Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 64 The Last Sports Car

Chapter 64 The Last Sports Car (Two in One)

In the first year of freshman year, everyone was not familiar with each other. Everyone was eagerly looking forward to going home during the November holidays, but in the second year of sophomore year, they seldom went back.

So this November holiday, the entire 601 dormitory did not go back. Wang Xiao who played "Legend" all day long, Wang Meng who had nothing to do to read novels, and Liu Bin who was sleeping idle, everyone did their own thing.

At this moment, after Wu Di came in with the meal, he saw the mess in the dormitory, frowned and said: "I said you guys rushed to the street, I just cleaned it yesterday.
You made it like this again, at least respect the fruits of other people's labor, and let me bring you a few meals all day long,
Seeing that Zhang Lei already has a double degree, he never forgets to go to the library during the holidays, and no wonder Li Feng, the third child, moved out. Who wants to live in such a 'pigsty'! "

Wang Xiao didn't even raise his head, and replied, "It's not like you are from this dormitory." The other two didn't even respond.

Wu Di held a newspaper and muttered: "Look at him again, he is a billionaire at the age of 18."

Wang Xiao asked curiously: "Who is it? The rich second generation? So awesome, is it true or not?"

Wu Di said: "Who knows, but I do know that "Miracle MU" represented by Fengrui Technology is quite popular.

By the way, fat man, I said why do you still play "Legend" and not "Miracle MU". I think Internet cafes are now playing "Miracle MU". "

"Wait!" Wang Xiao suddenly asked, "What did you say just now?"

Wu Di said puzzledly: "I said, why didn't you play "Miracle MU"?"

Wang Xiao said: "The previous sentence."

Wu Di said, "Monk Zhanger can't figure it out" and said: "I didn't say anything, I said that this Fengrui technology company is very strong, and it can earn [-] million a month."

Fengrui Technology!sharp!I, Cao, isn't this Li Feng's company!

Wang Xiao stood up all of a sudden, didn't even play the game, and snatched the newspaper from Wu Di's hand, almost waking up the other two "big gods" who "wandered" in the sky.

I saw the newspaper said "18-year-old billionaire!"

Wang Xiao continued to look down, it is really Fengrui Technology, and "Miracle MU" alone can earn nearly [-] million in a day!
Although Li Feng's name was not directly mentioned in the end, Wang Xiao still knew that "Fengrui Technology" was Li Feng's company.
Moreover, Wang Xiao also knew that Li Feng was from the generation of "Rui". It stands to reason that Li Feng's full name should be "Li Ruifeng", but it was called "Li Feng" when he got his ID card.

Damn, this kid is too narcissistic, he dares to name the company after himself!
Wang Xiao's brain is a little crazy. If it is said that he understands Li Feng, Wang Xiao must be the one who knows best. Even, Wang Xiao is very clear about the size of Li Feng's "little brother".

Even a "nerd" like Li Feng can succeed in starting a business, and he is still so powerful now that Wang Xiao has ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past in his mind.

"We agreed to go to Baitou together, but you secretly baked the oil!"

At the same time, an inexplicable complex emotion slowly rose from the bottom of Wang Xiao's heart. At this moment, Wang Xiao couldn't find a suitable word to describe his inner emotions.

Yes, Wang Xiao knew a long time ago that Li Feng opened an Internet cafe, and he also knew that Li Feng made a lot of money, but now it's fucking hundreds of millions a month.

So, Wang Xiao picked up the phone and quickly called Li Feng. After receiving the pain, Wang Xiao hurriedly asked, "Madman, are you..."

Wang Xiao thought that maybe Li Feng still didn't want others to know, so he changed his words: "Madman, where are you...Okay, just wait for me, I'll go over right away."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Xiao rushed to the place where Li Feng lived, leaving only Wu Di with a puzzled face, and two "big gods" who "came out of their bodies".

When Wang Xiao made the phone call, Li Feng was still drinking tea on the balcony, planning Fengrui's next goal.

Li Feng was a little surprised when he heard that Wang Xiao came looking for him. He thought they would set a record of not going downstairs for 7 days in the dormitory.

