Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 68 Future Enemies

Chapter 68 Future Enemies

The previous life of was transformed from Li Feng’s younger brother, Wang Xing’s As a benchmark against Facebook, China’s leading SNS real-name registration website, why didn’t achieve such a high ranking as “Death”? What about the grades!

Renren just followed the direction of Facebook, but the reason for its failure was that it did not pay attention to user physical examination, only knew that it blindly copied and imitated Facebook, and did not consider the differences between Chinese and Western cultures at all.

As Grandpa Qi Baishi often said: Those who learn from me live, those who imitate me die!

To give an example, in the farm games in the Chinese market, the social factor is reflected in "stealing food", but in the most popular farm game on Facebook in the United States, the social factor is reflected in "helping and sharing".

The new functions on Facebook were ported over intact; instead, the employees on their own side developed a new function, and the executives saw that it was not available on Facebook, so they directly rejected it.

In the end, Renren is like a freak out of Facebook, which is weird indeed.

What is the most popular function of
There is no doubt that it must be "the past today".The original logic of this function is very good. It helps users find friends who have not been in touch for a long time, and at the same time, it is possible to reminisce about the beautiful youth.

But as a logical person, what would you do if you saw your friend's money embarrassment for a few years?To mock?
Don't be funny, I will definitely delete the photos in my album at the first time, but in fact, after the launch of this function, it is obvious that fewer and fewer people are posting photos.

The most powerful thing about this function is: a girl accidentally sees her boyfriend's "Today in the past" on Renren, which shows ambiguous photos of his ex-girlfriend and him... Needless to say, what happened after that.

The reason why the user physical examination is poor is not that they made this function. After all, Internet products are advancing through trial and error, but this outrageous function that has been criticized has been placed on the website for a long, long time...

Similar products that have been complained to the point of collapse include "Everyone's Little Secretary", who has been sending users various spam messages.

Moreover, Chen Yizhou, the CEO of, is more like a very vicious investor than a product manager. Therefore, the entire's marketing operation is also horrible. For this reason, netizens summarized the eight major customs:

Common sense of life, makeup skills, little secrets of twelve constellations;

Don't look at the regret success record, thesis encyclopedia IELTS questions.

Love golden sentence portal, male silent female tear egg painful article;

My heart hurts when I read that sentence, I am not Chinese!
But any website filled with these contents will not live for too long, or it will be far away from the highlight moment.

The death of an Internet company has never been done wrong, but has never been done right.

But these are not the most important. The most important thing is that China already had a Chinese version of "Must Die" at that time, and Tencent was China's Facebook.

QQ show, QQ group, and QQ space make QQ already have social attributes, and Tencent also has a more critical instant messaging QQ.

And instant messaging is a rigid demand of Chinese people. Chinese people are more introverted and not as direct as Americans. They prefer to send text messages and chat on QQ.

During Chinese New Year alone, a Chinese New Year greeting text message in a day can wait for the text message volume of an American in a year, and the phone bill in China is 100 times that of an American.

Therefore, even if there are instant messaging software such as MSN and ICQ in the United States, Facebook can also achieve its own social empire.

But in China, it will definitely not work. To build a huge online community, Fengrui Technology will definitely face Tencent in the end. and, which were famous in the previous life, were defeated by the little penguin. One became an Internet financial product, and the other also started a mobile game. In the end, it was also a flash in the pan.

And from the moment Li Feng prepared to start a business after his rebirth, from the moment he stepped into the Internet, from the moment Li Feng named the bat network administrator "BAT", Li Feng had only one goal: to kill Tengxun.

Of course, it’s not that Li Feng has never thought about choosing Baidu and Ali, and now Baidu is still busy competing with 3721, while Ali’s B2B has just entered the right track, and Taobao, which has not yet launched its core strategic product C2C,
But Li Feng still chose Tengxun. Is this Li Feng's obsession?Or is Tencent the most challenging of the three?

Of course not, this is because Li Feng knows what he can and cannot do. If he had to choose one of the three, he must choose the most promising thing: socializing, and he must do it to the extreme.

If Baidu and Ali knew that they were lucky enough to escape, they wondered whether they should be happy!
The reason why Li Feng first launched Renren was to establish social relationships with users through the real-name social networking site, complete the migration of users' contacts, and finally launch his own instant messaging software, which will make everything happen in one fell swoop.

"Social?! Renren?!"

Zhou Wei and his group of technical geniuses also had great expectations for Li Feng's strategic layout. Based on what he knew about Li Feng in the past, when he proposed a product idea,
He must have considered the details of the specific implementation of this concept under the condition of having a well-thought-out plan. Today he threw out the concept of "social networking" and "Renren", and he must have considered every link in the future. .

Li Feng said: "Yes, if this decade belongs to search, then the next decade will belong to social networking. Everything will be socialized, and all products must be interactive."

Before Li Feng finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by Wang Xing: "Brother Li, what about the next ten years?"

Li Feng didn't even think about it, and said: "The next ten years will belong to 'mobile', and the mobile Internet is to combine mobile communication and the Internet into one."

Wang Xing then asked: "What about the next ten years?"

Li Feng said directly: "Maybe at that time, it will already be the Internet of Things, the era of the Internet of Everything!"

In fact, this was just Wang Xing's curious casual question. He didn't expect Li Feng to give the answer, and Wang Xing also felt that the Internet would be like this in the future.
Wang Xing was shocked by Li Feng's forward vision. It is really remarkable that a person can see the changes in the next ten or twenty years.

Seeing that Wang Xing was not asking, Li Feng said: " is an online community where everyone is interconnected.

And Renren is our strategic product for the next ten years. Unlike the 'Alipay' we launched some time ago, it still needs to be 'feeding'. Strictly speaking, 'Alipay' is half an S-level product.

But is a strategic product that can truly grow and improve itself into an ecosystem. "

Then, Li Feng explained the structure of Renren in general: "The core 'killer' function of this website is: real-name registration, and real-name registration is required.

Only through this mandatory real-name system can we replicate people's social relationships in the real world, and it's the 'strong' social relationships people have in reality.

Users on must use their real and full names, not meaningless things like 'YSC Yang', 'Sailing 888', 'Socially Forced Crime' (guest starred by book friends), Only when it is true, can users give their hearts to us. "

 Thanks for the rewards of q616822900 and Fenglan Zhishang-1.There are a lot of things going on recently, and my mind is not in the state. I feel a little stuck. I have ideas but I don’t know how to connect them. Please give me more time. Maybe it will be smooth when I get stuck.

(End of this chapter)

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