Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 599 Headquarters Starting at 1000 Billion

Chapter 599 Headquarters Starting at 1000 Billion
After Li Feng and Jobs reached a consensus, it meant that the biggest difference between Fengrui and Apple had been resolved, so the specific terms of the contract would come out soon.

The main contents of the contract agreed: Fengrui and Apple’s smart phone patents will be exchanged, and each other’s subsequent patents will have priority authorization. For Fengrui’s extra patent value, Fengrui will charge Apple 2% of the price of each mobile phone. At the same time, many agreements have been reached in the field of hardware supply chain.

After the agreement was formally reached, Li Feng was also very forthright on behalf of Fengrui to formally entertain Apple Jobs and his party, and at the request of Jobs, specially arranged Chinese food for dinner, such as BJ roast duck, fish-flavored shredded pork...etc, absolutely all Authentic Chinese food.

Unexpectedly, this point was highly praised by Jobs. The lingering delicious food made Jobs, who has anorexia, a big appetite. He gave a thumbs up and praised repeatedly.
"It's really delicious. I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time. I really want to stay for a few more days!" Jobs said with some emotion.

"This is totally fine, and I can be your tour guide and take you to browse the great rivers and mountains in China. Let's start with the capital Yanjing, and Yanjing is the place with the most scenic spots and historical sites, and then invite you casually Try Chinese food." Li Feng invited.

"Hey, I really want to, but time is not allowed. I still have a lot of things to do. To be honest, if you didn't force me to come, I might not come this time. I will hold a press conference tomorrow. have to go back
But one thing is clear, I will definitely come to China again when I have time, and I must visit other places in China. This country is different from the western media reports, and when I return to the United States, I must invite a genuine Chinese chef. "Jobs said with a little regret.

At the end of the dinner, Jobs thanked him again: "Leo, I have learned a lot from this trip to Yanjing. Except for our patent negotiation, I have a different impression of China as a whole. Thank you again for your hospitality."

"Old man, don't be so polite, this is what you should do, you should rest early, then we will see you at the press conference tomorrow!"

The next day, at the press conference, almost all the well-known news media came. Everyone was very interested in the negotiation between Fengrui and Apple, especially since the founder of Apple, Jobs, came to China in person, which was even more false.

In fact, not only the news media, but also many industry companies such as Nokia and Motorola are paying attention to this press conference. Everyone knows that smartphones may be the future of the mobile phone field, but they are still not sure when this future will come.
It may be three years, or five years, or even ten years, so I still want to wait for Apple's first-generation iPhone smartphone to be launched, and because of the appearance of Fengrui, it has added a lot of imagination to smartphones.

And pay attention to this press conference, not only these, but also friends and opponents who often follow Li Feng's movements, Ari's Ma Yun, Tengxun's Ma Huateng, Shengda's Sheng Tianqiao... At this moment, they are also watching TV money. Watch this press conference.

Before the press conference, Li Feng and Jobs stood on both sides, and in the middle was Hu Zhengming, the parent official of Yanjing, who was specially invited by Li Feng to be a witness. How could such a grand and high-level press conference lack government support? .

Hu Zhengming also chatted casually with Li Feng before the press conference started. Hu Zhengming is also very optimistic about Li Feng, a sudden rise of entrepreneur.

Hu Zhengming also said very happily: "President Li, you Fengrui did a good job this time, but you gave China a sigh of relief. You Fengrui are really good. This time you are in the limelight again, and you beat me from Li Dongmin. After taking over Yanjing, you Fengrui are really different every day, and you can maintain such a high-speed development on such a scale, it's really amazing!"

"The leader is polite. Fengrui's achievements are mainly due to the support of our local government!" Li Feng said modestly.

"Mr. Li, you are so polite. Who doesn't know that Fengrui's success today is entirely due to you, Li Feng, so don't be humble, Mr. Li." Hu Zhengming really didn't expect Fengrui to develop so fast. , and judging by the current momentum of Fengrui, it will definitely become a world-class super enterprise in the future,
So Hu Zhengming continued: "Mr. Li, remember when we met last time, you said you wanted to build a world-class industrial park to serve as Fengrui's global headquarters. Do you have any ideas?"

Now that Hu Zhengming said this, Li Feng also said very politely: "Yes, leader, I am indeed planning to build a world-class industrial park, including Fengrui X Lab and Fengrui Technology. , especially for the follow-up development of Fengrui x Lab, I will invest at least 100 billion in the early stage.”

"How much? More than 100 billion, Mr. Li, you won't lie to me?" Hu Zhengming asked a little surprised. Such a large-scale investment is really unprecedented.

"Yes, leader, and this is only the initial investment. If Fengrui develops smoothly in the future, I will invest 100 billion yuan in follow-up R&D and construction every year. The investment period is at least 10 years.

Is the total investment at least 1000 billion or more, to truly build Fengrui X Laboratory into the world's top technology research and development laboratory, not only for the electronic information industry, but also for related industries such as physics, chemistry, and biology. "Li Feng said with certainty.

Hu Zhengming was indeed overwhelmed by Li Feng's generosity. This may be the reason why Fengrui can achieve such success. In order to keep Li Feng, Hu Zhengming also spent a lot of money, "Mr. Li, since you have such strength, then we The government also absolutely supports,

Not to mention anything else, just say that after the location of your industrial park is selected, our Yanjing government can take full responsibility for the construction of infrastructure such as roads, power supply, communications, water supply, drainage, gas supply, and heat supply, and all the land required by the industrial park It's free, and I will send it directly to Fengrui. "

The land is free, which is a big deal, especially in a super big city like Yanjing, where land is more valuable than gold!And this is not a matter of one acre or two mu.

"Leader, you know, an industrial park like this can't be solved with dozens or hundreds of acres of land. We need at least a thousand acres of land in the early stage, and with the follow-up planning, we need to retain at least two acres of land. Three thousand acres of space." Li Feng said.

And Hu Zhengming made up his mind this time, and went all out, "Don't say [-] mu, even the [-] mu you said last time is fine. As long as you can do what you say, our government will also do what you say. "

"Okay! Leader, since you are so supportive, let me make a statement to you. The total investment of the entire park project is at least 1000 billion, and the initial stage will definitely not be less than 100 billion. Moreover, I will build Fengrui's global headquarters." There." Li Feng assured.

With Li Feng's words, Hu Zhengming felt relieved, he was really afraid that Fengrui would run away, it was not a matter of land.

"Okay, then after our press conference, we will form a professional team on both sides to discuss and finalize the plan as soon as possible. I really want to see the world-class industrial park you mentioned as soon as possible." Hu Zhengming said.

"Don't worry, leader, I'll let Zhiping connect with someone like you in a while, the money will definitely be fine, and I think that after this press conference, we will hold another press conference in two days. I still have to invite you to come." Li Feng invited.

"Well, what's good about you Fengrui?" Hu Zhengming asked.

"Some time ago, our Fengrui Technology financing matter has been finalized, and we are going to sign the contract in two days. We have to hold a press conference at that time, and I have to ask the leader to come again!" Li Feng said with a smile .

"Oh, this is a good thing. I heard that Fengrui's financing valuation is 300 billion U.S. dollars. Is it true?" Hu Zhengming asked.

"Well, almost, it's just a little more than this, 350 billion US dollars." Li Feng said lightly.

"Okay, you boy, I will definitely come back when the time comes, and I hope that there will be more such things in the future." Hu Zhengming laughed.

While Li Feng was chatting with Hu Zhengming, the press conference was about to start.


(End of this chapter)

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