As soon as Wang Xiao entered the door, he looked around Li Feng fiercely, and made a "Zi Zui" sound, as if Li Feng was a super beautiful woman.

Li Feng was a little "creepy" when Wang Xiao saw it, and said: "I said fat man, do you know that I don't like men!"

Seeing that Li Feng was still like this, Wang Xiao immediately felt relieved, and then said, "I just want to see what a billionaire looks like?"

Li Feng understood it as soon as he heard it, and said awkwardly: "You already know, I didn't mean to hide it from you, but I don't know how to tell you, I'm afraid you will say I'm pretending."

Wang Xiao scolded: "I'm going, isn't this just pretending to be a big dick!"

Then, after a while, Wang Xiao said in bewilderment, "You are already a billionaire, and I haven't noticed any difference in you!"

Li Feng asked: "Then what should you be a rich man?"

Wang Xiao didn't even think about it, and said: "Just like on TV, villas, beauties, luxury cars, secretary when you have nothing to do, and secretary when you have something to do, isn't this a rich man?"

"Puchi!" Li Feng almost spat out the tea in his mouth onto Wang Xiao's face, and said with a smile, "Would you say a rich man is a 'stallion'? This is something that only ancient emperors could do."

Wang Xiao was still a little unwilling to say: "That can't be like you, it's no different from an ordinary person,
If it wasn't for today's coincidence, I still don't know that you are so rich!Don't you have money, you should still enjoy it! "

Hearing what Wang Xiao said, Li Feng sometimes felt that he was not living like a young man, but more like a greasy middle-aged man in his forties.

For the success of "Miracle MU", Li Feng rewarded the whole team with a lot of things, such as sending money and traveling, so he should also give himself some rewards.

You should be frivolous when you are young!People are not frivolous and waste youth!

So, Li Feng thought about it, and said to Wang Xiao: "Okay, fat man, I'll listen to you today, tell me, how to spend money!"

Wang Xiao said without even thinking about it: "Do you still need to think about it? Buy a car! Buy a luxury car! Besides, if you are in business, buying a car is not only for convenience, but also to support the scene."

Li Feng thought that the car he bought some time ago was used by the company, so he should buy a better car for himself.

Therefore, Li Feng readily agreed: "Let's go! Buy a luxury car!"

After speaking, Li Feng pulled Wang Xiao out of the house, took a taxi casually, and drove towards the Motor City.

On the way, Wang Xiao also said: "You should have bought a car a long time ago. I took a taxi by myself last time during the holiday. If you have a car, I will take advantage of it.
Since you are so rich now, if we buy a luxury car and drive home, let those former classmates know, how awesome and domineering you are!"

And along the way, Wang Xiao kept talking, "Madman, if you want me to buy something unique, it's good to buy a Maybach..."

"Crazy, Bentleys are actually pretty good. Rich people like to drive Bentleys now."

"Crazy, a Porsche is fine too, but it's not dignified enough..."

"Crazy, if possible, Rolls-Royce would be even better..."

Unable to stand it, Li Feng replied flatly, "Fatty, I bought the car myself! It's best not to spend more than 300 million." Wang Xiao was "choked" all of a sudden.

After getting out of the car, Wang Xiao recovered all of a sudden, and led Li Feng familiarly, to a 4S shop called "Yuehai" that specializes in selling all kinds of luxury cars.

Li Feng asked: "Okay, Fatty, I haven't done much research!"

Wang Xiao laughed and said, "That's right! If you can't afford it, can't you enjoy your eyesight! I was talking about it on the road just now. How can there be luxury cars worth more than 300 million yuan in China now!"

"Eh!" Li Fengguang used the standard of his previous life to measure the current price, forgetting that it was only 2002, and one yuan at that time could still buy a lot of things.

Although Li Feng and Li Feng were dressed in average clothes, a shopping guide came up to him: "Hello, gentlemen, what kind of car do you need?"

"Well, what is the most expensive car here?" Wang Xiao nodded and said directly with pride.

"Uh..." The shopping guide was immediately stunned by the question, unable to understand what the sentence meant.

When most people come to see a car, they basically already have a certain understanding. They will ask about the performance and style of the car, and then get in the car to feel it.

