Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 602 Sharp Financing

Chapter 602 Sharp Financing
Although Fengrui and Apple's press conference is over, the media carnival that started with this conference is far from over, and it has just reached its climax!
From the beginning of June, when Apple suddenly released rumors that "Fengrui plagiarized", and then LG withdrew from the Android alliance, and then Li Feng went to the United States to "plead guilty", the negative news of Fengrui has reached a low point;
When Li Feng returned from his visit to the United States, there was a sudden reversal. First, Feng Rui showed evidence and hired the international law firm "Baker & McKenzie" to sue Apple, then Cook's visit to China, and then Jobs' visit to China , the last two companies reached an agreement,
These various topics are too reportable, just like chasing dramas, even ordinary melon-eating people want to see the final ending,
Fortunately, Fengrui did not disappoint the hope of the people of the whole country. Although Fengrui and Apple reached a cooperation agreement in the end, everyone knew that Fengrui had an absolute upper hand in it. Otherwise, the arrogant Americans would bow down Come, let alone an entrepreneur like Jobs who came to China to sign in person, the media almost said it was "kneeling and begging for mercy".

It is not easy for China to have such an awesome company like Fengrui, and Li Feng has such an awesome mission, why don’t they promote it to the outside world, especially for a suave, handsome young talent like Li Feng, it is really too much to talk about Well, then, what else can you think about, blow me hard!
Therefore, the media's praise of Fengrui and Li Feng has reached a peak again:
"The most innovative company in China - Fengrui!"

"China's most legendary entrepreneur, Li Feng!"

"The road to sharp rise!"

"Li Feng who shocked the world!"


Some gossip media even got interviews with Li Feng's relatives and friends who did not know where to report,
What is Li Feng's elementary school classmate "Li Feng has been very smart since he was a child, and he won the first place in every exam, so I know he will definitely succeed in the end"...

What is Li Feng's first love girlfriend "Li Feng is a gentle man and is very kind to others. Even if we broke up, I don't blame him. Even if I still remember him now, I hope he can remember me"...

What is Li Feng's high school teacher "Li Feng is not only smart and eager to learn, but also respects teachers. He is a good student with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor. I never doubt that he can achieve his current achievements."


Li Feng himself doesn't know where his elementary school classmates, first love girlfriend, high school teacher, etc. are "smart since childhood", "first in exams", "all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor"... Li Feng himself doesn't know himself. It's been so awesome, and there is even some first love, which makes people speechless...

What is even more speechless is that not only the Chinese media, but even the western media have reported on Fengrui and Li Feng in all aspects, especially on Li Feng himself, so young and so successful, this is definitely a blockbuster of "positive energy" in the United States The success of the traditional Chinese "American Dream",

But this time no one calls Li Feng "Bill Gates Second", because Li Feng's current achievements can already talk to Bill Gates on an equal footing, or someone will be called "Li Feng II" in the future, such as Facebook's Zha Kerberg is often called "the next Li Feng".

From top to bottom, from domestic to foreign, Li Feng himself felt embarrassed by the recent media propaganda, and couldn't stand so many compliments.

Originally, Li Feng also dealt with it in a low-key manner. He asked Fengrui's related and other Internet media, including the news media that has cooperated with Fengrui, not to continue reporting, and naturally dissipate the influence.

After all, Li Feng himself is not an entertainment star, and he doesn't have such a long-term attention. Moreover, the media and people who eat melons are also good at forgetfulness, and the popularity will go down in a few days.

This is indeed the case, except that after such a large-scale report at the beginning, Li Feng's popularity quickly weakened, and perhaps in a few days, no one paid attention.

It's just that everything is involuntary!
Even if Li Feng wanted to stop it, he couldn't stop it. There was no way!
It’s not that Fengrui has just reached an agreement with Apple, and Fengrui’s financing has been put on the agenda. In fact, Fengrui’s financing agreement was originally before the cooperation with Apple, but it was delayed because of the patent issue with Apple.

Therefore, on the third day of the cooperation between Fengrui and Apple, Fengrui held another press conference to officially announce Fengrui's second round of financing to the outside world.

