Chapter 88
Li Feng said that it was a kind of enjoyment for him to go to school, and it was indeed a kind of enjoyment. He usually had nothing to do, such as reading books and playing football.

After a few surprises in the last few days of the final period, the exam will be no problem. Besides, Li Feng still has the "Dean Ma" sword.

After the exam, everyone embarked on their journey home.

The difference from going home alone last year was that this time Li Feng went home with Tang Xin, and of course Wang Xiao, the "oil bottle".

Not only did he get on the train, but before he sat down, Wang Xiao took advantage of Tang Xin's bathroom break and said to Li Feng, "I said, madman, you're too pretentious, you're so rich. A luxury car and a driver,

It's fine if you don't send me a luxury car to take me home, and let me be your porter with big bags and small bags, don't you boy, "pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger", you will really become a "pig" in the end! "

Li Feng said helplessly: "Okay, Fatty, I bought your train ticket for you. Besides, I haven't told Tang Xin yet!"

After hearing Li Feng's words, Wang Xiao suddenly smiled and said, "I said, madman, how old are you two?"

Li Feng pretended not to understand and said: "What? How did you get to that point? I'm innocent, so I don't know what you're talking about."

Wang Xiao said puzzledly: "You are still innocent! A few days ago I saw Song Jia looking for you, among other things, I didn't know that you provoked many girls.

You said, what's so good about you, you're not handsome, why do beauties like you, is it because you are rich, but they don't seem to know.

Why, I only like women like Zhao Yadi! "

Looking at Wang Xiao who was "resentful", Li Feng asked in bewilderment: "What's the matter, did you and Zhao Yadi flirt?"

Wang Xiao said dejectedly: "Don't kick it, we went to open a room that day, and after we finished, I found that Zhao Yadi was no longer a virgin, she was too proficient and direct, there must have been more than one man,
In fact, I think Zhao Yadi is pretty good, except that she spends a little more money, but she told me before that she only gets along with one man.

Why did she lie to me! "

In the end, Wang Xiao was a little "choked up". He didn't expect the fat man to be a "love". The man always said that he didn't care, but he cared more than anyone else in his heart.

Wang Xiao said that he was just playing for fun, but he got himself into it. However, a woman like Zhao Yadi really managed to play with men in her hands.

So, it was rare for Li Feng to persuade him: "Look at it, fat man, there will be fewer and fewer virgins in the future.

Maybe I will really go to the kindergarten to look for it at that time, and besides, men and women are together, is it because of a film!
If you feel that you are really not suitable, then you should break up, don't hesitate, otherwise you will get deeper and deeper in the future, and then you will be even more unclear and unclear. "

Wang Xiao nodded and said unwillingly, "I know, but I just can't let it go!"

Li Feng could only pat Wang Xiao on the shoulder to comfort him.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Wang Xiao recovered, and instead changed his face and said to Li Feng, "You really don't feel pain in your back while standing and talking. What if it's your woman!"

Damn, you rotten fat man deserves to be "cuckolded".

So, when Tang Xin came back, Li Feng asked Wang Xiao to go to sleep in the store, so that the fat man would stay here as a "light bulb".

Li Feng asked people from the company to buy three lower berth train tickets for the three of them, but in the end they got two lower berths and one upper berth.

Although the fat man was in the lower berth, but the brother used it to stab one's side, and the fat man was directly pushed up by Li Feng.

After Wang Xiao went up, Li Feng took out a lot of food, drink, and fruit, and put them on the tea table in the middle of the train compartment.

Li Feng took out a laptop from another bag. Because today was an overnight train, Li Feng knew that Tang Xin liked to watch movies, so he downloaded a few movies on the computer in advance.

Tang Xin said happily, "Feng, I didn't expect you to think carefully."

Li Feng also replied with a smile: "That is, isn't it for my wife!"

Wang Xiao saw Li Feng and Tang Xin below, eating and drinking while watching the movie "envious of others",

After a while, "Xin'er" and "Feng" yelled, their scalps became numb when they heard it, and they cursed in their hearts, "This is a guy who values ​​sex and despises friends."

With the one you love, even in this kind of slow green leather train, the time of solitude is as short as a moment.

In his previous life, Li Feng himself was very envious of those boys who took the train with his girlfriend!

It was getting dark quickly, the outside of the car was blurry, and the lights inside the car were also turned off. Coupled with the slight shaking of the train, Tang Xin's drowsiness gradually overflowed.

So, Tang Xin quickly lay down and fell asleep, but Li Feng couldn't fall asleep whenever she changed places, so she could only turn over and over in a daze, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

At this time, a migrant worker brother, who was quite old, was still wearing that kind of thick rubber shoes on his feet, with big and small bags, and Li Feng also helped him put away his things.

It is estimated that the man may be tired, he went to bed without saying "thank you", the key is that he was lying on the bed with his shoes on, and he was still on top of Tang Xin.

What a quality!
So, Li Feng, who couldn't sleep no matter what, woke up the migrant worker brother and educated him: "Brother, no matter how tired you are, you have to take off your shoes, otherwise your shoes will get on the bed sheets, and the flight attendants have to take off your shoes." Clean up."

The man also quickly realized his mistake and took off his shoes readily.

Then, Li Feng couldn't sleep anymore, almost the whole train compartment smelled of foot odor, this "sour and refreshing" feeling!

It turns out that people didn't take off their shoes, but it was a difficult choice, and they failed their good intentions in vain!

So, after Li Feng woke up the man again, he said embarrassedly: "Brother, I was wrong! I really misunderstood you, you should put your shoes on!"

Although Li Feng woke him up twice, the man didn't show any signs of getting angry, and put on his shoes lightly.

Li Feng made a big embarrassment, and couldn't sleep anymore.

So, Li Feng sat on Tang Xin's car shop, quietly watching Tang Xin sleeping soundly, "Maybe only when I am accompanied by my lover can I sleep so peacefully."
Looking at Tang Xin's cute little mouth in deep sleep, Li Feng secretly tapped Tang Xin's mouth twice, but he didn't want to wake Tang Xin up.

At this moment, Li Feng said apologetically: "I thought you were in a deep sleep! Just now I looked closely at your face, but you didn't wake up! Why did you wake up after kissing you lightly?"

Tang Xin said in a daze, "Really? I don't know either. Have you been up all this time?"

"As soon as I changed places, I couldn't sleep," Li Feng said.

"Are you going to stay home for a few days? What are your plans? No, after the new year, you can come and play with me, and then I will take you to the temple fair." Tang Xin asked.

"Okay! But let's see when the time comes, the Chinese New Year may not be so suitable, I will find you when I have time!" Li Feng said.

"it is good!……"

While chatting, Tang Xin fell asleep again, she put her head on Li Feng's lap, Li Feng gently hugged Tang Xin's shoulder, her heart trembled slightly, this is life, this is the world!

Love is the companionship of two people in life, the magnification of taking the train together...

 It could have been three shifts today, but I was dragged out by my friends to drink some wine, and it ended up being only two shifts, sorry, everyone!I seem to always say nothing, I don't know if I have to wait and see.But I still have the audacity to ask everyone for a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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