At this time, Li Feng suddenly saw a silver-gray sports car and walked over.

Wang Xiao also followed, looked at the price, and said, "Okay, madman, this is probably the most expensive car in their shop."

At this time, the shopping guide came to his senses and said, "This gentleman is right. It is indeed the most expensive car in our store. It is a newly introduced Aston Martin V8. It is purely imported and sold for sale. The price is as high as 152 million."

Aston Martin's sports cars are always simple, unobtrusive, but beautiful. Its beauty is everywhere from the inside to the outside.

Therefore, Li Feng took a fancy to this sports car at a glance, turned his head and asked: "Full payment, can I pick up the car now?"

"Uh..." The shopping guide was stunned by the question again, unable to understand the meaning of this sentence.

This shopping guide has never bought a car like this before. It has not been 3 minutes since he entered the doorway. Did he say three sentences in total?

Just say that I want it, this is not buying Chinese cabbage in the vegetable market!Even if it is Chinese cabbage, you always have to bargain!How could it be so straightforward!
In an instant, Li Feng's image in the shopping guide's heart suddenly grew.

Even the few shopping guides in the room were drunk, what is a real person who doesn't show his face?This is it!

An ordinary young man, who dares to go out and make millions, is not a rich second generation, what is it!

For a moment, these shopping guides looked at the shopping guide in front of Li Feng with "envy, jealousy and hatred", what a commission!I can't help but secretly hate the person in charge of reception, why not myself?

At the same time, it also reminded them that they have to be smarter in doing things in the future, what if they also meet a local tyrant like Li Feng!
Wang Xiao was also surprised and said: "I said madman, you are so crazy, you haven't talked about anything yet! You are really buying, you give me 5 minutes, and I will talk to you."

Li Feng also felt that he was impatient, so he directly ordered: "Okay, I'll leave it to you, Fatty, we've finished the talk, let's go to the 'Dashan' restaurant at noon."

Wang Xiao smiled and said, "Fuck you! I'm not your subordinate."

After waiting for a while, Wang Xiao settled the conversation and said to Li Feng, "It's 160 million in total, including insurance, listing and other things, and we can drive away in an hour."

Li Feng said: "Okay, let's drive the sports car back later!"

In less than half an hour, the procedure was completed.

So, Li Feng took Wang Xiao and got into the newly bought Aston Martin. He was going to find his feelings in the open space next to the 4S shop.

A luxury car is a good car, but it’s different!
It’s just that the central control is almost the same. The current car is still a traditional car with “four wheels + a sofa”. In the era of Internet cars, it is “four wheels + a computer”.
Not to mention anything else, the big central control giant screen alone is attractive enough.

Li Feng took Wang Xiao slowly, and walked around the open space twice. Wang Xiao, who was beside him, couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Madman, you don't always plan to hold the meeting like this, do you? No, just let me hold the meeting!"

Li Feng asked back: "If you don't drive like this, how can you drive!"

Wang Xiao said loudly: "Brother, this is a sports car, you have to let it run, you want to 'drift', understand! The initial letter D drifts!"

Hearing what Wang Xiao said, Li Feng also wanted to try it. In his previous life, he had heard all day on the Internet that the rich second generation would drive a luxury car to play drifting at night.

So, Li Feng replied "Look at me", stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and when the speed picked up, he was about to turn.

Wang Xiao was frightened, and suddenly shouted: "Madman, wait, the speed is too fast, let's stop playing."

It turns out that Fatty is a softie!
The more the fat man yelled "Ah! Help", the happier Li Feng said "haha", he continued to increase the accelerator, and when he was about to turn,
At this time, the car suddenly hit the embankment, and the car was thrown into the air, spinning "like a discus" and then went out.

While spinning in the air, Li Feng seemed to see "Reaper" again, and the scene after his rebirth flashed in his mind for a moment.
Opening an Internet cafe, starting a company, acting as an agent for online games, finding his former wife Tang Xin, and constantly entangled with Yang Xiao... The wonderful life has just begun, and I haven't lived it yet!
After rebirth, you will never follow the path of your previous life!

