Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 90 The Crucial Year

Chapter 90 A Crucial Year

After Li Feng bought a house for his family, although Li's father didn't say anything, he was still very happy. He told everyone that his son had bought a villa for him.
Moreover, Father Li really treats Li Feng as an adult, and has already started to consult Li Feng for many matters in the family.
In this regard, elder brother Li Ying didn't feel that there was anything wrong. After all, younger brother Li Feng had indeed achieved great success, so he naturally felt that his younger brother should be better than himself.

And with Li's father's "Big Mouth" broadcast, Li Feng's relatives "Seven Aunts and Eight Aunts" also knew about Li Feng's "brilliant deeds",
Li Feng's family is a very united family, unlike Tang Xin's family, which has constant conflicts, and everyone is not happy with Li Feng's achievements.

Knowing that the Li family came out of a great person, a millionaire!You can't accept it, if you have the ability, you can directly buy a million-dollar villa for your parents.

Even Li Hong, the elder sister who has always been against Li Feng, was a little embarrassed to be against Li Feng. Some time ago, her sister Li Hong "sarcastically" Li Feng was a fake millionaire. She didn't expect to be slapped in the face. millionaire.

It was the first time that Li Feng saw his sister Li Hong looking so cute, so he wandered around in front of her without incident, until his sister scolded him a few more times, then Li Feng slowly left.

However, Xiaowei and his three younger brothers are still as usual, and they still don't forget to remind Li Feng of the original promise,

And Li Feng also reiterated his promise again, "As long as you are admitted to the university, you can have a computer, a mobile phone, and a 7-day trip to Yanjing."It made Xiaowei and the three of them happy for a while.

So throughout the spring break, Li Feng basically ate and drank at home and spent a good year with his family. When the new year approached, Li Feng made a year-end summary in a cliché, reviewing the story of rebirth. For a year, I did those things myself:

In terms of love: I have formally established a relationship with Tang Xin, I have done everything except the last step, and I have been entangled with Yang Xiao constantly,

Even Li Feng himself felt that he had become a "scumbag". The innocent dick in his previous life had become an amorous scumbag in this life.

In terms of career: Great achievements have been made, a perfect team has been formed, and the strategic product "Renren" has been officially launched. This is definitely an important strategy that determines Fengrui's future achievements.

With the launch of "", it means that Fengrui Technology has launched an attack on Tencent, and it is believed that there will be more conflicts in the future.

And the new year 2003 is definitely a critical year for Li Feng and Fengrui Company. If Tencent is not killed this year,

Once Tencent gets up, especially after the successful listing of Tencent, it means that the opportunity to kill Tencent in the PC era is basically lost.

If we waited until the mobile era, with the size of Tencent at that time, many things would be out of control, and it would seriously affect Li Feng's strategic layout.

Therefore, 2003 is a critical year, a year to compete with Tencent.

Li Feng also accompanied Tang Xin to a temple fair. Li Feng likes going to temple fairs the most. Even when he grows up, he likes to go. Life should be busy and fulfilling.

Crowded, bustling, crowded, there are not only food and fun, but also many acrobatic performances, as well as many cultural and interesting things.
"The thermal underwear originally planned to be exported to RB is now at a loss. The original price is 189 yuan, but the current price is only 19 yuan. If you throw it away, you won't sell it to RB."

There are many attractive gadgets on the temple fair, and there are also many old and old games, especially the game that both Li Feng and Tang Xin like very much, the ring.

What shocked Li Feng and Tang Xin the most was the set goose, a live goose, you can take it away after you put it in.

So, for the rest of the time, both of them used to trap geese, until they spent more than 100 yuan to trap a goose.

Originally, Li Feng wanted to feed the trapped geese for two days before leaving, but the company called Li Feng, and Li Feng had no choice but to go back to Beijing.
Because Li Feng received the notice from the company, Masayoshi Son of RB Softbank paid a visit in person.

The reason why Masayoshi Son of Softbank came to visit in person was that he was surprised at the beginning that a senior talent like Liu Zhiping, who was born in an investment bank, joined a small Internet company.
But when Sun Zhengyi got all the information of Fengrui Technology, especially Li Feng's information,
On the one hand, Sun Zhengyi was shocked that Li Feng had achieved such a great achievement at such a young age, and that there were still many talents who came to join him.

On the other hand, it was really shocking. After carefully studying the development history of Fengrui Technology, Sun Zhengyi found that almost every strategic layout of Fengrui was very suitable.

And the business model is very innovative, especially "Bat Network Management" defeated all network management software on the market through "permanent free", unified the network management market, which is equivalent to a monopoly, which also laid the foundation for the future development of Fengrui.

Moreover, Sun Zhengyi also discovered that besides the hugely profitable "Miracle MU", the "Renren" that Li Feng is currently promoting should be Fengrui's future.
Unexpectedly, even in a developed country like the United States, although there are already many "SNS" websites, they are more like "concepts".
Sun Zhengyi seemed to have seen a second Ma Yun, so Sun Zhengyi still set foot on the road to China the next day after studying the Fengrui technology materials.

When Sun Zhengyi actually appeared in Fengrui Company, almost everyone, including Liu Zhiping, was shocked by Sun Zhengyi's visit.
When he learned of Sun Zhengyi's purpose, Liu Zhiping, who was still calm, quickly called Li Feng to come back.

In order to accompany Tang Xin to the temple fair, Li Feng made Sun Zhengyi wait for two full days before returning. When Li Feng met Sun Zhengyi himself, this five-foot-tall, bald, unattractive Korean RB, was like "Internet Little Giants of the Times",
Sun Zhengyi is more like a "gambler" because he dared to invest [-] million US dollars not long after Yahoo was founded...

Dare to invest 6 million US dollars in Ma Yun in just 2000 minutes when Ali has not yet found a profit model...
Sun Zhengyi created the miracle of the entire Internet, and also became a miracle in the Internet investment industry around the world. For this reason, even Li Feng, who was a dick in his previous life, still has his name like a thunderbolt.

In Sun Zhengyi's words, "I like to put all my eggs in one basket. I didn't step in with one foot, but with my whole body.

Just like the automobile industry, it has gone through hundreds of years, and I believe in the future of the Internet, but it is still in its infancy. "

The subsequent facts also proved that Masayoshi Sun was right in his bet. The waves of the Internet followed one after another. Never before has that technology changed the world as profoundly as the Internet.

 Thanks to the talking hoof and the lost driver for their rewards. If you have nothing to do, let's vote and play.

(End of this chapter)

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