Since Fengrui was established on January 2002, 1, the real financing has only been raised once, which is 2% of the initial financing of 1 million US dollars from Softbank Group. In fact, the initial financing was 10%. The betting agreement was reduced to 20%. At that time, Fengrui’s shareholding institutions were: Li Feng 10%, management 72%, and Softbank 18%;

Later, in order to acquire Tencent’s QQ, Fengrui also raised 10% of the shares of South Africa’s MIH Group in a disguised form. Fengrui Technology’s stock structure became: Li Feng 64.8%, management 16.2%, MIH 10%, Softbank 9%;

In the future, Fengrui's development will officially enter the normal stage, and there will be no need for financing, and even its own profits will account for more than half of the entire Chinese Internet output value, and the "Fengrui Industrial Investment Fund" established by itself will Has become the largest investment institution in China;

However, in order to change the entire holding structure of Fengrui, Softbank and MIH Group were separated from "Fengrui X Lab", and the holding method based on "Fengrui Technology" was changed to "Fengrui X Lab" as the core. The main holding method, "Fengrui Technology" and "Fengrui X Laboratory" carried out a "2:1" ratio share conversion;
Therefore, the final holding structure of Fengrui is as follows:
The shareholding structure of "Fengrui X Lab" is: Li Feng holds 80%, the management 10%, and virtual restricted shares 10% (subsequent outstanding employee option pool), all of which are internally held by Fengrui.

The share structure of "Fengrui Technology" is: Li Feng 61%, management 15.25% (including internal excellent employee option pool), MIH 12.5%, and Softbank 11.25%.

However, except for the first publicity of the financing with SoftBank Group, the subsequent financing of Fengrui has not been publicized to the outside world. Therefore, after reaching a cooperation with Apple, Fengrui also made a good publicity.
This time Fengrui still raised 10% of the shares. Among them, Sequoia Capital and Goldman Sachs invested at a valuation of 350 billion US dollars, each invested 8.75 million US dollars, each accounting for 2.5% of the shares, a total of 5% of Fengrui Technology shares, while Goldman Sachs It also has the priority of Fengrui's listed underwriters;
IDG Capital invested with a valuation of 360 billion US dollars, investing 7.2 million US dollars, accounting for 2% of the shares of Fengrui Technology;
The "Abu Dhabi Investment Fund" of the UAE World and the investment group "DST" of Moscow, Russia are both invested with a valuation of 380 billion US dollars, each investing 3.8 million US dollars, each accounting for 1% of the shares, and a total of 2% of the shares of Fengrui Technology ;

Domestically, ICBC and China Post invested at Fengrui’s lowest internal valuation of US$300 billion, each investing US$1 million, each holding 1% of the shares, and a total of 2% of Fengrui’s shares. Li Feng also mainly introduced state-owned 20% of the capital is specially reserved for domestic enterprises in this financing;
Therefore, Fengrui’s total financing amount in the end was US$34.3 billion, diluting 10% of Fengrui’s shares. After this financing, Fengrui’s shareholding structure is as follows:
李锋54.9%、管理层13.725%、南非MIH集团11.25%、软银10.125%、红杉资本2.5%、高盛2.5%、IDG资本2%、阿联酋世界“阿布达比投资基金” 1%、俄罗斯莫斯科的投资集团“DST” 1%、工行1%、邮政1%。

Li Feng himself still holds 54.9%, plus Fengrui's management shares 13.725%, it is already 68.628, more than 2/3, Fengrui is still an absolute share, and Fengrui itself implements AB dual shares, except In the beginning, Softbank and South African MIH Group, in fact, the follow-up financing institutions did not have voting rights.
Even, when Li Feng planned to go public with Fengrui, he implemented the ABC triple share structure. He himself directly got 1 vote worth 100 votes, and the internal management and early investment institutions got 1 vote worth 10 votes. In the end, we still have to take care of Li Feng. Fengrui and Fengrui's management have absolute say in Fengrui's board of directors.

It's just that although Li Feng himself did not appear at Fengrui's financing conference, he only asked President Liu Zhiping to announce that,
But the two heavyweight performances in three days completely pushed Li Feng to the "cusp of the storm". Even if Li Feng wanted to keep a low profile, he couldn't.
After all, nothing can hide your shining appearance!

(End of this chapter)

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