my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 10 Come on, hurt each other

Chapter 10 Come on, hurt each other
Li Ruoxi really didn't want to see Mu Chen being bullied.

Zhang Yi posted a Weibo to mock Mu Chen before, and Li Ruoxi immediately sent a Weibo to scold Mu Chen after she found out.

Her personality is just like this: guarding the cubs. Well, it should be the guarding husband!
As soon as Mu Chen opened his mouth, Li Ruoxi looked at Chen Mouzhi in embarrassment, apologetic and apprehensive.

She brought money into the group, and the filming of the scene is about to finish.Her uneasiness was not fear, but respect.

Filmmakers like Chen Mouzhi are worthy of respect.

"Director Chen, let's see what happened to the scene just now, do you need to do it again!" Zhang Na smiled and pulled Chen Mouzhi, which was a kind of relief.

"It's over, I'll take pictures here today." Chen Mouzhi glanced at Wu Fan and the others, then turned and left.

As for the conflict between Wu Fan and Mu Chen, as well as the conflict with Li Ruoxi, he didn't bother to pay attention.

"Practiced?" The person next to Zhang Na looked at Mu Chen with a smile and asked.

That person, Mu Chen, naturally knew him. Li Long, an internationally renowned kung fu superstar, was also the male number one in this movie.

Mu Chen had eyes behind his back just now, not only dodging the opponent's sneak attack, but also brought an over-the-shoulder throw along the way.

That yoke throw was beautiful.If you hadn't practiced it, you wouldn't have that reaction.

"I have learned how to handle crops a few times." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Oh? It's rare nowadays." Li Long nodded upon hearing this, patted Mu Chen's shoulder, smiled and nodded at Li Ruoxi, then turned and left.

As for Wu Fan, he ignored it.

It seems that Wu Fan's popularity in the crew is not very good.


Wu Fan gave Mu Chen a cold look, turned and left.

"Why did Brother Long say it's rare?" Li Ruoxi asked suspiciously.

"You think the crop style is just a modest statement." Mu Chen said with a smile, "Most of the ancient Chinese martial arts come from farmers! Therefore, compared with official martial arts, college martial arts, competitive martial arts and drama martial arts, the martial arts inherited by the people today , Self-effacedly called it 'the style of crops', 'can't get it on the market'."

"I don't understand?" Mu Chen looked at Li Ruoxi and said with a smile, "In other words, it's real kung fu! Nowadays, most of the martial arts schools teach routines for performances, not actual combat. The true transmission of Chinese martial arts is more common nowadays. With the military and civilians."

"Oh, you said that you have learned a few tricks, but you are actually saying that you have acquired the true teaching of Chinese martial arts?" Li Ruoxi was stunned.

Nowadays, there are many people who know martial arts routines, but there are very few people who have the true inheritance of Chinese martial arts.

"How long have you been in the film and television city?"

After leaving the set, Li Ruoxi immediately asked Mu Chen.

"I can't stay for a few days." Mu Chen smiled, and then said, "I heard that sister Xia said that your play is almost over? Then let's go back to Yanjing!"

"Yeah!" Li Ruoxi nodded, and walked around the film and television city holding Mu Chen's arm.

Under the night, it is a little more quiet, but it is a little romantic in the dim light.

"Does that guy often harass you in the film crew?" Mu Chen looked at Li Ruoxi and said, "Do you want me to scold him? I scold people very badly."

"Forget it!" Li Ruoxi said, "There's no need to tear yourself apart in public. Besides, that guy has a lot of fans."

Celebrities are in conflict in private, wanting to kill each other, but in front of the public they are like brothers.

Public figures, regardless of whether there is a reason or not, are extremely rare in front of the public.

Every time a star fights, it is breaking news.

After wandering around the film and television city, they each went back to the hotel.

The two were not in the same hotel, nor did they think about staying in the same hotel.

Although we have been honest, there are still some.

Early the next morning, Mu Chen was called out by Marin.

"Mu Chen, you beat Wu Fan's bodyguard yesterday?" Ma Lin said in shock.

