Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 597 Old Joe, I wish you take care of your health!

Chapter 597 Old Joe, I wish you take care of your health!
Negotiation Negotiation, the key is to talk!
Generally, the leader sets the direction, and the following is responsible for discussing the specific details.

Therefore, after Li Feng and Jobs set the general direction, they basically had nothing to do with them.
This happened. When the sharp Liu Zhiping and Apple's Cook and their negotiating team were fighting each other in the conference room, Li Feng and Jobs were drinking tea and chatting leisurely in Li Feng's office next to them.

"I didn't see it, old Qiao, you know tea quite well. I didn't expect that the famous Qiao gang leader also likes to drink tea. I thought that's why foreigners only like coffee, or even if they drink tea, they drink the kind of sugar added. Tea with milk."

Li Feng was very surprised that Jobs drank tea. He thought that people like Jobs must like drinking coffee, but he didn't expect him to have a lot of research on tea.

"Well, that is, in fact, I also like to drink tea. I have been to India and Japan when I was young. I once followed the famous Japanese Zen master Toshitaka Suzuki. He likes to drink tea.
I also learned how to drink tea from there. Drinking tea can calm people down. However, when I returned to the United States, I was busy with socializing and had no time to make tea. I should drink coffee.

But I also thought that the famous Li Feng also likes to drink tea so much. It seems that the people who like to drink tea are generally elderly and middle-aged people. ’ Jobs explained casually.

"Well, you're right. I've liked drinking tea since I was a child, but I like green tea the most. I rarely drink black tea, Pu'er tea, etc." After Li Feng finished speaking, he filled another cup of tea for Jobs.

"Well, any kind of tea is fine, and I like the Japanese tea ceremony in one gulp, but to be honest, Leo, your tea-making skills are really good, and you are a bit like Zen master Suzuki Shunlong."

Jobs is very familiar with the look of enjoying the tea, and then he continued: "Actually, through drinking tea, more importantly, I also learned from Zen Master Shunlong Suzuki, minimalism."

It’s just that when Jobs looked at the luxurious decoration of Li Feng’s office, he said with disgust on his face: “I’m not talking about you, Leo, I think people eat, use, and live in the same way as drinking tea. Bubble, this is the tea ceremony, the simpler the better!
And you look at your office, it’s decorated in a mess, it looks luxurious, but there’s nothing there, look at what this thing is, it’s so ugly, why put it here, and this, that...

It's so ugly, and it's not coordinated at all. If you want me to say, it's better to just throw away all your messy things, and why do you make such a big office? It's a waste of space. It's better to give more space to the people below. "

Just about Li Feng's office decoration, Jobs talked a lot and gave Li Feng a lot of lessons, almost rising to Li Feng's aesthetic standards, which made Li Feng a little speechless.

In this regard, who can pursue the ultimate simplicity like Jobs, and the office only has a desk and a chair;
There was only one mattress in the bedroom, not even a tent, because Jobs thought it was too ugly and threw it away. Even if Jobs didn’t want to sleep, he probably would have thrown away the mattress.

Li Feng is not as extreme as Jobs, he hasn't got rid of low-level interests, he still pursues the most basic material life enjoyment, otherwise what's the point of spending so much money,

Facing Jobs' questioning, Li Feng also said awkwardly: "Oh, old Joe, this one is not very good, and the decoration is a bit too garish, but in China, you know, we all pay attention to face, These are very necessary renovations.”

"That can't be the case..." Jobs was about to stand up and continue to teach Li Feng. After finally finding a place to preach, he was reluctant to let it go, and even a little excited.

It's just that Jobs didn't stand up to finish speaking, he suddenly coughed, and the cough was so violent that he fell to the ground at once, and Jobs' pancreatic islet cancer had another attack.

Li Feng was frightened by this, and he remembered that Jobs was sick, so Li Feng didn't panic, he didn't move around, he hurriedly dialed 120 for the doctor, and then he was about to call someone, he couldn't believe it. If Jobs really had a problem with Fengrui, where would he go to reason it out?

Just when Li Feng took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call, Jobs who was lying on the ground suddenly stood up again, and then he took out a few pills from his pocket very familiarly.

It was only then that Li Feng came to his senses, he patted his heart in fear, and said with lingering fear: "I said, Old Qiao, you were really scary just now, you really scared me to death, what are you doing?" Come on, is your body even tighter?
Why don't we go to the hospital now, and I will find you the best doctor in China. If you don't want to, you can go back to the United States for treatment, no matter what is important to life. "

After Jobs took the medicine with water, he said very calmly: "It's okay, it's nothing serious. I'm used to it. The main reason is that I was a little excited just now. Don't worry, it's really okay."

Although Jobs said so, Li Feng was still a little worried. If I remember correctly, Jobs died young because of pancreatic islet cancer in his previous life, and it seems that he died around 2011.

Although Jobs is his competitor and enemy, and he has a bad temper, arrogance, and disrespect for people, it is undeniable that he is great, and his contribution to the progress of human science and technology. Computers, MP3 music players, and customized smartphones have all greatly promoted the progress of human science and technology.

Li Feng is very unwilling to see a person who can make outstanding contributions to human science and technology die young, not to mention that Li Feng does not want to easily defeat an Apple without Jobs. Maybe if Jobs can always be around, it must be interesting. Fighting with people is a lot of fun!

It can even be assumed that the sudden death of Jobs must have caused confusion at Apple to a certain extent, which is also good for Fengrui, but this is not what Li Feng wants to see. He likes to pursue outstanding people, so he decided to respect his inner choice and give Jobs an opportunity. advice.

Therefore, Li Feng looked directly into Jobs' eyes and said with all his heart, "Old Joe, although we are in competition, maybe we are not friends yet.
But I really hope you are well and in good health. In China, there is a very philosophical saying called 'the body is the capital of the revolution'. If a person's health is not good, then there is no need to talk about other things.

Or, have you ever thought about what will happen to Apple if you go down like this and you fall down all of a sudden?
In fact, you don’t have to do many things by yourself, as it will only break your body. During the Three Kingdoms period, there was a famous military strategist Zhuge Liang. He was very talented and capable. He devoted himself to everything and didn’t like to let go. The monarch is a dou who can't be helped, but he didn't succeed in the end. He really died, and the country finally collapsed. "

"Really, old Joe, take care of yourself! I sincerely wish you good health!"


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(End of this chapter)

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