my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 11 I am not alone in the fight

Chapter 11 I'm Not Fighting Alone

It was revealed on the Internet that Li Ruoxi, who was visiting Mu Chen, beat Wu Fan's bodyguard.

There are different opinions on why it was played, and the post that came out first has long since disappeared.

At this time, Wu Fan's fans had already scolded Mu Chen to the brim, and the curse words on Mu Chen's Weibo were even more unsightly.

Mu Chen posted on Weibo, which attracted countless people to watch. At the same time, it also angered those stupid fans of Wu Fan, who scolded him even more.And Li Ruoxi reposted Mu Chen's Weibo, which made Wu Fan's fans dissatisfied.

Now the fans of both sides are at war with each other. Under the instigation of many people who eat melons, the smell of gunpowder is full of gunpowder, and it is about to explode.

Of course, among those who scolded Mu Chen, there might not be any fans of Li Ruoxi.

On the Internet, the topic is fierce, but Mu Chen wanders around the film and television city with Ma Lin and others.

At night, Mu Chen came outside Li Ruoxi's crew, but was surrounded by a group of reporters.

"Mu Chen, why did Li Ruoxi hit Wu Fan's bodyguard? It is said that you were going to hit Wu Fan, but was blocked by his bodyguard?"

"Mu Chen, I heard that you beat Wu Fan, is it true? Why, because of Li Ruoxi?"

"Mu Chen, I heard that Wu Fan molested Li Ruoxi, that's why you beat him?"

"Mu Chen, countless people scolded you online, what do you want to say about it?"

Surrounded by reporters, overwhelming questions came oncoming.

Mu Chen didn't expect so many reporters to surround the crew.

However, Mu Chen was not stunned by so many questions.He knew very well that the best response at this time was to keep silent.

"Thank you, Miss Xia."

Mu Chen was escorted by Qin Haixia and entered the crew.

"Is Ruoxi okay?" Reporter Mu Chen asked.

"She almost got into a fight with Wu Fan today." Qin Haixia said.

When Mu Chen heard this, he was a little surprised.

Li Ruoxi once practiced Taekwondo, and later learned Bajiquan from Mu Chen. If there was a real fight, then Wu Fan might not be his opponent.

Wu Fan is only 1.7 meters tall, not much taller than Li Ruoxi.He wasn't thin by any means, but he was definitely not strong either.

Wu Fan's path was originally feminine, and he looked a little weak.If he stands with Mu Ze, people can instantly understand what masculinity is.

"That post on the Internet is probably Wu Fan's fault. He used his fans to trouble you. Ruoxi approached him, and the two had a quarrel, but Wu Fan sent another Weibo." Qin Haixia saw Mu Chen Looking puzzled, he said.

"What did he say on Weibo?" Mu Chen asked curiously.

He walked for a day and really didn't pay attention to it.

"It's wrong to hit someone!" Qin Haixia said.

Mu Chen narrowed his eyes, this is very interesting.

Nowadays, the internet is talking about Mu Chen beating people, Wu Fan said beating people is wrong, in the eyes of everyone, it is saying Mu Chen is wrong.

When he said this, his fans instantly felt as if they had been pumped, and their fighting power soared.

Scolding Mu Chen also made him very excited.

If the truth was exposed and it turned out that his bodyguard beat someone and Mu Chen defended himself, then there was nothing wrong with his words, and he could completely stay out of the matter.

Mu Chen couldn't help admiring that Wu Fan's four words fanned the flames, and he was able to move forward and retreat with restraint.

Sure enough, it is not an easy person to be successful in the entertainment industry at a young age.

"If Ruoxi found out, she couldn't help but beat him up, and was stopped by the crew?" Seeing Qin Haixia nodding, Mu Chen immediately asked, "Did she not post any more Weibo?"

"I stopped it." Qin Haixia said, "You're still angry with me now!"

"I'll persuade him later." Mu Chen said.

Qin Haixia was a little surprised when she heard it.

"If she posts Weibo, no matter how she explains it for me, it will be like adding fuel to the fire." Mu Chen said, "The fans of that guy won't believe it, and many of her fans probably don't want to believe it either."

When Qin Haixia heard this, she looked at Mu Chen in shock.

"Then what are you going to do?" Qin Haixia asked curiously.

She didn't know much about Mu Chen, but she also knew that this guy was definitely not someone who wouldn't fight back when punched or scolded.You can see that Zhang Yi has become a laughing stock on the Internet now.