Career, hardware and software together!Love, wife beauty can not be less!
When the car fell to the ground again, the windows and wheels were all shattered, and the whole car was completely damaged. Fortunately, neither of them suffered any injuries.

When the two climbed out of the car, Wang Xiao cried when he found out that he was still alive!Then he directly scolded Li Feng: "I'm going to fuck you, Li Feng, do you want to kill me!"

Li Feng could only reply with a smirk, "Haha!"

When such a big incident happened, the people from the nearby 4S store also rushed over. The people were fine, but the car was rotten.

After resting for a while, Li Feng rubbed his sore arm, and asked the shopping guide just now, "Can this car still be repaired?"

The shopping guide said: "Sir, it's good that you are fine! However, your car is broken down like this, and it will cost a lot of money to repair. I will ask our maintenance department to monitor it for you later.
Moreover, sir, the insurance of your car will not take effect until one hour later, so the maintenance cost needs to be handled by you personally. "

After a while, the owner of the "Yuehai" 4S shop came to Li Feng with the maintenance list and said, "Sir, after our monitoring, the maintenance cost of your car is 180 million. This is the maintenance cost list."

The owner of the 4S shop went out in person, just because he likes Li Feng, a rich man. After all, the car sellers only make a few profits, and the car repairs are the only ones that make their own money.

Li Feng said indifferently: "My new car is only 160 million, but it costs 180 million to repair. Is there something wrong with my ears, or am I hearing it wrong?"

At this time, Wang Xiao also recovered, and directly reprimanded: "That's right! If this is the case, then I'll fix it, just buy one!"

The owner of the 4S store also said, "A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water" and said: "Sir, the market price is like this, and there is a maintenance part coefficient in it, which is stipulated by Aston Martin."

Li Feng thought viciously: When I have money in the future, I will definitely buy this Aston Martin company, and then I will terminate the contract of your 4S shop first.

Seeing that the owner of the 4S shop seemed determined to accept himself, Li Feng said directly: "Then we won't repair it, and I'll find someone to take it away in a while, and sell it directly to the scrap collector."

After speaking, Li Feng called Wu Nan, Fengrui's own driver, and dragged Wang Xiao away regardless of the pig-face of the 4S shop owner.

On the way, Li Feng sighed to Wang Xiao: "This is my last sports car! It's really not for people to play with."

Wang Xiao was still a little unwilling and said: "Let's go back like this, throwing more than 100 million in vain, and almost risking our lives!"

Li Feng scolded: "Otherwise, how fierce it is! You insisted on letting me play drift!"

Wang Xiao retorted: "Didn't I tell you to stop playing in the end? You insisted on playing."

Li Feng thought about it, he couldn't come here in vain, he had to drive a nice car for himself anyway!
Suddenly, Li Feng remembered that once in his previous life, when Li Feng and Wang Xiao were shopping together, he saw Liu Tai, the richest man in Taicheng, sitting in a Phaeton.

At that time, Li Feng didn't know Phaeton yet, so he said to Wang Xiao: "Isn't Liu Tai the richest man in Taicheng? Why is he still driving a Passat?"

Wang Xiao smiled directly: "Crazy, don't mistake ignorance for fearlessness. This is called Phaeton, and it is also a top luxury car. You can buy at least ten Passats."

Since then, Li Feng has remembered the Phaeton of the "bigger Passat", "I'm very rich, but I'm very low-key, but I'm afraid you don't know that I'm really, really rich.” Pretend to be aggressive, and when I have money in the future, I have to buy one myself.

So, with the wishes of his previous life, Li Feng took Wang Xiao to a 4S shop of Volkswagen, and spent another 160 million to pick up a Phaeton.

However, this time Wang Xiao said nothing to let Li Feng drive, until the driver Wu Nan came to pick them up in the Phaeton that Li Feng bought.

Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Maybach, Mercedes-Benz S, BMW 7, buy these luxury cars, but don’t drive them yourself, so hire a driver to drive them, aren’t you an idiot?

 Thanks to the society for forcing people to commit crimes, and 1979 for your reward!This chapter is 5000 words.

(End of this chapter)

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