"Huh?" Mu Chen was a little surprised, and then he looked at Marin's phone and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

How could the conflict between him and Wu Fan be exposed on the Internet yesterday?And in the blink of an eye, he was completely making trouble out of no reason. After a closer look, Wu Fan was actually bullied by himself to the point of being aggrieved.

Am I that awesome?

How could the things in the crew be exposed?

There is no doubt that some people must have made a mess of their own.The content of this post is clearly biased and misleading.

Ordinary people will sympathize with Wu Fan after seeing it, and find Mu Chen hateful.And what about Wu Fan's stupid fans?

It's a no-brainer.

"You were scolded badly by Wu Fan's fans, it's horrible." Marin continued.

Mu Chen had no doubts about this.

This post is so popular now, it's no wonder Wu Fan's fans can't see it.

How can you not scold me when you see it?
"Why did you beat Wu Fan's bodyguard?" Marin asked in surprise.

He naturally knew that Mu Chen had kung fu, and he even learned a few tricks along with him.Mu Chen was capable of beating up Wu Fan's bodyguard, he wasn't surprised at all.

He was surprised why Mu Chen wanted to beat Wu Fan's bodyguard!
Can move the mouth, never hands.

This is Mu Chen's consistent principle.He actually made a move, it must be that Wu Fan really pissed off Mu Chen.

"I didn't hit him, but he hit me." Mu Chen shook his head and said.

"He hit you?" Marin was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Envy, jealousy and hatred are really a disease, a disease that can make people lose their minds. Needless to say, that guy Wu Fan must have signaled."

"Smart!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Then what are you going to do now? Let them scold you?" Marin looked at Mu Chen, and seemed to want to encourage him to scold others.

"We'll talk after we're done." Mu Chen said with a curled lip.

I'm very busy, I don't have time and an empty stomach to fight with you online.

"You're not afraid of Ruoxi seeing it."

Upon hearing this, Mu Chen turned on the computer in the room without waiting for Marin to finish speaking, and started typing.

"Is this the end?" Seeing that Mu Chen made an emoji and posted it on Weibo, but didn't say anything, Ma Lin asked in confusion.

What about swearing?

"There are always troublemakers who want to pay me back!"

The character in the emoji is an emperor of the Ming Dynasty, but he is holding an AK in his hand, and these words are on the top of his head.

This picture seems to be just expressing that he was framed by someone, but he didn't go back.

However, seeing the character's expression and the AK, Marin felt that a sharp counterattack was about to begin.

Unexpectedly, Mu Chen turned off the computer.

"Let them scold for a while longer." Mu Chen said, "Let's go!"

Mu Chen's Weibo has basically fallen at this time, and the number of people scolding him has reached a terrifying number.

Wu Fan's popularity is unquestionable, and he is also famous for having a lot of brain-dead fans.

Fans like him show what is called online violence on the Internet.

At the beginning, there was a big V who just commented on Wu Fan's acting skills, and was scolded by his fans so depressed that he had to close Weibo, and was even fleshed out by those fans, and his life was greatly affected.

Mu Chen was arrogant and domineering, and visited Li Ruoxi, but beat Wu Fan's fans with his hands.Wu Fan is so wronged, how can his fans let it go.

Mu Chen's Weibo has fallen, and it is full of extremely ugly words.

However, no one thought that not only did Mu Chen not turn off the comments on Weibo, but even those fans who were cursing and cursing, actually posted Weibo back.

A picture seems to not only indicate that there are "troublemakers" trying to harm him in that post, but also calling Wu Fan's fans "tricksters"!
In the eyes of many people, that group of people seems to be worthy of the title of "troublemakers".

And that picture seemed to be Mu Chen's attitude.

It seems to be explaining, but it also seems to be cursing.

The image is certainly interesting and eye-catching.

As soon as Mu Chen's Weibo was published, many netizens directly saved this picture.

Not long after, Li Ruoxi reposted Mu Chen's Weibo, and wrote: Taken out of context, exaggerated, lest the world will not be chaotic!
Li Ruoxi's microblog seemed to point to something, but Wu Fan, one of the parties involved, remained silent.

The anger of Wu Fan's fans immediately reached Li Ruoxi.

Li Ruoxi's fans are not to be outdone, and there is a faint tendency for the fans of the two to start a war.

(End of this chapter)

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