Chapter 15

"Fist of Fury" was launched in a low-key manner, and no press conference was held.

Now, the topic of scolding has gradually dissipated, and Mu Chen is no longer chased by the media.

Mu Chen didn't care about these.

Propaganda may be indispensable for the success of a TV series, but compared with movies, the dependence is obviously much smaller.

What's more, the real publicity is before the broadcast, not before the filming.

Before the filming started, there was a lot of hype. If it wasn't for the huge publicity expenses, it would be nothing more than consumption enthusiasm.

Such consumption enthusiasm is not worth the candle.

The low-key startup was also what Mu Chen saw.

Of the entire cast, Li Ruoxi is undoubtedly the most popular, and she is also the one with the highest salary.

Moreover, it is still a friendly price.

Li Ruoxi doesn't care if she gives it or not, but she has a brokerage company after all, so she has to consider the company's interests.

The remuneration of the actors occupies a very small part of the investment of the entire TV series.

For a TV series, if the actors' pay is too much, if you want to make a good production, you can only increase the investment.

It is obviously impossible to increase investment.

With his current qualifications, it is estimated that he will not be able to attract investment.

There is only so much money, so naturally it has to be used wisely.

For this TV series, Mu Chen will use "real kung fu" as a promotional gimmick, and the actors involved in the action need to have a certain level of kung fu.

No real kung fu is required, but if you don't even have a foundation, it will undoubtedly be difficult to act out the desired feeling.

However, there are not many such actors in the circle.

In the [-] episodes of "Fist of Fury", Mu Chen has not increased or decreased.

The [-]-episode shooting cycle is not short.

Although Mu Chen had been with the crew before, it was his first time as a director.

However, with the assistance of an experienced assistant director, Mu Chen became familiar with it much faster.

After getting familiar with it, although it is not easy to say, but there is no feeling of powerlessness.

After all, Mu Chen had the original version as a reference, so he avoided many detours.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself." Mu Chen took the lunch box, squatted next to Mu Ze, and said with a smile.

He felt that Mu Ze couldn't let go!

Mu Chen has been playing tricks in the film and television city for several years, and in the past two years, he has also played many characters with dialogues. His acting skills are still good, but if you say how good his acting skills are, it is not enough.

However, from Mu Chen's point of view, it is quite possible to act in this TV series.

In terms of acting skills, the requirements for TV series are obviously not as high as those for movies.What's more, the selling point of this TV series is fighting drama, not literary drama.

Of course, it doesn't mean that literature and drama are not important.

When Mu Ze heard this, he smiled wryly.

He didn't want to, but every time he thought of what this TV series meant to Mu Chen, he felt like Alexander.

"Be more confident! If you keep stretching yourself so tightly and fight so much, you will easily hurt people like this. Later, you and Teacher Gao will have a fight scene!" Mu Chen continued, "Brother , as a martial arts practitioner, your ability to resist pressure is very contemptible!"

Mu Ze is very talented in acting, and he can get it right most of the time.

At least, within two days of filming, Mu Chen felt that he had made great progress.

"Aren't you worried at all?"

Mu Ze looked at Li Ruoxi who was not far away, and then asked.

"Is it useful to worry?" Mu Ze smiled and said, "Isn't it enough to do what you should do? Why, do you have no confidence in this drama, or do you have confidence in my brother?"

Mu Ze smiled, and his tense nerves relaxed a little.


Isn't it the best help for my younger brother to do what I should do?
The fight scenes have already been planned, and they have practiced against each other many times before shooting.However, the filming did not go as smoothly as expected.

Much of the action design of this TV series was done by Mu Chen, and Gao Hua and the people he introduced participated in it and gave a lot of suggestions.

Mu Chen felt that the fighting scenes in this version of the TV series were more exciting than the original version.

This is not the reason why parents always look at their children well, but standing on the shoulders of giants, if they are not taller than giants, then it is unreasonable.

Fighting scenes are inevitable, and the one with the most fighting scenes in the whole show is undoubtedly Mu Ze, who is the male lead, and he is naturally injured.

And the most injuries.

"I really don't know if it's right or wrong to let you take the road of martial arts actor." Mu Chen looked at Mu Ze, who was bandaging his wound, and shook his head.

Before choosing, he should ask Mu Ze for his request.

To promote Mu Ze, Mu Chen actually has many choices.

"It's just a small injury." Mu Ze said with a smile, "This path is undoubtedly the best choice for me. If I want to gain a foothold in such a fierce film and television industry, what are my advantages?"

Mu Ze's appearance is not low, but it is completely impossible to gain a foothold in the circle based on this.

This is not his advantage.

Mu Ze has not studied acting systematically, and his acting skills are not satisfactory, which is naturally not his advantage.


He is tone deaf and has no talent for dancing.

Kung Fu seems to be Mu Ze's biggest advantage.

In fact, there are not no young action actors, but they are far worse than Mu Ze in terms of appearance.

Such as Liu Zhensheng's actor Miao Xun is.

Miao Xun is only nearly 30 years old now, and he was born as a Kung Fu child star. Now he has lost the resources of his childhood. In the past two years, he can only shoot online dramas, or play soy sauce in some TV dramas.

He was very popular when he was a child, but he didn't have a memorable role when he grew up.

His current salary is not high.

However, the acting skills and movements made Mu Chen feel that it was worth the money.

Mu Chen believed that with the role of Liu Zhensheng, Miao Xun should not be short of film appointments in the future.

Miao Xun might also believe it.

Minor injuries could not leave the line of fire, and the filming continued.

Mu Ze was injured like this, Gao Hua was still injured like this.

In fact, this TV series does not rely solely on Mu Chen's expectations.

"Haven't rested yet?" Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen and said.

"One more thing, it will be ready soon, you haven't gone back yet." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"You advise your brother not to put too much pressure on yourself. In fact, you are the most tense person in the entire crew." Li Ruoxi said, "You don't have to work so hard."

"I'm a director, so it's inevitable that I have to think about more things, so naturally I need to spend more energy." Mu Chen smiled and said, "I just want to make my first work well."

"Mu Chen, no one can separate us, not even my dad!" Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen and said, "I never thought my dad would."

"You should be proud of having such a father." Mu Chen smiled and said, "What your father gave me was not pressure, but motivation."

"What your father gave is not just a test, but also an opportunity." Mu Chen continued, "A chance to narrow the gap between you and me."

"Mu Chen, you know I don't care."

"I know. But do you know? Relationships don't need to be matched, but life does." Mu Chen smiled and said, "Ruoxi, I'm afraid that one day I will hear too much gossip and gossip will arouse my poor self-esteem. There are too many in this world. People who love each other can't make it to the end due to various reasons. I don't want us to do the same."

"Yes" Li Ruoxi didn't say anything.

But what if the show fails?

Could it be that if you fail, are you really going to leave me?

"Trust me!" Mu Chen said with a smile, "You have to have confidence in me, in this show."

"En!" Li Ruoxi nodded, but then smiled.

It's just that the smile is a little far-fetched.

Mu Chen's worry might not be her worry.

Love is a matter of two people, but life is not.If any relationship wants to blossom and bear fruit, it cannot do without life.

If the relationship is to go to the end, you have to bear the pressure brought by life.

Li Minhui understood, and Mu Chen also understood.

(End of this chapter)

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