Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 98 Unforeseen circumstances

Chapter 98 Unforeseen circumstances
At a certain moment, Li Feng even thought about whether he should do something, but this idea only lingered in his mind for a moment after all, he really "has more than enough heart but not enough energy"!

Li Feng made preparations in advance and did a lot of work from the very beginning.

For his family, even if Li Feng knew that Taicheng did not happen in his previous life, he still did not forget to tell his parents not to go out in the near future, and to buy more isatid root and white vinegar... In addition, he did not forget to ask Li's father and mother to remind his friends and relatives.

The same is true for the friends around him, he also gave thousands of instructions, and he also put a lot of white vinegar, isatid root and medical masks in the 601 dormitory, but "heartless Wang Xiao" also said about this, "It's really rich to burn. ".

In the company, let alone Li Feng, he mentioned it several times at the CEO's office meeting. He also supervised the "administrative housekeeper" Cheng Lan to do a good job of prevention, and specially arranged for people to prepare a huge amount of anti-epidemic items. Almost filled the company's storage room.

But there are unforeseen circumstances!

Cheng Wei, who was doing promotion abroad, was diagnosed, and he became the most concerned person in Fengrui Technology.

When Li Feng learned that Cheng Wei was officially diagnosed, while praying for Cheng Wei, he also prayed for his own Fengrui. Li Feng was very aware of the current situation. All Fengrui people will be quarantined. If no one works, To maintain the background data, Li Feng couldn't even imagine what would be left after the entire Fengrui service stopped for a month, and Li Feng was a little out of breath.

It can be said that Fengrui encountered an unprecedented crisis, and Li Feng felt heartbroken whether Fengrui would be able to overcome this difficulty, perhaps the good situation would be ruined.

Every time a contract is signed, there is an item "due to an irresistible factor". What is an "irresistible factor", what is in front of you is that it can absolutely destroy everything in Fengrui.

Sure enough, on the way to the company by bicycle, Li Feng also received a call from Li Dongmin, who was outlawed. The content of Li Dongmin's call was very simple, just to tell Li Feng in advance that all Fengrui Technology personnel should be quarantined, please Li Feng be prepared.

In the end, Li Dongmin also encouraged: "Brother, please don't blame me. I don't need to talk about the current situation. I will tell you in advance. The official notice will be delivered later. Please make preparations. I'll give you another half day, and I also believe that Feng Rui will be fine in the end."

After Li Feng put down the phone, he talked a little bit, without complaining or panic, just speeding up on the way to Fengrui, almost riding the "Lightning" into a real lightning.

Before Li Feng arrived at the company, Feng Rui had already received the quarantine notice, and everyone was plunged into darkness, confused and unable to find their way.

Even the employees of Baidu and Sina upstairs saw Fengrui employees running away as if they were fleeing, and some even rushed into Fengrui Technology and smashed things to vent their anger.

Feng Rui encountered an unprecedented crisis!
 To make up for yesterday's, please support me a lot. If it weren't for the book friends who voted, I don't know how many people are reading books now.

(End of this chapter)

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