Chapter 97
On April Fool's Day, April 2003, 4, the number of registered users of officially exceeded 1 million, and the deployment of Li Feng's plan was completed ahead of schedule.

Seeing such a ferocious, even if other Internet companies can't understand it, they only know that is a "primitive giant".

And this day was also the date when Fengrui officially launched "Tie Bar". Of course, there was another event that shocked the entertainment industry on this day, that is, Leslie Cheung flew west.

Many people thought it was an April Fool's Day joke. They didn't really believe it until even CCTV reported the news of Leslie Cheung's death. For this reason, many people grieved for "brother" for several days.

History is always surprisingly consistent. Li Feng already knew that this was true, and Li Feng, who had essentially "died" once, now has no energy to care about the lives and deaths of others, and only cares about the people and things around him.

Moreover, there is no good person in the entertainment industry. Even Li Feng's favorite movie star, Zhou Xingxing, has a dark history. Later, Li Feng seldom paid attention to celebrity gossip, preferring to use his works to measure stars.

The "Tie Bar" that Li Feng is most concerned about now has also handed in satisfactory answers after it went online, and it did not disappoint Li Feng. In just a few days, the number of registered users of increased by 100 million.

Especially after Li Feng added a link to "Tieba" on "MY123", because Li Feng required to register "Renren" before he could post on "Tieba", which led to the daily registration of "Renren". The number of users can reach 30 million.

Even Sheng Tianqiao, who often pays attention to Fengrui, has to give an evaluation of Fengrui's new product "Tieba": awesome!
The awesomeness lies in the creativity of this product and its ability to integrate with

Renren itself is a powerful social platform. Its users are all college students, and Tieba is an interactive platform based on "interests and hobbies". It is also very popular among college students.
It also provides a free online space for contemporary college students to express and exchange ideas, just like a small independent BBS forum that gathers many like-minded netizens based on "interests and hobbies".

This not only increases the original user viscosity of, but also attracts college students who have not registered on, but have the same interests and hobbies, and like to post. Chinese people like to have fun. The more people gather, the generated The stronger the community effect.

Especially the birth of "Li Yi Bar", the top ten post bars in the future, ignited the entire Internet.

"Li Yiba" was accidentally established because of a famous saying of the emperor, "I protect the ball like Henry". It started from the black emperor, and developed from the earliest self-mockery of Chinese football to the social reality and self-mockery. The connotation spirit is in D Bar be infinitely extended.

The members of Diba called themselves D Si, and later evolved into Diao Si.

In D bar, the poor are forced to talk about the economy, very few hangers have three colleges, waste family money every day, do not even have the courage to work, and love to talk about the international economic trend;

In D bar, cowardly talking about politics, a very small number of Diaosi are cowards in reality, unable to maintain their dignity, pointing the country every day on the Internet, worrying about the world;

In the D bar, ugly people fall in love. Very few people in their 20s have never even held a girl’s hand. They have had a crush on a girl for many years, and the other party has fun with her boyfriend on weekends.
Diaosi is definitely not willing to accept this statement, Diaosi likes to imagine that she reads English in the dormitory every weekend, hahahaha;
In D bar, idiots talk about IQ, very few hanging wires have the above three things, they are just a waste in reality, but they have high IQ online,
Then, in their eyes, there is only endless sympathy, sympathy for the IQ of the dicks, and feeling that the road to China's revival is worrying.

In particular, the term "Diaosi" became popular on the Internet, and "Diaosi counterattack" inspired many people struggling in adversity for a while.

And the Internet itself is made up of diaosi one after another. There is a huge group of diaosi, and their consumption power is astonishing.

Because diaosi likes free and cheap, diaosi users have achieved 360 business kingdom.

And Ma Yun’s Taobao shop owners in the early days also came from the diaosi crowd.

The ratio of diaosi to rich and handsome is also in line with the [-]th law. All the diaosi who satisfy [-]% are also very big markets and opportunities.

The first half of the Internet is the "diaosi economy", and those who win the diaosi win the world.

The unexpected popularity of the post bar not only made Sheng Tianqiao amazed, but Li Yanhong from Baidu downstairs also said sadly: "Why do I feel that this post bar should belong to our Baidu, why don't we have such advanced product thinking?

Tieba should be a topic-based interest exchange community based on 'keywords', which is most suitable for close integration with search. If we build such a Baidu Tieba on the basis of search services, we can become the largest in China in one step. The online community is gone! "

Li Yanhong is right. In the future, Baidu Tieba will have more than one billion registered users. It will indeed be the largest Chinese community in the world.

At this time, a vice president of Baidu suggested: "Robin, now we have just defeated 3721, and we are focusing all our energy on launching the new MP3 business. Even if we can do this 'tie bar', we still have to face Fengrui upstairs. competition,
The current Fengrui is not short of money, and I think the current Fengrui doesn’t even make games, but wants to engage in social networking. It will definitely have a battle with Tencent. At that time, we will launch our "Tieba"?

And I checked, their Tieba is not only bundled with, but also has an independent domain name, or a top-level domain name like "tieba". It seems that Fengrui also wants to make Tieba an independent product.

Therefore, it is best for us to stand still and wait and see, and wait for the right opportunity to give Feng Rui a slash. "

Li Yanhong thought for a while, and finally agreed helplessly.

But Ma Huateng, who is far away in Pengcheng, felt a trace of malice from Fengrui. With the further expansion of Renren, especially after the launch of Tieba, the number of registered users soared to [-]. The foundation has been established.

It has already threatened Tencent QQ, and even Ma Huateng thinks that Renren is a greater threat than all the instant messaging products of the "anti-QQ alliance" combined.

And just when the Fengrui people were about to do something vigorously, a sudden accident made Fengrui, a young company, face unprecedented challenges and tests...
PS: I recommend a friend's new book "Glory Green" football novel. It has just been recommended and needs support. If everyone is suitable, please bookmark it or something.

 This chapter is a mess, and sometimes the quality cannot be guaranteed if the manuscript is not saved. I don’t know what to write. The second is a bit late. If it is too late, it will be updated tomorrow. Finally, thank you for Feng’s handwriting and the tip of a mortal is a rabbit. Continue to ask for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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