Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 601 The war is far from over

Chapter 601 The war is far from over (please subscribe!)
Just when Ma Huateng made up his mind to go online on Tengxun Weibo and conspired to counterattack Fengrui, Li Feng and Jobs were interviewed by the news media at the press conference and answered questions from reporters.

This question-and-answer meeting was hosted by Fengrui's press spokesman, Liu Chang. The trainer who taught Li Feng to speak in the past is now Fengrui's chief press officer.

It is also a great honor for Liu Chang to be able to host today's press conference. One was a student he trained and is now the boss; the other is his former idol. The reason why he added a "before" , because now my idol has become Li Feng again, a person who is good at creating miracles.

"Friends from the media, ladies and gentlemen, good morning! Just now Fengrui and Apple officially signed a patent strategic cooperation agreement, and now we are very honored to invite Fengrui CEO Li Feng and Apple CEO Jobs to meet with you and answer Everyone's question."

Liu Chang also said in a very natural and gentle manner: "Time is limited, so I will designate the order of questions. Whoever I call will ask questions first. Now let's start asking questions. First, ask the third lady from the left in the first row to ask questions. "

"Good morning, thank you for the host. I am Li Moumou, a reporter from CCTV. I am asking Jobs this question. Hello, Jobs. My question is: This should be your first time in China. This time What is your image of China during your visit to China?" Li Moumou asked.

Jobs said very face-saving: "To be honest, I used to have prejudices against China, but after this visit to China, I have undergone earth-shaking changes in China. This is really full of curiosity and beautiful things, and China The development has attracted worldwide attention,

It’s just that this visit to China is very short, and I haven’t really been to Chinese scenic spots and historic sites. It’s a pity. I will definitely go in the future and browse the great mountains and rivers in China.
And when I go back, I will definitely promote China. This is a beautiful country. I must visit China more often. Next to me, Li Feng is also going to be my tour guide. "

"Then what do you think of Li Feng next to you? What is the reason for you to reach the current strategic cooperation?" The reporter then asked.

"Leo, he is really very wise, with advanced strategic vision, and a very powerful person. Dealing with him is really frightening. You really have to be careful and go all out!" Jobs said with emotion.

"Old Qiao, I'm going to get angry when you say that. Why did I make you so scared and cautious!" Li Feng next to him said jokingly.

"Leo, didn't I praise you for being great!" Jobs said with a smile.

The two were "flirtatious" in front of the audience, which made all the media reporters in the audience a little dumbfounded. They used to be so confrontational, but now they suddenly get along so harmoniously. It's just that the picture is a bit out of harmony!

Fortunately, the following reporter's question quickly changed the subject, so that everyone would not be so embarrassed.

"I'm Jack from the US news report. I'm asking Mr. Li Feng and Mr. Li. Now that Fengrui has reached a cooperation with Apple, it has cleared the last obstacle for Fengrui to enter the smartphone field. Do you think that Does Fengrui launch its own brand of smartphones soon?" Jack asked a certain reporter.

In fact, this question is a bit too much, and it has already involved Fengrui's next strategic plan. Originally, Liu Chang was going to ask another reporter to ask questions, but Li Feng still quickly gave his own answer.

"Currently Fengrui is mainly working with all parties to promote its own smartphone operating system, that is, the Android system, especially to strengthen cooperation with major mobile phone manufacturers, but it is HTC. We hope that more mobile phone manufacturers will join the Android Alliance in the future. ,
As for the launch of its own brand of smart phones, it is not currently in Fengrui's plan, but it is certain that Fengrui has no plan in this regard for at least the next three years, and I can guarantee that,
If Fengrui really launches its own smartphone one day in the future, it will be more of a concept phone that will not be mass-produced, nor will it compete with its partners. It will be more of a differentiated product. Replenish. "Li Feng said easily.

The following ones were replaced by local reporters again, this time they did not embarrass Li Feng, but even praised Feng Rui's achievements.

"Mr. Li, hello, I am Liu XX from our local news report in Yanjing. First of all, congratulations on the signing of the cooperation agreement between Fengrui and Apple.

Our sincere blessings, but from the recent investment and strategic layout of Fengrui, do you think that Fengrui will pay more attention to the international market in the future and take the road of a multinational company. "Reporter Liu Moumou asked.

"Thank you. First of all, I want to make it clear that Fengrui is a Chinese company. It used to be, it is now, and it will definitely be in the future. Fengrui's current achievements are also based on China's development. It can also be said that Fengrui is more of China's rapid development. One embodiment, there will be more companies like Fengrui in the future.

But as far as Fengrui itself is concerned, while taking root in the Chinese local market, it will definitely look at the world and compete with more outstanding companies around the world, and it will definitely take the road of a multinational company. Set up many stations,
The next step is to pay attention to the foreign market, and the value generated by the foreign market can exceed the domestic market as soon as possible. Only then can Fengrui truly be called a multinational company. "Li Feng said eloquently.


Afterwards, many media reporters asked questions, some for Jobs and some for Li Feng. Both of them answered one by one, but the time was limited, and the press conference ended soon.

After the press conference, Jobs flew back to the United States by special plane. Before leaving, he invited Li Feng to Apple as a guest.
"Leo, the last time we met was at Google, and this time the negotiation is at your Fengrui company. Next time, you must come to our Apple company. I will hire a Chinese chef to cook Chinese food. Please comment."

"Okay, old Joe, thank you, I will definitely visit Apple next time."

The two also shook hands and bid farewell, but both of them also understood that personal feelings belong to personal feelings, and the company's interests belong to the company's interests.
Although it is now the "honeymoon period" between Fengrui and Apple, the war between Fengrui and Apple is far from over!

Fengrui should have won this time!

I just don't know, who will win the next time it starts?

Then who will win the final victory?


PS: Ask for subscription support, I really can’t hold on anymore, I’m sure everyone will subscribe and support!
(End of this chapter)

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