Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 67 The Future of Fengrui

Chapter 67 The Future of Fengrui

Early the next morning, Li Feng followed the counselor Qu Bo to meet with Dean Ma.

The level of the dean is high, and he didn't ask Li Feng for anything throughout the whole process. He also gave Li Feng two promises in front of Qu Bo: Li Feng is allowed to ask for leave at any time, and if Li Feng fails a course, he can be properly taken care of.

Of course, what Dean Ma said was also very tactful, and the final goal was also: today you are proud of the school, and tomorrow the school will be proud of you.

Li Feng had no choice but to accept Dean Ma's favor. Of course, Li Feng didn't waste it, and even asked Qu Bo for three days off after leaving the dean's door.

The reason why Li Feng took such a long vacation this time is for Fengrui Technology's next strategic goal. You must know that even when "Miracle MU" was released, Li Feng had never taken such a long vacation.

Now Fengrui Technology has more than 300 people, and it can be regarded as a medium-sized company among Internet companies.

Of course, compared to the three-story office upstairs, Xinlang, a veteran Internet tycoon, is still far behind.

Even counting the number of people alone, it is not necessarily comparable to the Baidu company downstairs.

After inspecting the company for two rounds, Li Feng found that most of the people were familiar to him, and many of them couldn't recognize their names.

To be honest, with such a company of 10 people, Li Feng struggled to manage it. In his previous life, he had never managed [-] people.
And there are many things that Li Feng has to deal with. Even now Li Feng is studying hard and trying to provide his own ability, but it is more difficult to manage.

Zhou Wei asked: Brother Li, our servers are almost running out, how much should we buy this time; Li Feng said: According to the most.

Dong Li asked: "Boss, here is a technical expert, how much salary should be set?" Li Feng said: "You ask who I ask, it is set according to the highest standard in the industry."

Cheng Lan asked: Boss, I sent a lot of new employees who don't know what to do when they arrive, should we also organize a centralized training? Li Feng said: Yes, you can directly decide how much it will cost.

Li Feng didn't even dare to imagine what he would do if Fengrui Technology had 1000 or 1 employees.

Fortunately, these problems have been suppressed by the rapid growth of Fengrui Technology. Anyway, Fengrui Technology is not short of money now.

Then, Li Feng called the core members of the company to the office for a meeting.

Although Li Feng doesn't know how to manage and control costs, Li Feng clearly knows that the company's success does not depend on cost control, just like it is impossible for an ordinary person to buy a big house by saving money.

After everyone sat down, Li Feng directly arranged and deployed Fengrui Technology's next work.

Now Fengrui Technology is still a start-up company, and there are not too many resources for democratic discussion and allocation. At this time, Li Feng, the "top leader" of the company, needs to make a strong decision.

Li Feng said directly: "The next step is very simple:
The first must be our "Miracle MU", which will be our cash cow in the next two or three years, and the "Alipay" recharge system related to "Miracle MU", we must increase the promotion efforts, these two are in charge of Xu Jiawei .

The second is "Bat Network Management", which is the initial product of our Fengrui Technology. It is time to prepare to launch the 4.0 version of "Bat Network Management". Xu Chaojun is in charge of this.
Because the 4.0 version of "Bat Network Management" involves the copyright of movies and music, it is necessary to discuss copyright with film companies and record companies, and piracy is crazy now.

Therefore, don't be afraid to spend money on the military, and must take all the copyrights for me, which involves our future layout.

The third is self-developed online games, yes, that’s right, we independently developed them, not every time there is such a good opportunity as "Miracle MU", besides, we are not short of people or money now, it is time to develop an online game to practice , can't act as an agent every time!
Long Xiaotian, Zhou Feng, and Wang Xiaochuan, I have three online game copywriters here, all of which are casual, and now we can't develop 3A-level masterpieces, let's practice with these first.After a while you discuss it, and each of you is responsible for a project.

That's all for now! "

After Li Feng finished speaking, everyone looked at each other, and found that Li Feng had missed Zhou Wei and Wang Xing. Fortunately, Zhou Wei said that he is the chief technical manager after all, in charge of the entire Fengrui technology.
Only Wang Xing has no specific projects, of course, Dong Li and Cheng Lan are also excluded.

When Wang Xing heard that Li Feng had finished speaking, it turned out that he had nothing to do with him, and even his younger brother Xu Chaojun had a job to do, so he felt a little puzzled, thinking that Li Feng had something against him.

After drinking the tea, Li Feng didn't keep everyone waiting long, and said, "What I said earlier was just about daily life, now let's talk about something serious."

Isn't it such an important matter just now?Everyone is puzzled.

Then, Li Feng said: "Fengrui Technology has been established for almost a year, and it is time to launch our core products.

Before talking about this question, I would like to ask everyone, what do you think Fengrui's next goal should be? "

Soon, everyone also gave the answer. Zhou Wei answered search, Xu Jiawei also searched, Wang Xiaochuan also searched, Long Xiaotian was a game, Zhou Feng was a portal,

Xu Chaojun made a fool of himself, and the answer was Fengrui. To be honest, Xu Chaojun is definitely a genius, but Li Feng didn't like Xu Chaojun's cleverness who "thought he was smart".

After reading everyone's answers, Li Feng said with a smile: "Let me first describe two scenarios for you, which are related to the two companies. Of course, the actual situation is not so extreme, but they represent the two extremes of the future Internet.

One is Google, which mainly fetches and tracks existing information, which they call crawling.They regularly send out crawlers to put material from the web into their own systems.

They use the collected user information to advertise, track your surfing history, and even create a Google map. In this way, they have established a user data system.

This is Google, and of course, Google is a great company. "

Everyone still didn't quite understand what Li Feng meant, but through Li Feng's analysis of Google, everyone felt that what Li Feng said was the future of Google. If what Li Feng said was true, then Google is really powerful.

Then, Li Feng said: "There is another company like this. They believe that the world will become more and more transparent. They build a huge community website based on the networked "six-dimensional space".

This is a network of friends, colleagues, peers and family members, people can share what they want to share, including your information, email, phone number, travel photos, people build mutual trust and enrich lives by revealing their hearts to each other , just like offline.

If the Internet in the eyes of Google is composed of servers and search algorithms, cold but accurate tools,
In the eyes of this company, the Internet should be composed of people and relationships, and it should be a complex and vague community composed of people and people.

Google wants to integrate global information, and this company wants to connect people around the world and become people's 'identity card' on the Internet. "

Everyone couldn't accept so much information for a while, and exclaimed, "What kind of company is this?" "What kind of company is so awesome!" "Why haven't I heard of it?"

Li Feng stood up with a smile, came to the blackboard in the conference room, and said, "The one that beat Google is definitely not search, but social."

Li Feng wrote the word "social" on the blackboard newspaper.

Then, Li Feng said: "As for what I said just now, the second company is the future of our Fengrui Technology, it is the key to open the interconnection between people, people and things, and everything, and it will become the largest link between the virtual world and the real world." 'Connector', I named it..."

Li Feng wrote three words heavily on the blackboard:!
 Thanks to Years Like a Song 83, Shu Chi Bo, and Gu Chuan Jin for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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