Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 89 The standard configuration for success: Buying a house for parents

Chapter 89 The standard configuration for success: Buying a house for parents

So, Li Feng, who hadn't slept all night, returned home and slept until dinner time, when Li Ma woke him up.

"This kid, didn't he buy a sleeper ticket? Why didn't he sleep all night? Hurry up and eat."

When Li Feng really got up, it was already more than half an hour later, but Li's father, mother, brother, and sister-in-law hadn't eaten yet.

Seeing that the whole family was waiting for him, Li Feng was also a little embarrassed, because it was Li Feng's first reunion dinner back home, and Li's father attached great importance to it, and he had to wait for Li Feng to get up after he got up.

Father Li is very family-oriented, and always likes the whole family to be happy and harmonious. The man is always busy all year round, and he is busy until the end, not just to have a good reunion dinner with his wife and children.

Seeing Li Feng sitting down, Father Li said happily: "Now our family of five is finally together. This year Guo Fang has officially joined our family. I believe our family will have a big fat grandson next year. Let's eat now."

Li Feng looked at his pregnant sister-in-law Guo Fang, and thought that if the future would not change, the first sister-in-law in the previous life was a girl, and Tang Xin on Li Feng's side had never had a child.

So Dad Li, who had always wanted a grandson, was still in a hurry. It was not until two years before Li Feng was born again that his sister-in-law added a big fat grandson to the Li family, but Dad Li was very happy.

After dinner, everyone chatted and chatted happily, and Li Feng also enjoyed this kind of warmth very much.

But after a while, it was time to go to bed again, but Li Feng, who had already slept all day, suffered from insomnia again.

So, Li Feng turned off the light and sat quietly in the living room alone.

After rebirth, Li Feng liked and became more and more used to being alone in the dark, enjoying the loneliness, getting lost in the past life and the present life, and kept awake for it.

Li Feng had too many regrets in his previous life that were not fulfilled. Now that he has money and strength, he wants to make up for these regrets.

I stayed up all night with my girlfriend and took the train, bought a big house for my parents and parents-in-law, and took my parents, wife and children on a trip if I had nothing to do...

child? !This is definitely the biggest regret of Li Feng's life.

But now Tang Xin is still young, and it's not time to talk about marriage, so she can only solve the problem of her parents' house first.

And the house in Taicheng has three bedrooms and one living room, only more than 90 square meters, and fortunately there is no shared area that will be "cheat father" in the future.

But it's a bit crowded for five people to live together, and it's even more inconvenient if Li Feng doesn't come back to live often, and it's even more inconvenient when his sister-in-law has a child.

So, Li Feng, who couldn't sleep, thought of buying a house for his parents in Taicheng.

There are two criteria for people to judge successful people: rich and social status.

But in Li Feng's view, a truly successful person should treat family happiness as a career, provide more company for his wife and children, and give his parents a happy old age. This is a truly successful person.

As the saying goes: Parents grow up with us, and we grow old with our parents. This is the best reward for our parents.

What I couldn't do in my previous life, I can finally have a chance to achieve it in this life.

So the next morning, after breakfast, before Li's father went out, Li Feng said to Li's father and Li's mother: "Mom and Dad, I paid more than 50 yuan in dividends during the Chinese New Year.
I don't think we can buy another house, and I think the community in front is not bad, and it's close. "

The community in front that Li Feng mentioned is a newly built high-end villa community in Taicheng. It is just in front of Mount Tai Huanshan Road. It has beautiful mountains and clear waters.

In Li Feng's previous life, the building standards were very high, and he would not fall behind in another 20 years. At that time, Li Feng thought that it would be great if he could have a house here, and it was very close to his current home.
Almost most people want to live "nearly but not apart" from their parents, so that they can take care of them, enjoy the family happiness of three generations living together, and have their own independent space.

After hearing Li Feng's words, Li's father and Li's mother were a little confused. During the summer vacation, it was still "50", and during the winter vacation, it was directly "[-]". Maybe Li's father has spent so much money in his life.
Even Li's father and Li's mother wanted to go to Yanjing to see for themselves, "Can games make money just like this!" Is it true!Don't learn badly, son!

Even the brother and sister-in-law next to me felt a little short of breath when they heard "50" and "buy a house".
Moreover, there are always conceptual conflicts between young people and old people when they are together. It would be perfect if they could live separately from the old people, and they are so close.

Even, brother Li Ying thought that if Li Feng really bought a house for Li's parents and Li's mother, it would be convenient for his parents to take care of the children for him, and he could eat and drink at his parents' place and go home to sleep. !

So, at Li Feng's suggestion, and with his elder brother's persuasion, Father Li and Mother Li agreed to visit the neighborhood in front of them.

Li Feng took Li's father and Li's mother for a stroll. The two also liked the environment here very much, but they heard that the lowest house price was 1800 yuan per week, so they didn't buy anything.

Even my elder brother and sister-in-law don’t talk anymore. My house cost more than 800 yuan when I bought it, and now it’s only more than 1000 yuan.

Li Feng didn't speak, but pointed to a villa and said to the salesman, "How much is this set?"

The salesperson saw that it was the building king of the community, a three-story independent small villa with an area of ​​532 square meters.
The front and rear yards alone are 190 square meters, and there are two garages. The price is not cheap, 1900 per square meter, a total of more than 100 million.

Although Taicheng is nearly 2000 now, and the house price in Yanjing is only seven or eight thousand, which is a gap of two or three times, but ten or twenty years later, the gap in house prices will be ten or twenty times, and the resources are only will become more and more concentrated.

Li Feng knew that the housing price would never fall, it was just a matter of how fast it went up. Later, the starting price here was 1, so Li Feng directly swiped his card to buy.

Seeing that Li Feng bought the house as if he was buying a Chinese cabbage, Li's parents and Li's mother were stunned, and his brother and sister-in-law couldn't take it anymore, even the salesman next to him was scared to death.

At this time, Dad Li reacted and said: "Xiaofeng, this is 100 million. Don't you say you made a total of 50?"

Li Feng said to Dad Li indifferently: "I was buffering you for the process. In fact, I probably earned more than 100 million."

Even now, Li Feng didn't say how much money he made, so he had to give his parents a buffer period.

But Li's father still didn't want to buy it, and said, "That's too expensive. We don't need to buy such a good house. Besides, it's so big, how can you let me and your mother live in it? It's really not good, let's buy a small one, that's fine too." .”

Li Feng persuaded: "Dad, when I get married, why don't I come back to live more often? Besides, I can let grandma stay for two days in the future, so it will be convenient for you to take care of her."

Hearing what Li Feng said, Li's mother suddenly interrupted: "Xiao Feng, are you talking about a girlfriend? Where is it?"

Li Feng rarely blushed and said: "We just talked, the person on our side is my high school classmate."

Father Li heard that his sons are all in love, and thinking that the younger son will also get married and have children in the future, and it will be convenient for him to take care of Li Feng's grandmother, he agreed.

Soon, the house purchase procedures were completed. At the final signing, Father Li asked Li Feng to sign everything, and said that this was Li Feng's future wedding house.

Li Feng knew that Li's father and mother were reluctant to spend money, so he spent more than 50 yuan to find a professional decoration company to be responsible for the decoration, just to let Li's father and mother to come and have a look when they are free.

 I will speed up this transitional chapter.I see that there are a lot of book lists under other people's books. Why are there so few of us? Have a meal.Finally, thanks to so many nicknames that already exist for the rewards, just vote as much as you can.

(End of this chapter)

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