Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 63 A big gift

Chapter 63 Two big gifts
The harder, the more fortunate!
When you become more successful, "pies" will fall from the sky, and once you fall, there will be two. Li Feng himself is a little bit unbelievable.

The first big gift was caused by the popularity of "Miracle MU". Seeing how profitable online games are, many people on the Internet couldn't sit still anymore, and sent people to Fengrui Technology to investigate and study.

In order to promote the development of China's online game market, Li Feng also arranged receptions one by one.

Even Tenxun's Xiao Ma also sent his capable officer Ren Yu to visit the door in person to learn online game operation experience, and is also preparing to act as an agent for a Korean online game "Triumph".

Originally, Tengxun was planning to visit Sheng Tianqiao in Shanghai, but it turned out that "Miracle MU" is so popular, and it is really amazing that an online game can be operated to such an extreme!
So, he quickly turned around and went north to visit Li Feng. Originally, Xiao Ma was planning to come in person, but something delayed him.

As an agent of online games, Tencent is jealous of the online game market on the one hand, and the profit of "Miracle MU" in one month can surpass Tencent's profit in a year;

On the other hand, it is also Tencent that enriches its product line and prepares for its future listing. After all, 80% of Tencent's revenue now comes directly or indirectly from China Mobile.
Even when a small section chief of China Mobile went to Tencent for research, Ma Huateng had to personally receive him.

In the previous life, Tencent has become the largest game empire in the world, and the king of this empire is Ren Yu, who is the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Tencent, and is in charge of the seven major business groups of Tencent, whose annual income accounts for half of the entire Tencent. The news game is in the hands of Ren Yu.

It can be said that Ren Yu is responsible for Tencent's income.

Li Feng was taken aback when he heard that Tengxun was coming, because Li Feng is now planning to plan Tengxun's social empire.

The future of the Internet belongs to social networking, especially when entering the field of mobile Internet, everything will be socialized, such as socialized search, socialized e-commerce, and socialized content, and among the three BAT ecosystems, the most stable ecosystem is Tencent’s.

And for an entrepreneur, faced with the same share price conditions of Alibaba and Tencent, he would definitely choose Tencent without hesitation, because Tencent has the user data most wanted by all entrepreneurial Internet companies.

Therefore, Li Feng also personally introduced the conditions for the success of "Miracle MU" to Ren Yu, especially emphasizing the promotional role of "Bat Network Management" and MY123.

The current "Bat Network Management" and MY123 are also due to the popularity of "Miracle MU", and their monthly operating income has suddenly increased from hundreds of thousands to several million. Most of the revenue comes from online game companies on the Internet.

Li Feng is also preparing to further upgrade the 4.0 version of "Bat Network Management".

3.0 has added "Game Center" (stand-alone game + online game), which has contributed a lot to the promotion of "Miracle MU".
In version 4.0 of "Bat Network Management", Li Feng added "Movie Center" and "Music Center".

Anyway, Fengrui Technology is not short of money now. The profit of "Miracle MU" in September alone was more than 9 million. Now it is the era of crazy piracy.

At this time, it is definitely cheaper to negotiate copyright with film companies and record companies, and it will be easy to launch music websites and video websites in the future.

Of course, the first big gift that Li Feng mentioned has nothing to do with Tengxun, but from another Internet company: NetDragon.

Liu Dejian, chairman of NetDragon, is a practitioner of the "Blue Ocean Strategy". He found that online games make a lot of money quickly, especially when he saw many "Miracle MU" players queuing up to recharge in Internet cafes.
"Spend money and still have to wait in line!"

Therefore, NetDragon is also preparing to enter the online game market to make a fortune, but whether it is an agent or developing a game requires a large amount of funds, Liu Dejian put his idea on the "godson" "17173".

"17173" was founded by Cai Zongjian. Shortly after its establishment, Cai Zongjian sold the website to NetDragon and took charge of the operation himself.

However, "17173" initially started by providing game cheat content, and grew very rapidly. Later, it gradually canceled the download resources of cheats and became a pure game information website.

If the historical trajectory does not shift, NetDragon will sell "2003" to Sohu in November 11 next year and obtain a huge sum of US$17173 million, which will also provide them with sufficient funds to develop online games ,

In 2006, it launched the self-developed online game "Magic Domain", which received enthusiastic market response and was a great success, bringing NetDragon several times its profit return, and NetDragon was successfully listed in Xiangjiang in 2007.

From this point of view, there is nothing wrong with NetDragon's decision to sell "17173" at high prices, and it can even be said that this is a business behavior with unique vision and far-sightedness.

However, Liu Dejian, chairman of NetDragon, plans to sell "17173" to Fengrui Technology. This unexpected decision was strongly opposed by Cai Zongjian.

Cai Zongjian didn't understand that "17173" created more than half of NetDragon's total profit every year through his hard work. Why did the boss want to sell "17173"?

When Li Feng learned of this situation, he immediately met with Cai Zongjian, a master of technology.

