cooperation must be equal. ,
So we must first clarify the most important point. Fengrui needs Apple’s graphics patents, but Apple needs our Fengrui’s smart patents even more. These 555 patents are also smart patents that you Apple just bypassed.

So, what I mean is that patents are interchangeable, but the value of patents needs to be calculated separately and cannot be simply replaced. Do you agree with this? "

"Yes, I admit that I changed the concept a little bit during the last negotiation, and I was eager for quick success. This time, the value of these patents will be calculated by professionals later. Is there any more?" Jobs readily nodded in agreement.

"Since we have reached a consensus on the most critical issues, the rest are minor issues. Let Zhiping and Cook and other professionals talk about it first. We will continue to talk when we have a preliminary consensus." Li Feng also directly He nodded and said.

"I have two more requests, and I hope you can agree. The first point is that since we are both so optimistic about the smartphone field, the two of us should sign a strategic cooperation agreement, form a strategic alliance, and build a strong patent moat, or we It will become the Intel-Microsoft Alliance in the field of smartphones, leading the entire field of smartphones and establishing a strong industry barrier;
The second point is that in addition to this patent agreement, I hope that Apple will give priority to licensing Fengrui’s new patents in the future. Of course, the specific patent value will be calculated by professional institutions at that time.In fact, I mentioned two points last time, but we did not reach a consensus because of other things, so I brought them up again this time. "Jobs gestured with two fingers.

Li Feng also thought about it for a while, and then gave his own answer: "I know this. Regarding the first point, we can reach a strategic cooperation agreement on smartphones, but we cannot establish industry barriers.
Because now is the time to make cakes, and smartphones have just come out, we need to unite with other manufacturers to fight against traditional mobile phone giants such as Nokia, Motorola, and Samsung. "

Build industry barriers!That's a good idea, Jobs!

But these are all thinking from the perspective of Apple, and Fengrui has not stepped into the hardware field now, and even does not have its own mobile phone, so what good will it do for Fengrui!How could Fengrui conspire with tigers to help Apple build industry barriers!
No matter how good Jobs said, Li Feng kept a clear head, and then he said: "As for the second point, this is no problem. I also hope that Apple's new patents will be given priority to Fengrui in the future. Of course, The specific patent value will also be calculated by professional institutions at that time."

"Patent authorization, this can be no problem; it's just about the first point, it's obvious that our two companies can do something, why do we have to recruit other manufacturers, wouldn't it be better for only our two companies to make money."

Jobs still wants to set up industry barriers to prevent other manufacturers from entering, and Fengrui does not produce mobile phones now, and Apple will not make all the money by then.

"Actually, this is also easy to understand. First, we do not have the strength to fight against the world. We need to unite with other forces. Moreover, Fengrui has not been deeply involved in Apple's hardware for many years, and we still need the support of other manufacturers.

In fact, I think these are nothing to Apple, let alone these patents, but without these things, I believe that with Apple's first-mover advantage, it will succeed in the end. "Finally, Li Feng did not forget to pat Jobs flatteringly.

"Thousands of clothes and thousands of flattery don't wear it", this is very useful, not to mention Li Feng's praise at this time, Jobs is a little smug, and Jobs also thinks it should be so, even if Apple has no first-mover advantage Other manufacturers have been defeated, so he is not pursuing anything.

At this time, Li Feng suddenly thought of Apple's hardware system, and continued, "By the way, Old Qiao, since we talked about this, we have reached a lot of consensus and are going to establish a strategic cooperation agreement.
So I have to add one more thing, I hope Fengrui can join Apple's supply chain system, or Fengrui can enjoy the price and other related conditions in Apple's supply chain system. "

In fact, Li Feng's original intention is to establish a Fengrui supply chain system by entering into Apple's supply chain system, which can make up for Fengrui's shortest shortcoming and lay the foundation for Fengrui to enter the hardware field in the future.

"Uh... this..." This is Apple's housekeeping skill. How could Jobs give it away for nothing? Could it be that he wanted to "teach the apprentice to starve the master to death", but Jobs didn't want to offend Li Feng, after all, he had just reached a patent cooperation , so Jobs hesitated, not knowing how to answer.

And Li Feng didn't intend to push Jobs too hard, he also continued: "I know, this is a bit embarrassing for Apple, but I can give up part of the benefits from the patent authorization just now, and I think even without Apple, we Feng It will be a matter of time before Rui establishes its own supply chain system, and Apple is just moving this process forward."

Now that Li Feng said so, Jobs nodded in agreement, not to mention that Jobs did not believe that Fengrui could get started so quickly, and building a supply chain system might be very simple.
But it is not so simple to establish a very convenient and fast supply chain system. It took many years of hard work for Apple to reach this point. Jobs did not believe that Fengrui could do this, which is why Jobs agreed.

Now that Li Feng and Jobs have said everything that needs to be said, and have reached a consensus on the most important parts, it is easy to discuss the remaining details. However, it will take a lot of time to form a formal contract agreement. Many things still need to be considered.

But generally speaking, this negotiation went very smoothly!

(End of this chapter)

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