So why endure him and let him let him go? It's just talk.

However, Qin Haixia guessed that Mu Chen did what he did before because most of the people who scolded him were fans of Li Ruoxi.

He can tolerate Li Ruoxi's fans scolding him, but he can't tolerate others.

"What else, didn't the Weibo in the morning already hinted?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

When Qin Haixia heard it, the picture of "There are always people who want to harm me" appeared in her mind.

The expression of the character in the picture, and the AK in the hand
"Today's filming is over?" Mu Chen greeted Li Ruoxi who was walking up, and said with a smile.

"My play is finished." Li Ruoxi said.

Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled but was relieved.

According to the plan, Li Ruoxi's movie will not be completed until tomorrow, but Chen Mouzhi obviously adjusted his plan and finished filming Li Ruoxi's movie first.

Chen Mouzhi probably couldn't help beating her because he was afraid that the girl and Wu Fan would stay on the set any longer.

This girl's temper became hot, and she didn't want to sell anyone's face.

What's more, Li Long once praised Li Ruoxi for his good skills.

He was afraid that Wu Fan would be beaten by her.

Wu Fan still has a lot of scenes to play, if he is beaten, the delay will be a big loss.

"Let's go out later!" Mu Chen grabbed Li Ruoxi and said, "Sister Xia went to find someone, and many reporters came outside."

In addition to Qin Haixia, the manager, and Li Ruoxi joined the film crew, there was also a young assistant, who was not accompanied by bodyguards.

Nowadays, many reporters have come outside, and it is obviously impossible to do without bodyguards.

"Are you still sulking?" Mu Chen looked at Li Ruoxi, and said immediately, "It's okay, after I go back, I'll scold him to death."

"If you scold him, how can his stupid fans let you go?" Li Ruoxi shook her head quickly, and said worriedly.

"It seems that if I don't scold him, his fans won't scold me." Mu Chen smiled, "Don't worry. I'm studying as a director, and I'll be behind the scenes in the future. No matter how fierce others scold me, it won't affect me at all. But He's different! He needs to maintain his image."

It seems very reasonable.

The public image in front of the stage and behind the scenes are completely different requirements.

In the film crew, it was not difficult to find a few temporary bodyguards. Qin Haixia came back soon, and then Mu Chen and Mu Chen were escorted away.

"Why are you here?"

Mu Chen returned to the hotel room, but saw Marin surfing the Internet in the room.

"I just guessed it was one person."

Ma Lin glanced behind Mu Chen and said with a smile when he didn't see Li Ruoxi.

"You kid came to my room, didn't you just confirm your guess?" Mu Chen rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Where can it be?" Marin smiled and said, "Didn't I come here to watch the excitement? Didn't you say that your 40-meter sword is hungry and thirsty during the day? Didn't I come here to see how you can fight against the crowd alone?" ?”

"Still fighting alone?" Mu Chen curled his lips and said, "I'm not fighting alone."

Mu Chen is really not fighting alone, the world stands behind him.

"Does Li Ruoxi want to get involved?" Marin frowned and said.

He obviously felt that Li Ruoxi's participation would not have a good influence on her.

"She almost beat Wu Fan up on the set. Later, she wanted to post an explanation on Weibo, but her manager stopped her." Mu Chen said.

"If you have a wife like this, what do you want from a husband!" Marin said with a sigh, "Why can't I meet such a good girl!"

Mu Chen smiled, pushed Marin away, and sat down in front of the computer.

"Who else is fighting with you?" Marin asked immediately.

"At least I have a few fans now." Mu Chen said with a curled lip.

Of course he can't tell the truth.

However, he does have fans now.

Mu Chen's computer skills are pretty good. In his previous life, he had a master hacker under him, and he learned a little from him.

Although it is a little bit, it is still easy to get the emoticon package you want.

"I bought a bag last year? What do you mean!" Marin looked at the text that flashed in the picture, a little confused.

The expression of the character in the picture clearly shows that he is cursing.

"Pfft!" Marin couldn't help laughing when he saw Mu Chen's Weibo text.

"The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but knowing that I'm scolding you, but you don't know what I'm scolding!"

"I bought a bag last year? What does it mean!"

After reading Mu Chen's Weibo text, Marin became even more curious about the sentence in his picture.

Mu Chen smiled, but didn't say anything.

You clearly know that I'm scolding you, but you don't know what I'm scolding!
It wasn't the greatest distance, it was the most irritating thing.

(End of this chapter)

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