For a technical man like Cai Zongjian, Li Feng gave three "guarantees" straight to the point:
First, to ensure the independent operation of "17173", Fengrui Technology Corporation will not intervene;

The second is to ensure that Cai Zongjian's management team remains unchanged, not only will there be no layoffs, but he will also be given stock options if he does a good job;

The third is to ensure that "17173" does not need to make money within three years, and will increase investment, so that "17173" will become the number one game portal in China from a game information website.

When Cai Zongjian heard Li Feng's "guarantee", he not only gave money and rights, but also planned to make "17173" the number one game portal in China, so he agreed to join Fengrui Technology on the spot.

Once Cai Zongjian was settled, the rest would be easy to handle. Soon Fengrui Technology reached an acquisition agreement with NetDragon. Fengrui Technology fully acquired "1" in three installments of RMB 17173 million in half a year.

This is a win-win cooperation, NetDragon got the scarce funds, and Fengrui not only continued to consolidate its position in the game field,

I also got such an excellent talent as Cai Zongjian. I believe that the cooperation between "17173" and "Bat Network Management" will definitely achieve the effect of 1+1>2.

And Li Feng's second big gift came from Li Dongmin, the parent officer of Haiding District, Li Feng's senior brother from the same school.

That day, when Li Dongmin went to Zhongguancun to investigate enterprises, he happened to come to the Ideal International Building.

After inspecting Xinlang, the boss of the upstairs portal, Li Dongmin deliberately came to Li Feng's Fengrui Technology to take a look around.

When Li Dongmin and the others knew that Li Feng was the boss of Fengrui Technology, they were all stunned with surprise.

Li Dongmin thought it was the media's "catching the wind and shadows", but he didn't expect that the boss of Fengrui Technology was really a college student. When he heard that Li Feng was still a 01 student of the Department of Economics and Management of Yanjing University of Science and Technology.

Li Dongmin patted Li Feng on the shoulder and said kindly: "Mr. Li, since you are still at the 01 level of Yanke University's Department of Economics and Management, you still have to call me Senior Brother Sheng.

I am also from the Department of Economics and Management of Yankee University, but I am in the 88th grade. At that time, Yanjing University of Science and Technology was still Yanjing Iron and Steel Institute. "

As soon as Li Feng heard that Li Dongmin wanted to support him, he "climbed up the pole" and said, "Senior Brother Li!"

Li Dongmin said with a smile: "Okay, then I will trouble Brother Li to lead us in to have a look."

So, Li Feng led Li Dongmin and walked around Fengrui Technology Company. Every time he went to a place, Li Feng explained to Li Dongmin:

"This is our public office area, everyone can work here, of course we also have closed office areas",

"This is a cafeteria that provides three meals a day for free",

"This is our gymnasium, employees can come here to exercise when they are tired."

After Fengrui Technology became rich, Li Feng immediately focused on improving the office environment of the employees, and also provided each person with an office fee to decorate their own office environment.

Li Dongmin saw that the office environment of Fengrui Technology is so humanized, not only provides three meals a day for free, but also has a special gym, enviously said: "It feels like coming to another world, such a humanized office environment, I don't care Stay here and don't go."

Li Feng said: "We are all 'people-oriented'. Only by respecting employees can employees take charge of the company."

"People-oriented!" Li Dongmin's eyes lit up, and said: "Brother Li, well said, I heard that you are doing very well in the field of games, and you are number one in China."

Fengrui Technology now only occupies nearly 50% of the online game market with "Miracle MU". You must know that the father of Tencent in the previous life was so strong that it was only 46%. Of course, the scale of the game is not "the same", but This proves the strength of Fengrui Technology.

Li Feng said modestly: "China is number one, but I dare not say it. And now many companies have entered, and we Fengrui will continue to work hard."

Li Dongmin said: "Sure enough, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers! I believe that under the leadership of Mr. Li, Fengrui Technology will make further progress."

Before leaving, Li Dongmin said: "Mr. Li, I think you can declare high-tech enterprises. Now the country has many tax incentives!"

To be honest, Li Feng doesn't care about high-tech enterprises. Those millions of tax incentives are more important to build a relationship with Li Dongmin. Li Feng is not afraid of competition at the shopping mall level, but he is afraid of someone "using power for personal gain".

Seeing that Li Dongmin valued this Fengrui technology so much, the accompanying staff asked: "District Chief, why do you value this Fengrui technology so much?"

Li Dongmin sighed and said: "No matter in any field, it is very powerful to only be able to get the first place, not to mention such a highly competitive game market."

No matter what you do, as long as you are No.1, it is not easy, even if you play games and reach No.1.

To be honest, this was the first time Li Dongmin met a big boy like Li Feng.

Very ordinary, a big boy, tall, a little on the thin side, with good facial features, and a childlike look on his face,

But from his deep eyes, it can be seen that he is a mature and steady man who is different from ordinary youths.

With years of experience in politics, Li Dongmin has seen too many talented young entrepreneurs, but all he met were technical geniuses.
Li Dongmin also believes in the sophistication of people, and it is impossible to do it without certain experience.

But this is the first time that Li Dongmin has met a strategic genius like Li Feng, who is so young, so sophisticated and has a strategic vision.

 Thanks to YSC Yang and Sailing 888 for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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